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Thailand Ranked 58Th In Newsweek'S Top 100 Countries List


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Ranking lists are always fun. They may anger some (USA ranked at 11th, a blow to the insular Fox news crowd) and please others (Finland, ranked NUMBER ONE!).

Thailand was ranked 58th. That sounds about right I reckon. Also in Asean,

Philippines 63rd

Indonesia 73rd

Vietnam 81st

Laos, Burma, Brunei, and Cambodia off the charts (below 100).


Edited by Jingthing
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I guess this only goes to show that there are many other countries in this world of ours , that rank a mention in popularity polls or in the eyes of other beholders . I will not get my knickers in a knot over this , you see , it is not how others feel or think in particular , in regards to where I have chosen to reside , it is more about how it suits my chosen life style at my time of life , in conjunction with what I can redily afford without compromising my quality of life . For those that had little quality of life , I guess it makes not an iota of difference , how can one miss what one never(rarely) had in the first instance ?

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I agree, no reason for anyone to get their knickers in a twist.

They had defined criteria for the ratings, detailed on the website --

For this special survey, then, NEWSWEEK chose five categories of national well-being—education, health, quality of life, economic competitiveness, and political environment—and compiled metrics within these categories across 100 nations.

Another point I hadn't realized before. It sounds like they subjectively chose only 100 countries to apply their metrics to, rather than all of the world's countries. So rankings would be based on the 100 rather than the larger number of countries in the world. So saying Laos is lower isn't accurate if they weren't even included in the evaluations.

Edited by Jingthing
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Another point I hadn't realized before. It sounds like they subjectively chose only 100 countries to apply their metrics to, rather than all of the world's countries. So rankings would be based on the 100 rather than the larger number of countries in the world.So saying Laos is lower isn't accurate if they weren't even included in the evaluations.

They probably included everyone, these kind of surveys don't objectively give a rating in each category themselves to each country, they just take a bunch of numbers from places like the CIA fact book and plug them in to a formula without any analysis. Laos will lose with that method every time. These kind of surverys are pretty worthless imo

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Ah Newsweek such a reliable news source, and why not since its purchase price last month was $1 US was well worth the price. It's future fairness is to be unquestioned as the new owner is the spouse of Demo House Of Representative member. Now that be fair and balanced news. This is the rag that called the obamination a God.

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Jing thing how much time in a day do you spend on this forum??

Everytime I post something you always seem to be either starting

a thread or replying to something. Maybe you should apply to become

part of the admin team.

Just wondering of what factors they rank one country above another?

Edited by kevozman1
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Jing thing how much time in a day do you spend on this forum??

Everytime I post something you always seem to be either starting

a thread or replying to something. Maybe you should apply to become

part of the admin team.

Just wondering of what factors they rank one country above another?

24 hours a day. Day off for Bulgarian Gay Freedom Day.

Mod here? Never gonna happen, not enough of a milquetoast for that.

The newsweek link explains the criteria, I was too bored to read it, but if you're curious, go get it.

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