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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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Well this week was not a kind one. I have lost my trusted helper to the whiskey bottle so the last month has been hard work. I had a sow approaching farrowing and pigs to rehouse as they grew. That meant I had to convert a nursery pen into a multi-purpose room and install a barrier to create both a creep at the front and a feeder frame and bowl for the sow.

So one up it was all A-holes and elbows in the lead up. The barrier was finished and so was I so all I had to do was move the sow from her communal pen into the new room first thing in the morning.

This sow has produced some good litters in the past but in my haste I forget to check her gestation times and of course, early in the morning was too late. Eight very good and unfortunately very mobile piglets had been crushed by gestation sisters and nearby boars. Of those that perished seven were female and they averaged 1.9 kg, I was left with 3 viable but small females and two runty males.

At times you just cannot help bad luck! Or is that bad management?

Sometimes we are confronted with circumstances that are out of our control, as with you worker hitting the bottle and the increase of your personal work load to offset staff deficiencies compounds the issues. Put this unfortunate loss down to bad luck and cruel timing. I feel for you but it could have been worse! Ian.

Well this week was not a kind one. I have lost my trusted helper to the whiskey bottle so the last month has been hard work. I had a sow approaching farrowing and pigs to rehouse as they grew. That meant I had to convert a nursery pen into a multi-purpose room and install a barrier to create both a creep at the front and a feeder frame and bowl for the sow.

So one up it was all A-holes and elbows in the lead up. The barrier was finished and so was I so all I had to do was move the sow from her communal pen into the new room first thing in the morning.

This sow has produced some good litters in the past but in my haste I forget to check her gestation times and of course, early in the morning was too late. Eight very good and unfortunately very mobile piglets had been crushed by gestation sisters and nearby boars. Of those that perished seven were female and they averaged 1.9 kg, I was left with 3 viable but small females and two runty males.

At times you just cannot help bad luck! Or is that bad management?

Sometimes we are confronted with circumstances that are out of our control, as with you worker hitting the bottle and the increase of your personal work load to offset staff deficiencies compounds the issues. Put this unfortunate loss down to bad luck and cruel timing. I feel for you but it could have been worse! Ian.

Verry sorry to hear your story, I wish you all the best in the future, Don't try to speed up things. Sometimes it's better to do it the "Thai' read "slow' way.

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Today I sold again 2 pigs @ 66 Bht/Kg. My last-ones for the moment. Unfortunally I have more demand than I can deliver.

At this same glorious day one of my Landrace-sows gave for the first time birth to 7 healthy piglets. I know it's a small number but it's her first litter and I will give her another chance. I hope next time the number will be higher,

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At this same glorious day one of my Landrace-sows gave for the first time birth to 7 healthy piglets. I know it's a small number but it's her first litter and I will give her another chance. I hope next time the number will be higher,

A similar story to one of mine three weeks ago, only 6 piglets from her first litter but all healthy and heavier than the norm, And this sow is more like some of my male neighbours ( likes to eat drink & sleep ) and nothing more.
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At this same glorious day one of my Landrace-sows gave for the first time birth to 7 healthy piglets. I know it's a small number but it's her first litter and I will give her another chance. I hope next time the number will be higher,

A similar story to one of mine three weeks ago, only 6 piglets from her first litter but all healthy and heavier than the norm, And this sow is more like some of my male neighbours ( likes to eat drink & sleep ) and nothing more.

As a matter of interest, how many times did you mate these two gilts?

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At this same glorious day one of my Landrace-sows gave for the first time birth to 7 healthy piglets. I know it's a small number but it's her first litter and I will give her another chance. I hope next time the number will be higher,

A similar story to one of mine three weeks ago, only 6 piglets from her first litter but all healthy and heavier than the norm, And this sow is more like some of my male neighbours ( likes to eat drink & sleep ) and nothing more.

As a matter of interest, how many times did you mate these two gilts?

Hi ; Tony In my case it was only the once ,she is a shy girl.
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This time of year is a real challenge. Rushing about with a hose to cool down panting pigs. They are drinking twice as much water and eating less. I am cleaning in the afternoon because the sty is the coolest place to be at that time of day and it gives the best effect for the then hot pigs.

But there is a cost! Having excreted most of they daily does in the morning there is a window of opportunity for them to then wallow in it and then smear it all over the walls. Grower pigs seem the worst offenders.

So added to the usual cleaning of the floors are the walls and the pigs.

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This time of year is a real challenge. Rushing about with a hose to cool down panting pigs. They are drinking twice as much water and eating less. I am cleaning in the afternoon because the sty is the coolest place to be at that time of day and it gives the best effect for the then hot pigs.

But there is a cost! Having excreted most of they daily does in the morning there is a window of opportunity for them to then wallow in it and then smear it all over the walls. Grower pigs seem the worst offenders.

