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Being With Someone Underage


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For Thailand it would be good if databases with personal information contain separate fields for 'gender at birth' and 'present gender'. wink.png And then allow 5 or 6 values for the latter field. Or maybe a bar to indicate the Kinsey scale. wink.png

Anyway I get to see ID cards sometimes just out of curiosity; not specifically about age but also things like home province, full name etc.

A visa executive of a European embassy once told me that they explicitly ask their fellow country-men whether they want to invite "Mr. ABC" to their home - which in some cases cancels the visa application. But this is not what this thread is about.

Which seems incredibly rude and sexist to me, especially for countries that you'd think would be more politically correct about gender identification issues.

It's not politically incorrect by the embassy, as it was the supporter, not the embassy, that retracted his support.

In that particular case. You would have to assume though that the vast majority of people who bring a transwoman to Europe know exactly what they're doing. Then having some embassy idiot go "... visa for MISTURRRR Bladibla" is pretty confirming of the embassy apparatchik stereotype. I think I'd from then on address the embassy worker as "Mr." too if she was female. (Or 'Madam' if male)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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And I find wierd weird. ;) Controversial topics being popular, on the other hand, I find pretty normal. Would you prefer it if someone came to the forum with an issue relating to a potentially underage girl, and everyone would go 'Yawnnnn.. let's go back to more interesting topics such as what happened to Coke Light.' ?

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For Thailand it would be good if databases with personal information contain separate fields for 'gender at birth' and 'present gender'. wink.png And then allow 5 or 6 values for the latter field. Or maybe a bar to indicate the Kinsey scale. wink.png

Anyway I get to see ID cards sometimes just out of curiosity; not specifically about age but also things like home province, full name etc.

A visa executive of a European embassy once told me that they explicitly ask their fellow country-men whether they want to invite "Mr. ABC" to their home - which in some cases cancels the visa application. But this is not what this thread is about.

Which seems incredibly rude and sexist to me, especially for countries that you'd think would be more politically correct about gender identification issues.

It's not politically incorrect by the embassy, as it was the supporter, not the embassy, that retracted his support.

In that particular case. You would have to assume though that the vast majority of people who bring a transwoman to Europe know exactly what they're doing. Then having some embassy idiot go "... visa for MISTURRRR Bladibla" is pretty confirming of the embassy apparatchik stereotype. I think I'd from then on address the embassy worker as "Mr." too if she was female. (Or 'Madam' if male)

What I am saying is that it was not an "embassy idiot" but the farang who had genuinely not known that he was inviting a transgender person.

But that's stuff for another topic, I'd say. Nothing to do with underage.

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And I find wierd weird. wink.png Controversial topics being popular, on the other hand, I find pretty normal. Would you prefer it if someone came to the forum with an issue relating to a potentially underage girl, and everyone would go 'Yawnnnn.. let's go back to more interesting topics such as what happened to Coke Light.' ?

Nah i just mean all the topics about underage sex.and people getting caught for it in the news sections etc etc are always the hottest threads.

I just find it creepy. Thats all.

I understand why normal sex topics are hot ones or bar girl threads are so popular as most members are here in thailand for that reason licklips.gif

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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And I find wierd weird. wink.png Controversial topics being popular, on the other hand, I find pretty normal. Would you prefer it if someone came to the forum with an issue relating to a potentially underage girl, and everyone would go 'Yawnnnn.. let's go back to more interesting topics such as what happened to Coke Light.' ?

Nah i just mean all the topics about underage sex.and people getting caught for it in the news sections etc etc are always the hottest threads.

I just find it creepy. Thats all.

I understand why normal sex topics are hot ones or bar girl threads are so popular as most members are here in thailand for that reason licklips.gif

I don't think it's specific to Thailand. "Sex sells" is a marketing truth. Controversial news sell well, as any newspaper editor knows. Now, underage sex falls into both categories, so it is normal that it attracts many readers and posters.

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30 and 17?

Did I understand it correct?

What does a 30 and a 17 year old talk about?

I normally have no problem with age differences.

Even 80/25 is much much better than 30/17.

I think either the OP must be extremely naive/immature, or he is trolling.

I bet it is the latter.

