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id go as far to say thai men are less violent than westerners after a drink. it is western culture to get beered up and then take on the world, it isnt the same in asia.

i have seen plenty of incidents in BKK involving drunken westerners where i thought' that bloke deserves a kicking off the thais' but they have been very patient and tolerant with them.

i also saw a thai man get whacked full in the face in the street in nana one night by a yank and nobody did anything.

people drinking to excess anywhere in the world causes problems. i always found the norwegians the best at flipping on the jagmeister when working out there ....... now that was something to see

Reminds me of a thread I read on TV a few months back about pretty much the same subject.

A poster was telling me he see a farang guy in a go go bar drunk as a skunk get up on stage and started tapping the Thai bouncer on his head with his foot. He said the Thai bouncer let it go for a few minutes of having his head constantly tapped by this farang guys foot before he beat the s.hit out of him. The poster used this story to show the explosive violence of the Thais. :o

It seemed very controlled to me, a foreign guy or indeed any guy doing that in red light district in the UK would have been violently beaten a few seconds after the foot first hit the bouncers head.

Overall the Thais are pretty chilled and I love Thailand for that.

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If you type  "international crime rates" into google you can get a comparison of the number of murders that occur per year in various countries. Thailand is number 3. The only reason that it is not number one is that Columbia and Africa are one and two!

Africa isn't a country, it's a continent comprising at least 50 different countries.

According to this site Thailand is 8th in the world:


and per capita is not in the first 25:



I was born and brought up in Glasgow.

I have received and have given more hammerings than I care to remember.

(Received more than dished out, I'd better clarify).

Living and growing up in that city meant that violence was inevitable,

it came looking for you.

I remember thinking one day, this is insane, I walk into a bar with my friends or alone, and more often than not, someone, (tanked up on booze), would at some point say,

“Who are you looking at!”

You cannot ignore this challenge, they won’t let you, and being a Glaswegian you can’t help yourself, you just have to say, “you ya prick” and then it starts, and where it ends, nobody can tell.

It was about this time that I took every chance that came my way to escape.

I took a job in Cairo, for three years, and never once felt threatened, anytime of the day or night. (Might be different now though!).

I came to Asia in 92, I have worked in Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Jakarta, visited Hong Kong, Ho Chi Ming, KL and never once have I had the feeling that I get when I walk thru’ “The Toon” in Glasgow, day or night.

I’m pretty sure that if I get into a fight here in Asia, there will be a reason for it and not as back “home” just for the sake of it.

Someone once told me. “That’s what built the British Empire, and now that there is no-one left to fight and no mandatory military service, the young Brits just fight amongst themselves. They can’t help it, it’s in their blood”

Maybe there’s something in that, or maybe it’s just more bullshit.



great post chechoie, it cracked me up.

i'd forgotten all about the weegies!!! why is it no matter where, or what time, you get a train in the UK there is always a weegy on board with a plastic bag full of special brew :o:D

when i was a teenager i went to use a public phone (one of those open air ones) in london. there was a bloke talking on it already so i stood on the other side of the road out of earshot waiting for my turn.

the weegy's instincts must have sensed someone nearby because he turned to me and shouted 'wit the fk de ye want?' at me. it was around 2pm in the afternoon and a beautiful sunny day.

i said i was waiting for the phone but that wasnt good enough for the weegy, because i had obviously intruded into some unmarked personal space of his!

how do i know he was a weegy? because he had a rangers tattoo on his forearm and i got a quick look at it as he motored across the street at me windmilling away :D:D

i've travelled all over too and i've never had any of these kind of random violent encounters like i have in the UK, and i've had plenty.

thailand is the complete opposite......and i love it

The firm i used to work for had a tv program called Muscle that was on the bbc a few years ago, fly on the wall documentry. One of the local councillors said it was portaying Bristol in a poor light and it wasnt that bad, but if he had actually worked on a door then he would of realised that this is your typical Friday or Saturday night not just in Bristol but all over the country.

I saw that program Daley, just when the Watershed clubs were being built too. When I go back to Bristol I just go up Park Street to avoid that attitude down there, but generally I think it's calmed down. Most of my friends, for their sins, live in Weston - there's nowhere to avoid the idiots there.

Hope to see the "Bristol Massive" at Sin on Friday :o


Wow, some of us Yanks, who don't know better, think that jolly ol' England is just as peaceful as can be. Ya know tea time, bobbies (w/o guns) etc. I think some Americans surprised about stories like that above, of course, alot of us Americans are surprise about what goes on in our own backyard.

I saw that program Daley, just when the Watershed clubs were being built too.  When I go back to Bristol I just go up Park Street to avoid that attitude down there, but generally I think it's calmed down.  Most of my friends, for their sins, live in Weston - there's nowhere to avoid the idiots there.

Hope to see the "Bristol Massive" at Sin on Friday  :D

Unfortunately i am stuck in sunny Brizzel at the moment. Wont be back to Los till end of January for 6 weeks, SOOOOOOOO hopefully there will be another pissup sorry i mean meet up :o around the time i am there. Unless of course i win the Euro millions on Friday which is currently £77 million quid, if i do i will take all tv members who arent in Thailand over and i will have the biggest Tv meet up :D


For some reason this thread has gone down a path comparing the volatile nature of Thai’s vs the volatile nature of westerners. It seems to me the OP was actually asking if Thai’s have a volatile nature and if anyone has experienced this (volatile) type of actions from Thai’s and not asking for comparisons to the west.

