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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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I doubt she will get away with this Scot free.

This was by the looks of it an influential business man with connections.

Repeat after me:

She is Thai...he is farang....She is Thai....he is farang....She is Thai....he is farang... Get the idea?

It was obviously an accident. She was holding the knife and he stumbled into it...several times...Next case.


Back on point!

I was shocked to encounter the alleged 'killer' leaving her old stomping ground Toy Bar this evening, just as I was entering. Leaving so fast and unexpectedly I scarcely had time to realise it was her,  let alone address her.

She'd apparently been in there a long while having a chat and a drink with a few pals! (<deleted>??)

All any of the chicks in there would later say about the alleged murder  was ....  'accident' ....  'accident'!

This thing leaves more than a few very serious questions!

Would you please see my PM which contains a heartfelt plea on behalf of a third party who would wish the investigating authorities to realise that this sad case is not going to go away without 'justice prevailing'? Your account above is important to their monitoring. Please trust me when I say, that this 'third party' is influential.

I thank you in anticipation.


Seems to be conflicting stories here. In the Thai press she's reported as saying they had lived together for 4 years (legally marred for the last 2) and that she's currently (or at least had been), a 3rd year university student at BKK university studying accountancy.


I wonder how this Swedish 'business man' was in the private life with his wife...

I`ve been living in Asia and South East Asia for quite a few years and I saw many foreign a**holes around, treating local people like a sort of undeveloped animal and complaining all the time, but still taking advantage of local girls who are in need of money to support their families. And girls are really not happy to be with a foreigner who is 20-30-40 years older then them, most of times ugly and fat. They are persons, they suffer and bear the weight of their 'slave' conditions (being enterpreter for the man, helping him with daily difficulties, standing when they are drunk, making love at any time without the chance to say: no, I don`t want today dear...).

And when the woman can`t accept anymore the situation, than she suddenly turns violent. How surprising, uh? She probably has been under psycological violence since she was young, in the condition of a toy to be used at men`s discretion. Asian women are like a vase of water, getting full day after day till the moment of collapse. And when the quiet oriental personality had enough of men`s abuses, than we are in troubles guys. Everywhere I`ve been was the same: China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam...

Foreigners in Asia can be really a**holes, also the wealthy and high educated business men, I`ve heard discussions among foreigners touching the lowest level of respect for the human being.

I think it`s time to look into our hearts and admit there are quite good reasons if foreigners are murdered by their love partner or business partner (which sometimes are the same person).

Don`t get me wrong, I`m not saying that killing people is right, i`m not justifying any murderer as I deny violence at any stage.

But foreigners should really start to give more respect to local people, to their social background and culture, and start treating them as persons, behaving like they would behave in their own country. But that can be a problem too, as many expats are not really the best persons on their own country as well.

Maybe i`ve been too direct in my post, maybe i`ve hurted somebody writing the above words, but we know it`s all true and i`m not hypocrital like many people are. So don`t be surprised to read these news.

Take care guys, start to buy a flower instead of a beer to your gf/wife, your life would be better and you won`t have anything to worry about.

And for the Swedish man in subject, may he rest in peace. Amen

Don't get me wrong but I'm saying that it seem as if you have determined that expats are brutes and Thai women have no choice but be subject to the whimsof fat, ugly, brutish disrespectful rich Foreigners.

Obviously you and I have been exposed to entirely different groups of women that display the "quiet oriental personality" in many ways. FYI, Many of the Thai women are not raving beauties and in many cases are not willing or capable of supporting themselves but seek out "sugar daddies"..


Really – If people dated within their own social, economic and educational demographic and behave as they would back home there would likely be no more or no fewer issues here than there.

That said – Anything can happen anywhere at any time. It seems that inhumanity is now a normal part of humanity.

RIP Mr Johan Winlöf

Thailand is a bandit-tribe with a flag. There are some very smart people here. There are some very moral

people here. But pathetically few of either. The almost total lack of ethics which is constantly on display

is not because of Buddhism, but in spite of it. The religion practiced here is called "Thai Buddhism," to distinguish

it from anything even vaguely resembling what Buddha actually taught. The beginning and end of Buddhism is

Morality--something the vast majority of Thais, educated or not, are incapable of conceiving in the same fashion

we do. To a Thai, GOOD is anything which puts money into his pocket, and EVIL is anything which keeps money out

of his pocket.

I had a Thai girlfriend back in farangland. She had put herself through Chula (since here family deemed

her unworthy of higher education, and schooled her brother instead). Ended up ex-Thailand, further educating

herself, choosing a career in a branch of public mental health services which is pretty much recession proof. She speaks

absolutely flawless, totally unaccented English. She has no Thai friends, BY CHOICE. She considers herself

Buddhist, but has no truck with the denizens of the Thai wat. She understands that the majority of Thai people

suffer from what might be called 'moral deficit disorder,' and she prefers companions of good moral character.

