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Tamiflu Without Prescription?


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I got diagnosed with H1N1 a few days ago in bumrungrad and the doctor prescribed some tamiflu and other medication to counter any discomfort. I'm feeling almost 100% but now i have probably infected my girlfriend because she has developed a minor fever today. She doesn't want to go to bumrungrad for a checkup because she thinks it's not worth the 4500 THB..... and better go to the pharmacy to get some tamiflu ourselves. Can tamiflu be bought without prescription? And how do i know if it's the real deal? Can anyone recommend me a good pharmacy in sukhumvit that only sells original tamiflu?

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Wow.... this is the third day i'm using tamiflu and i'm feeling really bad, the side effects i'm getting from tamiflu are worse than the ones i got from H1N1! I was feeling fine the first day i was taking tamiflu, the second day i started to sweat extensively and up until now it feels i'm on fire although i don't have a fever. Last night i had to change clothes and the bedsheet two times because it was drenched by sweat. This morning i woke up with naussea and had to puke a few times. Since a few hours my hands and arms are starting to feel numb, my mind is restless and i'm very dizzy. I have two days left of tamiflu but i'm going to stop using that poison right now.

I went to visit the general practicioner in bumrungrad after three days of having a fever. When visiting i was feeling quite better already, i didn't really visit to get some medications, just to get a checkup and to be sure it was H1N1.

On the first day i had a mild fever, it felt like i catched a cold. On the second day my fever was 38.1 and i felt really bad. On the third day my fever dropped to 37.2 and i was feeling better, my body was getting rid of the virus by itself. I told the doctor i had influenza many times before and never used medication to cure it except some paracetamol. Also because my fever was dropping already i didn't see the point of taking medication. She told me if i didn't take tamiflu i might get complications because H1N1 is not like seasonal flue.

I took her advice so she prescribed tamiflu and a lot of other unnecessary medication (Levopront syrup, clarinase, pareacetamol and 2 other medications which i told her to remove as i found it unnecesarry).

I just did some googling and it looks like it was completely unnecesarry to prescribe tamiflu. Also because i was at the end of the third day of having fever tamiflu would not be as effective. Tamiflu needs to be prescribed within 48 hours afer the first flue symptoms. I' amsl oshocked about the amount of people who got serious side effects from tamiflu, it's massive.

I was always angry at my general practicioner in Holland when he didn't prescribe me any medication but now i understand why! Don't use any if it's not necesarry! What's up with Thai doctors and their urge for overprescribing drugs??

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"What's up with Thai doctors and their urge for overprescribing drugs??"

I think a worse problem are patients who (mis)diagnoses himself, asks for specific drugs, and then argue with the doctor if (s)he hesitates. Going to the hospital complaining of aches, and a fever is one thing. Demanding Tamiflu is something else.

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