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Thailand May Be Hotter By 4 Degrees In Next 3 Decades


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What is it about people that they feel they have to continue denying the realities of climate change?

The fact is, the models have consistently underplayed the changes to date - not overestimated them.

The fact is, there is already evidence of long term change. In a multitude of areas.

The fact is, the vast majority of the world's scientists agree on Human Induced Climate Change.

The fact is, the media (tabloid or otherwise) portray anti-climate change articles at a greater percentage than do scientific articles.

But of course, here on TV we have people with greater scientific knowledge than the scientists. Ignorance is not bliss. If you don't care for yourselves, think about the implications for your children and their children.

I shall now wait for the flaming, and "evidence" of corruption, mutterings about hockey shape graphs, units in East Anglia, misprints in IPCC publications etc etc.

No, no flaming. Just one simple question. Tell me what caused the last Ice Age to thaw out and what part did man play in that event???

Answer me this - why do you care so much? :blink:

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Oh good - another climate change thread. :bah:

Yes, and another opportunity to show the world the dim witted nature of the post 1997 IMF inspired ex-pat crowd that now dominates TV with endless uninspired chatter, including how stupid they, of all people, find the global scientific community. By their way of thinking, the next Nobel prize committee need only but hand out the prize to any random beer bar stool occupant down in Pattaya or Nana Plaza.

Or to paraphrase their real role model, their brains think in 3B, - three beers - and it looks good, eh?

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Oh good - another climate change thread. :bah:

Yes, and another opportunity to show the world the dim witted nature of the post 1997 IMF inspired ex-pat crowd that now dominates TV with endless uninspired chatter, including how stupid they, of all people, find the global scientific community. By their way of thinking, the next Nobel prize committee need only but hand out the prize to any random beer bar stool occupant down in Pattaya or Nana Plaza.

Or to paraphrase their real role model, their brains think in 3B, - three beers - and it looks good, eh?

Well, I guess you know the crowd and how they feel ;)

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Chaowalit Silpathong, director of the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, said Thailand would be affected by global warming in the form of flooding. Citing satellite photos from 2005 until now that showed more frequent flooding, usually in the same locations, he said, Thailand's sea levels rose by 2.8-4.3cm, much higher than the world's average rate of 1.8cm per year.

There is so much wrong with this it is hard to know where to start, even the scammers at IPCC wold be embarrassed by this.

This should be in the joke section.

This may be news to some on TV, but the earth is not flat. :whistling:

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What is it about people that they feel they have to continue denying the realities of climate change?

The fact is, the models have consistently underplayed the changes to date - not overestimated them.

The fact is, there is already evidence of long term change. In a multitude of areas.

The fact is, the vast majority of the world's scientists agree on Human Induced Climate Change.

The fact is, the media (tabloid or otherwise) portray anti-climate change articles at a greater percentage than do scientific articles.

But of course, here on TV we have people with greater scientific knowledge than the scientists. Ignorance is not bliss. If you don't care for yourselves, think about the implications for your children and their children.

I shall now wait for the flaming, and "evidence" of corruption, mutterings about hockey shape graphs, units in East Anglia, misprints in IPCC publications etc etc.

No, no flaming. Just one simple question. Tell me what caused the last Ice Age to thaw out and what part did man play in that event???

Answer me this - why do you care so much? :blink:

As I thought ! this is the question which no one will even attempt to answer.

I happen to believe that climate IS changing, just as it has been for millions of years. Old Mother earth has been around for millennia and she has changed almost continuously over that time. Now she is entering another phase and the fact that it is going to cause the human race inconvenience is just too bad. We are only an inconvenience to Mother Earth, We don't own her!! she tolerates us, but one day she will shake the human race off and we will go the way of the dinosaurs.

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What is it about people that they feel they have to continue denying the realities of climate change?

I really don't know.

We continue to pour CO2 into the atmosphere, yet global temperatures since 1995 have shown no rise, invalidating the 'man-made global warming' theory at a stroke.


This is incorrect. Global temperatures have kept rising. If you cherry pick certain start and end points, you can lie with the statistics, but it doesn't change the fact that this last decade was warmer than the 90's and the 90's was warmer than the 80's, and scientific consensus is that the trend will continue.


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No, no flaming. Just one simple question. Tell me what caused the last Ice Age to thaw out and what part did man play in that event???

