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Once more unto the breach my friend.

Think of the trouble you have saved yourself, getting out this early. Every cloud...an' all that.

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The message is: learn from my mistakes. I am positive.

Glad to hear it, you're through the worst part now and it won't be too long before you can put it all behind you. Anyone can make a mistake in trusting someone, men and women, the world over.

Yes, in our home-countries this is a typical, everyday occurrence.

Which is why people at home would be shocked at what has happened, whilst people here are blase.....

Thanks for you positive reply. She is the real loser here.

Quoted for truth.


Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

On this forum it is.

You beat me to it... hahahaha!!

The message is: learn from my mistakes. I am positive.

Glad to hear it, you're through the worst part now and it won't be too long before you can put it all behind you. Anyone can make a mistake in trusting someone, men and women, the world over.

Yes, in our home-countries this is a typical, everyday occurrence.

Which is why people at home would be shocked at what has happened, whilst people here are blase.....

Thanks for your positive reply.

Actually I would say it is the sort of mistake that we make when we go abroad - no offense Columabai. Amongst the experience of a new country, new people, new attitudes people get carried away and make mistakes they wouldnt normally do.

That is why I would settle it and write it off if I was him (especially as he knows it is a lesson learned.) It is better to recognize the mistake and pay for it than try to correct it. I think there is too much dont give her anything cos she is a cow on this thread rather than 'I simply fuc_ked up and have to pay for it'.


Too bad we cannot get the woman's version. This thread reads as a self pitying trip down blame lane. Maybe the woman is a nasty piece of work, but no one forced you into the marriage and no one forced you to hand over the money. Was it a shotgun wedding? Did anyone put a gun to your head to get the money? If you have a lawyer now, why didn't you consult with him before handing over the money? Locking up her documents and then releasing them only after the lawyer tells you that you cannot keep them speaks to pettiness, Taking documents that do not belong to you is hardly a mature act and is basically misappropriation. Even if she was a savage beast, you still cannot do that. I get the feeling that you are on a vendetta over perceived wrongs. For all I know you were probably questioning her every move and phone cal when she was with youl. On the other hand, she might just be the typical barwhore one reads about in TVF. I don't know, and aside from the entertainment value of the thread, I don't care. Grow up and act your age.

  • Like 2

In Thailand, US, or Europe I would never marry anyone I only knew for 6 months unless it was Jessica Alba but thats not happening.

Jessica's not all that btw.

Neither's the OP.


Too bad we cannot get the woman's version. This thread reads as a self pitying trip down blame lane. Maybe the woman is a nasty piece of work, but no one forced you into the marriage and no one forced you to hand over the money. Was it a shotgun wedding? Did anyone put a gun to your head to get the money? If you have a lawyer now, why didn't you consult with him before handing over the money? Locking up her documents and then releasing them only after the lawyer tells you that you cannot keep them speaks to pettiness, Taking documents that do not belong to you is hardly a mature act and is basically misappropriation. Even if she was a savage beast, you still cannot do that. I get the feeling that you are on a vendetta over perceived wrongs. For all I know you were probably questioning her every move and phone cal when she was with youl. On the other hand, she might just be the typical barwhore one reads about in TVF. I don't know, and aside from the entertainment value of the thread, I don't care. Grow up and act your age.

The documents passports house book marriage papers were locked in my suitcase by mutual consent. No one forced me into the marriage. I was the one who said I would pay the bank. Standing outside the house waiting for a taxi I was not thinking of documents in my suitcase. Since your on a personal attack here maybe it is you who should grow up.


Too bad we cannot get the woman's version. This thread reads as a self pitying trip down blame lane. Maybe the woman is a nasty piece of work, but no one forced you into the marriage and no one forced you to hand over the money. Was it a shotgun wedding? Did anyone put a gun to your head to get the money? If you have a lawyer now, why didn't you consult with him before handing over the money? Locking up her documents and then releasing them only after the lawyer tells you that you cannot keep them speaks to pettiness, Taking documents that do not belong to you is hardly a mature act and is basically misappropriation. Even if she was a savage beast, you still cannot do that. I get the feeling that you are on a vendetta over perceived wrongs. For all I know you were probably questioning her every move and phone cal when she was with youl. On the other hand, she might just be the typical barwhore one reads about in TVF. I don't know, and aside from the entertainment value of the thread, I don't care. Grow up and act your age.

