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Nokia Executives Resign


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Well here's something that is long overdue: The resignation of a number of top Nokia executives.

Symbian was cool back when dinosaurs roamed the earth 7-8 years ago. Windows mobile should have scared the company into action, but they did nothing. Then came the iPhone, a colossal asteroid collision that would surely doom the dinosaurs to extinction, but they did nothing. The last couple of years has seen Android take off in a way that will surpass even the iPhone, and they did nothing. And a few weeks ago Microsoft released a new and apparently credible mobile OS. Finally the chief dinosaurs at Nokia have shot themselves in the head.

What amazes me is that even though Android is vastly superior to Symbian and *free*, Nokia still doesn't have an Android phone on the market. Nor are they members of the Open Handset Alliance.

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It's about time!

For years Nokia has stagnated the mobile phone industry will no advancement in software. :realangry:

Thanks to the iPhone, Apple finally broke Nokia's dominance in the industry.

Looking forward to some more good advancements now.

Glad to hear it! :D

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there are many people who do not like the iPhone.( I do and have one) but what they should remember is, Apple opened up a whole new meaning to the mobile telephone. its up to the rest of the phone makers to come up with bigger better ideas now.

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Nokia already made their money. Would you believe the price I paid for my Nokia 8850 10 years ago was actually more expensive than the current Iphone 4? Nokia made huge amounts on their 3,6 and 8 series.

Apple would blow Nokia away if they got their distribution channels right and cancelled their carrier agreements and phone locking.

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Apple is already blowing Nokia (and all others) away by making over 50% of the total profits in the smartphone market. There's a race about who's selling the most, but there is absolutely no doubt about who's minting the coin - Apple. Apple is making more money on their phones than all other smartphone makers combined!

And that despite blundering like crazy with their initial seller agreements (revenue sharing, remember that?!) and their lock in with AT&T which costs them crazy amounts of money. US sales of iPhones would double if Verizon had it, I am sure of that (yes I know it's CDMA but still).

As for Nokia - I didn't understand why they didn't make an Android phone 2 years ago, and I still don't understand it. Every year that passes without a Nokia Android phone is more baffling than the previous, and every new iteration of Symbian just proves why it has no place in a top of the line product. The N8 is the latest example. Nokia's execs are freaking idiots, there is no other way to say it at this point. Why do empires fall - hubris.

Nokia is now left with the el-cheapo dumbphone market and razor-thin margins, and honestly I see that market going down the drain very quickly as the cheap Chinese manufacturers up their game and start making very cheap (3000 baht range) Android smartphones. They're already making WinMo smartphones but I imagine they're not really paying Microsoft license fees. With Android, they'd never have to, and they could enter western markets. These cheap WinMo phones aren't all that appealing right now, but they can do email, and they can show video and play music, and if they cost the same as a Nokia cheapphone I think they have a very good chance of selling extremely well.

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All I want is a mobile telephone...without any extras, add-ons or gadgets.

I hope that these things (a simple mobile phone) will still be available in the future...or will I be forced to buy some phone that has 67 accessories that I don't want & will never use?

Edited by elkangorito
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