So added to the usual cleaning of the floors are the walls and the pigs.

We are actually cleaning and washing the growers in the morning because after eleven the water which has been heated by the sun in the pvc pipes is too hot to cool down the pigs. Also around 17.00 winds start to blow and rain purs down. Lat week I had too replace 15 roofpanels, which had just been ripped of the roof. We have to clean the walls from the pigs above 30kg every two days now as well. The smaller ones seem to be alot cleaner, they all shit in the same spot and don't wallow in it too much I have not noticed them eating much less. They seem to be very happy to drink, eat, lay down for a couple of minutes and start over again.. But we are at our farm at 06.00 am to open everything up to ensure that there is a lot of air circulation (after 18.00 or if there is a lot of wind we lower plastic sheets to keep the wind out at night).

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Dedicated ! Good job !!! If not for the clash of investment on my 200'000 catfishes, i would...... ( on the 1st of March...already received the "GO AHEAD" from head office )

Edited by RedBullHorn
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Great temperature for new piglets now (except for the wind chill before rain), not so for the sows. My sty has good ventilation and makes good use of the light breezes we get here. I only have one sow that is suffering from the heat in the afternoons, but a good hose down and a scrub and she stops panting.

My breeding herd are large pigs and they dont make the mess that the growers and finishers make.

Yesterday I had a friend drop by to give me a hand and we weighed a few pigs. One got she head stuck in between the bars of the transport box and we had to stand the box on its end and bounce it to get her free. She was literally hanging in the box for a few seconds, not in danger but definitely stuck by the jowls.

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Sold my last finished 6 pigs last week to make room for the piglets. (126,120,94,86 and 82 kg) at 60- bath a kg. Normally I would not have sold those under 90 kg but I wanted the room for the new piglets. Buying them at 13-15 kg with a one month garantee (replaced for free if they die). The vet came by today and he was very impressed with their growth.

We also have a feed shop (betagro) and act as a brpoker for people who want to sell they finished pigs or buy piglets from several suppliers..

After the last disaster with an 80% death-rate it now seems to be going allright. I have learned a lot, and realise what we did wrong before in may instances. I was planning to start breeding piglets for myself but with my current supplier of 15kg piglets with a month guarantee I figure the risk I run is minimal since in one month they will be 30+kg and not likely to die as qucickly as the small ones.

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A note,

Because of hot weather, many of u use allot of water for cooling pigs, and so do i. Think of using Chlorine in water to eliminate bacteria problem that are related to water and varm weather.

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A note,

Because of hot weather, many of u use allot of water for cooling pigs, and so do i. Think of using Chlorine in water to eliminate bacteria problem that are related to water and varm weather.

No no no, use probiotic in the drinking and wash water to eliminate smell, increase nutrient take up when diet is suppressed, and it has antioxidant that will eliminate or slow rust. High populations of beneficial bacteria will out compete the nasties. Chlorine, not for me, I'm a sea salt man

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A note,

Because of hot weather, many of u use allot of water for cooling pigs, and so do i. Think of using Chlorine in water to eliminate bacteria problem that are related to water and varm weather.

No no no, use probiotic in the drinking and wash water to eliminate smell, increase nutrient take up when diet is suppressed, and it has antioxidant that will eliminate or slow rust. High populations of beneficial bacteria will out compete the nasties. Chlorine, not for me, I'm a sea salt man

Sounds nice but is it really possibly to use in a farm with more than 500 units? I guess it cost much more than Chlorine. We use allot of water in these warm days. I would say more than 10 cubic meter(m3) a day.

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A note,

Because of hot weather, many of u use allot of water for cooling pigs, and so do i. Think of using Chlorine in water to eliminate bacteria problem that are related to water and varm weather.

No no no, use probiotic in the drinking and wash water to eliminate smell, increase nutrient take up when diet is suppressed, and it has antioxidant that will eliminate or slow rust. High populations of beneficial bacteria will out compete the nasties. Chlorine, not for me, I'm a sea salt man

Sounds nice but is it really possibly to use in a farm with more than 500 units? I guess it cost much more than Chlorine. We use allot of water in these warm days. I would say more than 10 cubic meter(m3) a day.

I believe it is. I have 4,000 litres of water storage and dose each 1,000 litre tank with 1 litre of the probiotic. Use a medication doser in the drinking water lines. As for cost, about 3 baht per litre once it is established.

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I do not understand what I read my father in America still and I have up to 15 years raised pigs.

He has 2300 pigs started 45 years ago with 5 and less than 1/2 acre Now has 600 acres and 2300 pigs no loans all made from pigs need clean the shit had me and my only clean up after them. Now they are kept in big building.