The documents passports house book marriage papers were locked in my suitcase by mutual consent. No one forced me into the marriage. I was the one who said I would pay the bank. Standing outside the house waiting for a taxi I was not thinking of documents in my suitcase. Since your on a personal attack here maybe it is you who should grow up.

You dont really seem the self pitying type. If anything I suspect you feel rather foolish over the whole affair. That is why you basically need to put it behind even if you have to cough up Bt100k. I just cant believe she is worth fighting with. I know you would feel better if you could 'get your own back' but lawyers, private investigators, collecting emails - it simply isnt worth it - it has only been 6 months of your life, so write it off and forget it ever happened. Confucius say 'before you embark on a vendetta, dig two graves.'


Colabamumbai, most of the answers here are from people who have experienceed similar situations... if not in Thailand, then at least in what ever country they came from. How many North Americans have gone through divorces that cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars? I've had two marriages where I had to split everything that I had earned through my own hard work. The wives contributed nothing more than their bodies. I even shared all the household duties. That doesn't mean tiddly squat with the divorce courts. Everything is split in half no matter who contributed what to the marriage. In my first divorce I received half of our $140,000 home when it was sold. In my second divorce I received half of a $200,000 when it was sold. After each divorce I started again from scratch and built up my equity again. Fortunately, when my parents died they left me enough in the will to pay off my mortgage on my third home. I learned my lessons the hard way (as do most people) and don't intend making a third mistake. I suggest you do the same. Just take whatever it cost you as a lesson learned. Don't be bitter, but DO think out of your BIG head in the future.

However, if given a chance to do live my life all over again, with the same results, I would do it in a heartbeat without changing a thing. I have no regrets, and realize that both wives did me a favour in the long run. I enjoyed most of the married years spent with my wives, but you couldn't pay me enough to take either of them back.

If I have any advice to give it is to ALWAYS LOOK A THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE! We only get one go-round in this world and it's better to spend it being happy. As long as I am vertical, or horizontal by choice, then it is a great life worth living.

  • Like 1

Colabamumbai, most of the answers here are from people who have experienceed similar situations... if not in Thailand, then at least in what ever country they came from. How many North Americans have gone through divorces that cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars? I've had two marriages where I had to split everything that I had earned through my own hard work. The wives contributed nothing more than their bodies. I even shared all the household duties. That doesn't mean tiddly squat with the divorce courts. Everything is split in half no matter who contributed what to the marriage. In my first divorce I received half of our $140,000 home when it was sold. In my second divorce I received half of a $200,000 when it was sold. After each divorce I started again from scratch and built up my equity again. Fortunately, when my parents died they left me enough in the will to pay off my mortgage on my third home. I learned my lessons the hard way (as do most people) and don't intend making a third mistake. I suggest you do the same. Just take whatever it cost you as a lesson learned. Don't be bitter, but DO think out of your BIG head in the future.

However, if given a chance to do live my life all over again, with the same results, I would do it in a heartbeat without changing a thing. I have no regrets, and realize that both wives did me a favour in the long run. I enjoyed most of the married years spent with my wives, but you couldn't pay me enough to take either of them back.

If I have any advice to give it is to ALWAYS LOOK A THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE! We only get one go-round in this world and it's better to spend it being happy. As long as I am vertical, or horizontal by choice, then it is a great life worth living.

Well said Ian, and so sucinctly put ! to the O.P. move on , without rancour and bitterness , good luck to you in the future .


Nice post, Ian.

When you are not weilding a knife at some kids throat, you are are propper nice fella. Well balanced and everything.

I say this to the OP from the heart. If it looks to good to be true, (ESPECIALLY IN A LANGUANGE YOU BARELY UNDERSTAND), IT IS!

Run fast and run far. I could tell you stories in private message about people who have been royally turned over only spitting distance from me.

