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:offtopic: What your beef with English pal most Australian guys I meet here are great company and yes we do try the

piss out of one and other.:drunk:

Never come across one like you with such a bad attitude.

What do you mean?

So I cant take the lager out of the limeys...

Just for your information I was born in Pinwall Warwickshire, oh yeah, thats in England isnt it?

Well that explains it all. :rolleyes:

pinwall warwickshire, in other words the coventry area and then australia.

hmmm kind of a theme there, dont you think ? wink.gif what happened, missed the boat the first time round.

only jesting !

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I came to a conclusion after hearing/reading about a lot of foreigners living in another country. Regardless of what people perceived to be that off economic, social or infrastructure difference that causes the "unhappiness" or the perceived injustice, here is my conclusion.

It seems that this applies only to foreigners who moved to another country in most cases on their own, not with their big family, in most cases a lone man , in fact does not matter where he came from or where he went to. After a period of time, his sense and perception started changing and having delusions that some people (ie the native) are against him and everything is bad. Then started the rant, he will start thinking that he is discriminated against, when the fact is there are only a very small fraction of his day to day life which he ever actually got that kind of discrimination. The worst cure, is to go around and get drunk in a pub, never helps, he will only wake up to find him self in the same situation and continuously perceive the world to be worst than it is. I would term this an expat disease which is, in my opinion, a form of "homesickness" but with other symptoms going in. The disease, I have not found much of studies from psychological journals, would be of an interesting subject as the world as we are living in really have a lot of people suffering those symptoms.

People who are most susceptible to such disease have the following attributes from a brief survey

1. Male aged 20-50

2. Consumes alcohol regularly

3. Usually do not have an occupation which they are satisfied at.

4. Do not have a supportive group of friends/colleague but instead hanging out with other contracted person.

5. Substance abuse (apart from alcohol, such as caffeine)

6. lack of physical/sporting excercise

7. lack of interesting hobbies (ie scuba diving, snowboard etc, flying planes)

The reason I classified it as a disease is, it is such a common and I would say, nearly predictable set of symptoms. others may have different view


Alcohol seems to a recurring theme... :whistling:

But Thailand needs pissheads. If everyone coming here thought straight all the time, it would dent to eh tourism part of the economy and I imagine you would be able to trace a knock on effect in housing (in both pattaya and the Isaan region) and even a tiny ripple in the start up business stats.

What would make interesting reading would be if the fatality stats showed any change and if the "violent crime" stats budged at all.

wouldn't it be great if you could feed all existing data into a super computer and run models just to see? :huh:


I don't see too many complaints. Honest I don't. If you were to look at the complaint threads on TV and sorted them out for the same people that are always unhappy and looked at the legit comments, which really are not complaints as much as they are observations, you wouldn't see too many. It's just the usual same 30 or so people that will always be miserable. The roads could be paved with gold and they'd be complaining that it's unfair that it isn't more durable titanium.

20 years in Pattaya?Are you still wearing the same stained singlet as you did when you made your first walk about? :ph34r:

I think you might have uncovered the reason why people get so p1ssed off about what they refer to as 'Complaining' or 'whinging'.

Given that there are in fact very few complaint threads, and far more observations of real problems people have encountered - It raises the possibility that what is p1ssing some people off is the presentation of evidence that things are not quite as rosy as they've been telling themselves.

Other people's reports of day to day reality offending their own delusions.

Now that fits very well with the behavior we see here - Constant ranting about people reporting negative experiences .... And let's be honest here, there are an awful lot of these 'If you don't like it go home' threads. They almost deserve their very own sub-forum.


:offtopic: What your beef with English pal most Australian guys I meet here are great company and yes we do try the

piss out of one and other.:drunk:

Never come across one like you with such a bad attitude.

What do you mean?

So I cant take the lager out of the limeys...

Just for your information I was born in Pinwall Warwickshire, oh yeah, thats in England isnt it?

