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Is There Something The Matter With Me?


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Thanks for all the positive and funny replies. I'll try to respond to some in one post.

Jingthing and onnut basically said the same thing...

I hope you was touching wood while you wrote this post!

after living here for nearly 8 years I can say the same as well on nearly all accounts. I think some people bring a lot of bad luck on themselves by being pessamistic and doubtfull all the time.

its not all roses but most of the time I am enjoying it here.

I wondered about that when I first wrote it, but thought it might make a good discussion considering all the negative stuff I keep reading. I hope I didn't jinx myself, but it won't change my life style. I AM aware of the many pitfalls that can happen if I'm not on guard 24-7

MCA wrote :

" Well, the wife accused me of having a bit on the side on Saturday morning and went for me with a kitchen knife. After I'd been stitched up and had a blood transfusion I had to report to the police station becuase she'd filed a report saying that I hit her. On the way to the cop shop I had an accident and because I was drunk did a runner and hid in a ditch for 3 hours. Then on Sunday I was kicked out of our house due to the fact that without my knowledge the missus had remortgaged the place to pay off her gambling debts and hadn't paid the repayments for 6 months. Oh and her "cousin"is in fact her Thai husband and she's pregnant by him. Pretty quiet really"

Thanks for that funny response. I had my morning laugh. I DOES itemize things that can happen if you aren't aware of your surroundings

Kwasaki quote

I like this bit Ian :-

( I'm not a great pool player, but I can usually hold my own and the girls all want to play me. )

I find that too !! and when I am not playing pool.

Kwasaki's reply was equally funny. I completely missed that when I wrote it.

Thakkar quote

Ian, I always suspected you lived in a parallel universe where pretty girls are attracted by loud shirts.

Now my suspicions are confirmed.

I had to laugh at Thakkars reply because I know the photo he is referring to ...


But more often I wear plain shirts...


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exterminator quote

"We go dancing, bowling or out to the lake and there never seems to be any tension. I always pay my own way, but never seem to be treated like an ATM and expected to pay for everyone."

You must be abnormal.

Yah, I sometimes think I am abnormal, but I can live with that. I know that many Thai ladies have tried to play me for a sucker, but I also accept that as normal. I don't get upset and just treat it like a big game. And always with a smile when I tell them I'm not an ATM machine. I get a big laugh in return. It's all part of the fun.

Jive talker quote

With all due respect I think you miss the point of a discussion forum. It's foremost a place to discuss problems, issues and difficulties we face as foreigners in Thailand. Therefore it's obvious that you'll see more negativity than you'll generally encounter in day to day life. If someone has a problem with a corrupt official or an overcharging business then they need to vent. Within Thailand we are often powerless to question or challenge what happens to us. Thaivisa is the perfect place to discuss and resolve (to some extent) any issues we have.

There are many on this forum that feel the discussion and reactions to any issues are an insult and offensive to Thailand. They're not. It's what a discussion forum is, and always has been. Sure you'll get the odd nutcase and troll, but you should be able to see these guys a mile off.

I appreciate your post telling us how wonderful your life is, but we'd all find another site to use if all posts were in similar ilk.

Jive talker brings up some good points that I don't disagree with. Thaivisa IS a valuable site for information and the many negative stories brings good advice to the newbies that often think with the wrong part of their body. But, a forum that is ONLY information related becomes quickly boring and loses most of its audience.

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I had the mouthpiece for my snorkel stolen on a bus to CM in 1984. :angry:

i had my glasses stolen on a bus in india .

i decide on a nap , put my specs on seat ,

when i woke up , they had been taken . :angry:

i am not rachel predjudice ,but

the thieving ----- -------- :jap:

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i had my glasses stolen on a bus in india .

i decide on a nap , put my specs on seat ,

when i woke up , they had been taken . :angry:

i am not rachel predjudice ,but

the thieving ----- -------- :jap:

I'm not Rachel prejudice either, but I do prefer her sister, Samantha. :lol:

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Apart from incredulous stupidity and idleness Ive never had any problems either..............theirs not mine:lol:

In fact come to think of it the biggest problem Ive had is on this bloody forum being banned 3 times so far.....................oh bugger now the cats out the bag!! Still not bad for 5 years.:P

Edited by travelmann
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When I hear both on here and in real life about some of the debacles that occur between westerners and their Thai spouses it makes me query my own normal life as abnormal.

" So MCA, what'd you get up to at the weekend?"

"Nothing special mate. Needed a new telephone so took a stroll down Tukcom and then had a picnic at Ubolratana Dam on Sunday. How about yourself?"

" Well, the wife accused me of having a bit on the side on Saturday morning and went for me with a kitchen knife. After I'd been stitched up and had a blood transfusion I had to report to the police station becuase she'd filed a report saying that I hit her. On the way to the cop shop I had an accident and because I was drunk did a runner and hid in a ditch for 3 hours. Then on Sunday I was kicked out of our house due to the fact that without my knowledge the missus had remortgaged the place to pay off her gambling debts and hadn't paid the repayments for 6 months. Oh and her "cousin"is in fact her Thai husband and she's pregnant by him. Pretty quiet really"

Cheer up at least "she loves you":lol:

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I never get drunk and that might save me from being a victim


I was just thinking - even paralytic drunk, I've never really been a victim, then I remembered a particularly horrendous evening - anyway, no-one to blame but myself, and if I was to share on this forum I'd only get the abuse I deserve.

'Even if you complain no-one listens; you might as well not bother...'