"know when to hold 'em and an know when to fold em." B)


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.

Please link to/quote the post where the lawyer advised him to pay her the money.

I don't remember reading that


56k in back mortgage payment? Can you expand?

The bank was going to take her house she was 10 months behind in mortgage payments and owes about 400,000 bhat. The government bank paid for the house and she makes monthly mortgage payments, They wanted the 56,000 to cover the missed payments.

But why did you pay it? (Did you speak to the bank yourself or just pay the hand)

Why do you want a divorce? More problem for her than you.

Why are you giving more money to a lawyer (especially to one who is barely competent).

Why do you listen to threats? change phone card or block her number.

Any problems with wife ......you just move to another town (This is advice from a Thai policeman).


snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.

Please link to/quote the post where the lawyer advised him to pay her the money.

I don't remember reading that

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

Posted 3 minutes ago

snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.


here's another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women: She's a property agent in Pattaya, agreed to (and paid up front) a twelve month lease on his house, he went back to UK, discovered 6 months later she had forged his signature on multiple docs and somehow managed to lawfully sell the house to a loan shark. He's now struggling to reverse the mess and regain ownership, in between lots of bribery from both sides to get the co-operation of you-know-who.


tsk..tsk...not another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women. What is the world coming to?


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.

Please link to/quote the post where the lawyer advised him to pay her the money.

I don't remember reading that

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

Posted 3 minutes ago

snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

Yep you've read it incorrectly. Colabamumbai never stated the lawyers told him to pay money, he actually stated , and I quote "No lawyer ever told me to pay her money" . It was tabs053 who stated the lawyers told Col to pay her 56,000 baht. tabs053 just needs to learn to read.


Hi Colabamumbai

You obviously know you made a mistake and are smart enough to move on. A lot smarter than some who have posted here with crap guessing they know the story guessing she is a bar girl guessing you frequent bars, clubs and the like. We all make mistakes and the smart ones learn from them.

Good luck in the future

  • Like 1

here's another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women: She's a property agent in Pattaya, agreed to (and paid up front) a twelve month lease on his house, he went back to UK, discovered 6 months later she had forged his signature on multiple docs and somehow managed to lawfully sell the house to a loan shark. He's now struggling to reverse the mess and regain ownership, in between lots of bribery from both sides to get the co-operation of you-know-who.


tsk..tsk...not another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women. What is the world coming to?

Sadly yes, and here is a juicy story about a farang being ripped off by an other farang and a Thai.


What happened to the sick buffalo, now it is only the property stories


snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

I see now, yes, you read it incorrectly and I can see why

The OP wrote...

"I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments."

The OP failed to put a space after the full stop following "suggested", easy to mis-read


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.

Please link to/quote the post where the lawyer advised him to pay her the money.

I don't remember reading tha

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

Posted 3 minutes ago

snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

Yep you've read it incorrectly. Colabamumbai never stated the lawyers told him to pay money, he actually stated , and I quote "No lawyer ever told me to pay her money" . It was tabs053 who stated the lawyers told Col to pay her 56,000 baht. tabs053 just needs to learn to read.

You are an astute reader. The lawyerrcalled her to see if she would budge from 100,000 bhat he suggested to me to offer her 20,000, I told him no she gets nothing, I am not going to be extorted.


All the advice given here before me is good. I don't offer any.

Would like to ask you a few questions.

Known her for 6 months. Married to her for 6 weeks. Now she wants money and divorce.

Q1. Where and how did you meet?

Q2. How old are you? How old is she?

Q3. Apart from ex-husband, what has she got? Job? Profession? Kids? Car? House? Education?

Q4. Does she speak English? If yes, where (from whom) did she learn it?

Now, I do not know the answers to all these questions. But if you add them all, you just might find what you have been looking for in this Forum... an understanding.

Use your head for thinking, mate.:rolleyes:

Hi Colabamumbai

You obviously know you made a mistake and are smart enough to move on. A lot smarter than some who have posted here with crap guessing they know the story guessing she is a bar girl guessing you frequent bars, clubs and the like. We all make mistakes and the smart ones learn from them.