<deleted> do you know anyway, you don't know the girl, she's smart she speaks English very well and acts more grown up than my ex who was 30! We now run a Bar and Restaurant and she is amazing, she's now 18, her Mum never took me to the cleaners and we're making good money and have a great life! You think i'm naive and Immature, obviously not a troll but I think your C U next Tuesday!

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Everyone thought this was a Troll because I never replied to the thread, reason a very nice guy emailed advice. I took it, I knew reading up on some of these threads people would of put my back up. To the guy who thinks I can only pull in go go bars, never read my thread completely. So don't comment idiot, as my ex was never into that and very good looking and had more money than I did.

To Everyone that was nice thank you as we're doing fantastic and she's way past her 18th Birthday and own a great Business + I have shares back in the UK. Oh but I'm stupid I forgot! I was going to leave her that night, but like I said an email cam through and I unpacked her bag...... I'm glad I did as I've never been happier!

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At MY age of 72, they are ALL underage... even the ones that are "over the hill" by Thai standards. But, for some strange reason they don't seem to care.

Lol, that is true! See it a lot in Pattaya but a few of my good friends have girls under 30 around your age! Good luck to em, some get sucked in but that's the way it goes here!

Travel2003 Obviously was just travelling with his statement. 30 and 17 what do you talk about?? Then he said 80 and 25 would be better. Here you cant tell the ages at all very well, they all act pretty young and with most the conversations aren't the best. An 80 year old would have more problems talking to a 25 year anywhere in the world. When I was 17 I was out drinking with mates that were in there late 20s early 30s night clubbing, raving etc. I've not grown out of that! Whats an 80 year old going to talk to a 25 year old about? What music you you into? What do you think of the global economy? Or the war! Sorry not getting at older people as I have friends that I get on with very well, but they'd bore the sh*t out of any 25 year old female wherever, if they where chatting them up obviously!

I'm just making a statement my girl had brought up her 2 brothers up while her Mum was out of it and has had a lot of life experiences. She was a very clever girl and has proved it with the business well businesses we've set up here. She does the lot!

Even back in the UK a 17 year old girl could easily pass as 25 a year old! Girls mature older than me, which is a fact so I hated being flamed on this. Anyway guys obviously moron so I'll leave it that smile.png

Edited by LostinBkkagain
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Dude, you go to prostitute bars for guess what - prostitutes.

Why on earth would you go to one to find a girl friend or a wife?

Don't try to hide the reality by talking about age.

You could never trust her if she was willing to suck any old Guther or Bob's ***** for cash.

Settle down, get a job and meet a nice girl.

Edited by Johnniey
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I am 67. I know this girl that is 17. She is beautiful and warm and cuddly. She speaks perfect english and does just about what ever I asked her to do! By the way, she is my daughter and if you perverts get near her I'll have the local "boys" cut off your di*k! Try me!

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I am 67. I know this girl that is 17. She is beautiful and warm and cuddly. She speaks perfect english and does just about what ever I asked her to do! By the way, she is my daughter and if you perverts get near her I'll have the local "boys" cut off your di*k! Try me!

Well said Wayned - I have 2 daughters myself and share your thoughts.

It really concerns me sometimes with all these bloody idiots/sex-mad perverts around.

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Everyone thought this was a Troll because I never replied to the thread, reason a very nice guy emailed advice. I took it, I knew reading up on some of these threads people would of put my back up. To the guy who thinks I can only pull in go go bars, never read my thread completely. So don't comment idiot, as my ex was never into that and very good looking and had more money than I did.

To Everyone that was nice thank you as we're doing fantastic and she's way past her 18th Birthday and own a great Business + I have shares back in the UK. Oh but I'm stupid I forgot! I was going to leave her that night, but like I said an email cam through and I unpacked her bag...... I'm glad I did as I've never been happier!

Good luck.

I'll nail my colours to the mast and say that I've always believed / felt that it is as much to do with the in-dwelling spirit as the body. That it might not conflict with natural decency is probably too complex a consideration for most age fascists, who often forget that generalisations only work in general.

Edited by Trembly
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At MY age of 72, they are ALL underage... even the ones that are "over the hill" by Thai standards. But, for some strange reason they don't seem to care.

