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Australian Charity Rescues Child Sex Workers In Thailand


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the place they showed in the video is sayuri in chiang mai. i've never seen any girls that look younger than 20.

" Look like under 20". Could it be that you had an underage girl, or more, but with sexy outfit they looked older to you?

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I have received a reply to my comment direct from the Grey Men


And I thought I was cynical.

You should be asking yourself 'Why did I really send this email?'

What was I trying to tell myself?' This is not about them Terry. it's about you.

We are well aware of what you say but what you say is only partly true.. I

f we can get them soon enough we minimise the chance of them going back, especially if we give them training.

We also spend a lot of resources in the villages to prevent them being trafficked in the first place and in the future.

We are also not trying to change a culture and in fact couldn't care less.

We are just trying to give kids a chance. What they do with it is up to them.

What you need to ask yourself is why you became jaded, cynical and untrusting and is it serving you.

I have been there myself so maybe you just need to find a new purpose.

Hope that helps

John C

In answer to the above, when I first visited Thailand I to wanted to save the country, the children, the beggers, the young girls in the bars

But sadly the shine of the bright lights

The gold jewelry

The new Mobile

The fun and dancing

etc etc are just to much and draw a great percentage back to the only way they can have this life style

Parents who use the Thai culture that a child must look after their parents and the fact that a young child can be sold rescued and resold again

My Thai wife agrees and says I could send 24/7 trying to help, yet see nothing in return

If people believe what I say is only partly true, it is time they lived amount Thais in the villages, not in a 5 star hotel

I can not understand they do not care less about Thai culture, there re many who feel the prostitution is for Farang

In my experience during research Farangs make up such a small percentage of the young girls brothels, This is a Thai man right under his cultural beliefs, and the vast majority are for Thai men, something the do gooders in the west will never change

He asks "What you need to ask yourself is why you became jaded, cynical and untrusting "

The answer is living here for many years

Again I will say what they are doing is great, but I have seen it all before, young girls goes to a western do gooders and gets a better education and learns English

After wards her mother reclaims the child and has a better educated prostitute

The circle begins again

Maybe I have been in Thailand to long, and it is me who is the problem not the Thais

Just my 5 cents worth

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In the infamous Bugis red light district of Singapore of the 1930's the girls were...Japanese.

yes, japanese.

education and economic growth working in a virtuous circle will one day make it just as unlikely that thai girls will be doing what japanese girls once did.

in the meantime, if these grey gentlemen can save a handful from their fate, then my hat's off to them and they must be applauded.

but nobody believes that they alone can solve the problem, or even 1% of 1% of the problem.

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It's very noble what Grey Man is trying to do.

I was involved with agencies that were trying to get young women (girls) out of brothel work during the beginning of the Thai HIV epidemic in 1989 or so.

A few Thai doctors tried paying money to the brothel managers to release the girls from their debt bondage.

When some of the girls were followed up back home, it turned out that their parents had re-sold them back to another procurement agent and a new brothel.

When more and more of the northern Thai brothel workers left the brothels out of fear of AIDS, their places were filled with Shan and Lao young women (and girls).

So you begin to see the dilemma. You can try to "rescue" these girls, chase the procurers and arrest the agents forever and ever.

But unless you also address the demand side, then you will never succeed in keeping young women out of commercial sex.

Thus, the primary target has to be the customers of the underage brothel workers. With very stiff fines/imprisonment and aggressive enforcement.

Only then will you begin to see a sustainable decline child sex workers.

How about improving the life of the people these girls and women are recurited from the poorest of conditions. if they had the means to support their families another way no recruits.