Good luck in the future

Without answers to Backsoon's questions and given the circumstances I'd suggest that its a fair enough assumption that people are making regarding the nature of the source of this woman's income.

I'm sure when a fellow expat meets an attractive Architect close to his age there would be less hesitation divulging this information. However I have lost count of the amount of times I have read similar topics and the Op glosses over some of the more critical aspects of the story.

i.e. Where did they meet, age (age difference), her career, source of income etc... These are all critical aspects of a profile if the Op wishes to help other fellow expats from making similar mistakes.

Just a wild stab in the dark - I'm guessing the only architecture this lady has carried out is architecting a plan to rip off the unfortunate and somewhat naive Op.

Good luck to the Op with his solution.


snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

I see now, yes, you read it incorrectly and I can see why

The OP wrote...

"I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments."

The OP failed to put a space after the full stop following "suggested", easy to mis-read

I paid the bank cashier after we were married....does that clarify things. The wife took the receipt The lawyer called her before he called her he asked me would you offer her 20,000 bhat I said no she gets nothing. I have paid nothing for the legal services and advice they have given me.


Best of luck in this situation.

Let all hope we don't read in the press that another Farang has been attacked or killed in Korat

Watch your back, this is Thailand after all. If the lawyer your using in Korat is the one that I know of, I am a little surprised that he advised you to pay her the money? If he isn't the lawyer that I am thinking of, I may be able to give you his contact details and you may like to get a second option.

Please link to/quote the post where the lawyer advised him to pay her the money.

I don't remember reading that

Here is the quote that I read, If I have read it incorrectly sorry

Posted 3 minutes ago

snapback.pngColabamumbai, on 2010-09-01 21:54, said:

Have lawyer now I am beginning to think that this was a set up to do just what she is trying to do. I new her 6 months she rushed the marriage.I wanted to wait a year. Maybe this is not the first time she has done this. I do not reply to her threats but do keep all the email messages for my lawyer for possible future actions. She is so stupid she takes ex husband to a friend of mines hotel to apply for work. I told her 2 weeks ago I had a n investigator take photos, Unfortunately in Thailand you need to catch your spouse in sexual relations to get a quick divorce. Not just with her ex husband. I am wondering if they are part of a gang and he gives the orders. I have copies of his ID card as well as copies of everything of hers. I did return her passport and house keys as the lawyer suggested.I did pay her bank 56,000 bhat in back mortgage payments.

She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

Yep you've read it incorrectly. Colabamumbai never stated the lawyers told him to pay money, he actually stated , and I quote "No lawyer ever told me to pay her money" . It was tabs053 who stated the lawyers told Col to pay her 56,000 baht. tabs053 just needs to learn to read.

You are an astute reader. The lawyer asked me if I would offer her 20,000 bhat before he called her. I told him she gets nothing. He called her and she would not budge, so he said goodbye. I have not paid one bhat for the legal services or for them returning her Tambien Baan etc., other than the postage. I paid the banks cashier after having talks over a period of two weeks with the mortgage manager, after we we were married to keep the bank from taking her house. She kept the receipt for the payment.

I only wish that more members would take the time to read as you did instead of making foolish assumptions, thank you again. There are lot of people on TVF who obviously never learned how to read or were first down in the spelling b"es in grade 3.

Many have been honest and other don't have a clue about being married in Thailand or the Divorce Laws.


All the advice given here before me is good. I don't offer any.

Would like to ask you a few questions.

Known her for 6 months. Married to her for 6 weeks. Now she wants money and divorce.

Q1. Where and how did you meet?

Q2. How old are you? How old is she?

Q3. Apart from ex-husband, what has she got? Job? Profession? Kids? Car? House? Education?

Q4. Does she speak English? If yes, where (from whom) did she learn it?

Now, I do not know the answers to all these questions. But if you add them all, you just might find what you have been looking for in this Forum... an understanding.

Use your head for thinking, mate.:rolleyes:

Hi Colabamumbai

You obviously know you made a mistake and are smart enough to move on. A lot smarter than some who have posted here with crap guessing they know the story guessing she is a bar girl guessing you frequent bars, clubs and the like. We all make mistakes and the smart ones learn from them.

