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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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IA, revar business practice is similar to mine... Chinese would call it " The Chinaman Tactic"

Business acumen is one thing, the trait of a "Chinaman Tactic" business relationship comes first, generosity(give and take), sociability(drinking), mutual respect, act dumb at times and charisma, no need for arse kissing. smile.png

We are selling, they're customers... Sometime i'd tell my supplier and wholesalers "Customers are Kings !" they'd feel good, then i'd add "Remember, Kings always pay~ "laugh.png

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In an environment of give and take, one where respect is given and earnt, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, ours is far from a perfect world and perhaps old dogs learn slowly. But I feel happy with who I am and what life has shaped me into. To me there can be no loser if there is no game, business is business. If for some childish reason, a customer needs to feel more than satisfication with his deal, that's his business and not my concern.

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Anyone notice the latest figures quoted on swinethailand? Strange isnt it, when things drop, reports stop! How Thai is that? No one wants to be the bearer of bad news...

Daily August 2, 2012

Price of pig meat.

Ratchaburi 55.50 (+ 2.5)

Nakhon Pathom 57.00 (+ 2)

Chachoengsao 58.00 (0)

Chonburi 57.00 (0)

Northeast 59.00 (0)

Mai 60.00 (0)

Sriracha 58.00 (0)

Surat Thani 56.00 (0)

Songkhla 57.00 (0)

The piglet 1, 500.00 +-56.00

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Have been following this thread with interest i am trying to get a calendar drawn up but last year we were flooded out for three months so i have no real idea of prices for oct nov dec

As I understand it people are saying aug/sept/oct are bad times

then nov till chinese new year feb /mar ? is good


apropos of prices i looked up this site today but we can never get within 5 baht of these prices???? กรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 48.00 บาท/กก. หนุ่มฟาร์ม อ.ธวัชบุรี จ.ร้อยเอ็ด 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 54.00 บาท/กก. บริษัท บุรีรัมย์ฟาร์ม จำกัด อ.เมือง จ.บุรีรัมย์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 55.00 บาท/กก. อลงกรณ์ฟาร์ม อ.พาน จ.เชียงราย 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 55.00 บาท/กก. ฟาร์มปากช่อง อ.ปากช่อง จ.นครราชสีมา 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 56.00 บาท/กก. บริษัทศรีสุดาฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.นครสวรรค์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 56.00 บาท/กก. CPF ประเทศไทย อ.เมือง จ.ชุมพร 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. เค.ที.อาร์.ฟาร์ม อ.แม่ทา จ.ลำพูน 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. บุญมีฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.อุตรดิตถ์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. ศิริสมานฟาร์ม อ.ศรีสำโรง จ.สุโขทัย 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. กาญจนาฟาร์ม อ.ปากท่อ จ.ราชบุรี 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. ที เค ฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.นครปฐม 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. ไพลินฟาร์ม อ.ค้อวัง จ.ยโสธร 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. บจก.ก้าวหน้าปศุสัตว์ อ.ควนขนุน จ.พัทลุง 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจ.เบทาโกร อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจ.เบทาโกร อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. พันธุ์ทิพย์ฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.ระนอง 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจก.ตรังวัฒนาฟาร์ม อ.ห้วยยอด จ.ตรัง 2012-09-14

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In an environment of give and take, one where respect is given and earnt, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, ours is far from a perfect world and perhaps old dogs learn slowly. But I feel happy with who I am and what life has shaped me into. To me there can be no loser if there is no game, business is business. If for some childish reason, a customer needs to feel more than satisfication with his deal, that's his business and not my concern.

When i demonstrated to them my rearing skill and technic + knowledge in multiple areas of expertise like charting and informations on the internet (jaws dropped)... They knew i'm serious and acute as a businessman... i studied their characters and mentalities + their egos and played along and joint the gang, my drinking power is outstanding (being a entertainment venues manager), bring it on Lao Khao, Sator, Sangsom or 5 cartons of Chang ! I'd laugh out loud if you bring Leo because i'd just piss off 10 cartons...

The thing is i can conquer them charismatically and make them feel comfortable, the whole thing to this game is to let them feel i'm like one of them and they'd let their guard down (Art of War, they know they're smart and they know i'm no fool)... then I'll slowing and tactically do my assault of abstracting information and make deals etc etc......

Business is business, just different approach... like what revar said...That's many ways to skin a pig~

A big big "BUT"... I make business deals, i don't kiss <deleted>...smile.png

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Those with Thai skills better than mine (not hard to qualify there) will know the correct way to spell and pronounce the word "Lurm" or literally lick up. This is a trait in many locals here looking for a handout. I suppose they are guilty of what RBH refrains from.

Personally I dislike this intensely in people whose only real need to to get gainfully employed by something other than a whiskey bottle. What really irritates me is they never stop, on and on....

