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What Color Shirts Now?


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I got rid of all my red and yellow shirts. Now I see black shirts are political also. I have many black shirts and I am not throwing them away. Both of these groups are whackos. More like gangs than political parties. I suppose it is too much trouble to register. Easier to buy a shirt.

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Both of these groups are whackos. More like gangs than political parties.

Those are the facts Jack!

It was reported somewhere on TV that Thais in Chiang Mai were supposed to wear black yesterday if they were sympathetic to the local gang, but I did not notice anyone wearing black on a cruise around town - maybe the tiny crowd of protesters that descended on city hall are the only hard-core supporters left? I guess that would be too much to hope for. :(

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Crikey, the day I start throwing out good clothes because they're not welcome by certain groups, is the day I crawl under a rock and die! It's not like there's been a type of fatwa announced that warns on the dangers of wearing certain colours of cloth on a man's back, in which case, sense would prevail.

I have Adidas bright yellow, and pillar box red t-shirts and wear them regularly outside. Never had any bother yet, or comments. I'm sure Thais can see that I'm a pasty faced foreigner and take absolutely no notice of my attire. It's not as if there are logos or slogans on these garments supporting one movement of the other!

That said, I wouldn't hang around a fired up rally from any of these groups wearing conflicting colours of course, but then again, I don't go to their gatherings anyway.

There must be 1000's of tourists ignorant of the politics who wear these colours as they go about their holidays, and I'm sure they don't get warnings about what colour clothes to pack from tour operators back home.

Is this just paranoia by the OP, or have there actually been murders or beatings of innocent foreigners found cycling, jogging, or socialising, with the said forbidden colours of the old Siam!


Edited by Drew Aitch
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Crikey, the day I start throwing out good clothes because they're not welcome by certain groups, is the day I crawl under a rock and die! It's not like there's been a type of fatwa announced that warns on the dangers of wearing certain colours of cloth on a man's back, in which case, sense would prevail.

I have Adidas bright yellow, and pillar box red t-shirts and wear them regularly outside. Never had any bother yet, or comments. I'm sure Thais can see that I'm a pasty faced foreigner and take absolutely no notice of my attire. It's not as if there are logos or slogans on these garments supporting one movement of the other!

That said, I wouldn't hang around a fired up rally from any of these groups wearing conflicting colours of course, but then again, I don't go to their gatherings anyway.

There must be 1000's of tourists ignorant of the politics who wear these colours as they go about their holidays, and I'm sure they don't get warnings about what colour clothes to pack from tour operators back home.

Is this just paranoia by the OP, or have there actually been murders or beatings of innocent foreigners found cycling, jogging, or socialising, with the said forbidden colours of the old Siam!


I wear red and yellow shirts whenever I want to and have never had it commented on. I even wear yellow when I visit my in-laws houses and they are all staunch reds but never say a word about it.

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Some time ago now my daughter ,teaching at a CM school, was asked, as were all other teachers, to wear a yellow polo shirt to school, every Monday, as as sign of respect to the King. Now she isn't a polo shirt kind of girl but was happy to comply. A few months ago, when the Red shirts became visibly active, the teachers were told not to wear yellow shirts so as not to antagonise the reds. We had better get used to it, this is the world we now live in.

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