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My Thai Girlfriends Visa Application Was Rejected, What Now ?

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Hello Jason

Just to tell my story.

I am Belgian from 49 YR and I met a Thai girl only 26 YR last year on my first visit to Thailand in january 2009.

Returning home I registered for a VOIP-account and saved all the history from phonecalls to her (abou 1hr/day).

I went back to spend 2 weeks together end of june 2009 and returned for a 7 week stay in october 2009 while I met the whole family.

We applied in Belgian embassy for a tourist visa (november 3) with the maximum stay of 3 weeks but the file was incomplete because of a missing attestation from her work and

I had not put a copy of my ID-card ( but only from my passport). I gave them a copy from all the calls I made to her during the whole year since I met her.

We returned with the missing paper to the embassy on December 18 and had confirmation from her visa only 3 days later.

She stays with me in my country from March 1st and normally had to return back home on May 28th but we found someone able to arrange all the missing papers for a marriage

with translation and so we applied for this beginning of june. About one month ago we both had an interview with a police-officia experienced in research from foreign (fake) relations,

but 2 weeks later we get permission to marry as we will do on September 17.

After this, my wife will receive an official card of stay valid for 5 months and we surely will have more visits from police but after this she will receive an ID-card for 5 years and from then we

can go back to visit her family again and return back without any problems.

So my advice, take some patience and reply again for the visa and I guess your future will be OK because I'm so happy now also. Good luck!

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In addition to other records showing evidence of relationship, keep photos of you together. The Ozzie embassy likes photographic evidence. They asked my wife to provide a photo album as evidence that we had visited Europe and the US together several times. This was quite difficult to compile since we didn't pictures of ourselves together but we had pictures of each other with the same background. The embassy's exercise in time wasting for bored bureaucrats with nothing better to do with taxpayers' money made us miss our flight to Sydney but with a lot of hassle we were able to rebook.

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It is darn difficult for first timers to understand the reasoning behind our Consuls reluctance to grant visas when we think we have answered all of the requirements satisfactorily. However if we knew the statistics in regard to how many applications are submitted falsely we would appreciate a touch more the reluctance of the Consuls to grant visas on just the face value of the application.<BR>In discussing this with a former Consulate employee I was informed that the number of false applications in comparison to legitimate ones over the years is mind boggling.That is why the initial attitude of the processor is a negative one and they are correct to put us and the application under extreme scrutiny to ensure that applications approved do not turn out to be scams to get women to Australia for reasons other than the application highlights. <BR>It is the history of these false applications that necessitate the Consul officials to insist we must prove that what we seek will not create problems later on for Australia.<BR>Those of us who have been burnt one way or another will nod their heads in agreement that most who come from a very poor situation will tell a few white lies to get a chance at a better life and surprise surprise if the positions were reversed wouldnt we do the same.<BR>As much as I dislike going through the visa process on a yearly basis to prove that taking my thai wife with me on two short visits back to Australia are legitimate I do understand now why this needs to be done. <BR>So if you get knocked back on your first attempt to get your new love back to Australia and you are legitmate be rest assured that if you persist you will in time get your application approved. Dont blame the Consulates though for your delay, vent your frrustration on the countless number of Aussie guys with stars in their eyes who have screwed up and believed that in five minutes they have found the love of their life. <BR>If it is meant to be then the delay will be well worth the wait. You might actually get things better in perspective if you have time to do so.

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In my history as a traveler, I'd say that Europe is easier than ALL the major English-speaking countries, though I haven't been to Australia. Still the answer is simple:

M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E.... If you're not willing to sign the dotted line, then why should they? Not ready? So, you're the one with the money, come visit her here. Anything else is suspicious.

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Thanks for all the help everyone.

I will go back there in december for 3 weeks, and i hope she can come here after that.

She is in Phuket so we had to use the embassy approved courier people there last time to send it to BKK.

I will get some help with the next visa application and make sure everything is right.

One other question,

I have been using pre paid calling cards to call her from Aust, because its heaps cheaper than using my mobile, I know i need to do it some other way to have proof of my calls, whats the best way.?

I have e-mails, but we mostly chat online with yahoo instant message.

Once again thanks,

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Thanks for all the help everyone.

I will go back there in december for 3 weeks, and i hope she can come here after that.

She is in Phuket so we had to use the embassy approved courier people there last time to send it to BKK.

I will get some help with the next visa application and make sure everything is right.

One other question,

I have been using pre paid calling cards to call her from Aust, because its heaps cheaper than using my mobile, I know i need to do it some other way to have proof of my calls, whats the best way.?

I have e-mails, but we mostly chat online with yahoo instant message.

Once again thanks,

Not sure what everybody else uses Jason, I haven't found better than Pennytel - 8c calls untimed.... If I'm @ home then use it via a program called XLite on my PC, or the Pennytel app for my Iphone. If i'm out then Pennytel give you a local Australia phone number which when called will forward the call to your designated overseas number (still for 8c).

Pennytel log all the calls which are available online to download.

Have you called BKK embassy to discuss the refusal? Personally I wouldn't be waiting until December to re apply..... Laaeo De Kun!;)

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Thanks for all the help everyone.

I will go back there in december for 3 weeks, and i hope she can come here after that.

She is in Phuket so we had to use the embassy approved courier people there last time to send it to BKK.

I will get some help with the next visa application and make sure everything is right.

One other question,

I have been using pre paid calling cards to call her from Aust, because its heaps cheaper than using my mobile, I know i need to do it some other way to have proof of my calls, whats the best way.?

I have e-mails, but we mostly chat online with yahoo instant message.

Once again thanks,

S-K-Y-P-E. If you've both got it, it's free. If it's just one, then a few cents a minute. If you've both got web-cams, then you can get real cozy....

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Just not enough info as said above, I sent more than I needed. Did you send copies of YOUR bank statements and payslips?

I knew my wife for 9 days when we first met and had her in Australia on a 3 month visa 8 weeks later! I guess its luck of the draw, some of the time.

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