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Coup In Oct For Sure


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I would be interested to hear how TV posters have personally been affected by previous coups or how they would be affected in October's 'for sure' coup. I wouldn't expect the Baht to take a particularly steep dive unless there was also severe civil unrest following the coup.

Well if there is a coup,and I say IF,then you can be sure there will be civil unrest because we all know from which side the next coup will come.

Edited by basjke
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Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

Are you really surprised by a member who is saying he has almost murdered many people... I guess he did not follow my recommendation of seeing a doctor, psychologist or psychopatrist ASAP

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Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You guys really are a hoot. I never met such a serious bunch of twits. :lol: I don't think there is a humorous bone in your bodies.

I know my North American history better than most people. Taking scalps was used by many groups. Living in teepees was not reserved for only First Nations plains indians. It is a very practical form of accommodation for people constantly on the move.

Coup is a shortened version of the French expression "Coup d'etat" meaning to over throw a government. Ignorant French trappers in North America used it as a term for bravery. The early French trappers interbred with native people and language expressions were bastardized. Racing in and touching the enemy or dangerous animal was also called "counting coup". Taking scalps was something that was also adopted by various groups.

Which brings us around to the OP's topic. Thailand has its problems and will continue to do so. Predicting what the Reds or the Yellows will do in the future is a silly discussion. There are so many Chicken Littles running around saying "The sky is falling!" that I can only laugh. Yup, aliens from outer space are going to invade earth... oh, wait, maybe they are ALREADY here? And, of course some small nation is going to start a nuclear war and destroy the planet. I mean, what else is common news?

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Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You guys really are a hoot. I never met such a serious bunch of twits. :lol: I don't think there is a humorous bone in your bodies.

I know my North American history better than most people. Taking scalps was used by many groups. Living in teepees was not reserved for only First Nations plains indians. It is a very practical form of accommodation for people constantly on the move.

Coup is a shortened version of the French expression "Coup d'etat" meaning to over throw a government. Ignorant French trappers in North America used it as a term for bravery. The early French trappers interbred with native people and language expressions were bastardized. Racing in and touching the enemy or dangerous animal was also called "counting coup". Taking scalps was something that was also adopted by various groups.

Which brings us around to the OP's topic. Thailand has its problems and will continue to do so. Predicting what the Reds or the Yellows will do in the future is a silly discussion. There are so many Chicken Littles running around saying "The sky is falling!" that I can only laugh. Yup, aliens from outer space are going to invade earth... oh, wait, maybe they are ALREADY here? And, of course some small nation is going to start a nuclear war and destroy the planet. I mean, what else is common news?

Mr. Forbes, you dealt with everything except the orignal statement. It wasn't about teepees. It was about scalps. There's another thread going on the ATMs where various nationalities are described as greasy sinister people. That's what happens when people look the other way when false statements are made. You know what you said and that you were wrong. Just accept it,move on and the matter is forgotten.

You allude to Thailand in your response. Fine. It is precisely the same mindset that paints every woman from Issan as a money hungry hooker, or all those that had a different view than the Redshirt protestors as being exploiters and abusers of the poor. Having a good idea what the various political factions are considering or contemplating is part of the risk management process. A company will not invest if there is no stability. By the same token Johnny Farang may reconsider his or her decision to purchase a home if there is a possibility there is going to be turmoil. Thais consider this topic daily because it governs where they will invest and whether or not some will have jobs. You need only look to the comments of the very low key Centara group to understand this point. So, as much as you try to dance around, it isn't working. We all make unintentional errors.

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Mr. Forbes, you dealt with everything except the orignal statement. It wasn't about teepees. It was about scalps. There's another thread going on the ATMs where various nationalities are described as greasy sinister people. That's what happens when people look the other way when false statements are made. You know what you said and that you were wrong. Just accept it,move on and the matter is forgotten.

You are right and I was wrong. It was silly of me to bring a little humour into this topic. I'll try hard not to be humourous in the future. I'll have to learn to realize that everything I read on Thaivisa is the gospel truth. Carry on.

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"for sure" in Thailand can mean a BIG maybe :lol:

How many of us have had the "I do on Monday for sure, jing jing" only to have a no-show come Mon, Tue, Wed......

lol, I had the balcony repainted during christmas. They came and ripped away the christmas lighting I'd spent 4 hours installing two days earlier. Then they painted HALF the balcony and then had to go and get more paint.

Still waiting for 'em to come back so I can put back the christmas lighting...


Why would you spend 4 hours putting up christmas lights on a Balcony you were about to get painted?

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"for sure" in Thailand can mean a BIG maybe :lol:

How many of us have had the "I do on Monday for sure, jing jing" only to have a no-show come Mon, Tue, Wed......

lol, I had the balcony repainted during christmas. They came and ripped away the christmas lighting I'd spent 4 hours installing two days earlier. Then they painted HALF the balcony and then had to go and get more paint.

Still waiting for 'em to come back so I can put back the christmas lighting...


Might be just a painters thing not thai lol. I had some painters organized for 8am they turned up at 11am then sat down to eat for an hour.

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I can't see this current government risking it all by allowing a general election particularly when the likelihood of them winning outright is remote - if not impossible.

A coup would benefit the government no end. And we all know they don't give a dam_n about democracy.

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I know my North American history better than most people. Taking scalps was used by many groups. Living in teepees was not reserved for only First Nations plains indians. It is a very practical form of accommodation for people constantly on the move.


OK, off topic, but this reminds me of:

A guy rushes into a psychiatrist's office saying quickly, "I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam. I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam..."

The psychiatrist says, "calm down, have a seat, you're too tents"

(Sorry, couldn't resist. What are the chances I'll ever get another opportunity to tell a lame joke like that?)

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OK, off topic, but this reminds me of:

A guy rushes into a psychiatrist's office saying quickly, "I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam. I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam..."

The psychiatrist says, "calm down, have a seat, you're too tents"

(Sorry, couldn't resist. What are the chances I'll ever get another opportunity to tell a lame joke like that?)

Thanks for that one, Thakkar. There should always be room for little humour on serious subjects. :jap:

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I can't see this current government risking it all by allowing a general election particularly when the likelihood of them winning outright is remote - if not impossible.

A coup would benefit the government no end. And we all know they don't give a dam_n about democracy.

well i am interested to see just how active the reds can be without the funds they had during the bkk uprising. my bet is they will fade quickly with out the promise of a cash bonus.

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I can't see this current government risking it all by allowing a general election particularly when the likelihood of them winning outright is remote - if not impossible.

A coup would benefit the government no end. And we all know they don't give a dam_n about democracy.

well i am interested to see just how active the reds can be without the funds they had during the bkk uprising. my bet is they will fade quickly with out the promise of a cash bonus.

Who said there is no funding this time?Have you read the other article about Thaksin posted today?

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