I really enjoy all the tragic stories of misadventure, though...it reminds us that no matter how dull and hum-drum our lives, it's better than adventure of that sort, and I feel grateful to have lived a sheltered life, presumably with a loving and indlugent God to look over me... 'my table ... furnished in presence of my foes, and my cup runneth over...'. as they say - "It's clear you're not going to survive on your wits alone"

In fact, I suppose my life is really just a series of sound bites and parrotted quotes, with no real substance to it at all...


edit:> typo corrected

Edited by StreetCowboy
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17 September 2010-09-17

Ian Forbes, one of the most prominent members of Thai Visa was last week:

Struck down by the E.coli stomach bug after eating at a Thai mobile noodle stall.

Robbed at knife point in the most dangerous part of Pattaya and again when he later travelled to the most dangerous part of Bangkok

A few days later Ian was viciously head butted by a ladyboy in a Chiang Mai Karaoke bar after he could not pay the bar tab when he lost all his money on a pool game. A friend feeling sorry for poor Ian bought him 5 rounds of drinks leaving Ian paralytic drunk. He fell down in the road and was robbed of all his jewellery by some young Thai passers by.

When Ian finally recovered from his stomach bug and injuries, some high society hooker acquaintances invited him to an orgy at their home. Unfortunately Ian caught a rather nasty STD and is now hospitalised under police supervision until further notice for his own protection.

post-110219-031513200 1284687595_thumb.j

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17 September 2010-09-17

Ian Forbes, one of the most prominent members of Thai Visa was last week:

Struck down by the E.coli stomach bug after eating at a Thai mobile noodle stall.

Robbed at knife point in the most dangerous part of Pattaya and again when he later travelled to the most dangerous part of Bangkok

A few days later Ian was viciously head butted by a ladyboy in a Chiang Mai Karaoke bar after he could not pay the bar tab when he lost all his money on a pool game. A friend feeling sorry for poor Ian bought him 5 rounds of drinks leaving Ian paralytic drunk. He fell down in the road and was robbed of all his jewellery by some young Thai passers by.

When Ian finally recovered from his stomach bug and injuries, some high society hooker acquaintances invited him to an orgy at their home. Unfortunately Ian caught a rather nasty STD and is now hospitalised under police supervision until further notice for his own protection.

Sounds a bit FISHy to me

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You're Canadian? That explains a lot. Great attitude helps a lot in how you're treated. Canadians have always been helpful and kind to me.

I've had my share of experiences here in LOS. Rent deposits not returned by people I thought were friends. Double pricing, Minor BS.

I've noticed that lately, when I buy something on the street, and try to bargain with the seller, they say "You gey Thai price, no need to bargain." I think they get to reognize those who have been through the mill, and treat them with some degree of respect. Usually, you're a victim if you look and act like one. The people also don't like an a-hole.

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Always looking on the brightside, watch you don't get blinded by all that light! :D

It is nice to know not everyone is jaded by the trials of Thai living. Like yourself, I think it's great here when approached with a smile and a sense of humour. We all have bad days but thats not about geography. shit just happens. you remind me of the little girl who is the eternal optimist.

On her birthday her folks take her outside and explain that due to the slow economy they have had to make cut backs so her present this year had to be a little more modest than she might expect. As he opens the shed door the smell of dung was overpowering. The little girl dived into the muck and started flinging it everywhere. Her folks looked relieved thast she was taking it so well, but couldn't help but ask,'why are you so happy, dear?" she replied, "with all this shit in here, there must be a pony!!!"


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There's nothing wrong with you Ian. You come across as a normal happy go guy. Long may it continue.

One thing I will point out, is that you have mentioned in the past, that you do a six month stay at a time here. Maybe you come here with the holiday feeling everytime. Nothing wrong with this at all but other guys live and work here full time with families and may face difficult situations therefore have a sh!t load of things to complain about.

Ah well, who cares. Don't worry be happy.

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There's nothing wrong with you Ian. You come across as a normal happy go guy. Long may it continue.

One thing I will point out, is that you have mentioned in the past, that you do a six month stay at a time here. Maybe you come here with the holiday feeling everytime. Nothing wrong with this at all but other guys live and work here full time with families and may face difficult situations therefore have a sh!t load of things to complain about.

Ah well, who cares. Don't worry be happy.

Oh, I clearly understand all the problems, Longstebe. I wouldn't be so fancy free and happy if I was married on a small income and trying to put children through school.

I'm just saying I've been rather lucky to have learned some life lessons PRIOR to visiting Thailand. Thailand gave me my self confidence back after a traumatic ending of a second marriage from a woman I was truly in love with.

And yes, sharing my Thailand time with my Canadian time gives me the best of both worlds. I've always got something special to look forward to. Although my pension isn't large, it's more than adequate for a single man in Thailand. Although I own a big home in Canada it is cheaper for me to spend the winter in Thailand than to stay at home and pay for heating my home.

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ian, a man after my own heart.. if u are ever in israel.....:))

seriously u have a 'gremlin' smile permanantly on your face; that means that u take life easy...

i think your attitude is not about thailand, but about control. u know what u can control and what u cant and for many people, in their home coutnries they have more control and in thailand, they have less and that freaks them out, so that even small things that go wrong become large horrible things... my thai husband seems to have the reverse problem. things that in thailand would never phase him or bother him, here in israel shake him to the bone and really affect his moods and then of course, his moods affect the situations and poeple around him... so more 'things' seem to happen to him...

a good post; positive posts fail fast cause they are like new zealand news (as report by israeli friends of mine complaining that the news is really boring: a herd of sheep caused a traffic backup in some town; local high school team lost to rivals; a tree wilted.... etc.

accidents, 'situations' and juicy 'bad' gossip makes for much more interesting 'news'...and people have more responses . to good stuff, what can anyone say...

oh, btw, just for your own protection, say 'hamsa hamsa hamsa' /tfu tfu tfu... against the evil eye cause ya never know....



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