Thai norms--lying, cheating, stealing, 'drunking,' gambling, whoring, total lack of common sense, and basic irresponsibility--render LOS a far-less-than-desirable place for a person with 'values.' I have read of a few other Thais like her in this last respect.

This thread contains several references to good Thai women. As far as farangs are concerned, that may be

taken to mean "one who is clever enough take you to the cleaners without actually resorting to cutting your throat."

I have been involved, at different times, with two 40 y.o. Thai professional women here, both long-time government

employees. My experience has been that Thai women may be lovely. They may be charming. They may (or may not)

provide sex which is 'to die for.' They may (or may not) be excellent, energetic housekeepers. But when it comes

to intelligence, you a dealing with a person who has a MENTAL AGE OF TEN. They are almost totally incapable of

thinking like adults, reasoning, or grasping the concept of 'cause and effect.' In spite of their alleged education, they do not now, nor will they ever be able to speak or understand English above the bar-girl level (if that). If you were able to see inside that pretty little head of hers, you would be looking into the equivalent of a 'Dick and Jane' reader. I find that it is more intellectually stimulating talking to cats than to most 'educated' Thais.

A Thai woman might sincerely believe she loves you, and wishes you nor harm--but her 'Family First!' attitude

(which does not include you, stupid farang!), combined with her being slammed, crammed and jammed full of The Sacred Way of the Buffalo (aka Thai Education), can have only devestating consequences for you.

The vital necessity of respecting the King is very real to her.

The vital necessity of making puja to the phi is very real to her.

You, a basically despised alien cosmonaut on Planet Thailand, can never be REALLY REAL to her.

You can spend three straight hours patiently, with countless examples, explaining why the the Thai way of child-rearing is totally unacceptable to you, and a absolute deal-breaker. No objections whatsoever on her part. Then, when the rubber actually meets the road, it as if you never broached the subject with her. Every single goddamned thing you specifically inveighed against at considerable length is presented for you to deal with. And she can't even begin to grasp why it is that you are feeling 'mai sabai jai!'

She may seem to be the queen of mattress magic, and a sterling housekeeper (inasmuch as her mentality allows), but the Thai woman who is a suitable mate for a farang of even moderate intelligence is a very rare one indeed.

Kapasao, for a moment I had to check my profile "Posts" to make sure I had not written this, and that you were copy / pasting my post! I say this respectfully, without trying to curry any support from you.

This a well crafted insight into a culture where there is no gray; only black and white. As I have stated before (and I place the I.Q. at the US age of a 9-year old) this culture does not teach the higher levels of human consciousness; compassion, charity, conscientiousness outside of ones self, etc. It teaches that the first person, singular pronoun is the single most important belief system in this life (I, Me, My, Mine, Myself), and everything negative arrives outwards, and never inwards.

It is not right or wrong, it simply is.

I had to laugh that the quoted news story was not from the Pattaya Daily Snooze. Surprised? Not! Because this is not a Farang-bashing type of story.

If I may be allowed to further what you wrote, I would like to add that I believe that you are not as brutally forthright towards Thai people as you state your understanding of the situation. I believe that you show yourself outwardly in a fashion to cope in this environment, but that these pearls of wisdom, which you so eloquently type, are some of the primary reasons that your arse stays out of a sling. Am I correct?

I have found that by living realistically along the lines of your belief system (similar to mine) allows one to keep their dignity, and avoid the morally debased behavior that this culture has embraced, and still embraces, for the last several thousand years. Sadly, this parasitic culture depends upon the foreigner to augment the way of life here, so that there can be a sense of justification for being. It is apparent in the advertisements. One thing to keep in mind is that it it imperative that one maintains a standard of living that is above reproach with these people (living here in a bubble, so to speak). That means that one cannot taste too much of the corrupting delicacies that this society offers to foreigners without becoming themselves degraded. When compared to a higher standard of living that brings out the higher levels of consciousness, and the better nature of human beings, I emphatically support my belief and views on this.

My thoughts on the consequences of this victim and the murderer? There are no accidents. It's simply that people do not pay attention, and get what's coming. The woman was, and is, exactly what she has demonstrated to the world; a cold-blooded animal in a corner. The man? A pitiful fool, who didn't pay attention to the signs, either brought on by him, or a combination of the two feeding off of each others character defects. Something's got to blow eventually.

