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There is an inmate of Klong Prem prison who is looking for any type of contact with the outside world.

His name is Mustafa Ozdemir & his postal address is Klong Prem prison 6, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900.

Yes, he is in for a drug offence, but he has no friends (apart from myself occasionally) or relatives in Thailand.

I'm sure there are other prisoners in a similar situation, nevertheless I'd ask any TV member that can spare the time to write a letter or even pay him a visit to do so.

He is from Turkey & speaks & writes understandable English. Visiting hours are Monday (only) 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

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The only visit I wouldn't mind making is to the 4 thieve that are in prison for 12+ year sentences for pulling a piece on me & my girl & robbing us. Yabba was involved. I would love to be able to visit & work em for burning us. I am surprised you would have an interest in a loser like your buddy from Turkey.

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For more information about Mustafa please check out the following link: http://facthai.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/turkish-national-in-thai-gaol-guru/

People make mistakes. He got a 27 year sentence. Isn't that punishment enough? His family is poor and can never visit him and the Turkish embassy in Bangkok has never send a representative to see him. I applaud the guys that spare some time to go see him or write him a letter.

Edited by Jimbo
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For more information about Mustafa please check out the following link: http://facthai.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/turkish-national-in-thai-gaol-guru/

People make mistakes. He got a 27 year sentence. Isn't that punishment enough? His family is poor and can never visit him and the Turkish embassy in Bangkok has never send a representative to see him. I applaud the guys that spare some time to go see him or write him a letter.

Your words are wasted. They are angels who can do no wrong. They live a life of piety and purity and have little time for 'scum'.

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They are angels who can do no wrong

That is BS and you know it. I am no angel, but I certainly never did anything that would have gotten me a 27-year sentence. He obviously wasn't caught with a spliff. And if he had gotten away with, he would have made lots of money. He gambled, he lost.

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I wonder how many of the people slamming this man have done nothing illegal since they have been in Thailand? Prostitution, gambling, working without a work permit....just to name a few.

And no, I don't consider drugs and gambling to be "equal" in terms of vices, but most of us make mistakes. Some of our mistakes our just more stupid than others, and some illegal activities are more strictly enforced than others.

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They are angels who can do no wrong

That is BS and you know it. I am no angel, but I certainly never did anything that would have gotten me a 27-year sentence. He obviously wasn't caught with a spliff. And if he had gotten away with, he would have made lots of money. He gambled, he lost.

Well said...Life is one big gamble .and he as gone and gambled is all away..

Maybe he could wright a book when he gets out ..then is money worrys will all be over whistling.gif

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Every so often people come into the thread and make suggestions like this one the OP has made regarding visiting criminals in Jails. I think most people would avoid going to a thai jail to visit some grub that they've never met before. These people are in the hole because he or she can't be trusted and have lost their right to mingle with the rest of society.

I don't understand what goes along with pedalling such nonesense. :rolleyes:

Give it a rest.

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I wonder how many of the people slamming this man have done nothing illegal since they have been in Thailand? Prostitution, gambling, working without a work permit....just to name a few.

And no, I don't consider drugs and gambling to be "equal" in terms of vices, but most of us make mistakes. Some of our mistakes our just more stupid than others, and some illegal activities are more strictly enforced than others.

They're Full of purity and goodness with farts that smell like fresh clipped roses.

Your words too are lost on these angels. Like I said...They can do no wrong...And well, if they do wrong, it certainly isn't as bad as the next man's wrong.

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This has to be some kind of Gay thing; and the drug mule/Ass is probably getting plenty of action already.

That is what especially Thai prison is all about.

No Thanks

Edited by Pushit
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Neither do I... But don't down the dude either. None of you have walked in his shoes. And if you had, perhaps you'd of done even 'worse' than whatever it was he did. Perhaps you have, but just weren't caught...Or perhaps it wasn't a crime in the eyes of the law, but people were hurt just the same. Or maybe you think the 'bad' or 'wrong' things you do aren't as bad as the next guys. We're ALL capable of ANYTHING given the right set of circumstances. Or maybe you just haven't lived long enough or been hit hard enough yet. Here I am wasting words too. Keep them rosy farts comin.

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They are angels who can do no wrong

That is BS and you know it. I am no angel, but I certainly never did anything that would have gotten me a 27-year sentence. He obviously wasn't caught with a spliff. And if he had gotten away with, he would have made lots of money. He gambled, he lost.

watch an episode of banged up abroad. It might change you harsh opinion

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Yes I'd love to become a prison visitor (which is looking increasingly likely), and show up with a bag of monkey nuts to hurl at the bastard old farang and is tart who tried (and failed) to sell my friend's house whilst she was in the ICU of the local hospital, just after her husband died.

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If it was a personal friend I would visit him and offer some help. But, considering that people should have to accept the consequences of their own actions I'm not about to help a stranger who knowingly did something stupid. And, I don't even think drugs are much of a crime against humanity. People have a choice whether to use them or not. There are far more needy people who have never done anything wrong and yet DO need help.

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With a 27 year sentence, this 32 year old guy appears to have committed and admitted to committing a major drug offence. Now, I'm the most generous guy I know, but with this guy there is not an obsevable iota of remorse, and is clearly only after a misguided financial sponsor.

Sorry, but I will pass on this also.

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watch an episode of banged up abroad. It might change you harsh opinion

I have watched a few episodes. They were either about people kidnapped for ransom or by religious nuts (and I feel very sorry for those), or people who thought they could make easy money. So, what is your point?

Again, for 27 years in the slammer this guy did not gamble, carouse with prostitutes or work without a permit; he must have had a fair bit of drugs on him.

I wonder if you were all such good Samaritans if your kids were hooked on the dope he peddled?

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I have read Mustafas letter now. He's moaning and whining like a little girl. Well, Mustafa, you should have thought about that before you got involved in drug trafficing.

And now you want people to feel sorry for you? Send you cigarettes, perhaps?

Like I said before. I'll pass.

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After reading Nisakiman and Fantuzi's posts above, I re-read the whole thread including Mr. Ozdemir's request.

This was to re-evaluate whether my also passing on going to see Mr. Ozdemir was indeed judgemental and un-compassionate.

Following re-evaluation, I still pass on visiting Mr. Ozdemir.

However, if Nisakiman and/or Fantuzi would like to advise me the contact details of Mr Ozdemir's drug dealing victims, I might be more inclined to help them out.

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