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The Type Of Tourist Coming Thailand


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hmmm, I have noticed a lot of overweight old types, especially germans in hua hin on my travels, as well as the high number of old men, usually old men 50 and upwards

Either way I tend to avoid these types as they appear undesirable characters, poor manners etc

I would not be able to comment as to if they were sex tourists or not,

perhaps there is a profile of some sort

there is ,,, mine .

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I'm glad to hear there's so little sex tourism in Thailand, despite data like this from the internet:

"Daily around 4.6 million Thai men visit these prostitutes. The annual number of foreign tourists visiting Thailand for sex tourism is 500,000. Most of these visitors are from wealthy nations such as US, Europe and Australia.

As per a study report on sex trade in Thailand; the annual turnover rate of this industry in the nation is around US$ 4.3 billion per year, which is equivalent to one third of Thai economy. Apart from the women sex workers, Thailand is also gaining popularity for its large number of male prostitutes serving gay and bisexual clients.

The most important aspect of concern is the trafficking of children and child prostitution. As per the estimations of International Labor Organization, around 12,000 children are illegally trafficked to Thailand annually. Studies conducted by Thai Government and various NGOs of Thailand have reported that around 30,000 to 40,000 prostitutes are minors below the age of 18."

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Backpackers tend to bee the first people to come to a place - e.g. they get here when the flights are expensive and the infrastructure is weak.

They also tend to be middle class - pre or post uni types.

As places become more accessible then the cheap flights follow and the lower income holidaymakers come in.

As for "high-end" - most of the high end stuff in Thailand is aimed at people who have no idea what high end is, have never experienced it but in Thailand can afford cheap "replica" of the real thing.

Thailand is now a cheap and cheerful resort country - an alternative to places like Spain and miami - somewhere where ordinary working people can get a taste of their dreams.

A few decades ago, if you came to Thailand you were either an adventurer or a rich globe-trotter - or both . now you cann be a brickie, a nurse just about anyone witth a regular wage can come here.........high-end? no way!

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I'm glad to hear there's so little sex tourism in Thailand, despite data like this from the internet:

"Daily around 4.6 million Thai men visit these prostitutes. The annual number of foreign tourists visiting Thailand for sex tourism is 500,000. Most of these visitors are from wealthy nations such as US, Europe and Australia.

First of all that's not "data" but speculation, I certainly don't remember a check box on my arrival card for whether I am a sex tourist or not. Secondly, even if we accept those numbers as fact, then it just confirm the OP's opinion that the sex tourist is a small minority. I have a vague recollection of having seen fugures of 30-40 million tourists arriving in Thailand annualy(correct me if Im wrong), which would mean that sex tourists only make up 2.5 - 3.5 percent of all tourists. A far cry from the picture some people are painting, that the only reason anyone would chose to go to Thailand are for the Thai women.

The line between "sex tourists" and "normal" tourists is blurry anyway. I'm sure that there are plenty of men coming to thailand with the purpose of playing golf (or whatever), that end up also falling victim to the charms of the local women. I don't know if there is an official definition of a "sex tourist", but personally I would agree that it would depend on the intent/purpose of the journey. Not being a mindreader I can only guess who is and who isn't a sex tourist, and I don't really care anyway. To each their own

I am, of course, only talking about consenting adults here, exploitation of children is a whole other discussion.


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Backpackers tend to bee the first people to come to a place - e.g. they get here when the flights are expensive and the infrastructure is weak.

They also tend to be middle class - pre or post uni types.

As places become more accessible then the cheap flights follow and the lower income holidaymakers come in.

As for "high-end" - most of the high end stuff in Thailand is aimed at people who have no idea what high end is, have never experienced it but in Thailand can afford cheap "replica" of the real thing.

Thailand is now a cheap and cheerful resort country - an alternative to places like Spain and miami - somewhere where ordinary working people can get a taste of their dreams.

