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Larry Lek


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The name Larry Lek threw me for a while...... if someone had said "Ajarn", I'd have responded sooner.

Geez, if you didn't have enough health probs... a <deleted> stroke on top. :o

Things can only get better.

GET WELL Larry..... :D

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Larry is being looked after by his housekeeper and friends in Chiang Mai. He is not well, as we all know.

Apart from the above, I feel it would not be fair to give further details. Larry has always deeply valued his privacy and he can post himself, if he so wishes, albeit with some difficulty now, so he should really be the one to answer further.

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Thanks for the support from the folks here. I really never realized how much support I have here and it has helped me a lot in my recovery. The first week or so was the toughest, and I felt quite bummed at times because a stroke can affect someone in many ways beyond the obvious...

For me, not being able to talk has been the worst part, followed by my inability to be mobile much.. No swimming or driving now, but I feel that's improving slightly, and maybe in a few weeks...

I need more time to rest and recuperate, and my housekeeper has really been great in taking good care of me. Without her help, I be in worst shape

Thanks, especially to pip, chuckok, Ryan, and George.

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Larry, you are never far from my thoughts, even though we have only met once, you are never far from my thoughts especially as you rang me when I was in hospital.

My Son Simon who you have met sends his best wishes for your recovery (HE thinks you are WICKED), if you can sus out the lingo. Means GREAT.

Promise 2 see U soon

Take care of yourself


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This thread seems to have run its course. Larry is on the mend now and would appreciate a bit of privacy and the time to concentrate on his recovery.

We all extend our fondest regards to him and look forward to him resuming his previous posting level!

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