Lol, that is true! See it a lot in Pattaya but a few of my good friends have girls under 30 around your age! Good luck to em, some get sucked in but that's the way it goes here!

Travel2003 Obviously was just travelling with his statement. 30 and 17 what do you talk about?? Then he said 80 and 25 would be better. Here you cant tell the ages at all very well, they all act pretty young and with most the conversations aren't the best. An 80 year old would have more problems talking to a 25 year anywhere in the world. When I was 17 I was out drinking with mates that were in there late 20s early 30s night clubbing, raving etc. I've not grown out of that! Whats an 80 year old going to talk to a 25 year old about? What music you you into? What do you think of the global economy? Or the war! Sorry not getting at older people as I have friends that I get on with very well, but they'd bore the sh*t out of any 25 year old female wherever, if they where chatting them up obviously!

I'm just making a statement my girl had brought up her 2 brothers up while her Mum was out of it and has had a lot of life experiences. She was a very clever girl and has proved it with the business well businesses we've set up here. She does the lot!

Even back in the UK a 17 year old girl could easily pass as 25 a year old! Girls mature older than me, which is a fact so I hated being flamed on this. Anyway guys obviously moron so I'll leave it that smile.png

I agree with everything you said, but a LOT of it could include couples of SIMILAR ages. Very few couples have a lot to talk about after a few years together. I also agree with Wayned. But, in his case if he spends the time teaching his daughter the facts of life and how to be independent then he has nothing to fear about men or boys. A smart teenage girl who is strong and independent is more than capable of keeping boys and men away if that is what she wants.

JOKE... Why do married men take up golf, fishing or watching sports on TV? Answer... a guy has to do SOMETHING if he isn't getting any sex.

Over the 27 years I was married, and the 15 year prior to that being single, I studied a lot of married couples, or people in committed relationships. I came to the conclusion that after the first couple of years when everything was hot and heavy the couples strayed off into their own separate worlds. Some marriages continued in a sort of mutually agreed upon separation while still living together, and meeting occasionally for meals or social functions. Other marriages just broke up and each person went their own separate way. 50% or more of the break-ups were acrimonious, while the others just decided they no longer wanted to live with each other.

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Dude, you go to prostitute bars for guess what - prostitutes.

Why on earth would you go to one to find a girl friend or a wife?

Don't try to hide the reality by talking about age.

You could never trust her if she was willing to suck any old Guther or Bob's ***** for cash.

Settle down, get a job and meet a nice girl.

That is why I was there, I could never deny that fact and to be honest I'd just got out of a relationship and the last thing I wanted was to get into a relationship anyway, it just happened that way. She lied to me I brought it, she wanted out of that life before she'd go into it, we fell in love and the only lie that she's ever told me (well one can hope in any relationship around the globe anyway) is she was younger than she said. But there is a saying here 'you can take a girl out the bar' But you can 'Never Take the bar from the girl' I don't believe this to be the case with all the girls, what I've seen now living in Pattaya though I got a diamond out of the rough from Chiang Mai, probably because she was only new, not in such a notorious sex tourist destination (so maybe a good thing she was so young) simple as that, and none of you have met us so you cant judge us but that's the way it is.....

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Dude, you go to prostitute bars for guess what - prostitutes.

Why on earth would you go to one to find a girl friend or a wife?

Don't try to hide the reality by talking about age.

You could never trust her if she was willing to suck any old Guther or Bob's ***** for cash.

Settle down, get a job and meet a nice girl.

That is why I was there, I could never deny that fact and to be honest I'd just got out of a relationship and the last thing I wanted was to get into a relationship anyway, it just happened that way. She lied to me I brought it, she wanted out of that life before she'd go into it, we fell in love and the only lie that she's ever told me (well one can hope in any relationship around the globe anyway) is she was younger than she said. But there is a saying here 'you can take a girl out the bar' But you can 'Never Take the bar from the girl' I don't believe this to be the case with all the girls, what I've seen now living in Pattaya though I got a diamond out of the rough from Chiang Mai, probably because she was only new, not in such a notorious sex tourist destination (so maybe a good thing she was so young) simple as that, and none of you have met us so you cant judge us but that's the way it is.....

The odds are not in your favour mate but there's a chance it could all work well - good luck!

Strange choice of places to live.

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