In the words of Bricktop "Errol, feed 'em to the pigs will ya!"

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IA, I know the type. When we came here 13 years ago there were a lot of those types around.

Most got wise and don't bother anymore since they know they won't get any freebies, especially when they ask for it. Others actually changed and I have loned me money or helped/worked for free when I was short. Of course there are some hard-cases or new arivals whp still think I am an atm

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Hey Revar,

Yeah, but it is not a Thai only syndrome. I met with two Aussies some time ago that seemed to have the same traits. They told me that they had each built a house on a block of land that their wives owed. These two guys were just painful to be around and somehow seemed to think I owed them something. The wives are somehow related. I thought this has got to end badly and any excuse to cut this conversation short should be taken. But they were as sticky as fly paper. Brian Hunt and Michael Sillik was their names, and no they are not TV members so beware my fellow TV Farmers if ever met them.

Anyway, today they turn up here unannounced. I didnt tell them where we are, arh, wives talking OK but they are looking for help as they had been given the empty and all was lost. Their houses, their pig sty, their money, everything gone. Then they stick it on me! What am I going to do to help? Excuse me? How is this my problem?

I get their life stories. They are step brothers (common mother) apparently and had been attracted to their ladies by the fact that they were also related. Rings within rings sort of stuff.

I sent them packing with a few words about cultural differences but thought to myself that with surnames like that they were destined to fail. A pair of "Sillik Hunts" if ever I met some.


And it isnt even April!

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I accidently pressed submit so Ill post my complete reply first.

IA, I know the type. When we came here 13 years ago there were a lot of those types around.

Most got wise and don't bother anymore since they know they won't get any freebies, especially when they ask for it. Others actually changed and I have loned me money or helped/worked for free when I was short. Of course there are some hard-cases or new arivals who still think I am an atm when they see me first time. But they are quickly set straight by the others in the village. Or just ignored.

And as you said you get them anywhere. And I can understand it when a very poor thai tries ro get a freebee from someone he thinks loaded. Far more then someone like the two guys you talked about.

And business-contacts learn it very quickly on a way similar to what RBH described. Be and act very knowledgable and professional. Also make sure that you negotiate hard the first few times so you earn their respect.

But still make it fun. Later the relationship might become more sociable and thats where you start getting and giving discounts,credit etc. Nothing to do with arse-licking. This is how it worked when I did business for the worlds third largets consumer products multinational in Europe and how it works here. But for the thais the social /fun part is more important and actually a deal breaker. In europe you go to lunch dinner together, here you get invited to sons becomming monks , cremations and hear all kind of personal things.

And dinners of course but since its custom that the highest status person pays in many cases suppliers insist on paying.

One of the main things I like about thailand is this insistance on having fun and be sociable. If a cremation can turn into a big party with the widdow ramwonging its not surprising that having fun at work is must here.

And here Iam having fun all the time while in holland I slaved at work and had fun in the evening.

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Revar and RBH,

My friends it would really be a pleasure to sit with you both and try to help RBH out a little with all those Leos. Personally I may get through six bottles, so assuming Revar is the same I suppose our Chinese business wizard has to clean up the rest. biggrin.png

I teach people around me there are three types of people I dislike and in concert I dislike intensely. Thiefs, liars and Lurmers or arse lickers as you call them.

I turned 60 a few months ago but will never admit to being old or getting old. I spend my days doing what I want to do, who can ask for more? People in our village ask why I work so hard when I am old already? There are some at about my age (that have my respect) that dont have time to ask.

Freeloaders can remain pedestrians. I treat the "real" people the same way you guys do. The rest? Do something fundamental to your left shoe and leave me alone!

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In an environment of give and take, one where respect is given and earnt, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, ours is far from a perfect world and perhaps old dogs learn slowly. But I feel happy with who I am and what life has shaped me into. To me there can be no loser if there is no game, business is business. If for some childish reason, a customer needs to feel more than satisfication with his deal, that's his business and not my concern.

When i demonstrated to them my rearing skill and technic + knowledge in multiple areas of expertise like charting and informations on the internet (jaws dropped)... They knew i'm serious and acute as a businessman... i studied their characters and mentalities + their egos and played along and joint the gang, my drinking power is outstanding (being a entertainment venues manager), bring it on Lao Khao, Sator, Sangsom or 5 cartons of Chang ! I'd laugh out loud if you bring Leo because i'd just piss off 10 cartons...

The thing is i can conquer them charismatically and make them feel comfortable, the whole thing to this game is to let them feel i'm like one of them and they'd let their guard down (Art of War, they know they're smart and they know i'm no fool)... then I'll slowing and tactically do my assault of abstracting information and make deals etc etc......

