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Lifeline & Politics

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I was so fed up with politics and buerocrats. They had sold my country from under me. We used to make cars....now ofshore. We used to make our own clothes.....now offshore. We used have our own doctors......now they're in from offshore. I couldn't take it anymore. All my neigbours had faces I used to see in national geographic magazine. I was at my wits end. I am going to have to step up and step out. I cracked a final bottle of whiskey. I drank half of it in two stong pulls. I loaded my old service pistol. I grabbed that bottle of Jacks and finished it off in one final pull. I brought the barrel to my mouth........and then the radio message caught my attention......"Call Lifeline, it's never too late to turn your life around, call 1-800-XXX-XXX now". I called and was connected to the Lifeline callcentre, which had been relocated offshore in Pakistan.......I told them I couldn't take it any more and was suicidal.............they got all exited and asked if I could drive a truck........

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