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A lifetime of Liberty & personal responsibility life-style choices and when you maybe have heart, lung, and/or liver failure, etc. the Government (Medicare) gets to pick up the bill...

... as in the South Carolina war-cry "Keep your government hands off my Medicare."

So why is government in the business of healthcare?

I guess you'll need to direct me to the part of the constitution where they cover that.

Today we ban cheeseburgers.

Maybe next week we ban gay sex.

See how that works?

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Brilliant analysis ... I agree: US Government should cancel Medicare and all other health related programs as it is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution or any Amendment thereof ... NEXT.

  • 1 month later...

I wouldn't mind seeing Pepsico bring in some Taco Bells either. Wendy's is OK, and Arby's used to be known for their Roast Beef which was like chewing old leather.

there was a taco bell in siam late 90's as well.


there was a taco bell in siam late 90's as well.

Don't remember Taco Bell being here in the 90s. But I am not disagreeing with you.

I would like to see Taco Bell here.

I would very much like to see Wendy's come here (about 100000000000 times better than McDonald's and Burger King and A&W).


there was a taco bell in siam late 90's as well.

Don't remember Taco Bell being here in the 90s. But I am not disagreeing with you.

I am. It was Taco Time or something along those lines. :ermm:

  • 1 month later...

I used to work for Wendy's a long time ago.

MacDonald's franchises cost was in the millions even way back then. Wendy's were cheap.

MD's has very restrictive franchisee rules at least in the States. MD's is not really a fast food company it is a real estate company. Perhaps things have changed but Mac used to own all the land and buildings the franchisees only bought the name and the right to do business as MacDonald's.

Wendy's on the other hand owns nothing except in the case of company stores.

This is the deal. You buy a Wendy's franchisee area for X amount of dollars. Approval is based on your financial ability to build units. You can dummy this information. Then you go to the bank with a blueprint of a particular Wendy's unit. It is an automatic loan for the big three because they rarely go broke.

The bank gives you a construction loan for property you own (in one way or another). You mortgage the property for the construction loan or secure it in any way possible, sometimes good faith. The construction loan is good for three months. Then you have to start to pay it back. If you can build the building in less than the term of the loan you can use the cash inflow from the business to begin to pay back the loan. If you can build the building for less than the loan you can also use the loan money to finance your first couple of weeks payroll till the cash begins to flow.

I opened ten Wendy's with absolutely no cash down.

Because of my brilliant single handed war winning mentality I figured out how to build a Wendy's in 50 days for substantially less money than Wendy's Inc. I used the rest of the loan to finance the first payroll. The food and supplies give you 30 days to pay.

After 10 Wendy's you can go public and sell stock which mirrors the parent company's movement for a fraction of the stock value. It's how I made my first million.

I was with Wendy's when they made the switch from making fresh burger patties daily in the restaurant to buying frozen burgers. We used to buy fresh burger and load it into a hollymatic patty machine and punch out fresh burgers daily. The cooking system is designed never to hold burgers in a warming drawer. It is a long grill and the burgers are staged to reflect hourly volume demands. After the burgers reach the done stage and begin to over cook they are dumped down a chute and the over cooked burgers later chopped up for chili.

Before the food scares we had a lot of people order medium rare burgers or rare burgers because we always had meat in different stages of doneness.

I really didn't get along with Wendy's inc. Because I am an arrogant opinionated ahole (their words). But they copied my design changes that had made my units more affordable to build in all of their future company stores. After they told me it was a dumb idea.

Wendy's used to be flexible and tried new products all the time. I don't know about now. I was with them when they introduced breakfast. We did big numbers because our locations were close to malls and we got mall employees on their way to work. Most of Wendy's had a problem with it. Wendy's is always in secondary locations. MD's has the prime units. MD's has the prime locations because the corporation buys the property and takes the long view of value in 20 years.

Wendy's is a poor company MD's rich. MD's is built with tile walls from floor to ceiling, easy to flood and clean with top notch equipment. Wendy's uses plastic sheeting half way up the wall. Hard to clean and the equipment is purchased with value instead of longevity in mind. Franchisees make the decisions in Wendy's of where and what to purchase for building supplies and equipment, you can go cheap. MD's is all spec by the parent company. You don't need a brain to run a MacDonald's just follow instructions. Pay your money and become richer. Wendy's you had to think.

That's the burger history lesson for today. Aren't you glad you read Thai Visa?

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