A few decades ago, if you came to Thailand you were either an adventurer or a rich globe-trotter - or both . now you cann be a brickie, a nurse just about anyone witth a regular wage can come here.........high-end? no way!

This is actually one of the beauties of Thai tourism. It allows normal working folk from more developed countries an ordinary holiday that has a sufficiently convincing visage of a high end holiday.

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I'm glad to hear there's so little sex tourism in Thailand, despite data like this from the internet:

"Daily around 4.6 million Thai men visit these prostitutes. The annual number of foreign tourists visiting Thailand for sex tourism is 500,000. Most of these visitors are from wealthy nations such as US, Europe and Australia.

As per a study report on sex trade in Thailand; the annual turnover rate of this industry in the nation is around US$ 4.3 billion per year, which is equivalent to one third of Thai economy. Apart from the women sex workers, Thailand is also gaining popularity for its large number of male prostitutes serving gay and bisexual clients.

The most important aspect of concern is the trafficking of children and child prostitution. As per the estimations of International Labor Organization, around 12,000 children are illegally trafficked to Thailand annually. Studies conducted by Thai Government and various NGOs of Thailand have reported that around 30,000 to 40,000 prostitutes are minors below the age of 18."

I don't know about the accuracy of the rest of your figures, but the sex trade figure at 4.3b (one third of the economy) were clearly suspect so I looked them up. According to the CIA World factbook, Thai GDP (i.e. turnover) in 2009 on PPP basis was $535B and GDP at official exchange rate was 266B

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

It depends on where you are me thinks.

Yes. When I first visited Pattaya in the '80's, I couldn't imagine it a family destination. For the past 10 years, we've been going there on family vacations and it's always been fun for all.

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The comment was made;

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

Based upon my observations and talking to some of the backpackers, it is not the same relationship. It's not a commercial transaction per se as one of mutual enjoyment. The backpacker types don't really have to pay for sex. C'mon now, how many 18-25 year old males ever had to pay for sex? What we see are the guys getting the benefits of having a guide, a companion and perhaps some nookie and the girls get someone that is attractivem able to maintain a long lasting erection without need of viagra, that doesn't have to pee every hour, and someone willing to share and pick up some expenses, without pointing out how much he has paid every day. The girls that go with the backpackers aren't doing it for the money per se, they are just being young and having some fun.

The backpacker crowd gets such a bad rep, but more often than not they are really decent kids. They come from normal families and are more likely to show some semblance of respect for the locals. These are the people that will retain happy memories and tell their friends of the good times. They are also likely to return with their wives/husbands/families. It's a bad mistake to reduce their access in the market. These are the people that one day will become the moneymakers.

The biggest mistake? The cheap junkets. Yes, there is quantity, but the quality of spending is poor. They are the worst type of people to rely on as they do not spend on goods and services that make work for Thais. These people are nasty. They pick the Thailand tour solely on price. Who are these groups? Oh sure they buy some souvenirs, but if one looks at where the items are made, more often than not the junk comes from China. The clothes and the food they buy are often the low end stuff with low profit margins. They are more likely to rush to Burger King, KFC or McD. There is an art to catering to package tour groups, but it takes some planning and thinking. There are a couple of groups that do it, providing a proper tour throughout Thailand, visiting a variety of places and offering a range of activities all for an affordable price.

Thailand has such hidden strengths and yet it seems unable to use them. It still doesn't understand that there is a large demographic of people that are disabled or have physical impairments, Try walking some of the sidewalks when you have bad eyesight or arthritis. Try accessing the aeroplane when you have trouble climbing the slippery metal stairs. Families? It's hard to take a family to Thailand because it's a walking accident zone for the typical kid. No crosswalks, poor beach safety, particularly from having jetskis or paraglders swooping down, and again an absence of a place to walk safely. Try pushing a stroller in some places. It's hard. How about a place to change a diaper? Sure, the locals manage, but then the point is to attract a family from Oslo or Perth. If you want them, then you need to provide the basic services they need.Imagine the benefit to commercial trade if Patong had a free or low cost shuttle bus service like most other resort towns. Won't happen with the taxi/tuktuk mafia.

