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Australian Red-Shirt Conor David Purcell To Be Deported From Thailand

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Dont send the bastard back here.Send him to New Zealand.

Not a chance of him being allowed into New Zealand...they have smarter people in immigration :rolleyes:

Maybe the Australians will have a look at his status and send him back to Ireland :unsure:

What's New Zealand or Ireland got to do with any of this. I think the Irish are by far smarter than either of you!

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Dont send the bastard back here.Send him to New Zealand.

Not a chance of him being allowed into New Zealand...they have smarter people in immigration :rolleyes:

Maybe the Australians will have a look at his status and send him back to Ireland :unsure:

What's New Zealand or Ireland got to do with any of this. I think the Irish are by far smarter than either of you!

If you read the facts you will find that he is a naturalized Australian of original Irish nationality. His dual citizenship gives him the option of asking to return to Ireland. I hope the Australian Government acts slowly enough that he takes that choice.

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In fact, it was of his concern.

Watching how innocents, including women and children are brutally massacred only to ask the right to be respected and to eat twice a day instead once a day when they are lucky, it is a matter of concern of any human being who is not bloody selfish and who believes freedom and human rights are universal and not limited to races or borders.


It is anybody's choice to have the kind of life we choose, but instead spitting on somebody who -maybe naive - but only dreams about better life for everybody, is not a fair behaviour.


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Excellent reply by Pria on the first page.

Personally I think Thai Visa should be doing a lot of exporting of people themselves of these users that come on here with their "hang 'em high" "take that you farang bastard" quickies that offer nothing to the dialogue or reasoning - just vengeance that us normal readers have to endlessly sift through, page after page, post after post, week after week. If this is supposed to be a community then they are surely wrecking it.

What a boring world it would be if we were all such conformers and followed all the rules, all the time. I won't offer any direct opinions about or against Purcell but apparently he's done his time, and he went through hel_l. Sure he took it too far, but I'd rather see a guy like that who stands for what he believes in, even when he's wrong, than these other boring, self-centered backstabbers.


Smells rather like somebody who needed his 15 minutes of media to start his political carrier... which kind of studies was he doing? political science...


Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

Did you protest in front of Thaksin's house when he butchered and murdered people during the so called drug cleansing?

There's a time and place to protest peacefully.

I am sorry, but I must have missed the reports of Taksin Butchering and murdering people during the crackdown on drug dealing. Do you have pictures of him butchering these people. Such Drivel, you should be ashamed of yourself. Sounds like a Democrat in America blaming everything on George Bush.

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Ego driven little man probably thinking here's my 5 minutes of fame with the whole world watching. Even what he spouted made absolutely no sense,obviously needed a script writer. No doubt the Oz media will pump him up again and he will do the obligatory talk circuit and disappear, never to be seen or heard of again.For which, we should all be thankful.

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Dont send the bastard back here.Send him to New Zealand.

Not a chance of him being allowed into New Zealand...they have smarter people in immigration :rolleyes:

Maybe the Australians will have a look at his status and send him back to Ireland :unsure:

What's New Zealand or Ireland got to do with any of this. I think the Irish are by far smarter than either of you!

If you read the facts you will find that he is a naturalized Australian of original Irish nationality. His dual citizenship gives him the option of asking to return to Ireland. I hope the Australian Government acts slowly enough that he takes that choice.

haha maybe Irish Government won't allow this terrorist to come back! LOL

Regarding the new:

  1. I feel "very" sorry regarding Australian Government for allowing such criminals to get in and grant them the citizenship.
  2. A pity to Thai Government for allowing such terrorists to only be deported like nothing happened!

What Purcell did was well organised and financed by the reds and he surely got plenty money.

They knew that in the worst case the Court would rule to the extradite the beast!


Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

What like we don't all interfere in other countries politics. Well our governments do anyway as they do it for us! You should be free to express your views in any country even if it's not your own and a lot of brave people die in foreign lands doing exactly that for the benefit of future generations with no thought as to the dangers they're putting their own lives in. Whether you agree with his point of view or not is besides the point. Freedom of speech is a human right so long as it doesn't insight hatred.

But you have to be pragmatic about doing things like this.

I mean the fact that we can't talk about certain subjects

is a kind of advance warning that freedom of expression in Thailand may not be the same as in

Western Countries. Personally I think he was treated quite well in Thailand considering

the circumstances.