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I have spend t the last 8 years working in the film industry in Thailand, I have a Thai wife and a Thai child, in theory this idea is good, but sadly in many many instances all what you do is make a better quality prostitute that will be back on the streets in only a short time

We produced a documentary for channel 2, 8 years ago where we filmed such a girl, and paid her family debt as her film release, 3 years later when I returned to her Thai province I went to visit her family village only to be told that she was now working in a Thai bar in Pattaya, the money and life style was just to great

As I said these ideas have merit but you can not change a culture a hundred years old that wants these things to happen, in my years of filming I have visited many Thai bars for Thai men only, and all your efforts will never change their culture

..well you can't just give into it can you..you have to keep chipping away..education is the only way out..it is all up to the government authorities to introduce programmes to prevent their own citizens and outsiders exploiting under age children. Any International group or Foundation that operates here at least brings it to their attention and forces them to act..forces them to stand up to those in their own society who are happy to take their cut for a piece of the action. To keep this good work going will take considerable effort and support from all of us in some way or another..are you ready for the challenge..are you ready to do your bit?

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From the team.

Thank you all for your comments. We take the attitude, as most of you seem to have, that it is better to do something than nothing. We do all we can.

You would also be suprised at the level of support from within the Thai Royal Police.

Cheers from the field.

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From the team.

Thank you all for your comments. We take the attitude, as most of you seem to have, that it is better to do something than nothing. We do all we can.

You would also be suprised at the level of support from within the Thai Royal Police.

Cheers from the field.

Thank you for your efforts, Grey Man. :wai:

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From the team.

Thank you all for your comments. We take the attitude, as most of you seem to have, that it is better to do something than nothing. We do all we can.

You would also be suprised at the level of support from within the Thai Royal Police.

Cheers from the field.

Thank you for your efforts, Grey Man. :wai:

Very welcome

But this is a team sport and requires actual support. If anyone really feels motivated today, why not go to thegreyman.org and see what you can do, or make a donation ?

Now that would make me and the team VERY happy !

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Name and shame the police officers taking money for ignoring things and perhaps it would deter others from doing the same. They are a disgrace to Thailand and are as much to blame as those that run this disgusting business. It won't happen of course but that again is another stain. There are so many wonderful things that Thailand can offer the world but until normal people here stand up to such outrageous behaviour from those that are supposedly defending the rule of law and order they stand accused of not caring about this issue. This in itself is sad but true. To hel_l with everything except the Baht in your pocket seems the rule. So much for the free market because that is what drives this.

Sometimes I wonder if people here in Thailand, both local and foreign, understand why the rest of the world find sexual exploitation of children absolutely deplorable and why there is a certain unflattering perception of some aspects residents here.

As I read this thread particularly the post above about taking money and ignoring things, I am reminded of a very recent ad in the Pattaya press promoting a child welfare organisation (Jesters Children Fair, I think it was). They listed their donors and classed them as diamond, platinum, gold etc etc depending on amount donated. One of the donors (platinum) to this child welfare agency I found rather strange: Lolita's Gentlemen's Lounge. Granted that I have absolutely no idea what the busines is about; it may be a perfectly respectable cigar/wine club of impeccable credentials. On the other hand, it might be a sordid dive possibly participating in activities contrary to Jester's mission, but hoping to buy some respectability with a generous donation? I don't know either way but it sure raised some questions in my mind because "Lolita" conjures up a certain perception in my too cynical mind.:ermm:

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From the team.

Thank you all for your comments. We take the attitude, as most of you seem to have, that it is better to do something than nothing. We do all we can.

You would also be suprised at the level of support from within the Thai Royal Police.

Cheers from the field.

Thank you for your efforts, Grey Man. :wai:

Yup, some of the only heroes in this country, you guys are awesome, great work.

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^ So you're saying that just because Lolita's is a 700 baht a pop BJ bar where staff dress in a type of faux school uniform Jesters 'Care For Kids' shouldn't allow them to be sponsors?

Guys need a way to wind down after a hard day's fundraising. :whistling:

"Money is money no matter where it comes from"...that's one way of looking at it.

