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The Billionaire Philanthropists' Club Can Count Thaksin Out


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The billionaire philanthropists' club can count Thaksin out

By Achara Deboonme

While billionaires Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are luring their counterparts to relinquish millions for philanthropic causes, a new development should encourage people to hold on to their wealth.

Montenegro, in southeastern Europe, is luring wealthy businessmen with its so-called economic citizenship programme. Anyone who invests more than euro 500,000 (about Bt20.5 million) in this tiny Adriatic country can effectively buy citizenship. The government says the programme is designed to get leading world businessmen to moving their companies to Montenegro.

Montenegro became independent in 2006 after splitting from Serbia, and is now seeking European Union membership to boost an economy impoverished by the Yugoslav Wars.

In economic terms the small state, with a population of 672,180, seems like a better place to be than Thailand. Its GDP figures of US$4.1 billion (Bt131 billion) with a per capita average of $6,120 beat Thailand's by a long way. The per capita average here is only $3,939, due to the large population size of 60 million-plus against a GDP of $263.889 billion.

Montenegro is also appealing in geographical terms. Though the country only covers 13,812 square kilometres - a tiny fraction of Thailand's 513,120sqkm - its cities are far from crowded. The capital and biggest city, Podgorica, is home to just 136,473 people, compared to the estimated 10 million in Bangkok. Other plusses include the dramatic scenery and proximity to many European tourist destinations.

No wonder former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra grabbed the chance to become a citizen.

Meanwhile, several of his close aides could be thinking real hard right now about following in his footsteps. Perhaps Thaksin is also thinking about buying citizenship for some of his followers. Though Montenegro said that it welcomes only businessmen with "indisputable and credible biography and financial means", Thaksin managed to win citizenship despite facing corruption charges at home.

Whatever, even if Thaksin is generous enough to extend his good wishes to others, that may not be possible. After all, he has just watched Bt46 billion of his wealth flow into Thai government coffers following the Supreme Court's decision on Wednesday.

The former PM will be looking to tighten his belt now, as lingering legal cases threaten to eat into more of his wealth. Even buying plane tickets for his red-shirt followers could be beyond his means, let alone citizenship. Given that he needs to take care of so many with his shrinking wealth, Thaksin will have to ignore Gates's advice.

Rather, he might want to ask Gates, whom he met while he was prime minister, whether giving money to finance truth-finding efforts in Thailand counts as philanthropy.


-- The Nation 2010-08-13

Edited by webfact
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Article said "Thaksin watched his wealth flow into the Thai Government coffers"

Dead wrong. Money that is stolen was never his. It was Thailand's and is being return to the rightful owners. Let him rot in Montenegro. The loss of face is worse than any jail time for him anyway.

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It is well recorded that Thaksin is a philanthopist. Didn't he give 5K baht to a destitute old lady in Roi Et from his own pocket once - in the full glare of TV and a supine Press of course.

Note to Thaksin.

Real Royals do not carry money. It is sooo vulgar don't you know?

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Article said "Thaksin watched his wealth flow into the Thai Government coffers"

Dead wrong. Money that is stolen was never his. It was Thailand's and is being return to the rightful owners. Let him rot in Montenegro. The loss of face is worse than any jail time for him anyway.

Easy come Easy go:lol:

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Article said "Thaksin watched his wealth flow into the Thai Government coffers"

Dead wrong. Money that is stolen was never his. It was Thailand's and is being return to the rightful owners. Let him rot in Montenegro. The loss of face is worse than any jail time for him anyway.

"The loss of face is worse than any jail time for him anyway." Crap! Get yourself locked up for a while, its a dam_n sight worse than embarassment.

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If Gates met Thaksin in the past, that may explain why the Gates Foundation is noted as being absent within Thai borders. The apparent transparency of the foundation seems to be drawing a very giving crowd, which grows larger each month.

Doubt that 'T' has ever given anyone, anything, until the return expected was spelled out. Just hope he makes no more contribution to the worlds gene pool, that could get him a good mark or two.

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If Gates met Thaksin in the past, that may explain why the Gates Foundation is noted as being absent within Thai borders. The apparent transparency of the foundation seems to be drawing a very giving crowd, which grows larger each month.

Doubt that 'T' has ever given anyone, anything, until the return expected was spelled out. Just hope he makes no more contribution to the worlds gene pool, that could get him a good mark or two.

Can't say he's had great success on that score so far....

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Those mega wealthy who have decided to give back a portion of their holdings, for the betterment of those less fortunate are probably a vast minority of those who are capable of making a similar commitment. Those who have far less in the way of financial reserves, but dedicate their lives, knowledge, experience, etc to the betterment of mankind, for whatever positive/productive reasons, deserve support, until/unless they prove to have ulterior motives.

Both groups are setting an example, which I would hope many of us could emulate in a fashion which reflects our sense of charity, toward those in real need.

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That Warren Buffet is a strange sort of bird. You would reckon he would be flying around like a Hummingbird enjoying his wealth. But from all accounts he acts more like a Dodo bird! :blink:

Dodo's met their fate and were all eaten by the Portuguese so maybe not a great comparison other than they ceased to exist! Can we rely on that from Takky? A SAM from a tree top into the private jet over water, no trace found, the usual CIA stuff - easy solution, then life can move on in Thailand!

But Warren Buffet is simple in tastes but far from simple minded. There could never be a comparison drawn between him and Takky. LOL Cheers

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He has more money than you think. So far I have not seen his children enjoying the Free bangkok Buses that is paid by Thai tax payer.

Stolen money will return to the owner someday, also Thaksin's children must use they own transport and security guards.

Have you ever seen multimillionaire people taking a crowded public bus?? LOL

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Contrary to the popular desire/need for security, drivers, baby sitters, etc, prevalent here and in many other countries, I have the pleasure of being friends with a couple of plain old folks who do without these necessities/shows. The latest listing I saw, had one worth 5 to 6 billion, while the other fellow has not made the first billion yet. He says he close, he thinks. Both have been very generous in giving to what they consider worthy causes.

Both have ridden the train and the bus from Bangkok to CM or CM to Bangkok, when they were on visit here. I remember seeing a interview with Sam Walton when he was considered a mega wealthy person, his mode of transport was a pickup. I often thought that those business people who feel the need for protection, must feel the need due to their past dealing with others.

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