" You should be free to express your views in any country even if it's not your own "

that is only because you probably come from a country where you take this right for granted.

I shudder to think what it would be like if he did he this kind of thing

in places like Belarus, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea etc... :ph34r:

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Some comments are so crap. So you are also saying that any foreigner has no right to have its say about the politics in your country ?

Dont be so brain washed and open your mind sometimes. If Thai politics dont want foreigners to discuss about it, its because they know most of us are not yet brain washed. I am not pro red and I think that the attitude of that Australian was not appropriate.

But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers... I am not saying it should be the same in Thailand because Thailand is not mature enough as a state to be open like this and the protectionism is still well too intense. But many Thai love to speak with foreigners about their view on Thai politics so if the discussion is done in a good manner, well why not.

Why even decide do come live in Thailand if you think that whats going on in the country is none of your business and you should not mind it ?

I am bored with Thai politics just as much as any Thai and yes I am a foreigner, but I do have a business here building a life here. Its the same for any foreigners who come to live in a foreign country and build their life there whether they are teachers, have business, cooks or retirees. If Thailand is only a holidays destination for you then its your right to not care, but dont say that every foreigners should mind their own business.

I am glad to have a brain and to use it as best as I can.


We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Majority of problems existing in the world today is due to outsiders interfering in issues that has nothing to do with them. Clean up the mess in your own country/countries before imposing your own morals and judgements onto others.


I wonder how the people that proclaim freedom of speech and right to express one's self would feel if say a Thai came to their respective countries and started meddling in politics? :hit-the-fan:

As a foreigner most of my life I have learned to not meddle in a country's business, it can only lead to grief.

Apart from anything else, this Australian-Irish-Kiwi (lost track) tosser seams like a real nut-case and should count his blessings for getting off so lightly.

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good post

totally agree

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:


Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

so i suppose anyone who has relocated to another country should keep their mouth shut???

as example - if a Brit moves to Australia, he/she should crawl under the rock and sit there in silence because he is a guest.

Is that what you believe?


We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Majority of problems existing in the world today is due to outsiders interfering in issues that has nothing to do with them. Clean up the mess in your own country/countries before imposing your own morals and judgements onto others.


So when I cross the intersection after the light turns green for me and red for the others and get run over not by one but probably a dozen or more stupid f... thai drivers I should:

a:) sit there until someone runs over me again?

b:) mind my own business and just lay there until I die?

c:) wait for the police to come and tell me it was all my fault?

Or better yet how about if a Thai gets run over by another stupid f..g thai driver I should:

a:) mind my own business and watch and wait to count how many other sftd run over the person

b:) mind my own business and wait to see if a Thai person will stop and help the individual (doubtful)

c:) mind my own business and wait for the police to come and take photos while the individual bleeds to death

I stopped counting how many motorcycle accidents I have stopped and helped Thai victims for. Maybe I should mind my own business like you said and let the Thais do their thing.

Sure hope you aren't the guy behind me.



But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers...

This maybe so, but I bet all the abovementioned personages hold your countries passport and are citizens and not living in a country as a perpetual tourist ?

May I suggest as tourist, go walking through the middle of Washington DC and shoot your mouth off about the President, US involvment in Iraq etc etc and think you will find "freedom of speech" in action very quickly....:whistling:


Well if someone comes to my country and isn't a citizen of my country then no, he has no right to a say and should sit there and mind his own business.


He should've served the full 2 years. Thai court WAY TOO LAXED. How can you expect people to take the laws here seriously when all they do is give lenient sentences.

I'm sure he bloody well knew the consequences but joined in anyways because he let his emotions overrule his judgement or lack thereof.

Actually, three months in a Thai prison is plenty - those places are hellholes. Time feels different in the hoosegow (I once spent 16 hours in a British holding cell and it seemed like weeks).

At the end of the day, the court got what they wanted out from him - public contrition, and a display of respect for Thai law, whether he meant it or not. And that was probably harder for him than doing the time. This is a guy who earlier stood up in a Thai courtroom and told the court that they weren't legitimate and had no right to try him - about as much contempt of court as it is possible to demonstrate. Either his lawyer talked some sense into him ("Nobody will give a dam_n if you are a martyr, son") or perhaps the few months cooling his heels undid some of the red brainwashing.

