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Good Things About Thailand


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The only GOOD thing about Thailand is CHEAP (from the point of view of foreigner). In fact, the country is not up to standard in many ways. Even after years, people in Bangkok still can't get a decent TV reception. They have to pay UBC if they want free-to-air TV in good picture !!

click the link for details !!


MMMM i thought this was supposed to be positive things about Thailand :D Maybe you should be the first new member for the cry babies forum :o:D

Edited by daleyboy
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The only GOOD thing about Thailand is CHEAP (from the point of view of foreigner). In fact, the country is not up to standard in many ways. Even after years, people in Bangkok still can't get a decent TV reception. They have to pay UBC if they want free-to-air TV in good picture !!

click the link for details !!


MMMM i thought this was supposed to be positive things about Thailand :D Maybe you should be the first new member for the cry babies forum :o:D


Nicely put daleyboy and a fair comment :D

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I'm 25 and unmarried.  I like the 24-hour access to food.  I love the women.  To the 27 year old, stop pusing your dreams so far in the future.  I have been here for over a year and don't plan on leaving.  I also like the transportation.  Never needed a vehicle.

agree with you on the transport but I think you have to live in an urban area for that. Food situation is OK but we live in a world of 24 hour chow. What makes the food situation better here is the cheapness, which leads us to the dude who said the only good thing about thailand is cheapness. It may not be the only good thing but if you take out the cheapness, no one, I mean no one would live in this country. Don't believe ppl who dispute that. They are big tolae. I mean just look at all these massive cheap charlies who boast of living here on nothing. Let's jack prices up to any reasonably higher western or asian level and watch them all fade away. I see it coming with the massive growth going on in this country. Get ready to see a weeding of the living on 10k-40k set. See you dudes in the gutter somewhere

Edited by The Dude
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My favourite aspect of Thailand has to be the people, they are the most genuine and just wonderful people I've met and I have travelled quite a bit. The Thai's I think have a great sense of humour and there constant smile can lighten up anyones day.

I'm still young so the nightlife is a plus, Pattaya was one of the most lively places I've ever been to, better than your usual party destinations in europe like, magaluf, ibiza, greek isles etc.

The price of the country is a bonus I suppose, obviously your money goes a lot further here, but personally if prices did rise to western equivilant I honestly would not be deterred contrary to what someone previuosly posted, but that's just my own humble opinion

I think Thailand is home to some 70+ national parks and something like 25-30 marine parks, this country has a wealth of beauty from north to south.

I visited 23 countries in six different continents and I can honestly say Thailand was my favourite, although Argentina and China are not far behind.

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First of all I like the freedom......mostly due to how far my money goes.Can do virtually anything I want to.Or not!!!

I love the food.I love being able to get fresh food at a stall or restaurant nearly 18 hours a day any day.And the fruit wow!

I love not having to pay rip off prices like community charge,crazy water rates,and having to beg the planning dept so I can put a small extension on the house. No speed cameras.

I can take my motorcycle off road nearly anywhere and no one complains.The people are great they smile and even ask you in for a drink.

Lively entertainment nearly everywhere and no one says you are too old!(not yet anyway!)

When I get tired of the hills in the north,can move to my relaxing island retreat in the east again cheap flights and cheap fuel.Even better food and entertainment.

Yes, and I better not forget the gorgeous Thai women.Wouldn't be anywhere as good without a good lady to look after you, and for you to look after her.

Must be hundreds of reason more.I smile when I think of Thailand and what waits for my return.I'm smiling now.I hope to be smiling in 20 years time.

Edited by chaiyapoon
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Small bananas

20 baht cornettoes

vanilla cream eclair balls

isaan sausages

round green pebbles polished by the Mekong river

tiny tots with the eyes of old, wise folk

buses with wooden floors

the penis shrine at Soi Somkid

loi kratong gas balloons

water hyacinth floating en masse down the Chao Praya

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Young son came from the US in his 11th year of high school. Would have liked to beat his father for forcing him to come. He graduated this June and thanked me (his father) for bringing him to LOS. On his way to college in Japan and says that he now will not live in the west. The mind expander that Thailand can give a young one is at work in the lad.

Class of 17 graduated with a ceremony that could only be termed----classy.

Thailand has done him a world of good................ Would that my other sons who graduated in the US had the same experience that Thailand offers!

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The only GOOD thing about Thailand is CHEAP (from the point of view of foreigner). In fact, the country is not up to standard in many ways. Even after years, people in Bangkok still can't get a decent TV reception. They have to pay UBC if they want free-to-air TV in good picture !!

click the link for details !!


You mean you live in Thailand and all you care about is TV? :o

Get out and get some sun man!

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Young son came from the US in his 11th year of high school. Would have liked to beat his father for forcing him to come. He graduated this June and thanked me (his father) for bringing him to LOS. On his way to college in Japan and says that he now will not live in the west. The mind expander that Thailand can give a young one is at work in the lad.

Class of 17 graduated with a ceremony that could only be termed----classy.

Thailand has done him a world of good................ Would that my other sons who graduated in the US had the same experience that Thailand offers!

Question Menostay, did you feel that America was too closed off? I often wonder if Americans aren't paying attention to the rest of the world and missing out, as well as just not understanding other people. So, I thooght that one of the pros of moving my children to Thailand was that they would be more tuned in to the real world not just Americas verion of it.