When we left he hired help

Now all you clean shit and make nothing so one is robbing you and rest assure it is not me

No real pig farmer will do what you do Your wife and ego told you are a farmer you are not

Please do not tell me this Thailand

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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Great topic IA and other posters iv'e just finished reading it from the start and it'e been very interesting . As now my inlaws are getting into the pig scene aswell or at least into the rearing stage from piglets to 4 month old and i just wanted to know a little bit of info. Their just starting small and if all goes well i hope to get involved and increase the size to help the rest of the inlaws out . Keep up the good work to all you guys greta thread

Do not do you will be paying for their pigs food.

Only do if inlaws have at least a 1000 pigs today then they might known something if less they known nothing and are just poor fools, looking to live off you .

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This time of year is a real challenge. Rushing about with a hose to cool down panting pigs. They are drinking twice as much water and eating less. I am cleaning in the afternoon because the sty is the coolest place to be at that time of day and it gives the best effect for the then hot pigs.

But there is a cost! Having excreted most of they daily does in the morning there is a window of opportunity for them to then wallow in it and then smear it all over the walls. Grower pigs seem the worst offenders.

So added to the usual cleaning of the floors are the walls and the pigs.

I you really doing this Do you think real pig farmers that make 5000 US a month do this?

You are wasting your time.

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The piglets are realy growing. I think I can see them getting larger every day. Although there are still two groups all of them are getting bigger. When I come with the bananas they recognize me and get crazy. This is helpfull for those who do not run to me are probable sick. One of them did not come today and sure enough, swonllen eyelids. a little amoxyl should take care of the infection. I also gave a vitamin B complex injection, which should stimulate his appatite. My two 'runts' are staying behind the rest but are putting on weight. I am being carefull to ensure they gettheir share of the vtamin enriged (c-tonic) bananas.

Prices here have dropped to 45 bath a kg so I am happy I have sold the big ones.


You don't know me, not posted as away from LOS for other reasons. In the 4 or so years of little experience a shot of oxycontin is the wonder drug.

Banana's are filling your pigs stomach with a, giving a product which does little and b, fills the pig up so doesn't eat your growing food so sorry bananas do little except fill your sty with sh1t.

45 kg is too low be aware of those cunning dealers find one that is fair and deals with plenty of live stock. These that buy 3 pigs a week try every trick in the book i.e. bring back a cut of meat with fat on it, pigs should have a layer of fat but try and tell that to a man who is trying to sell a pig every two days and all he wants is red meat.

Good luck for the future and I don't mean to offend, just offer advice. smile.gif I am back in LOS and have been for 4 months my GF bought a sow and it's first litter was 13 piglets. We have three pregnant sows and running out of room but hopefully produced piglets at the right time for the general price fluctuations. You sound like you are enjoying it and that.s the whole point oh and make the "family" a bit of cash.


Noy offended at all, I apreciate all the advice I can get.

There are only a couple of guys here who buy pigs and there is no slaughterhouse I know of. There is sickness in the area (prrs suspected) and a lot of pigs died and many of the small farmers here are selling at 60+ kg at a loss because they are affraid their pigs will die. The sharks bennefit and this causes the extreme low prices (They sell the meat at high prices). Now prices are back to 57 bath, still too low in my oppinion, so close to new year.

I have had no deaths but there is a little caughing (could als be the cold mornings). I had to move my pigs out to my new sty hurriedly while three of the pens are not finished yet, because the pigs of friens in whos pens the were staying were getting sick. However 14 of my 69 pigs have hardly grown in the last month, s I think they have been affected

My new sty has 6 4x4m pens, 3 of which are now finished. Finishing the other 3 now while the pigs are staying in the first 3. I now have a pen between 25-30 kg, one with 18-25 and one for the small ones which I have start feeding extra milkpowder,

Enjoying it all very much.

Don't let anyone on your farm get the missus to put signs up. Make sure you worm them as this causes them to cough, cheap powder just added to feed, this maybe why they are also not growing?.

Everyday is a school day pig farming in Thailand but the best thing is you are doing something and not just propping up a bar like many, keep it going it will come good.

Listen learn to trade the Stock Market in America and Europe stop cleaning shit

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At this same glorious day one of my Landrace-sows gave for the first time birth to 7 healthy piglets. I know it's a small number but it's her first litter and I will give her another chance. I hope next time the number will be higher,

A similar story to one of mine three weeks ago, only 6 piglets from her first litter but all healthy and heavier than the norm, And this sow is more like some of my male neighbours ( likes to eat drink & sleep ) and nothing more.

As a matter of interest, how many times did you mate these two gilts?

A.I. , only 1 time. But the piglets are extremely big and strong.
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This time of year is a real challenge. Rushing about with a hose to cool down panting pigs. They are drinking twice as much water and eating less. I am cleaning in the afternoon because the sty is the coolest place to be at that time of day and it gives the best effect for the then hot pigs.