Business is business, just different approach... like what revar said...That's many ways to skin a pig~

A big big "BUT"... I make business deals, i don't kiss <deleted>...smile.png

RBH, we realy do do business the same way. Being seen as knowledgeble and professional is very important (respect, which is ver important in los). Tactics like you described I employ as well and acting dumb when you don't like what you hear is especially easy when you are a farang. Ioften team up with my wife playing good girl bad guy or the other way around.

But its important to realise that we don't go for the fast buck. Instead we cultivate long term, mutual proffitable business relationships. The pitfall here is that with the integration of social activities and business there is a risk of forgetting that they are business partners, not friends.

IA's approach is safer because there is less chance to get 'hurt', financially or emotionally.

I have been hurt like this before and will be again.

The risk of the game.

But potential profit is a lot bigger in our approach in this culture and it sure is a lot more fun .

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IA and RBH,

Lets make it chang because i agree with RBH about Leo. Even in Holland I didn't drink heineken (which is Dutch) because its like water. And as an entertainment venues manager maybe RBH canget his hands on a nice cognac!

Oh shit, we live far apart and for farmers there are no hollidays. Well its a nice dream.

Appreciate all your input and for me this is fun.

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One of the few things I don't like here. Lots of good whiskey but no decent cognac or armagnac (camus xo or even martell xo) vsop is nice to mix but hongtong is cheaper and just as good a mixer. But inthe cold north you need to keep warm so I understand your preference for lao gow or guiness.

Ps if you first drink guiness then Leo it is realy like water.

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This morning saw another cull sow go to her last party and a funeral all at once. Second to this party at 219kg, the other 213kg. Not too disappointed at the 45 baht figure. Now only three of the old girls left.

Got a few young boars if anyone is interested. Brabo took a youngster and it had two gilts come into season and tried to sneek a jump in on Brabo's FIL. Performance guaranteed? Well someone has a smile on his face...

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it must be hard on you mate watching the old girls go,i feel for you,

im bad enough when its the ones ive raised that have to go, ive stoped giving them names now, when we first started i had names for some of them,lol,

anyway back to what ive come on for,

the wife has just got rid of 8 of ours @ 52bht kilo, its not good, but we still make a bit, only because as you know i get my piglets at a very very good price, like ive said before they might be the runts from the big farms, but after a week of being spoilt at the jackson farm there great,

take care all jake, sakoew area

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You are too emotional due to your new arrival, but I admit to being attached to the sows as they have served us well. Unfortunately it is a business and you just have to harden to it. One thing I doubt I will ever be able to do is dispatch one of our pigs.

But back to reality, I had sows that were not as productive as they had been, that in itself reason enough to sell them off. Given the poor prices for prime market pigs, cull stock remains much the same low price all the time and currently offers a discount against 100kg pigs. So there really was no better time to sell and I consider my self luckly to have cleared most of the stock.

Oh yeah Jake, I give them all a kiss and a pat to say bye bye....

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lol, i bet you did,

but i must admit before i found thailand i had kissed a few pigs in my time,,lol,

she sold 2 more today, she said somebody from the next village came, new customer, didnt no we were there and she got 53bht kilo,

well be ok, just got to keep at it, i cant wait to get back home, not long now,9th november i fly, do aweeks fishing in england first with my son, then home, dont worry i havent forgot your vegimite,lol,

ill be coming to issan near burriram at some point as im going to visit a pigeon man there to have a look at his pigeons,

take care jake

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Can someone please give me advise

growing 30 odd pigs this round, being happy with balance feed from batagrow somereazon decided to try PERFECT,

nasty surprise have a massive load of the stuff but pigs wont eat it,

what shall i do

new to the pig stuff not sure,


if me or the missus not ill ask TV someone will give decent info

Thanks in advance

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growing 30 odd pigs this round, being happy with balance feed from batagrow somereazon decided to try PERFECT,

nasty surprise have a massive load of the stuff but pigs wont eat it,

what shall i do

I have always used balance feeds with the odd exception when stocks are low. I know people who use Perfect as well and they seem happy enough with it. Answer is simple, you have the feed and the pigs will have to eat it!

Hunger will probably change their minds if it is a taste or smell issue.

So assuming that the new feed is not spoilt, try removing the feed completely for a day and then feed only half rations. Competing for a small amount of feed will probably do the trick. If the pigs are small then try getting some milk powder from the feed store and sprinkle a small amount on the feed.

An added reinforcement point, do not leave feed that has been refused in the feeders, it will only spoil and at best become something to play with. Better to take it out and get them hungry then offer it again.

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If the pigs were used to eating one brand they might refuse another brand just because it tastes different. they dpn't like things they don't know. It even happens within one brand when switching to the next type. As IA says getting them hungry will help, but you can alsp try mixing the first bag with something they realy like. milkpowder is a option but why not mix the first bucket with 70% balance, next they 40% perfect-60% balance, etc until they are used to the new feed.

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