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Jokes About Thailand And Farangs :)


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Well, I decided just for the hel_l of it to post some jokes and funny observations I have found online, heard from a friend, or noticed myself. If you find any please post them...these ones are alright but pretty boring :) If these jokes offend anyone...well, dont read.

"Confucious say man who walks through airport sliding door sideways is going to Bangkok!"

"Know how to spot a sex tourist? Tank top, obesity, and backpack :)" (I actually consider this fairly true...lol. Everytime I go out with other kids from the uni if we go to a bar we are usually destined to see at least 5 of these people. :))

"Yeah...your obviously going to Pattaya for the sites..."


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I reckon the only people you'll offend will be your faculty staff and fellow-students, who might want to dissociate themselves from such - simplistic? puerile? wit. Sadly, my vocabulary fails me again - the disadvantage of a relatively technical education.

I hope it's a private university that you attend, as I'd hate to think you were approaching the climax of the tax-payer's educational achievements.

Anyway, welcome to Thai Visa, and I hope your stay here is long and enoyable, this time, and that your horizons and vocabulary are stretched in a way that your studies seem not to achieve.

I suppose we should all of us (and particularly everyone else) be glad that when I was a student there were very few public internet fora...


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I reckon the only people you'll offend will be your faculty staff and fellow-students, who might want to dissociate themselves from such - simplistic? puerile? wit. Sadly, my vocabulary fails me again - the disadvantage of a relatively technical education.

I hope it's a private university that you attend, as I'd hate to think you were approaching the climax of the tax-payer's educational achievements.

Anyway, welcome to Thai Visa, and I hope your stay here is long and enoyable, this time, and that your horizons and vocabulary are stretched in a way that your studies seem not to achieve.

I suppose we should all of us (and particularly everyone else) be glad that when I was a student there were very few public internet fora...


Be a little kinder to the youth, StreetCowboy. They have some growing up to do. As far as the fiance in the bikini at the hotel pool is concerned she wouldn't BE an ex bar girl. Thai women, INCLUDING hookers, are far more modest and seldom swim in bikinis. If the gal is wearing a bikini then she's most likely from some other country.

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I reckon the only people you'll offend will be your faculty staff and fellow-students, who might want to dissociate themselves from such - simplistic? puerile? wit. Sadly, my vocabulary fails me again - the disadvantage of a relatively technical education.

I hope it's a private university that you attend, as I'd hate to think you were approaching the climax of the tax-payer's educational achievements.

Anyway, welcome to Thai Visa, and I hope your stay here is long and enoyable, this time, and that your horizons and vocabulary are stretched in a way that your studies seem not to achieve.

I suppose we should all of us (and particularly everyone else) be glad that when I was a student there were very few public internet fora...


Be a little kinder to the youth, StreetCowboy. They have some growing up to do. As far as the fiance in the bikini at the hotel pool is concerned she wouldn't BE an ex bar girl. Thai women, INCLUDING hookers, are far more modest and seldom swim in bikinis. If the gal is wearing a bikini then she's most likely from some other country.

I reckon it must be me that's in the wrong here, since two people have seen fit to crank up his reputation.

I'll need to go to Smokie's poll and vote for scrapping it...

I was racking my brains to remember a humourous (and preferably offensive) sex-tourist joke, but the closest I could come up with was this anecdote, about a mr X - let's call him Davidson, since I am sure that's not right. This is a second-hand story, so I can claim no credit other than for its remembrance.

Anyway, the lads had been on a yachting trip to Manila, and came back to the hotel, Davidson substantially the worse for wear. THey carried him to the front desk, and asked for their keys - '... and could we have the key for Davidson as well'.

Imagine their surprise when they opened Davidson's door to find another gentleman in flagrante with two young ladies; they beat a hasty retreat and queried with the desk clerk

"Oh, you'll be wanting DR Davidson, not Reverend Davidson..."

For all I know it could be a true story...



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Hehehe...some people are apparently offended :/ probably cause dey got da tank topz.

man a tiiipo on a computir...un herd of

I'm certainly not offended, just chuckling at another one of life's certainties........

But thanks for the 'funnies' anyway.

BTW, IMHO it wasn't a typo, it was a simple spolling mistake. cool.gif

Edited by mikearmstrong
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