Who am I to judge anyway. I just find it odd (slightly dsturbing even) that a child welfare org can allow itself to be associated with a business named Lolita, which apparently has been confirmed to be a real gentleman's club, Pattaya-style.;)

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I have spend t the last 8 years working in the film industry in Thailand, I have a Thai wife and a Thai child, in theory this idea is good, but sadly in many many instances all what you do is make a better quality prostitute that will be back on the streets in only a short time

We produced a documentary for channel 2, 8 years ago where we filmed such a girl, and paid her family debt as her film release, 3 years later when I returned to her Thai province I went to visit her family village only to be told that she was now working in a Thai bar in Pattaya, the money and life style was just to great

As I said these ideas have merit but you can not change a culture a hundred years old that wants these things to happen, in my years of filming I have visited many Thai bars for Thai men only, and all your efforts will never change their culture

Surely you are not suggesting to give up efforts to save the underage children from prostitution and sex abuse.

Perhaps more efforts should go into "educating" the parents who "sell" their children and punish them for human trafficking.

Many times when this subject came up, I heard Thai people tell me that this is all because some farangs have brought these child abuse practices into Thailand. Thai people would never do that.

How can a problem be solved when the society at large in in denial of the problem?

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Big-whoop...now they can find them work de-feathering birds at a chicken processing plant or or gutting fish at a tuna cannery for starvation wages.

I'd have to wonder about anyone that came out with a comment like this to a story like this one. :ermm:

Give credit where credit is due, what could be your motivation for putting the grey man down? :bah:

This must be a sick jacko....

Good work grey man....

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Big-whoop...now they can find them work de-feathering birds at a chicken processing plant or or gutting fish at a tuna cannery for starvation wages.

I'd have to wonder about anyone that came out with a comment like this to a story like this one. :ermm:

Give credit where credit is due, what could be your motivation for putting the grey man down? :bah:

This must be a sick jacko....

Good work grey man....

I don't like the way you have quoted me and another poster and then suggested one of them is a sick jacko..... I assume you mean FB & you are right this is good work by grey man.

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I have spend t the last 8 years working in the film industry in Thailand, I have a Thai wife and a Thai child, in theory this idea is good, but sadly in many many instances all what you do is make a better quality prostitute that will be back on the streets in only a short time

We produced a documentary for channel 2, 8 years ago where we filmed such a girl, and paid her family debt as her film release, 3 years later when I returned to her Thai province I went to visit her family village only to be told that she was now working in a Thai bar in Pattaya, the money and life style was just to great

As I said these ideas have merit but you can not change a culture a hundred years old that wants these things to happen, in my years of filming I have visited many Thai bars for Thai men only, and all your efforts will never change their culture

Surely you are not suggesting to give up efforts to save the underage children from prostitution and sex abuse.

Perhaps more efforts should go into "educating" the parents who "sell" their children and punish them for human trafficking.

Many times when this subject came up, I heard Thai people tell me that this is all because some farangs have brought these child abuse practices into Thailand. Thai people would never do that.

How can a problem be solved when the society at large in in denial of the problem?

I feel you miss the point

In Thailand we have a government that insists there is no prostitution in Thailand

A british group made a film called "P" and it got rave reviews around the world even winning awards

It shed the truth so the Thai Government banned it being shown in Thailand

If it can not be seen it does not exist

Again I will say you can rescue all the children try and teach all the parent's but the best you will achieve is tomorrows better class prostitute

The only way to solve this problem is to make the Thai Government state that it exists, and make it a major offence like drugs

When a policeman arresting a criminal involved with child prostitution get more points on his record than bhat in his pocket you will see a great reduction of this

Attacking the end of the problem will never see any real reduction

Only when you attack the head will you see and real results

Sadly no matter how much we shout complain and give opinions, rescue children and clos down brthels

The end result will always be the same

"There is no Prostitution in Thailand" The Government official standing

This is Thailand

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I have spend t the last 8 years working in the film industry in Thailand, I have a Thai wife and a Thai child, in theory this idea is good, but sadly in many many instances all what you do is make a better quality prostitute that will be back on the streets in only a short time

We produced a documentary for channel 2, 8 years ago where we filmed such a girl, and paid her family debt as her film release, 3 years later when I returned to her Thai province I went to visit her family village only to be told that she was now working in a Thai bar in Pattaya, the money and life style was just to great

As I said these ideas have merit but you can not change a culture a hundred years old that wants these things to happen, in my years of filming I have visited many Thai bars for Thai men only, and all your efforts will never change their culture

Surely you are not suggesting to give up efforts to save the underage children from prostitution and sex abuse.

