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Disconnected With True Move


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I am ofen disconnected with True move and the "nlink" branded WiFi router.. Maybe 1 or 2 deconnection per day and it last between 30s and 5 minutes and It could happen any time. (not only every 24 h)

I play poker on internet and it's really disturbing...

Have you got similary problem ? Do you know if the problem come from True move or from the router ?


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There are several (~ 4) threads on this issue; maybe have a read through the first ~ 3 pages of this sub-forum for tips. Could be your line, could be the modem. (I'm too lazy to look through the forum for the relevant threads, sorry.)

In general it would help if you could provide as much information as possible: new problem? modem statistics? etc. More details are better than fewer.

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What exactly disconnects? If it's your Wifi connection, try changing the channel you are on. I had this problem and it turned out to be a neighbours 2.4ghz cordless phone interfering with Wifi, switching to channel 11 solved that. If it's your DSL thats disconnecting, have someone look at your phone line.

It it's your PPOE session - dont know - try to reboot your router before you start your session?

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TOT now registering (Sat 11th) 57 down and 246 up and thats for an alleged 100mbps service

Was thinking of changing to TRUE, but will give it a miss, I think.

Seems that they are all crap.

Anybody know where you get a satellite connection and how much it costs??

Like astral says, IPStar is really a last resort and should only be considered by those where even GSM/Edge is not even a possibility, say on Koh Lipe or somewhere really remote. What a lot of people don't realise on a satellite system is that your packets, on the way to the server, have to travel from your transmitter, to the Thaicom 4 satellite (which is in a geostationary orbit over the Asia-Pacific region above the Earth's ionosphere ) and then from the satellite to the server you are trying to send packets to. Obviously the reverse is the same for the subesquent incoming data, responding to yours. All this is done through the the Earth's atmosphere. It'd be great if there was a vacuum in the atmosphere, but we and all life on Earth would be dead! The Earth's atmoshphere has differing layers of thickness, and satellites need to be placed higher up than the ionosphere as if they are placed too low, atmospheric drag can cause them to lose speed and crash. So signals have to be sent through all of the Earth's atmosphere and there's a lot of resistance there.

Even travelling at the speed of light, there will be a noticable "hang" in time of data be sent and received and when trying to work on anything real time, or do anything in real time on the internet this can really be very frustrating. Some IPStar users say this pause can be anything up to 10-20 seconds (sometimes longer), which might not sound like a lot, but really is very noticable. It's just simple physics and the distance out to the satellite and back again on both journeys to and from your transmitter. The journey that a DSL signal will take over land and sea, through copper and fiber optic cables, will always be much faster at reaching its destination than through the atmosphere. Once the whole world has changed over to fiber optics for all their lines, I can easily see the satellites becoming obsolete, for internet users. Unless, as I said before, you really are in the middle of nowhere. Fiber optic cables refract light rays in such an efficient manner, that little of the signal (if any) is lost on its journey. Copper is not as efficient, but still is more than capable for what the average user need to use it for (many people don't realise that even slight kinks in the copper wire can really mess up the signal you receive.)

Not only that, but I used to work for a telecommunications company in London, and the company owned a satellite or had part invested in one and it was my responsibility, at night, to readjust our ground-based transmitter's transmitting frequency if the weather was being particularly awful. My main point here is that the weather can have seriously bad effects on satellite signals. Thailand suffers from bad weather for large portions of the year and I would say, overall, you'd definitely receive worse service than those on the ground with a DSL connection, through days lost to bad weather.

I really think that IPStar should be considered by those that have absolutely no alternative, as you'll really end up just being disappointed and really out of pocket. It's not cheap to setup or run at all.

With regards to the OP, if you can, if WiFi is not an abolute necessity - which it should not be as even the N-Link router they give out has a RJ45 jack in the back of it. Try first, connecting your router to your laptop/PC by an ethernet cable, if you are not already. A wired connection is generally much more stable than a wireless one.

Secondarily, look into getting another router. The cheap routers that ISPs give out with their packages (and yes I got the silver N-link one and immediately replaced it with a LinkSys WIRED router) are normally not brilliant quality. I'd advise looking to get a LinkSys router, as it's what I use and I've never had a problem with it or my True connection.

Thirdly, get the line technicians out. Of all ISPs, True's seem to be the most reliable and more importantly, the most well-informed. I remember trying to talk (in Thai) to the 3BB technician about line attenuation, ping, tracerts, hops etc I might as well have just talked in Latin to him whilst flubbing my lips with my finger. He had no idea what I was talking about (and most internet terminology is English in the Thai Language!) - so get them to have a look for you. It will definitely allow you to rule out the line as a problem.

Lastly, if you're seeing the disconnects through the poker client/site itself then that's where the problem is most likely to be. I used to play with Pokerstars/Ultimatebet & Pacific, but I had to just give up in the end as the disconnections were causing me problems and lost pots when I did play. All Thai ISPs seem to have severe issues when connecting to the Isle of Man-based servers for Pokerstars, for example. That could have a lot to do with packet shaping by the Thai ISPs, as I believe poker clients (if that's what you use) use FTP/SSH transfer. You might want to visit Glasnost (Google it) and then try the SSH transfer test (which is basically secure FTP) and see if True are doing anything with your traffic. If they are, then that's highly likely where the problem will be. Thai ISPs still have a responsibility in accordance with the MICT to try and block or prevent access to online gambling, along with the plethora of other things they try and stop us from seeing. Again they are ways and means around all blocks, but I am not going to discuss them here and it's nothing a little googling won't fix on your part, if you are interested.

I think I've just about covered everything!

Best of luck sorting it out.

Edited by ManInSurat
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We also have that crappy Nlink box. And as you say it's disconnecting at least once a day and needs a hard reset to come back to life.

Have you touched the modem after disconnect? Ours gets very hot and I'm pretty sure it is overheating and crashes. Even some Cisco boxes do this. Small crammed China box that is so cheap that they could not even afford a small heatsink.

Did anyone manage to exchange the lousy Nlink modem to something more robust? True had Zyxel on their website, and I really need something that does one thing, working as advertised.

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shhh ! having a flutter is illegal in LOS (or so the say lol) ..... but if it's that site in the Isle of Man ....been on it all year and have had the odd minor drop of max 30 secs .... and thus recovery at the table has only really been affected once. Also the connectivity is always between 96 - 100 % on my table icon thus good enough. However, I never run more than 3 games at the same time. I'm on TOT basic 4MB/512 package ....happy with it.

GL :rolleyes:

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