Good luck in the future

Without answers to Backsoon's questions and given the circumstances I'd suggest that its a fair enough assumption that people are making regarding the nature of the source of this woman's income.

I'm sure when a fellow expat meets an attractive Architect close to his age there would be less hesitation divulging this information. However I have lost count of the amount of times I have read similar topics and the Op glosses over some of the more critical aspects of the story.

i.e. Where did they meet, age (age difference), her career, source of income etc... These are all critical aspects of a profile if the Op wishes to help other fellow expats from making similar mistakes.

Just a wild stab in the dark - I'm guessing the only architecture this lady has carried out is architecting a plan to rip off the unfortunate and somewhat naive Op.

Good luck to the Op with his solution.

She had been working at a resort.. A friend of hers introduced us. She had been working at a hotel and resort but quit when she me me she quit without telling me.

I got the owner to offer her a full time job there again starting the first of this month, but was thrown out of the house before, and told the owner the situation. So no job for her now. He was more than willing to give her employment again knowing that we were married. 3 days later she drove her ex husband to the same resort where he filled out a job application listing her address as his, he left a recent photo with them. I have a copy of his I.D. Card. I am not as stupid as some of the people who have made replies to this topic, although I did make a mistake in marrying her. The owner of the resort is a friend of mine and showed me the job application and his wife took the application from her ex husband. She whined all the time about her Thai girlfrieds who had foreign boyfriends that sent them 2 grand a month and only came to Thailand for a month each year. I suggested that she find one like that.


She sounds like a shocker, as someone else had mentioned earlier - Every cloud had its silver lining, at least you have only wasted 6 months on this woman.

Her age and the age difference with the Op may still be a 'warning flag'. I know many will disagree, however beyond a certain gap *(i.e. from a 25 year old to a 50 year old) I'd imagine there to be a higher possibility of foul play and questionable motives (we see this the world over).

*Of course not wishing to offend anyone, there are alway exceptions.


I paid the banks cashier after having talks over a period of two weeks with the mortgage manager, after we we were married to keep the bank from taking her house. She kept the receipt for the payment.

I also have experience of this scam .... and it is a scam.

I moved in with a Thai lady last year, that very weekend a bank official called at the door, asking to speak to the lady (who was conveniently out) about not making payments on her mortgage. The lady (who owned the house) wanted me to pay the mortgage payments of 10kbht a month. I don't know if the bank person was legit or not. Officials are easily bribed. I looked at the bank papers and previous letters (mortgage 1.2 million, worked out the interest payments with no capital repayments, 7000bht a month). The bank agreed to take 7000bht a month.

It is a scam, move in white guy, he pays, the trick for the white guy is to get value for money ..... 7000bht rental for a two bedroom house in the country, with a cute girl included.... seemed like a good deal to me (same as my condo rental but without the girl). 56k up front doesn't sound like much of a bargain!

Did your lady owe money, or did you make her next 6 months worth of payments, impossible to say, the trick in Thailand is never to lay out money, up front, for anything.

Sorry to say Colxxxxxxx, but the reason people think you are daft, is that here in Thailand you pay the girl after the "services" and not before. I don't think you were stupid to marry her at all. BUt why not look on the bright side, could have been worse, could have given her dad a 270k car :lol:


The lawyer asked me if I would offer her 20,000 bhat before he called her. I told him she gets nothing. He called her and she would not budge, so he said goodbye.


a) Your lawyer (although he isnt one in Thailand) doesnt get paid...

B) When he rings her up and tells she is going to get nothing 'she wouldnt budge'... I mean she didnt have a lot of room to budge did she?

At some point you are going to have to pay someone for your mistake.

And look the facts are these. You are currently married to her. If you think a court in Thailand is going to award you anything you are delusional. You are not going to get her house, her pension or half her salary. Draw papers that not only divorce you from her but also establish she has no claim against you. Pay her off and in my view do it quick because if she finds a smart lawyer, she will be the one making your life a nightmare.

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