Sorry, but the nature of the services on offer still cater to a specific demographic, whether that is intentional or not. And those people are include a noticeable number of scum. Unfortunately, alot of older single males get stuck with the label because of a small group of jerks. The end result is that it acts to discourage their visitng. A case in point is Cambodia. I have been invited several times and won't go because I just don't want the visa in my passport. The preception is that only pedos go to Cambodia. The immigration officer in the USA/Canada/EU isn't going to believe me if I say I went to visit a 35 year old western female health officer. It's why so many people hesitate. They have reputations to protect. It's all about perceptions and the brand image. Thailand has done a very piss poor job of protecting its image abroad.

Edited by geriatrickid
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12 to14 million arre official figures - aout 6% of the GDP - which is BIG.

Sextourist figures are likely to be little more than speculation

why not look at which countries top the list of visitors (not sex)

UK was the only Western one in the top 5 - or was last timeI looked

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

Ladies may need chasing. A hooker merely needs to be called.

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Thailand has done a very piss poor job of protecting its image abroad.

and what image would thailand be trying to protect?

it should push its image as number 1 party place on the planet.

"and what image would thailand be trying to protect?" - a good question.

most countries spend a lot of time and effort on research in all aspects of both their product and customers. however Thailand does no such thing and as a consequence has no coherent policies on tourism.

most of its policies are dreamed up by uneducated nabobs with overinflated ideas of self importance who get an idea and decide to turn it into policy - this is then announced in the press and handed down to the ever-obedient unquestioning bureaucracy -to deal with. Even if it was a good idea - which it usually isn't - it won't be handled properly anyway - so measures like overcharging for National parks and 150 baht fees on ATMs are allowed to get by unctriticised.

the environment is sacrificed for quick bucks and unregulated development and the only attraction that seems to work with any coherent organisation is the sex trade.

I don't know if anyone remembvers but when the state of emergency was brought in, it was IMMEDIATELY lifted - by the PM himself in Pattaya.

Apparently on the "advice" of "those VIPs in Pattaya city who forecast problems that would make the Redshirts pale into insignificance.

thailand is all about face....but they couldn't project an image to save their lives.

Edited by Deeral
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Thailand may be trying to cater to the so-called hi-so tourists, but it is not working out that way.

hi-so tourists are really dumb-so. They are the least discriminating and just want luxury hotels where everything is done for them, but they get lower quality service for what they pay.

In the early part of the decade Thailand was looking forward to 20 million tourists per year.

Thailands foreign exchange comes mainly from retail, so they say, but the people who are buying that retail are really doing something else at night. And that other stuff consists of mostly unreported income. But that is where the money is coming from that buys those motorcycles.

Then 9-11 and the recession hit, and Thailand will be lucky if they can get 16 million tourists a year.

If you canvas the cheaper guest houses, like the 120 baht per night rooms in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, you will find they are often full, while the upscale places are facing 60% vacancy at least.

There are whole buildings on the back streets of CM just east of the east moat that are virtually empty. Managers have tried to steer me to them when I was looking for a room closer to the moat.

This all boils to the fact that those backpackers coming from Europe, and the retirees, and a lot of other decent people are looking for the same cheap accomodation Thailand wishes it could move away from. And those buildings just completed in CM that are aimed at hi-so customers will be turned into budget hotels. The vagaries of capitalism have played a little trick on Thailand.

Those greedy, class-conscious, myopic, incompetent, drool-for-gucci Chula grads deserve this one. Next time they should staff the planning offices with someone besides their kids.

Edited by jan1van1hooten
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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

To answer your question, it depends on who you ask. Why don't you start a poll?

Does 'going' with 1 girl make you a sex tourist?

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

To answer your question, it depends on who you ask. Why don't you start a poll?