Well that explains it all. :rolleyes:

pinwall warwickshire, in other words the coventry area and then australia.

hmmm kind of a theme there, dont you think ? wink.gif what happened, missed the boat the first time round.

only jesting !

Only Jesting !!! don't be so defensive, he thinks he already knows it all but has already gone down in flames and lost it.:coffee1:


I always found the complaining sort were American. :rolleyes:

You're right,it's the don't you know I,m American brigade.;)

I was almost feeling left out! Not as much of the usual American bashing. But you Ozzies and Brits; please do continue with your verbal abuse. It's somewhat amusing! Maybe you can include some people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales...biggrin.gif


:offtopic: What your beef with English pal most Australian guys I meet here are great company and yes we do try the

piss out of one and other.:drunk:

Never come across one like you with such a bad attitude.

Only Jesting !!! don't be so defensive, he thinks he already knows it all but has already gone down in flames and lost it.:coffee1:

Easy to say "Only Jesting" after you made a dick of yourself aint it :D


pinwall warwickshire, in other words the coventry area and then australia.

hmmm kind of a theme there, dont you think ? wink.gif what happened, missed the boat the first time round.

only jesting !

yeah I missed the boat cos your ancestors pinched me seat



I always found the complaining sort were American. :rolleyes:

You're right,it's the don't you know I,m American brigade.;)

I was almost feeling left out! Not as much of the usual American bashing. But you Ozzies and Brits; please do continue with your verbal abuse. It's somewhat amusing! Maybe you can include some people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales...biggrin.gif

Oi, Jim, You might just have united two mildly opposing fronts here... Incomming, now comming in on East and West Seaboards ! :)

Fellow Brits are more usually found taking the p!ss out of each other on the Jokes sub-forum.

Back O/T, the reason why unhappy Falangs just don't go home is obvious. Their perceived pain of returning 'home' exceeds their pain in staying here. Their pain is based in countless forms, and for them, tragically, now a form of living he!l. They plead their case here, in the hope of some understanding, venting their spleen, and/or just some misplaced comfort in hearing about someone else having an even harder time. I feel for these people, but to a large extent, I don't have the means, or expertise to solve their issues. Unless their situation is utterly hopeless, I urge them to either get whatever help is available and/or muster every ounce of strength to get themselves out of the hole they find themselves in.

With best wishes to them.

  • Like 2

I always found the complaining sort were American. :rolleyes:

You're right,it's the don't you know I,m American brigade.;)

I was almost feeling left out! Not as much of the usual American bashing. But you Ozzies and Brits; please do continue with your verbal abuse. It's somewhat amusing! Maybe you can include some people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales...biggrin.gif

Oi, Jim, You might just have united two mildly opposing fronts here... Incomming, now comming in on East and West Seaboards ! :)

Fellow Brits are more usually found taking the p!ss out of each other on the Jokes sub-forum.

Back O/T, the reason why unhappy Falangs just don't go home is obvious. Their perceived pain of returning 'home' exceeds their pain in staying here. Their pain is based in countless forms, and for them, tragically, now a form of living he!l. They plead their case here, in the hope of some understanding, venting their spleen, and/or just some misplaced comfort in hearing about someone else having an even harder time. I feel for these people, but to a large extent, I don't have the means, or expertise to solve their issues. Unless their situation is utterly hopeless, I urge them to either get whatever help is available and/or muster every ounce of strength to get themselves out of the hole they find themselves in.

With best wishes to them.

LOL! I agree! I was just reading this thread and I had to stir the pot up again! You know me... I would never think of stirring much of anything, other than my Gin & Tonic! biggrin.gif


I don't see too many complaints. Honest I don't. If you were to look at the complaint threads on TV and sorted them out for the same people that are always unhappy and looked at the legit comments, which really are not complaints as much as they are observations, you wouldn't see too many. It's just the usual same 30 or so people that will always be miserable. The roads could be paved with gold and they'd be complaining that it's unfair that it isn't more durable titanium.

