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Someone Building Computer To My Spec

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OK this is what I want to do. To get the spec I want I have to build my own PC - very easy if everything works, a potential nightmare if it subsequently doesn't POST or a DIMMM is not recognised etc. So I want any problems to be ostensibly someone elses problem, although in Thailand I know it becomes your problem when they can't do it..........

SO what I want is someone who will take ownership of the build either by buying the components and building or accepting components supplied by me and then accepting ownership of any problems in the build until fixed ie. I get a working computer any build problem is his problem not mine. May be unlikely I know, especially in the second case but I don't really want the Thai 'not my problem' shrug. Any recommendations? Can't buy off the shelf as I need 3 PCIE X16 slots and eg HP that has this would be 2x the price and I would be paying for components I already have.

Thinking: Gigabyte GA X58A (Asus p6t has DIMMM problem), Core i7 930/50, 6GB RAM with 12 possible, Intel 80GB SSD and 3 NVIDIA Quadro 440 or maybe 2 Quadro 440 and a 295 all PCIEx16 (have already).

For the benefit of Mac users who will roll their eyes and post "get a Mac" pleae note that virtually none of the programs I use run on a MAc so you would be advising me to spend $1-2000 on a computer I could not use just like any other poor sofd who took that advice without checking.


My girlfriend is tech savvy and just built her own PC. I can be reached by email at

xxxxxxx@hotmail.com if you want to discuss specifics and price.

Please use PM function.


Maybe I'm missing the nuance of your question but there are dozens of shops in Panthip, Fortune and just about about any IT section of any mall here which will custom build a PC for you. You just need to walk around with your parts list and ask for quote. You'll take a home a working system in less than 120 minutes. You don't pay extra for the FA&T, and you can shop for the lowest total system component cost, even asking for prices to be matched. I've been building my own, really quite easy if I can do it (YouTube videos are a blessing), but did get a system built here a few yeas ago at Panthip. The experience was excellent and I still stop by that shop to say hi.


PC building is a hobby of mine, I would average about 10 built to spec a year.

I would not be purchasing any of that equipment out of my own pocket up front.

I would not accept supplied components other than brand new if the responsibility lies with me to ensure a working machine.

If I was to build a PC to your spec using your money to purchase the parts (we could shop together) what sort of warranty would be expected, bearing in mind from experience if a ram stick dies it is not an easy task to get a replacement under warranty.

Why the triple GPU cards ??

Why such and expensive card (440 quadro), bang for buck there are cheaper cards that outperform this one by a long shot.


I've used a couple of places before now.

One in Pantip, and one in Zeer. No issues with either of them, although I generally fix simple things myself if the problem is obvious.

I have gone back to the guy at Pantip with one, after about 18 months when it wouldn't boot, and they fixed it for free, but admittedly, didn't need to replace any parts.

However, I have built a PC myself as well - but since the shops in Pantip/Zeer will generally build it for free and fix it for free later if you've bought the parts from them, it's not really worthwhile unless, like me, you want to reuse an old case / power supply and it's easier to take the bits home than lug the old case around.

(Obviously go around checking prices first so that you don't get a surprise and if you can say the shop where you can get your specified graphics card / motherboard / CPU / memory for your price - they'll obviously take your price).

I know where the shops are in the two places, but for the life of me I can't remember the shop names.

Pantip - 1 floor down from IT City, and if you're at the up escalator next to the ATMs, facing away from IT City, it's in the aisle ahead of you (a little to the right), on the left hand side (not the one at the corner itself - the one behind it). It's a shop that you go inside, not one that's just a counter. Only ever took one PC back to here (my niece's one), and that turned out to be because it got too dusty inside because she keeps it on the floor. (I get a lot less dust in my own kids ones, and mine, as the CPUs are all at least a couple of inches off the floor - on a shelf, so hadn't thought of simply cleaning it out).

Zeer - Just outside (backing on to) the big electronics store in Zeer, near the higher-end flat screen TVs. Admittedly, I don't know what their after-sales is like as the PCs I got from here were all in the last year or so, and other than replacing a broken hard drive (that I did myself), nothing's gone wrong yet.

Other than the dust - the only desktop I've had problems with in Thailand has been an Acer desktop PC that I got from Power Buy, (Quad core, and it was really CHEAP, as in I couldn't even get the parts for close to the price...), where basically the CPU cooler and fans weren't up to the job for ambient temperatures in Thailand. Was fairly obvious as if you kept the cover off the side it became reliable...

Simple matter of getting a better CPU cooler and fitting a case fan and it was sorted. (That I did myself though...)

I will admit though - I don't think anyone will give you a warranty on hardware you're bringing in yourself, especially used. i.e. If it's your own graphics cards, then yes, they'll probably fit them and install the drivers, but if they stop working, they're unlikely to help.

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