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Atm Skimming At Bangkok Bank


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my girlfriend was a vitim of atm skimming recently her bank account at bangkok bank was inlegaly withdraw of bath thai20000 we made a police report n reported to the bangkok bank it took them more then 1 and a half month to get back to us and in the letter they wrote to us said that its not their fauth its my girlfriend who gave her card to someone to do the withdraw what bull shit this is ok there are cctv footage on the inlegal withdraw showing a man with a cap did the withdraw ok and even we went to the bangkok bank branch the official there even told us she was a vitim or atm skimming now bangkok bank refuse to give my girlfriend her money back what bull shit is this is bangkok bank run by the mafia or what its the bank fauth on not protecting the customer money and now they push the blame on their customer DONT DEPOSIT YOUR HARD EARN MONEY IN BANGKOK BANK "ITS NOT SAFE "PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!

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I dont know in this case if it`s true as i dont know your g/f, so cant pass judgement.....BUT, what i can say is that my g/f allways steered me away from that bank, as she put they like to take money from your account......Note, that this was happening to her and her friends before she met me......she now uses a different bank, and i use kasikorn...

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I've had an account with Bangkok Bank for over 4 years and I've never had a problem. I don't know your GF and I don't know how her card was used by someone else without the card and pin number, unless of course she let someone else use it... I get an SMS every time I transfer any amount online to my GF's account and she gets one as well. The transfers between our accounts are free of charge. So, it is up to you if you give her 20,000 all at once that goes missing... If it was skimmed at an ATM as you say, is the bank responsible? I'm not sure of the laws here regarding that, but I'm careful when using ATM's. I wipe the keys with my hand after entering the PIN, shield the keypad while entering my PIN, check the card reader and usually only use the same ATMs or go into the bank branch and withdraw money if it doesn't seem right. Was it even a Bangkok Bank ATM? Good luck and sorry to hear of your loss...

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Sadly Thailand is making itself so unpopular with it's ATM machines...150 Baht on transactions on top of what they get anyway,

Your treatment is disgraceful....but indemic on how this country is treating the farrang that feeds it.

I suggest to you and all visitors...bring hard cash..travellers cheques...or Thai currency...as this country seems in overdrive to scam all.. any which way it can to the likes of you and I.

It will turn to haunt them...as future political unrest..scams..coruption will lead Big western business tourism etc etc to seek more pleasant nations to find their way.

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Did the girl use her own card or did she give it to someone else to use and told them her pin number it is not clear, if a cloning machine was used attached to the ATM then it was not her fault bvut if she gave her card to someone else to use then what can you say!!!!!!

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Did the girl use her own card or did she give it to someone else to use and told them her pin number it is not clear, if a cloning machine was used attached to the ATM then it was not her fault bvut if she gave her card to someone else to use then what can you say!!!!!!

I have used Siam Commercial bank now for just over 1 yr and have had no problems what so ever.

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Some form of ATM fraud happened to my buddy, he kept his 'deposit' account ATM locked in a safe with a passport and had a secondary day to day account.. He then found the account had been accessed, but didnt see it instantly.. Went to bank, they told him it was ATM and he must have taken it.. They told him 'he must have forgotten'.. They basically refused to investigate.. Refused to look into it.. Wouldnt do anything.

He then went to the police, who wouldnt do anything other than write a report..

He was kinda baffled, but unlike me wasnt too freaked out by it.. A few months later the exact same thing happened.. Odd that it wasnt all at once until the account was empty. Again the bank wouldnt do anything, just said it was an ATM and must have been him.

In the end the only satisfaction he could get was to empty the account and change bank. There was no way the bank were going to refund or pay back anything.

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So, did your girlfriend withdraw all the cash herself? Did she give the card to someone else? Did she give the PIN to someone else? Was there a cloning machine inside the ATM that copied her card and PIN? In all these scenarios the bank cannot be held responsible. I think it is very unfair to balme the bank.

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OP posted across mutliple forums, generally not a good idea as it leads to cross posting and confusion, No idea where this occurred since he posted in both Phuket and Bangkok forums but will close the one with the least number of posts and leave the other one open.

Please post here:


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