Perhaps more efforts should go into "educating" the parents who "sell" their children and punish them for human trafficking.

Many times when this subject came up, I heard Thai people tell me that this is all because some farangs have brought these child abuse practices into Thailand. Thai people would never do that.

How can a problem be solved when the society at large in in denial of the problem?

I feel you miss the point

In Thailand we have a government that insists there is no prostitution in Thailand

A british group made a film called "P" and it got rave reviews around the world even winning awards

It shed the truth so the Thai Government banned it being shown in Thailand

If it can not be seen it does not exist

Again I will say you can rescue all the children try and teach all the parent's but the best you will achieve is tomorrows better class prostitute

The only way to solve this problem is to make the Thai Government state that it exists, and make it a major offence like drugs

When a policeman arresting a criminal involved with child prostitution get more points on his record than bhat in his pocket you will see a great reduction of this

Attacking the end of the problem will never see any real reduction

Only when you attack the head will you see and real results

Sadly no matter how much we shout complain and give opinions, rescue children and clos down brthels

The end result will always be the same

"There is no Prostitution in Thailand" The Government official standing

This is Thailand

I would like to make the point here.....The Royal Thai Police do care and are actively engaged in tackling this problem. If you could see the operations from the inside, you would see the determination and dedication we see on a daily basis from these guys.

They work hard, long hours and their energy and commitment is quite frankly an inspiration. You are uninformed.

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I have spend t the last 8 years working in the film industry in Thailand, I have a Thai wife and a Thai child, in theory this idea is good, but sadly in many many instances all what you do is make a better quality prostitute that will be back on the streets in only a short time

We produced a documentary for channel 2, 8 years ago where we filmed such a girl, and paid her family debt as her film release, 3 years later when I returned to her Thai province I went to visit her family village only to be told that she was now working in a Thai bar in Pattaya, the money and life style was just to great

As I said these ideas have merit but you can not change a culture a hundred years old that wants these things to happen, in my years of filming I have visited many Thai bars for Thai men only, and all your efforts will never change their culture

Surely you are not suggesting to give up efforts to save the underage children from prostitution and sex abuse.

Perhaps more efforts should go into "educating" the parents who "sell" their children and punish them for human trafficking.

Many times when this subject came up, I heard Thai people tell me that this is all because some farangs have brought these child abuse practices into Thailand. Thai people would never do that.

How can a problem be solved when the society at large in in denial of the problem?

I feel you miss the point

In Thailand we have a government that insists there is no prostitution in Thailand

A british group made a film called "P" and it got rave reviews around the world even winning awards

It shed the truth so the Thai Government banned it being shown in Thailand

If it can not be seen it does not exist

Again I will say you can rescue all the children try and teach all the parent's but the best you will achieve is tomorrows better class prostitute

The only way to solve this problem is to make the Thai Government state that it exists, and make it a major offence like drugs

When a policeman arresting a criminal involved with child prostitution get more points on his record than bhat in his pocket you will see a great reduction of this

Attacking the end of the problem will never see any real reduction

Only when you attack the head will you see and real results

Sadly no matter how much we shout complain and give opinions, rescue children and clos down brthels

The end result will always be the same

"There is no Prostitution in Thailand" The Government official standing

This is Thailand

I would like to make the point here.....The Royal Thai Police do care and are actively engaged in tackling this problem. If you could see the operations from the inside, you would see the determination and dedication we see on a daily basis from these guys.

