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NSM Bangkok Sets Up First Sex Museum In Asia


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NSM sets up the first 'Sex Museum' in Asia


BANGKOK (NNT) -- The National Science Museum (NSM) joins forces with the UNESCO in Bangkok and the Thai health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) to launch the first ‘Sex Museum’ in Asian region as another preventive channel of adolescent pregnancy problem.

NSM Director Pichai Sonchaeng cited the Sex Museum was founded with the aim to raise awareness about sexual well-being among youth through this kind of informal learning approach. According to the Bureau of Registration Administration under the Interior Ministry, children and youth have got premature pregnancy with the average figure found at 262 persons per day.

The problem mostly derives from the lack of knowledge of parents to explain to their children, while those kids also prefer to seek the advice from their friends to parents and they may get misleading information. Incorrect knowledge of birth control methods is another cause of the problem.

The Museum will be the learning center for youths and parents featuring six educational zones include introduction zone, love & lust zone in which the content is linked to science, human relations and communications, sexual relations, birth giving & birth control, sexual transmitted diseases and alternative zone for individual sexual well-being.

The Director of UNESCO in Bangkok stated that statistics in 2008 made by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDs (UNAIDS) found 40% of youth at 15-24 of age still lacked knowledge and comprehension on HIV which led to the higher number of adolescent pregnancy including violence against women in the society. These information prove that the new creative and attractive presentation forms in sex education are required to raise the youth’s awareness.


-- NNT 2010-08-11 footer_n.gif

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Interactive exhibits available?

yes please, but maybe the information will be, you cannot do sex until after you are married

and have lots of old thai aunties telling you that you are evil bad person because you think about bad evil sex things.

Just like they did at the same age.

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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

The museum isn't promoting sex. It is educating people about sex. I don't think sex needs to be promoted but people do need to be educated on preventing unwanted pregnancy and protection against STD and HIV. Teenagers will always have sex as it's natural instinct. Keep it safe.

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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

My problem is that my consenting partner is becoming far less consenting these days. I am strongly considering changing my partner.

Can anybody fix me up with somebody that is very consenting?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I know a few good places to put the museum Patpong, Nana Paza or Pattaya. After all, those places are the corner stone of safe sex and tourism in LOS. I cant wait for the first wax works museum. !!!!!!

And I was hoping to find my EX as a wax figure in there.

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this is bad reporting!!

(1) where is it??

(2) this is NOT the first sex museum in Asia!! there is a famous one in Japan,, and another one in china!!! (or does this reporter think that japan and china are not included in asia?)

No, he/she certainly knows that Japan and China are in Asia, but that's probably just about all. It's the usual case of slapdash reporting, never checking anything, and conveniently assuming Thailand is "first".

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this is bad reporting!!

(1) where is it??

(2) this is NOT the first sex museum in Asia!! there is a famous one in Japan,, and another one in china!!! (or does this reporter think that japan and china are not included in asia?)

Ad 1.: Question should be "where will it be?"

Ad 2.: Very true.

Having been to the sex museum in Amsterdam, I doubt any here in BKK would amaze me (apart from lack of details). Even the one in AMS is not really special.

Edited by rubl
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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

These programs tend to backfire? Can you give any examples of these programs leading to increased pregnancies?

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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

Pay attention girl !!!! It's about sex education , not the promotion of SEX !

Even in the USA there are still children growing up without any knowledge of the

dangers of un-protected sex.Which includes, not only pregnancy but the possibility of getting

one of many sexually transferred diseases.

Also , I found after my many years here from the women I've met , some related stories of not knowing

what type of sanitary napkins or what a tampon was ; until they came to the Big Mango.

So , they teach thru displaying and create a interesting approach to instill this important knowledge about


Cause let's face it , everyone for the most part of their lives , are interested in learning about SEX !!!!!

post-35854-062817700 1281537339_thumb.jp

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No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

The problem is, if you don't try to educate those kids, there going to explore anyway. Your damned if you DO and damned if you Don't. Either way it's going to happen.

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To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

Yes, and more than enough ignorance on the subject as well...

Acknowledging it doesn't necessarily create more of it. In fact, the biggest problem with sex in Thailand is the lack of official open acknowledgement.

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