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There is good things & bad things about every place but it's up to the individual to make what you can of it. If you are a negative person that gets stressed over little things easily then LOS is probably not for you but if you can take the problems that might come your way with a pinch of salt and a sense of humour then you'll have a great time & find it a great country with many positive things going for it, including




pace of life


nightlife (if the missus allows :o)


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There is good things & bad things about every place but it's up to the individual to make what you can of it. If you are a negative person that gets stressed over little things easily then LOS is probably not for you but if you can take the problems that might come your way with a pinch of salt and a sense of humour then you'll have a great time & find it a great country with many positive things going for it, including




pace of life


nightlife (if the missus allows :o)


The only night life I am interested in is stargazing. I like quite nights, sitting on porches, movies, Bar-B-Qs, etc.

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Thank you for your time. :D

I could go on, but so much to post, and so little time.

I will return to this thread.


here I am, then. :D

Thank you Kayo, that sounds like a happy life. :D

My Pleasure :D

4) The unpredicatability of life. The surprises Thailand throws up make life that little bit more interesting. Rules and routine are best left in the boring western world.

There's many more reasons and i agree with all the posts so far. Try it and see.

Oh yes!... Being asked to train 500 cop cadets english or finding oneself in a discoteque with royalty, having hot celebrities come and eat at your local restaurant (champagne, I believe her name was.) :D:D

Edited by kayo
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Thank you for your time. :D

I could go on, but so much to post, and so little time.

I will return to this thread.


here I am, then. :D

Thank you Kayo, that sounds like a happy life. :D

My Pleasure :D

4) The unpredicatability of life. The surprises Thailand throws up make life that little bit more interesting. Rules and routine are best left in the boring western world.

There's many more reasons and i agree with all the posts so far. Try it and see.

Oh yes!... Being asked to train 500 cop cadets english or finding oneself in a discoteque with royalty, having hot celebrities come and eat at your local restaurant (champagne, I believe her name was.) :D:D

Where are you eating? :D

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Things I like about Thailand.................

No black people running around telling the white man how he is keeping him down.

No white redneck mf riding around in their pick up with the stereo blasting loudly.

No gangs or grafitti.

No democrats or republicans.

No skin heads.

Not many speed traps.

Not working.

Thai food.

Thai women.

Thai upcountry people.

The little Thai foodmarket in my village.

All my relatives are in the United States. No visits without prior, massive, coordination.

Mostly, I love my girlfriend. She takes care of me better than any woman ever did in the USA.

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Things I like about Thailand.................

No black people running around telling the white man how he is keeping him down.

No white redneck mf riding around in their pick up with the stereo blasting loudly.

No gangs or grafitti.

No democrats or republicans.

No skin heads.

Not many speed traps.

Not working.

Thai food.

Thai women.

Thai upcountry people.

The little Thai foodmarket in my village.

All my relatives are in the United States. No visits without prior, massive, coordination.

Mostly, I love my girlfriend. She takes care of me better than any woman ever did in the USA.

I like the idea that none of my family members will never come visit me in Thailand, not enough white people there and no english speakers. One of the reasons I want to leave America, my family.

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Comparing to where I'm living at the moment, these are the things I miss about Thailand:-

The mutual care, affection and gentle companionship of my Thai partner.

Good quality medical care at reasonable cost.

Well-stocked pharmacies and fairly knowledgeable staff.

(OK, so I'm a hypochondriac!)

The availability of different types of cuisine at good prices.

Fairly decent English language bookshops in Bangkok - even if they are a little pricey.

Nice hotels in pleasant locations.

The "farang factor" which can sometimes make it a little easier to deal with officialdom and get things done. (Anyone in even the most minor position of authority here is generally unhelpful to everyone.)

Pity that for me, the positives were overshadowed by the negatives.

Edited by Rumpole
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Comparing to where I'm living at the moment, these are the things I miss about Thailand:-

The mutual care, affection and gentle companionship of my Thai partner.

Good quality medical care at reasonable cost.

Well-stocked pharmacies and fairly knowledgeable staff.

(OK, so I'm a hypochondriac!)

The availability of different types of cuisine at good prices.

Fairly decent English language bookshops in Bangkok - even if they are a little pricey.

Nice hotels in pleasant locations.

The "farang factor" which can sometimes make it a little easier to deal with officialdom and get things done.  (Anyone in even the most minor position of authority here is generally unhelpful to everyone.)

Pity that for me, the positives were overshadowed by the negatives.

I am a huge reader and often wondered if moving to Thailand would mean giving up on reading anyhting new in english. Good to know I am wrong. :o

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I am a huge reader and often wondered if moving to Thailand would mean giving up on reading anyhting new in english. Good to know I am wrong. :o

Bangkok has some pretty good bookshops, though they are quite a bit more expensive than the States. I think the one in the Emporium has probably the best selection. Pricey though. There are also some good farang owned second-hand places - the ones owned by Thais will usually (not always) try to rip you off by charging the same or higher than the original cover price!! Outside Bangkok, you can more or less forget it.

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I am a huge reader and often wondered if moving to Thailand would mean giving up on reading anyhting new in english. Good to know I am wrong. :o

Bangkok has some pretty good bookshops, though they are quite a bit more expensive than the States. I think the one in the Emporium has probably the best selection. Pricey though. There are also some good farang owned second-hand places - the ones owned by Thais will usually (not always) try to rip you off by charging the same or higher than the original cover price!! Outside Bangkok, you can more or less forget it.

Are there any stores which are good at order in items?

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