20 years in Pattaya?Are you still wearing the same stained singlet as you did when you made your first walk about? :ph34r:

I think you might have uncovered the reason why people get so p1ssed off about what they refer to as 'Complaining' or 'whinging'.

Given that there are in fact very few complaint threads, and far more observations of real problems people have encountered - It raises the possibility that what is p1ssing some people off is the presentation of evidence that things are not quite as rosy as they've been telling themselves.

Other people's reports of day to day reality offending their own delusions.

Now that fits very well with the behavior we see here - Constant ranting about people reporting negative experiences .... And let's be honest here, there are an awful lot of these 'If you don't like it go home' threads. They almost deserve their very own sub-forum.

Great Idea! Perhaps call it: "The Go Home Sub Forum"

Institutionalized, Members only need apply!

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pinwall warwickshire, in other words the coventry area and then australia.

hmmm kind of a theme there, dont you think ? wink.gif what happened, missed the boat the first time round.

only jesting !

yeah I missed the boat cos your ancestors pinched me seat


cant of been my ancestors as they were on the upper deck in first class. where as your lot would have been down below shackled and chained with the rest of the cons. laugh.gif besides my family got off at cape town an then moved along to durban to keep the natives in check old boy. biggrin.gif (said tongue in cheek, no offence meant to either parties) wink.gif


have you nothing better to do? nearly 200 posts in less than a week! :blink:

you should get out more often. and your living up to your name!

Please explain.

Do you mean 200 posts in a year ?

In that case your post rate will be higher than mine, so maybe it's you that has to get out more often. jap.gif

It's horrible to make a fool of yourself ain't it ? tongue.gif

And if you really have a major problem, PM me, I'm in Pattaya, the same as I have been since 1990, you can buy me a beer in Soi 6.

Soi 6 ?

There are so many posters here who are obviously unhappy living in Thailand, I have to ask the question,

Why do you stay in Thailand if your'e so unhappy ?

I think most of the I hate Thailand brigade don't actually live in Thailand, and haven't spent that much time here. Ripped off by a bargirl and now obsessed with the place.

I think you may be onto something. Since they couldn't find happiness in Thailand, no one else should!

I think you should read some of the posts here........Geriatrickid for one has already stated in his opinion there are not a large number of 'I hate Thailand' posts on the forum and I agree.........there will always be some aspects of life which we think could improve wherever we are........tell me where are you seeing all these 'overseas' failures that are 'hating' Thailand in their every post?

Does it make you feel in some way superior to appear to accept the way things are in Thailand.

Is it Ok in your eyes for a guy to relate his tale of woe regarding a divorce in his country of origin, but if he divorces in Thailand not to speak of it........why? I guess those who express concern about not receiving mail are overseas, or those who may mention the lenghthy visa renewal process? or repetitive visa runs? all overseas failures are they?

A forum is about diverse opinions and discussion, if people cannot accept this........why do you log in?

Man, you are completely missing the point. Please ready my other post (#47) so I don't have to keep repeating myself. I've also mentioned many times before in the past that this forum can be quite beneficial to expats as it contains useful information on a variety of subjects. What this forum fails to do, however, is provide insightful information about how Thais think or why they behave as they do. Sure you get opinions from expats--most of whom don't speak a lick of Thai--and this masquerades as fact most of the time. And when farangs try to explain Thai behavior, there will always ALWAYS be a negative slant. Lastly, no one is "accepting" anything. But if you think you can change Thailand by whining on an expat forum that few Thais even read...who's delusional now?


='Berkshire' timestamp='1284955958' post='3894386']

'473geo' timestamp='1284865941' post='3892271']

'Berkshire' timestamp='1284857729' post='3892052']

'DP25' timestamp='1284772690' post='3890235'There are so many posters here who are obviously unhappy living in Thailand, I have to ask the question,

Why do you stay in Thailand if your'e so unhappy ?

I think most of the I hate Thailand brigade don't actually live in Thailand, and haven't spent that much time here. Ripped off by a bargirl and now obsessed with the place.