Does 'going' with 1 girl make you a sex tourist?

i tend to disagree wiyh this statement backpackers meet up and hang out with other backpackers hence free boom boom ,been there done it myself..............B)

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It's now the 4th time i come in Thailand and certainly the last :

1) the Thais are getting incredibly greedy and pushy even compared

to just two years ago.

2) prices have skyrocketed anywhere, and while it's still possible

for backpackers to find 150 bath/night rattletrap to sleep the price

of food is now sometimes almost in par with europe if not more


3) maybe it's still low season but i've never seen Phuket, BKK, Khao San Road,

Chiang Mai, so empty of tourists as they are now.

many owners are now desperate for money but still they don't make crazy discounts

as the cost of life in Thailand is also skyrocketing and euros/pounds/dollars

reached a historical low versus the Thai bath.

4) Phuket/Krabi/PhiPhi/etc : i would never ever go back in those places

as nowadays you're literally assaulted at every step by locals trying to

make a penny ... i don't think that's what any family or couple expect

to deal here ... they dream of thailand as a tropical paradise and they

end getting cheated and ripped off every day.

5) farang as more and more just a walking dollar sign and it's getting

more and more obvious to any newcomer what the thai really want

and how the thai hate tourists and farangs in general.

6) and finally, Thailand is NOT a paradise and not the exotic

destination they talk about in european travel agencies.

when and IF myanmar will fully open the doors to tourism

thailand will be doomed as there's nothing in thai like

Angkor Wat or the Temples of Bagan to compete with their neighbours.

same happening in Laos, all they have is Luang Prabang and they're

learning all the worst tricks from the Thai, it's so bad now (been there 2 weeks ago)

that i swear i'll never set foot in that dump again in my life.

forget the many pattaya, phi phi, phuket, etc .. the only good

place in thailand is BANGKOK, because it's a real city and full of life,

and no matter if it stinks and it's dirty and bla bla bla, it's a place

you either love or hate.

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as a former backpacker i can say thailand went out of the backpacking radar a LONG time ago !

now you guys notice because it's quite obvious but it's years that people on low budget

go in indonesia, philippines, vietnam, laos, cambodia, china, nepal, india, and skip

thailand or they just stay a couple days in KS Road for "refreshment"...

after all, once again, what has thailand to offer apart overpriced ocean destinations,

bangkok, hookers, and pubs closing at 01.00 am ?

the party moved elsewhere, deal with it, and rich farangs going in 5 stars resorts

have a now a much better choice in Bali and elsewhere as well.

airplane fares are also rising a lot.

all things considered, going in thailand is not so cheaper than going in turkey or cyprus

or red sea or caribbeans or south america .... all places where the tourists are treated like

kings unlike in thailand.

and finally ... security !

there's a dead farang in Phuket every 3 or 4 days .. being it because or drowing, gunshot, drunkel browl,

or "jumping off a balcony" as they say over there...

pattaya, even worse, chinese mafia, russian mafia, corruption, shotguns every weekend, and the worst

scum of the whole country concentrated in and around Walking Street waiting for their prays.

who in his right mind would come here when today every asian country is now open and giving

out visas on arrival and having cheaper and better accomodations and services ?

making Thailand a giant 5 starts resort is pure bullshit and their dreams will sink very soon

as even in this very moment tourism is going down the drain and that's just the start, imagine

in 2-3 years what is gonna happen.

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A sex tourist is someone who travels with the intent to pay for sex ...... a few golf outings would not make them a golfing tourist ! LOL

Fair enough. I guess that would make Tiger Woods a sex tourist in America. :lol:

Of course, it would also make any man who takes a women out on a date with the express purpose of having sex afterwards also a sex tourist. But not if she paid for her half of the cost of the date.

