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Zanzare Mosquito Repellent


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I saw a brochure for this mosquito repellent today called "zanzare" and it says that it is free of both DEET and citronella and is more effective at repelling mosquitoes. Just wondering if anyone has tried it out? I'm on DEET at the moment (citronella didn't keep em away for me) but long term would like to use something else as I'm told DEET isn't good long term.

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Hi TFC -

I agree DEET should not be used over the long term. Although some people say it is ok I personally don't want anything on my skin that can melt the dried nail polish or melt plastic. Just try it with a bit of Sketelone, the common spray in Thailand.

I have ruined a pair of sunglasses with a bottle that leaked once. Never again.

Here is a good article about it from a Canadian Environmental Health Org.


and a quote from a BBC article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8182052.stm

"The study in the open access journal BioMed Central Biology shows deet works in the same way as paralysing nerve gases used in warfare. "

In my online shop carry to 100% natural mosquito sprays..and some natural mosquito coils. If you would like I can also get the Zanzare but it will take a few weeks.

I have one that is an oil spray and goes on like body oil and one that is a lighter spray made with organic citronella. Have a look for full details:


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Thanks goodkarma do you know if zanzare is effective? I've used citronella and for me it doesn't keep the mosquitoes away. Only deet has kept them away so far which is why I use it but I agree that it's not something I want to do long term. I just don't want to get dengue again. I've also tried other suggested remedies like taking b1, b6, eucalyptus oil on the skin, wearing light clothes, none of these seem to work for me. Guess I'm just too tasty! But if you have any other suggestions I'd like to hear them for sure.

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  • 5 weeks later...

To the OP, i`ve tried most things...but recently switched to taking 100mg (2X50mg tablets) of Vitamin B6 a day......very pleased with the outcome..keeps the the little bugers at bay,,,and very cheap..at 2 baht a day, healthy too..

Edited by rizla
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Rizla - I just started taking the B complex every day not sure if it's that or the repellent that keeps them away though because I use both but figure the B is good for the health anyway.

CM4me - thanks I'll take a look next time I'm at Rimping.

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Seems there are many local cures now. I'm trying to perfect one first mentioned here on tv. The basic recipe is 50% olive oil and 50% dettol. It works really well, but can be improved on with a little experimentation to improve the smell. DEET is still the most effective treatment. Most commercial repellants have 15%, but the Boots Chemist range is 50%.

I used Vitamin B12 and B6 in East Timor (dengue fever world capitol) for years, didn't eat much red meat, used a DEET repellant, but still wore shorts all the time, and never got anything. I think the vitamins helped a lot as supposedly the mozzies don't like the smell. My Dr. friends said it was nonsense, but chemists in Darwin,Oz, sell vitamin B by the bucketload.

For sure a non toxic approach is the way to go, but most of them just don't last very long. My dettol based one now is good for about 5 hours, except just after rain at night. I'm going to try garlic in it. (I don't socialize that much at night) Regards.

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