I think you may be onto something. Since they couldn't find happiness in Thailand, no one else should!


I think you should read some of the posts here........Geriatrickid for one has already stated in his opinion there are not a large number of 'I hate Thailand' posts on the forum and I agree.........there will always be some aspects of life which we think could improve wherever we are........tell me where are you seeing all these 'overseas' failures that are 'hating' Thailand in their every post?

Does it make you feel in some way superior to appear to accept the way things are in Thailand.

Is it Ok in your eyes for a guy to relate his tale of woe regarding a divorce in his country of origin, but if he divorces in Thailand not to speak of it........why? I guess those who express concern about not receiving mail are overseas, or those who may mention the lenghthy visa renewal process? or repetitive visa runs? all overseas failures are they?

A forum is about diverse opinions and discussion, if people cannot accept this........why do you log in?

Man, you are completely missing the point. Please ready my other post (#47) so I don't have to keep repeating myself. I've also mentioned many times before in the past that this forum can be quite beneficial to expats as it contains useful information on a variety of subjects. What this forum fails to do, however, is provide insightful information about how Thais think or why they behave as they do. Sure you get opinions from expats--most of whom don't speak a lick of Thai--and this masquerades as fact most of the time. And when farangs try to explain Thai behavior, there will always ALWAYS be a negative slant. Lastly, no one is "accepting" anything. But if you think you can change Thailand by whining on an expat forum that few Thais even read...who's delusional now?

Then why do you not post some of the insightfull thoughts you have aquired "The who-what-where-when-why-how Thai think and do what they do , I tried to fathom some of them out for 7 years , but they were always so inconsistant in many ways , even as many humans tend to be , I gave it up as a lost cause , why is it so important to you any way ?

I just got on with my own life .

There are so many posters here who are obviously unhappy living in Thailand, I have to ask the question,

Why do you stay in Thailand if your'e so unhappy ?

I think most of the I hate Thailand brigade don't actually live in Thailand, and haven't spent that much time here. Ripped off by a bargirl and now obsessed with the place.

I think you may be onto something. Since they couldn't find happiness in Thailand, no one else should!

Yes he's definately on to something. I doubt many of them do still live here. Many posts read as being plainly bitter and twisted and not remotely objective.

It certainly isn't perfect here but where is? Nowhere. Thing is, when you weigh up the pros and cons it is favourable towards Thailand. Thats my feelings anyway. If you feed off the negatives you will never be happy anywhere.

Some good stuff on here though i suspect from the tone of his post, the OP just wanted to stur up a nest of hornets, ;)


What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

  • Like 1

What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.




What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

What you're saying is sad but true and you don't have to live here long to spot them.

There is also a huge difference coming here on holiday and living here. People generally come here with large budgets and spend freely and when they arrive to live here cannot adjust to the reality that lifes not one big holiday and they cannot adapt beyond their fantasy two week spending spree.

  • Like 2

What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

What you're saying is sad but true and you don't have to live here long to spot them.

There is also a huge difference coming here on holiday and living here. People generally come here with large budgets and spend freely and when they arrive to live here cannot adjust to the reality that lifes not one big holiday and they cannot adapt beyond their fantasy two week spending spree.

Seize the day.....:coffee1:


What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

Well said....and painfully accurate.


Then why do you not post some of the insightfull thoughts you have aquired "The who-what-where-when-why-how Thai think and do what they do , I tried to fathom some of them out for 7 years , but they were always so inconsistant in many ways , even as many humans tend to be , I gave it up as a lost cause , why is it so important to you any way ?

I just got on with my own life .

Ok, I'll give you a simple example. It relates to the "Face" and "honesty" thing that farangs are always complaining about. I spoke to a Thai girl once about the topic of her giving out her phone number seemingly indiscriminately. This girl was fairly attractive and worked around farangs on a regular basis. Anyways, she has this tendency to give out her phone number to men simply if they asked for it. Even guys whom she wasn't particularly interested in. I asked why she would do that and her answer was that she didn't want to hurt their feelings or cause them to lose face ("kreng jai"). So what happens when they call? "Oh I just don't answer the phone." But isn't that rude? "Well it's easier to do that than to just refuse to give out my number." Why don't you just tell them you have a boyfriend? "Oh I didn't want to lie." And so it goes. Read what you will into that but the original intention wasn't to be malicious. But I'm sure if you're a Thai hater, you will find fault in this and many other things that Thais do.