And if you feel he hasn't been adequately punished, content yourself with the fact that he is now in the worst prison facility in the country - immigration jail - for probably at least a week before deportation. It is a crowded open cage, full of nasty and insane people, some of whom have fallen though the cracks and have been in there for years. It smells like sewage, there is no room to lie down on the floor, which is sticky with god knows what and you don't dare fall asleep anyway. A mate of mine was in there for ten days and said it was an exercise in 24/7 high-level anxiety.

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But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers...

This maybe so, but I bet all the abovementioned personages hold your countries passport and are citizens and not living in a country as a perpetual tourist ?

May I suggest as tourist, go walking through the middle of Washington DC and shoot your mouth off about the President, US involvment in Iraq etc etc and think you will find "freedom of speech" in action very quickly....:whistling:

Well this is why i also said ''if its done in the proper manner''


And yes i agree that Thailand is not ready for that because first they would need to open up to immigrants.


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

If you don't like it then go back to where you came from, as other posters have stated we are but guests in Thailand, and while I'm not here full time, when I am I accept that there are many things about Thailand that might annoy me but there is nothing I can do about them and have to either accept them or go back to my home country.


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Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

This is one of the best contributions I have seen on Thaivisa for a long time.

Yes, the Man from Oz lacks pulchritude and looks, as Basil Fawlty once said, like "a hideous orang-utang", but I for one will only go along with the principle that no one should interfere or otherwise express an opinion about another country's internal politics, when

No country anywhere in the world takes upon itself the right to invade another.

When that happens, we can safely leave other countries to sort out their own problems in their own good time.

However, nowhere in human history or geography have we yet seen such admirable self-restraint.

So, looks like we can make our comments about Red and Yellow here for a few more decades yet....


Excellent reply by Pria on the first page.

Personally I think Thai Visa should be doing a lot of exporting of people themselves of these users that come on here with their "hang 'em high" "take that you farang bastard" quickies that offer nothing to the dialogue or reasoning - just vengeance that us normal readers have to endlessly sift through, page after page, post after post, week after week. If this is supposed to be a community then they are surely wrecking it.

What a boring world it would be if we were all such conformers and followed all the rules, all the time. I won't offer any direct opinions about or against Purcell but apparently he's done his time, and he went through hel_l. Sure he took it too far, but I'd rather see a guy like that who stands for what he believes in, even when he's wrong, than these other boring, self-centered backstabbers.

For all of us who are here as guest's we have to respect the rights of those who have the right to voice their opinion. If we decide to enter into the "conversation" of any issue, we should understand the consequences of the land where we stand, and not expect to be treated under the same rules of our respective citizenship. Walk in the shoes of the local's and expect to be treated as the local's. In this article it states "he might not have understood the results of his actions", ignorance is NOT a defense of someone who claims he know what is best for any situation.


If farang are to have no opinions on what happens in LOS or Thai politics then why are we bombarded with Thai news events and Thai political happenings here on TV?

Get real...as adults we need to use our brains or die a boring lump of apathetic flesh.

This forum gives a voice to all farang. Never stop caring about where you live!

Joining the Reds on stage by a half witted moron just shows the level of brainpower in the Red shirt leaders.

They felt having an out of control farang idiot on stage would help their cause. Just one more bad move on their part.


We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Majority of problems existing in the world today is due to outsiders interfering in issues that has nothing to do with them. Clean up the mess in your own country/countries before imposing your own morals and judgements onto others.

to Capealava and Pria...

Reading over your responses, I would submit that both of you have some maturing to do....

"We all have right to express our conscience." sez Capealava, and to you I say, True rights are not given, they are earned. ...and along with those rights should come the ability and more importantly the "responsibility" to know when and where to express these rights.

You come into my house and start demanding that I paint my walls a different color, you'll get a swift kick in the crotch and then thrown out.

In other circumstances your deemed right to express yourself may just get you a third eye, 45 cal. size........ Along with rights come responsibility in knowng how and when to use those rights....... too many open their mouth to express their rights and never for one second think that the people whom they are screaming , also have their rights....

Start thinking as well as reacting....

Pria, as you so agree with Capealava, this goes for you as well....

Each one of us is a person in the world, we are not THE world.

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