But there is a cost! Having excreted most of they daily does in the morning there is a window of opportunity for them to then wallow in it and then smear it all over the walls. Grower pigs seem the worst offenders.

So added to the usual cleaning of the floors are the walls and the pigs.

I you really doing this Do you think real pig farmers that make 5000 US a month do this?

You are wasting your time.

Looks like another one has come out from under the bridge. Undoubtedly one of Phattays finest?
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Thanks IsaanAussie & Jompa67:

Do you mean em? We are using this in the drinking water as well. Does this kill the bacterea as well? For cleaning we use antitane disinfectant for livestock once every 3 days or if there is sickness or diarea. Antitane contains 5% w/v benzalkonium chloride and you can use it in drinking water (15-30ml/200liter) but i am hesitant to do this.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Edited by revar
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This time of year is a real challenge. Rushing about with a hose to cool down panting pigs. They are drinking twice as much water and eating less. I am cleaning in the afternoon because the sty is the coolest place to be at that time of day and it gives the best effect for the then hot pigs.

But there is a cost! Having excreted most of they daily does in the morning there is a window of opportunity for them to then wallow in it and then smear it all over the walls. Grower pigs seem the worst offenders.

So added to the usual cleaning of the floors are the walls and the pigs.

I you really doing this Do you think real pig farmers that make 5000 US a month do this?

You are wasting your time.

Looks like another one has come out from under the bridge. Undoubtedly one of Phattays finest?

Bottom line to make 10 Baht a hour for your labor?

Attacking me or Pattaya does not make you a farmer But clean up after pigs will make one smell a pig.

Do you clean pig shit and lose money?

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Thanks IsaanAussie & Jompa67:

Do you mean em? We are using this in the drinking water as well. Does this kill the bacterea as well? For cleaning we use antitane disinfectant for livestock once every 3 days or if there is sickness or diarea. Antitane contains 5% w/v benzalkonium chloride and you can use it in drinking water (15-30ml/200liter) but i am hesitant to do this.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


EM is a global trademark and manufactured under licencing agreement here in Thailand. The original product is Japanese and the result of many years of work bu Dr Higa and a little luck. That is all on the web. Check out EMRO Japan etc... the Kysei natural farm in Saraburi.

There is a difference, EM 1 is the standard commercial product and is a brew of lactic acid and photsynthetic bacteria with fungal or yeast components and is intended for agricultural use.

What I am using is focused on pigs and whilst similar, its main ingedient is a lactic acid bacteria found naturally in pigs. Pretty close to yogurt is smell. What is does is accumulate in the pigs collen and assist in digestion, hence for weaned pigletsit replaces the LAB that sows milk was giving them. no scours or diaherra. Because the digestion is improved the growing pigs get more out of the nutrients you are feeding them. That means better FCR's, less feed and faster time to market weight. Added bonus, sh1t that does not smell.

Currently I am dosing 4x1000 litre water tanks with a litre per day. A litre costs me 3 baht. Go crazy guys.


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Harry from Pattaya,

Thank you for your productive comments. This is a pinned topic that seeks to assist Thai Visa members who are involved in or thinking of becoming involved in pig farming here in Thailand, not in Australia or the US, not even in Cambodia or Vietnam, right here.

We, the people that contribute to this topic, and those that may benefit from our experiences place absolutely zero credence or value on bar flies. I find it hard enough to meet the feed bills each week, and I am sure even you can understand that at 10 Baht an hour I only have to work 700 hours a week to do that.

Go rattle someone elses tree, perhaps spend yet another liesurely day under the umbrellas getting another hanna tattoo. Pretty safe pasttime, it will wash off, just like pig ...



The Pattaya Porky can't possibly live there or he would know, as we all do, that the stench in Pattaya is far worse than any pig farm I've ever visited. Thats not a joke it's a fact.

Stock Market. Why didn't I think of that.Buy a few shares, sit in a bar getting pithed all day, making a fortune. You can't lose. You can end up with a small fortune on the Stock Market just start with a big one. Gamblers always lie about their success. Am I taking the pith you bet

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Hi guys,

I am looking for a few 100% purebred male piglets (not castrated)

- Duroc

- Pietrain

- Large White

- DANISH Landrace

I want to buy from different blood-lines.

I would also like to know where I can buy purebred Pietrain seamen or piglets in Thailand.

Thanks and hope I can buy from you guys so we can support eachother.

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Taken me some months to find this forum after being told about it. I hope i can add some comment from time to time but in the mean time i will just read with intrest.

Welcome to the forum Ex
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Taken me some months to find this forum after being told about it. I hope i can add some comment from time to time but in the mean time i will just read with intrest.

Welcome to the forum Ex


Taken me some months to find this forum after being told about it. I hope i can add some comment from time to time but in the mean time i will just read with intrest.

Welcome to the forum Ex

Welcome Ex
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