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Landlord is telling everyone in the neighborhood that im on yaba, because my rented room is directly above his and he doesnt like the noise at night.

Word has spread all over! The "village" alarm has been raised! The street vendors are howling about it from morning to night!

Worst of all, a German neighbor has instructed his girlfriend to lie to the police, and tell them i asked her to get me drugs.

I piss tested for protection, and Im leaving asap, but i want payback for this slander.

Edited by Rimmer
Racial flame
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Perhaps you are an undesirable or a yob, how are we to know. :)


But the question remains.

What would you do?

Depends, if l was a yob l would fight it out but if l was not l would think to myself why the problem, l am not a problem, perhaps my lady is a problem, perhaps they know about my ladies antics and l don't.

Food for thought, especially when a farang is against you. :ermm:

The problem is posted in the op first sentence.

"because my rented room is directly above his and he doesnt like the noise at night."

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Maybe let the village think he supplied you!:whistling:

I guess you miss the point.

Let me clarify. The piss test was negative.

I dont use.

I didnt miss that point but obviously the village did as they still think you did so as they are not listening to reason and already think you did even with evidence to the contary.

So use the villages lack of clarity against the neighbour, the village belkieves you are guilty even with proof of innocence so use it to make him look guilty

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I would tell him to use my deposit as the final months rent.

Why stay where you aren't welcome?

Well I can see its going to be a final punch up in line for these two and of course a common thing in LOS.

I totally agree with what you've said SB, lifes too short to hang around and deal with crap like this, I think its totally wrong whats happened but its probably going to take far too much time to correct and with a limited likelyhood of acheiving anything good, hes probably better off to take a dump in the ceiling and move on. When you select somewhere to live, its wise also to examine the landlord, sometimes first impressions will tell you if they are going to be a pain in backside or not, plenty of rental properties out there.

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The noise from above the landlords room is obviously a problem for him. He never advise you to tone it down a bit? If he did.....did you listen?

Yes he did. But not calmly telling me anything. Instead with an emotional tantrum where he lost control and started with the name calling and with the "you yaba" bs.

Unfortunately, its a tile floor with poorly laid tiles that are noisy to walk on. The floor crunches in many places when you walk on it. So if i move in the room at all he hears it down below.

Furthermore, when i moved in he told me the guy before me was noisy and dirty and he "dont like".

He advertised the room for rent and rented me the room knowing its condition but not telling me about it.

He wants the money, but doesnt want anyone in the room.

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^Cal, What are you expecting from a big legal case. Chances are you are going to spend alot of money & perhaps go nowhere.

Next time before you rent, check out the place fully. I've rented a fair bit here & always take the time to make a good selection, with the exception of getting a bad neighbour once with dogs that barked 24/7.

Time to move on, sounds as if this guy is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic & all that.

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