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Health Food


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Most stores including BigC, Tesco Lotus, Villa Market, Tops etc, have healthy foods. You just need to actually put them in your shopping cart :P

Which will also cost you a hefty premium.

Just eat lots of fruit and veg which is cheap at most markets.

I'm not really qualified to comment on healthy eating, but, it seems to me to be more about what not to eat.

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Most stores including BigC, Tesco Lotus, Villa Market, Tops etc, have healthy foods. You just need to actually put them in your shopping cart :P

Which will also cost you a hefty premium.

Just eat lots of fruit and veg which is cheap at most markets.

I'm not really qualified to comment on healthy eating, but, it seems to me to be more about what not to eat.

I dont think fruit, veggies and lean meat, fish etc. is that expensive at BigC etc. ?

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I dont think fruit, veggies and lean meat, fish etc. is that expensive at BigC etc. ?

True, but, the OP asked about Health Food shops, the domain of wheat germ, organic stuff and all those other faddish things. These are expensive.

My point was that you can eat healthily without the need for Health Food shops.

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There is a new online health food store. Great selection. some things are available at Villa but some things are not and things I have no see elsewhere...

I ordered and was pleased I just picked it up in Kata and didn't have to pay for shipping or local delivery.

I got natural mosquito coils, sun dried tomato with no sugar, raw cacao..Himalayan sea salt...

organic soy sauce with no wheat....

These are all things I don't mind paying a little extra for.

I hardly think chemical sugar free food is a fad.

www.healthfoodthailand.com THey sponsor the health forum here too.

goodluck with your new eating habits. If you like wine too you can always find organic at Wine Connection. Some nice brands.

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There is a new online health food store. Great selection. some things are available at Villa but some things are not and things I have no see elsewhere...

I ordered and was pleased I just picked it up in Kata and didn't have to pay for shipping or local delivery.

I got natural mosquito coils, sun dried tomato with no sugar, raw cacao..Himalayan sea salt...

organic soy sauce with no wheat....

These are all things I don't mind paying a little extra for.

I hardly think chemical sugar free food is a fad.

www.healthfoodthailand.com THey sponsor the health forum here too.

goodluck with your new eating habits. If you like wine too you can always find organic at Wine Connection. Some nice brands.

I've always eaten 'healthy natural foods' fruit, veges , grains etc, and low salt, low sugar intake and have benefitted immensely, but every body is different and there can not be any hard and fast rules on diet.

Very hard these days i admit, to buy any type of processed food that has not been overloaded with sugars, salts and a multitude of potentially toxic chemicals,..quite disgusting what they do to food at times and i am sure it has added imensely to the huge increase in ''controllable illnesses[ diabetes and many more.] So there are times that one has to buy , and pay a premium for the benefit of un adulterated food if this is what you want.

Please tell me more about 'himalayan sea salt' is this just a play on words or is it ancient ocean salt deposits there? Thanks M/M..Also ,is it iodised please?

Lack of iodine has been a major issue in using uniodised salt.

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Thank you Mister Man for the post.

Actually I think you meant Himalayan rock salt.

Himalayn salt is all natural, not processed. We sell it in big chunks or ground. It is not iodides and it contains lots of minerals.

The crystals can also be soaked in water to make a salty liquid as an alternative for soy sauce for cooking if you just need something salty but liquid form.

We sell it ground also but anyone can grind it themselves with a coffee grinder or dry mill with their blender. (the small attachment/container)

It comes mainly from Pakistan and is ancient.


You can read more about it on my store page

Good Karma All Natural Himalayan salt

We also have organic soy sauces, sugar free dried fruits and sun dried tomatoes, petroleum free products.. some spicy stuff, some gluten free ..

As we sponsor the Health Forum we are permitted to post all this.

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Overpriced for me on many items, but maybe there is a demand for the convenience. I wonder if people that live in Thailand will pay 450 baht for a kilo of chick peas or double the retail price for Don's Mexican food products when they can go to Tops or Villa? Maybe if they live in Nakorn Nowhere....

Edited by ricklev
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I actually found a lot of items I could not get at Tops or Villa nor anywhere!

Such as sun dried tomatoes with no oil, brazil nuts and some dehydrated fruits with no sugar, bee pollen, raw cacao..

Also the organic soy sauce. I have searched Hi and low for something like that.

But then again I appreciate these kinds of foods and don't mind to pay for them.

Yes some stuff is cheaper and available at villa but not all...

I am happy to support them as something like this has been needed and I am sure others will too.

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I have seen some of that you call health food in Villa, have i told i love Villa market... i always avoid that kind of food so would not know the price just heard it’s not cheap, big bad OZ beef steak seems cheaper and taste a lot better, health food remind me about when i was living at home, my Mum always said, you don’t move before your eat your veggies, and my Dad was just laughing, hope he is looking down at me now and still laughing.

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Haha, At my time of life, I go for anything remotely healthy.... In Villa Market, i go for lean ,eat, everything low sodium, low salt, low cholesterol and end up with dog food, Unless my better half just goes to the local market 3 times a week and brings home the good stuff at 20% of the price. Then again, we still go to Villa every week... sigh :)

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Health foods that are processed, cannot be called healthy, despite the ads.

One of the things I like in LoS are the sidewalk hawkers, all the food is fresh where I buy.

At home in NZ we eat fresh all the time, nuthing in cans or packaged.

I really miss my favourites along Chao Fah Rd.

They look scungy and not too clean, but I have never been sick in any way over 8 years visiting.

Most we buy is cooked when ordered.

Rawai market is good too, but the FLIES..... ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Basically, eat fresh, that is healthy food.

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