Water attracts its own level! That is the only incontrovertible fact of life I have found in this life regarding relationships. Who you are will be the determining factor for the kinds of people that will be in your life. So, who are you, and can you maintain a decent standard of living long enough until those kinds of people come along, or is relapsing into the path of least resistance too attractive? The enchantment and intoxicating virtues of this country have chewed up and spit out more than one farang, who could not walk the straight and narrow, and instead attempted to behave much in the same fashion as the native male population, yet not understanding that Thai women let Thai men get away with murder and abuse, but no way for the foreigner; and understandably so.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Hello my friends

You hit the spot and I agree with you 100%. These women are very few that commit crimes...in US only 3% women in jail while 97% of men serving their time at this point.

My Farang husband is very very nice and I can assure you that I will not acting like these women.. ungrateful plus infidelity . Sad and Sad. Too sad to express....

My heart goes with him and his relative oversea....sorry and thanks for posting a good point...


I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying

Let me get this straight...you think that because someone has lived in this country for a long time but has only been a member of this board for a short while, that this is somehow "worrying"? Geez, get over yourself. Not that there isn't occasionally useful info posted here by well intentioned members of TV, but some of us that have lived and worked here for decades have better things to do than participate in this bullsh*t fest...


Here are the facts...

The headline is "Sweden Farang murdered in BKK"!

The wife did it! Witnesses saw it! Hours later she is back at the bar as the hero who pulled the knife out of the farangs chest after he accidently stabbed himself! The Thai Police have already let this animal out of jail.

She goes straight back to the bar to look for a new ATM.

RIP to all past and future farang victims!

How can she possibly be out on bail???!!!


Here are the facts...

The headline is "Sweden Farang murdered in BKK"!

The wife did it! Witnesses saw it! Hours later she is back at the bar as the hero who pulled the knife out of the farangs chest after he accidently stabbed himself! The Thai Police have already let this animal out of jail.

She goes straight back to the bar to look for a new ATM.

RIP to all past and future farang victims!

How can she possibly be out on bail???!!!

Probably an abuse of CRES? Is it a mill owned venue? I know many of them are ...


"Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed."

You are as close to the truth as one can get at this moment. The truth will out - I hope.

He was my best friend for the last 12 years and like a younger brother to me. I still am struggling to come to terms with all of this. What I will say is that I am not surprised (devastated yes-but not surprised) given "the nature of the beast" and he being the gentlest of gentle giants. Good Bye my little brother - I lined up a few for you last night. Skål

Sorry you lost your friend. Thanks for the insight.

As for other posters mentioning 'education' - as if sitting still in a classroom for x number of years makes a woman a better person (?!). To me 'education' has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of a woman as a mate. I've had about ten live-in mates since first becoming involved with Thailand a quarter century ago. All but two (both Thais) have been Burmese. Though all the relationships had passion, none had violence or threats of any kind. Can't say the same about my earlier relationships with farang women. Oh, and none of my romances had anything to do with drinking fermented sugars (alcohol). Coincidence? You decide.

Indeed, now that I think about it, the only woman in that group who had a University education, was one of the two Thais, and she was the nutzoid of the bunch.

What's the moral of my 2 satang's worth? Well, here goes: If you want a good mate, who's sizzling in bed and an exotic princess during waking hours, get yourself a Burmese lady. Not as easy as latching on to a Pattaya bar girl, but well worth the extra effort.


Hi. I am Bjarne Wildau, the journalist involved in doing the articles about Johan.

It seems like you knew him well.

Is it possible to give me a call

My skype

or call be at

Thanks in advance

Bjarne aka Benn

PM for contact details.

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Johan Winlöf's Secret Past as Violent Nazi Leader


Well, that changes the story a a bit...

Really? How do you arrive at that conclusion? It was 25+ years ago. Why do you not speak with Johan directly and ask him about such events? Oh! I forgot - silly me - you can't do that because he is dead!

The story IS - that he has been killed less than a week ago. Let's keep to THE story shall we?

Written by someone who has NOT read about something third-hand!


So who paid the bond?

"The released-on-bail killer wife has a 'Freedom Insurance', in Thai pronounced Prakan Issaraparp, which covers the bail"

SOURCE: http://scandasia.com...se&news_id=7291

never heard of anything like a "Freedom insurance". I know there are a few that cover law expenses but not bail.

And why would a student girl working in a bar(there are plenty) make an insurance like this? Something foul about that.


So who paid the bond?

"The released-on-bail killer wife has a 'Freedom Insurance', in Thai pronounced Prakan Issaraparp, which covers the bail"

SOURCE: http://scandasia.com...se&news_id=7291

never heard of anything like a "Freedom insurance". I know there are a few that cover law expenses but not bail.