They work hard, long hours and their energy and commitment is quite frankly an inspiration. You are uninformed.

I see with my eyes as I live in Thailand. and my job pushes many facts before my face every day

Yes I agree the Thai Police are the best money can buy

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I would like to make the point here.....The Royal Thai Police do care and are actively engaged in tackling this problem. If you could see the operations from the inside, you would see the determination and dedication we see on a daily basis from these guys.

They work hard, long hours and their energy and commitment is quite frankly an inspiration. You are uninformed.

I see with my eyes as I live in Thailand. and my job pushes many facts before my face every day

Yes I agree the Thai Police are the best money can buy

I think you guys are arguing two different points...

Nameless - I believe that there are some good and dedicated cops, that you work with, who are very focussed on stamping out child sex crimes...

Ozzieman - I believe that there are probably a lot of cops, outside the task forces, who are making good money protecting prostitution in general, and to a lesser extent child sex work...

But lets not let this sorry state of affairs detract from the hard work a few are doing, and the results they are achieving for individuals...



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From the team.

Thank you all for your comments. We take the attitude, as most of you seem to have, that it is better to do something than nothing. We do all we can.

You would also be suprised at the level of support from within the Thai Royal Police.

Cheers from the field.

Yes, good points. The poor BIB in Thailand all get tarred with the same brush - and as anyone knows, it is dangerous to generalize and too easy to criticize from an armchair.

Keep up the good work!

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I would like to make the point here.....The Royal Thai Police do care and are actively engaged in tackling this problem. If you could see the operations from the inside, you would see the determination and dedication we see on a daily basis from these guys.

They work hard, long hours and their energy and commitment is quite frankly an inspiration. You are uninformed.

I see with my eyes as I live in Thailand. and my job pushes many facts before my face every day

Yes I agree the Thai Police are the best money can buy

I think you guys are arguing two different points...

Nameless - I believe that there are some good and dedicated cops, that you work with, who are very focussed on stamping out child sex crimes...

Ozzieman - I believe that there are probably a lot of cops, outside the task forces, who are making good money protecting prostitution in general, and to a lesser extent child sex work...

But lets not let this sorry state of affairs detract from the hard work a few are doing, and the results they are achieving for individuals...



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I would like to make the point here.....The Royal Thai Police do care and are actively engaged in tackling this problem. If you could see the operations from the inside, you would see the determination and dedication we see on a daily basis from these guys.

They work hard, long hours and their energy and commitment is quite frankly an inspiration. You are uninformed.

I see with my eyes as I live in Thailand. and my job pushes many facts before my face every day

Yes I agree the Thai Police are the best money can buy

I think you guys are arguing two different points...

Nameless - I believe that there are some good and dedicated cops, that you work with, who are very focussed on stamping out child sex crimes...

Ozzieman - I believe that there are probably a lot of cops, outside the task forces, who are making good money protecting prostitution in general, and to a lesser extent child sex work...

But lets not let this sorry state of affairs detract from the hard work a few are doing, and the results they are achieving for individuals...



As I have already said

You will get no argument from me

But for 5 years myself and many friends tried and tried to bring this and many other problems to the attention of the Thai Police and Thai Government

My Thai wife insisted I was wasting my time as you can not change what is what is.

I like many other believed that right would pervail

After 5 years of hitting our heads against the wall you finally arrive at the understanding this is Thailand not the west and our way of thinking is just that "Our way of thinking"

The one things I learnt from all this time was the more you help the more you hurt

The Thai Government is blind to the problems we now talk about

and many Do gooders from the west are just the same

I would like to say thank you to the many private emails I have received on this topic

Dreams are wonderful

But sooner or later you have to wake up

and sadly it is the same old world that was here before our sleep

I once wanted to save the Thai misfortunate

it took me five years to see that the best I achieved was get a sore head from beating my head up against a brick wall

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