We are still coming out of the last ice age, a more important and pertinent question (that most supporters of our part in this sort of event avoid at all costs) is what caused the planet to come out of the ice-age prior to this one or the one before that and the one before that, 'cos they happened anyway and we weren't here.

There, I've joined in .... see post no. 2

Edited by Thaddeus
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It seems like any one topic cannot be fully addressed without also addressing contributing factors, which also carry equal weight. To simply ignore these factors, and make a subjective overture really leaves out a lot of credibility that informs the general population and lends a bit more when opinions are formed. Its out there on the Internet, and not just on the oddball websites and blogs. Just look as close as your own .gov website, and read the bills; or look at Youtube and listen in on what the horse is saying.

When I avoid the crazy websites, and instead read the bills and legislation, and hear what the rich and powerful are saying (in context) directly on Youtube and other media resources, I do not need to be an expert to form an opinion from my heart that this world is being made into a New Order, and that there will be the Haves and the Have-Nots. This is not a new concept, but the current manner in which the general population is deceived, and the truth seekers get censured creates an almost impossible obstacle against and/or task of people uniting to prevent the extinction of a way of living that few of us remember, yet the human spirit is designed to strive for.

I have no doubt that there are human added substances in the atmosphere that are intentionally damaging to the varied gas properties which form it, in order to push an agenda. If cloud seeding can promote rain, who is stupid enough to think it stops there for the good of the elite who control that sort of technology, and who have goals for this planet which do not include your children or mine.

The question, including this article, revolve around: "How did these foreign substances get there, and how are they being delivered, and with what cause or intention are they arriving?". I will personally make every attempt to put my carbon footprint in the bum of anyone cheeky enough to imply that I am a virus that makes Mother Gaia sneeze!

The struggle for the truth, I believe, is comprised of basically two factions: an organized effort, planned long ago, that is now a full on attack against the general population - a population of humans who never felt the need to protect against an attack on their heretofore subconscious feelings that all is well in the stratosphere, but that now we should suddenly and somehow feel responsible (as all good citizens of government and religion do) as being the cause for some kind of mysterious disease on a planet that is somehow now a living creature (see the maudlin altruism behind Avatar mentality). We are shocked and frozen for the kill blow. We are caught unawares that we are a disease and our very being is killing the Earth, and we need Rulers to spell out how much damage we are causing simply for being!

The attackers are unified, financed beyond belief, and ready to commit genocide to accomplish their goal (as outlined below)

Do I trust "The Experts"? Emphatically not 100%, and then not even that for the most part.

Do I believe that man will cause damage to his own environment, or his own self, in order to prove a theory that is really a lie, in order to achieve self-gain? Emphatically yes! I live in Thailand, after all, and eat this sort of thing for lunch every day!

Do I believe that the "Experts" are for hire with cash, or threat to their tenure at a University or worse? Emphatically yes!

Furthermore, I believe that there are no more wars to be fought against outright human enemies, and therefore the powers that be must create new, unseen enemies that have evil intentions with a farther reaching time-line; all of this to achieve what I and most common sense individuals believe to be a two status hierarchy; namely serfs and rulers.

I believe that religion and politics have had a far greater impact on belief systems, and how children think before they become active automaton adults. What originally began as a means to better mankind, has now become two powerful tools of lies and deceit.

I believe war generates money, and with money comes power; i.e. The Golden Rule is, "He who has the Gold, Makes the Rules".

With human enemies pretty much vanquished in this new millennium, and the sheep simply waiting for the slaughter, I believe that the controlling governments, and the powers that control those governments, will feel the justification and need to curry support for new wars against public demographics, in order to keep the currency flow pouring into their coffers and their goal on target. With that in mind, it is not impossible to believe that the new religion - Earth Worship, or the preservation of Mother Gaia at the cost of your life and mine - and the new war on Terrorism and Enemy Combatants (who happen to be unseen and living in caves and have magical powers to get at you any time they wish) - is the new ad campaign to accomplish this goal. To eventually bend the minds of the masses until an environment of serf / ruler is achieved. Thinkers will be done away with (see Bill Gates below), and the serf's version of normal and happy will be slavery to the elite, along with their mindless distractions and GM food additives to keep them dumbed-down.