Never heard of either. Also a bit surprised to read a bond of THB 300.000 to 500.000 had been paid. Is the "Prakan Issaraparp" something you just take like any other insurance ? Any here who has more details on this ?


Don't know if this helps

"การประกันอิสรภาพ" shows up as Bailbond insurance in google.th searches. Links to a number of Thai insurance companies.


Don't know if this helps

"การประกันอิสรภาพ" shows up as Bailbond insurance in google.th searches. Links to a number of Thai insurance companies.

Thanks for that info

so the cheapest covers 50000 USD for 500 USD total premium. It doesn't say for what time frame though..


Independence Insurance (BAIL INSURANCE).

Divided into two types.

A. first offense policy independence. (Applies to guests).

Coverage if the insured was prosecuted and detained on criminal charges in the base Fault due to negligence. Insurance company will issue a certificate in accordance with the amount insured. Policy Insured to be used as collateral in applying for bail on you. If the insured officers and used to ensure the Certificate to have it your way Full amount is not specified in the page table insured policy. You can apply for a certificate of new bail amount, which is equal to the amount.

The balance is insured by the insurer.

B. Policy after independence offense (with the suspect or defendant).

Coverage if the insured person and is being prosecuted. In a criminal offense in any style base. Insurance company will issue the certificate of insurance money to be used. As collateral for bail in the case of officers listed in the table. Policy

google translation

So I guess she opted for group 2 which means she needed to come up with 10 - 20% of the bail amount. She probably asked for that at the bar as someone saw her there after the incident.

Well, a good business for insurance companies I guess


Independence Insurance (BAIL INSURANCE).

Divided into two types.

A. first offense policy independence. (Applies to guests).

Coverage if the insured was prosecuted and detained on criminal charges in the base Fault due to negligence. Insurance company will issue a certificate in accordance with the amount insured. Policy Insured to be used as collateral in applying for bail on you. If the insured officers and used to ensure the Certificate to have it your way Full amount is not specified in the page table insured policy. You can apply for a certificate of new bail amount, which is equal to the amount.

The balance is insured by the insurer.

B. Policy after independence offense (with the suspect or defendant).

Coverage if the insured person and is being prosecuted. In a criminal offense in any style base. Insurance company will issue the certificate of insurance money to be used. As collateral for bail in the case of officers listed in the table. Policy

google translation

So I guess she opted for group 2 which means she needed to come up with 10 - 20% of the bail amount. She probably asked for that at the bar as someone saw her there after the incident.

Well, a good business for insurance companies I guess

Interesting info. I guess this means the lady (and probably her husband) already had this insurance. For a non-Thai business man in Thailand that might make sense.


Johan Winlöf's Secret Past as Violent Nazi Leader


Well, that changes the story a a bit...

Really? How do you arrive at that conclusion? It was 25+ years ago. Why do you not speak with Johan directly and ask him about such events? Oh! I forgot - silly me - you can't do that because he is dead!

The story IS - that he has been killed less than a week ago. Let's keep to THE story shall we?

Written by someone who has NOT read about something third-hand!

Well, Kattana has a very valid point. If the person has a history of violence. it might explain why the woman snapped. No court is going to convict a woman of murder if she can show that this person was abusive and violent.

If this is the same guy as mentioned in the article, then I follow the adage of my relatives that served in WWII: A nazi is a nazi. The best that can be done is to kick them into submission and hope that the cowards that they are, they keep quiet. I note the article and I note the you tube segment of this apparent psychopath in action. Psychopaths can be very charming and kind with some people. They can also be great con artists.

In the lead of the Nazi group was Johan Winlöf. The whole thing escalated in to a fight and Nazis had to flee and hide at public rest rooms before police assisted them out. (See video at bottom.)


He was quite the hero, hiding out in the loo and needing a rescue from the coppers. What a pansy of a bully.

This brave man really distinguished himself with this act of manhood;

The most serious attack was on a book store with a fire bomb, but he also participated in violent attacks on gay people and political opponents as well as the destruction of a Jewish cemetery.

woohoo, burning books, beating up a homo and destroying a cemetary. What a man.

Did this MOFO ever take responsibility for his past? pay compensation for damages? accept responsibility? Did he? Did he ever say that what he had done was wrong? DID HE? Or did he follow the time honoured tradition of spineless nazis and run away to hide out? I'm sure the Nazis that fled to South America were wonderful chaps as well. Model citizens of Parguay and Argentina. This fellow seems to have died at the hands of a "subhuman" as the neo nazis call outsiders. Poetic justice.

I have to hand it to the journalists for breaking the story. . It takes a very courageous and patriotic person to run with this type of story.

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