...don't know that there are too many guys that go on a date anyplace in the world without a secret hope of getting "lucky"...most western "dates" probably cost more in taxi fares than ......

in response to OP ...I have a varied group of friends ( old and younger/families)that keep coming back..all love it here ..probably the younger guys do what young guys do anyplace. Must remember to ask 'em if they are influenced by CNN..lol

Don't remember going on package tours to Italy/France/Spain or Balearic islands when young ...thinking "nah!! ..won't try to get my leg over..just want a tan and get smashed" yeah right...lol

be interesting to know what effect all the recent violence and problems in Mexico have on tourism ..probably sod all.

Think most people worry more about natural and man made "disasters"......

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

To answer your question, it depends on who you ask. Why don't you start a poll?

Does 'going' with 1 girl make you a sex tourist?

i tend to disagree wiyh this statement backpackers meet up and hang out with other backpackers hence free boom boom ,been there done it myself..............B)

What statement are you disagreeing with?

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well, i've seen plenty of backpackers shagging with follow female western backpackers,

especially british girls.

who told you they all come here for the thai gogo girls ?

i've also seen plenty of solo western females traveling alone

in remote areas, and do you think all these girls never shag

somebody while in thailand ? are they too "sex tourists" ?

Edited by Angkar
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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

To answer your question, it depends on who you ask. Why don't you start a poll?

Does 'going' with 1 girl make you a sex tourist?

i tend to disagree wiyh this statement backpackers meet up and hang out with other backpackers hence free boom boom ,been there done it myself..............B)

What statement are you disagreeing with?

lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes..............

as said backpackers hang out with other back packers and get free boom boom been there and done it my self........

Edited by taninthai
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well, i've seen plenty of backpackers shagging with follow female western backpackers,

especially british girls.

who told you they all come here for the thai gogo girls ?

i've also seen plenty of solo western females traveling alone

in remote areas, and do you think all these girls never shag

somebody while in thailand ? are they too "sex tourists" ?

No cause there not paying for it................................:D

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First of all that's not "data" but speculation, I certainly don't remember a check box on my arrival card for whether I am a sex tourist or not. Secondly, even if we accept those numbers as fact, then it just confirm the OP's opinion that the sex tourist is a small minority. I have a vague recollection of having seen fugures of 30-40 million tourists arriving in Thailand annualy(correct me if Im wrong), which would mean that sex tourists only make up 2.5 - 3.5 percent of all tourists. A far cry from the picture some people are painting, that the only reason anyone would chose to go to Thailand are for the Thai women.

The line between "sex tourists" and "normal" tourists is blurry anyway. I'm sure that there are plenty of men coming to thailand with the purpose of playing golf (or whatever), that end up also falling victim to the charms of the local women. I don't know if there is an official definition of a "sex tourist", but personally I would agree that it would depend on the intent/purpose of the journey. Not being a mindreader I can only guess who is and who isn't a sex tourist, and I don't really care anyway. To each their own

I am, of course, only talking about consenting adults here, exploitation of children is a whole other discussion.


No, there is some data there, as opposed to virtually every other of the posts that so far are total speculation. But I will concede it's not hard data, so to speak.

In terms of it being a minority, of course. I don't think anyone with much sense would say that a majority of people coming to visit Thailand are sex tourists. A better question might be either whether it is a significant minority or how that percent compares to other countries.

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'thedistillers' timestamp='1283765353' post='3865444']

as a former backpacker i can say thailand went out of the backpacking radar a LONG time ago !

That's completely false.

now you guys notice because it's quite obvious but it's years that people on low budget

go in indonesia, philippines, vietnam, laos, cambodia, china, nepal, india, and skip

thailand or they just stay a couple days in KS Road for "refreshment"...

False. Backpackers go to all those places.

AND Thailand.

You only need to read a bit gap year forums and such. :unsure:

There's so much falsities in this thread, it would be hard to know where to start. :)

I think if you re-read the post in slow mode , the poster said backpackers GO TO ALL those places , and you actualy agree ,

Backpackers go to all those places .

What was your comment again ?

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