The support, I fear, will come from the future generations of those who are now children; children whose minds are being pumped full of Ridlyn, and the ways of eugenics at your local Planned Parenthood center, pseudo mechanical / video / techno garbage, and whose state run schools pump their minds full of the latest government approved morals and ethics, such as "Mommy and Daddy are expendable for the greater good", and "a child's right to express their selves unhindered by protests from mommy and daddy" supersede anything and anyone except what the government / state religion preaches. A child's right to express themselves, after pumping them full of Ridlyn or Lithium (because their natural expression is seen as bi-polar and a threat to state security), is the method to the means. Get 'em addicted, and then pull the plug. Only state-run expression is allowed, and that usually comes in the form of anything anti-mommy and daddy; with emphasis on anti-daddy - the last defense against government control of humans.

The fear I have in my life-time is the extent that the sheep and their corporations will go to don their green robes, wave their "Go Green!" flags, and grovel at the alters of Gaia. I also fear of how far the acolytes of Empire will go in order to curry the favor of Government sub-contracted thugs and mercenaries, by handing over all human freedoms in order to keep from being labeled an enemy combatant, or terrorist. Let's burn countries to the ground because they have some energy resource we don't, and that gives just cause for survival of the fittest. These unfortunate peoples will rue the day their country was founded upon an oil or copper field. Their leaders will sell out, and so it goes.

I believe that in this day and time there are mad people in this world. People who hold credibility and status for accomplishments that are not a means to an end, but a means to another means; your demise of freedom and life. They roam to and fro upon the earth, giving seminars, and waving loaded guns that will mislead the future generations of our children from the moral and ethical standards that most of us were taught throughout the 40's 50's and 60's.

We see it all around us in the likes of liars such as Al Gore and his interpretation of the truth, which in turn becomes inconvenient to the Truth.

Or, there's Bill Gates, whom any researcher can be lead to believe that Mr. Gates is for sterilization of the population, and eventually that sterilization will be coming to a town near you. Bill Gates teaches

. Bill's mission is to reduce these factors to Zero. He states it himself and you can find it if you care. He states that the easiest of these four factors to reduce is the "P" factor. Do the math! I watched this video with several different audiences, and Bill is clearly going from a script. It is interesting to note that when he delivers the obvious equation (with a wink and smirk on his reptilian face) that people have to be exterminated (as in genocide - call it what you want to, but it is genocide without the euphemisms) a nervous laugh ripples through the audience each time on each different video where he delivers this death sentence to billions. These damned idiots cannot assimilate the information quick enough that a man is in their presence condoning genocide! So, again, how did Hitler manage this? The worm turns.

Then there's Mr. Obama, whose H.R. 1388 bill will compel the youth of America to serve in corps of law enforcement aid against Americans who need reprogramming, or who goose step out of line and need a little nudge now and then.

This new altruism that is being fed into the minds of children around the world will, I believe, create an army of younger generations who will one day have no compunction about euthanasia, population control, and organ donating from enemies of the state and state religion. This new altruism will, I fear, create my vision of

, roving the streets looking for luckless victims who happen to step out of line and forget to put their recycle bins out on the curb, or fail to show their monthly carbon footprint statement when these children boldly march onto your former property (that your wife won in a divorce lawsuit) and threateningly make demands to "produce the necessary documents, or else".

These notable people above, and many other powerful characters make up a who's who list of what I consider to be the most powerful organization on the face of this planet; the CFR. Doing a little research on the who's who of this list will provide a little insight into the direction of this planet and where we as the general human population fit in. It does not take an "expert" and one can make a reasonable inference without being accused of owning a tinfoil hat. Using the same amount of inference that the Earth huggers and eugenicists use, one cannot imagine that they too should be candidates who own tinfoil hats. They simply are able to get away with it because of the nice sound-bytes and professional looking support and follow up news articles.

So, global warming? I am lead to believe that this is being perpetrated through the use of technology that is there, but on a need to know basis. With the media, the "Experts" and all the "Team Players" nodding their heads approvingly, it is no wonder that imagining this to be real exists. But does it exist or is it imaginary? I think that in the future, when all the world is sorted the way a few individuals want, that the Earth will undergo a miraculous healing, and that the atmosphere will seemingly recover, and all the reports will shine with positive results, because the "P" factor has been dealt with.

But by then, the serfs won't care because their minds will not be able to cope with that information.

And in a hundred years, you and I will be dead anyways! So who really cares? I am just a small, unwanted afterthought, living on a planet that other people think they own, and certainly have the means to enforce that belief, and I cannot do a damned thing about it except blend in and hope for a relatively good life of well-being, and a chance to teach my boy how to fish, before that too becomes forbidden.

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