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But I'm sure if you're a Thai hater, you will find fault in this and many other things that Thais do.

You're right there.

It seems that Thai people can't do any right, hoardes of Farangs travel thousands of miles to come here, meet a Thai woman, marry a Thai women, live in Thailand, leave their home countries, leave their well paying jobs, leave their families, wife and kids to settle in Thailand, then complain about the Visa system, complain about the fact they cannot own a house, complain about Thai drivers who are driving in Thailand and are so inferior to them, in fact, they think Farangs can do everything better than Thai people, yet they left their Farang Family, their Farang Job, their Farang Kids, their Farang House and Farang roads ....etc etc etc blink.gif.

Then they blame Thailand.

And Farangs think Farangs are smart. biggrin.gif

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I have said it several times before , stop reading ' Opinions ' as 'Complaints and you may get the point .

I have no idea why anyone can think that Thailand is alone or unique in this , in the city of Toronto Canada , various ethnic groups have set up thier own enclaves just as it was 'Back home ' , when you enter any of these you will think you have left Canada and are visiting a foriegn land , right down to boutiques and cinemas where only thier values are available , much of the sineage is also in the same vein .

In Vancouver a Chinese billionare built a huge mall/plaza where everything inside its confines are only in Chinese , people complained , so he went on TV to explain that all people were welcome to his mall despite ethniticity or language of choice .

Try that on in Thailand , say in BKK , imagine the uproar !!!!!!

  • Like 2

have you nothing better to do? nearly 200 posts in less than a week! :blink:

you should get out more often. and your living up to your name!

Please explain.

Do you mean 200 posts in a year ?

In that case your post rate will be higher than mine, so maybe it's you that has to get out more often. jap.gif

It's horrible to make a fool of yourself ain't it ? tongue.gif

And if you really have a major problem, PM me, I'm in Pattaya, the same as I have been since 1990, you can buy me a beer in Soi 6.


I would be up for a tour of soi 6 with sillyman,as i havent been for years lol.Get your ass down to Pattaya,its not far from u.

ok. give me a few weeks to sort a trip out. I need a good night out. and I will PM you both to arrange a date :)

sounds good to me,be nice to meet u both


What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

Well said....and painfully accurate.

If you had sai the minority of farangs i would have said correct,but now i have to say crap lol lol.I have many many friends in Pattaya and not one are like you say,and i mean dozens and dozens of foreign friends.

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sorry mate, I thought you were another poster and I blurted it out without looking properly. :D

now who is the silly man?

You. smile.gif

Anyway, will this make you leave Thailand ?

I'm not Thai, I'm a Farang, yet you confront me, will that make you leave Thailand ?

You can't own land, you'll never be a citizen, you'll have to report every 90 days at the least to the Immigration Office even if you have a yearly Visa.

The Thais can't drive as well as you, they don't know the things you know, yet you always knew that didn't you, so you married a Thai person and bought her a car ....................................cool.gif

The land bit does not bother me, its in my wifes name. and why shouldnt it be. I mean I married her because I love and trust her. and ayway, if it did go tits up, so what, its for my son at the end of the day. so that does not make me want to leave!

If I had a problem with a Thai or a Farang, why leave coz of that. I have had bigger problems before elsewhere!

Visas, again, thats normal crap to deal with, do it right and then one does not have a problem!

Now, driving on the other hand, that could send me over the top and make me leave!!!:D :D

I agree with the "I've had bigger problems elsewhere" line. I mean, it's not like anyone has driven a fork lift truck through a Danish warehouse wall or anything...haha :jap:

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