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Car and bike rental problem


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I had the unfortunate experience of renting a vehicle from POP rental yesterday and would like to warn people about their aggressive and rude attitude when things go wrong.

I went to Mae Sai with a car which obviously had problems, I was unable to start the vehicle to return to Chiang Mai and called the person who I arranged the rental- she was ok and after much running around by me in Mae Sai the vehicle was repaired, with a new Battery and starter motor repair. I was was expected to pay the mechanic for his work , which I did and the cost was 1900bt. The lady at POP assured me I would be given the money upon my return to their office in Chiang Mai.

I had lost 1/2 day in Mae Sai because of the problem so was not back until after 6pm where I find the office I had rented the vehicle from closed but a young guy there who looked at the car and then took me to their main office near Thape gate, which is where the trouble began.

I had the receipt for 1900bt and gave this to a lady there, not the one I had rented the vehicle from, expecting to be given the money as agreed. I was confronted then by a very aggressive man who said no money now I was to come back tomorrow after he had checked the repairs etc. I got rather annoyed and did swear which I should not have done I guess & said I want the money now the car problems were not my fault and they must pay. He was so rude and abusive from the outset after all I had done to fix their car. He became even more aggressive along with another guy in this POP Rental Car place and after discussion with the lady I had arranged the rental with on the phone they paid me.

As I walked out of their shop I said that this company is a disgrace and I will never use them again, the guy comes running after me up the street and a kicked me then hit me in the face !!!

Please beware of these people and dont use them , they have several shops around Thapae gate area but all run by the one group of rude and aggressive people

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"...I got rather annoyed and did swear which I should not have done I guess & said I want the money now the car problems were not my fault and they must pay..."

Well, well, well....sounds like you dug your own grave. There was no need to swear and get annoyed. Why didn't you just come back the following day to resolve the situation? Maybe a little jai yen yen?

Som nam na as they say!

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Don't go in the unnamed restaurant quite close to Thapae gate and order vegetarian food.

Do you think it reasonable, that they wanted to make sure repairs had been done first?

What did the tourist police say, after you called them about the assault?

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I rented a motorcycle from them several years ago and rode up to the Fang area. Clutch cable broke, got it repaired, reimbursed upon returning it with no questions or problems. Guess it's timing and who you see (and keeping tempers at bay).

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I've rented from them,but never ranted at them, five or six times, never had a problem, always found them pleasant and helpful.

If the rant was caused by their failure to refund the cost it is their fault.....There is no excuse for a company to assault it's customers.

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I understand how frustrated you must have been after losing half a day waiting for a repair and then missing closing at your particular rental office. In me, it can build up. And I too have had business expectations defied in Chiang Mai.

I have been lucky in having lived in other foreign communities. There are many places where expressing anger - even being upset (except crying, I mean) results in negative results. Lucky too that I had read (guidebook, probably) that emotional outbursts are harmful to my cause in this country. Even holding hands with one's wife is not done, usually.

As others above have indicated, of course, I am sure that if I was not upset, I would have realized that the fellow at the main office needed to confirm the agreement about the charges. Pretty unlikely that he'd have it on his computer, like the major international outfits.

And yes, without witnesses and a lot of hassle, I doubt you would have gotten much satisfaction, take it all around, going to the police - even having being struck. I think that this is true, though, everywhere. Hope you've survived it OK.

I recall being extremely angry at a cop (I had shouted at him) who gave me a ticket. Took me two years to see his side of it.:blink: Thing is, I would not have gotten the ticket either, if I'd not been in an angry hurry to see a BIG sports event on television.

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"...I got rather annoyed and did swear which I should not have done I guess & said I want the money now the car problems were not my fault and they must pay..."

Well, well, well....sounds like you dug your own grave. There was no need to swear and get annoyed. Why didn't you just come back the following day to resolve the situation? Maybe a little jai yen yen?

Som nam na as they say!

They made him do that because they always do here, like also the totally dumb soupchickens at ISP call centers who can talk but can't listen, personally I became very bored of how they again and again know to manage, or at least try to make YOU feel like the idiot. And they simply can't look at themselves !

It's not only about the way they respond, the OP already had all the trouble with the car. Indeed, 'Why didn't you just come back the following day to resolve the situation?' would been the best solution, but I understand the OP also. Indeed the best is to avoid this total crap company.

I suggest next time choose 'Nong rent-a-car' 100m further on, after the Loi Kroh crossing, they are friendly people not like those arrogant idiots.

Personally I don't take this people serious anymore and don't have any respect for them, as they also don't have no respect for us, but staying correct is the best tactics to get what you want. But for some reason the past year I didn't have any of this experiences anymore and hope it stays like this, and it seems we create our own situations.

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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I do not justify violence either. But here in Thailand, I'm not sure that I can afford to express anger whatever the cause. That is, it never or only very rarely does good. If I'm trying to understand the Thai language a little, or Thais, it should most of all have to do with enhancing communication. For me to cuss and shout is a sort of emotional masturbation, and nothing good is ever born of it, of course, except purging - which can be done at home.

I wonder, if by my being what he perceives as outrageously rude to a Thai, if the jump to a punch is not imagined by him to be a smaller leap?

Anyway courting a cool heart ain't all bad.

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