I think it would be fair to say that many (maybe even most) western cultures are more violent in nature than Thai’s or Thai culture. But this does not mean that Thai’s are non-violent. I have found that most Thai people that I know also have a violent streak in them. What varies is the method/action necessary to trigger that violent streak, and sometimes this is different than what would trigger a violent reaction in the west.

Another observation of mine is that Thai women actually seem to have more violent nature to them than western women (I may get flamed for this). I think this may have something to do with how many Thai women tend to “bottle” their emotions, and then everything kind of comes spilling out at one time. Where as western women tend to release the steam in smaller amounts over time.

For some reason this thread has gone down a path comparing the volatile nature of Thai’s vs the volatile nature of westerners.  It seems to me the OP was actually asking if Thai’s have a volatile nature and if anyone has experienced this (volatile) type of actions from Thai’s and not asking for comparisons to the west.

I think it would be fair to say that many (maybe even most) western cultures are more violent in nature than Thai’s or Thai culture.  But this does not mean that Thai’s are non-violent.  I have found that most Thai people that I know also have a violent streak in them.  What varies is the method/action necessary to trigger that violent streak, and sometimes this is different than what would trigger a violent reaction in the west.   

Another observation of mine is that Thai women actually seem to have more violent nature to them than western women (I may get flamed for this).  I think this may have something to do with how many Thai women tend to “bottle” their emotions, and then everything kind of comes spilling out at one time.  Where as western women tend to release the steam in smaller amounts over time.

Yea, they beat you up every Friday night, while the little Thai lady surgically removes your tools suddenly one sunny morn :o

For some reason this thread has gone down a path comparing the volatile nature of Thai’s vs the volatile nature of westerners.  It seems to me the OP was actually asking if Thai’s have a volatile nature and if anyone has experienced this (volatile) type of actions from Thai’s and not asking for comparisons to the west.

I think it would be fair to say that many (maybe even most) western cultures are more violent in nature than Thai’s or Thai culture.  But this does not mean that Thai’s are non-violent.  I have found that most Thai people that I know also have a violent streak in them.  What varies is the method/action necessary to trigger that violent streak, and sometimes this is different than what would trigger a violent reaction in the west.   

Another observation of mine is that Thai women actually seem to have more violent nature to them than western women (I may get flamed for this).  I think this may have something to do with how many Thai women tend to “bottle” their emotions, and then everything kind of comes spilling out at one time.  Where as western women tend to release the steam in smaller amounts over time.

You have just done exactly the same Tokyo. Comparing Thais with westeners :o

For some reason this thread has gone down a path comparing the volatile nature of Thai’s vs the volatile nature of westerners.  It seems to me the OP was actually asking if Thai’s have a volatile nature and if anyone has experienced this (volatile) type of actions from Thai’s and not asking for comparisons to the west.

I might be wrong, (it’s been known), but some people think that a thread must stay on topic, (and woe betide those that stray), but I think a thread means that one thing should lead on to another. That’s what keeps the conversation going and interesting.

Isn’t that what a forum is all about?

Anyhoo, just in case I'm wrong and I should be a good boy and stick to the topic, .......... I think,Thai dudes are OK and will generarly only have a go at you if you piss them off big time.


You have just done exactly the same Tokyo. Comparing Thais with westeners :o

I did first attempt to address the OP in my second paragraph. But as you correctly point out I then took a tangent in my third paragraph. :D

I might be wrong, (it’s been known), but some people think that a thread must stay on topic, (and woe betide those that stray), but I think a thread means that one thing should lead on to another. That’s what keeps the conversation going and interesting.

Isn’t that what a forum is all about?

Anyhoo, just in case I'm wrong and I should be a good boy and stick to the topic, .......... I think,Thai dudes are OK and will generarly only have a go at you if you piss them off big time.


I also agree that many times it is fun, and some times necessary to stray from the OP. I was actually surprised when this thread opened that it do not turn into a flame the Thai’s thread – pleasantly surprised. :D


Just a supposition, but I would say that there are more violent incidents per capita in the UK than Thailand. But, the consequences of the violence in Thailand is probably more severe than in the UK.

I did first attempt to address the OP in my second paragraph.  But as you correctly point out I then took a tangent in my third paragraph.  :o


Thais are generally peace loving people particularly with the buddhism aspect of their culture is a great detterant to extreme violence -this beleif that if you do wrong, wrong will come back to you.

However, you are correct in your assumptions that when they blow they really blow.

In my humble opinion I believe that it has a lot to do with three aspects of thai culture

1.This "mai pen rai" (its all ok) attitude, yes it is a great way to be in life yet for example in the west and other parts of the world when something occurs thats not right or just, people vent their anger or disgust or disagreement verbally and physically (ranting and raving -maybe even kicking something) which seems to have a beneficial effect not only in letting the other person know your feelings but also provides some comfort in the form of a release. Often with a thai this has to be bottled inside and taken like a bitter pill stored inside so when something occurs to set them off, then it is like an explosion of pent up anger and negativity.

2.The majority of thais in their day to day lives suffer a great deal due to such cultural issues as the class system and this keeping face concept, they are mistreated and exploited at work, they are put down and humiliated from others who believe that they are superior due to their wealth and or skin colour, even where they were born geographically this all takes a toll on the psyche. How would you feel if you lived in an average thai's shoes for a day? You cant complain about anything, you essentially have few rights and most of the time you just have to smile and take it. It wouldnt be long until you blew up.

3.This ostentatious and often shameless displays of wealth while others have barely enough to eat, really eats away at the souls of most thais. This tacky show of wealth which is linked to a person being superior or better in their minds and then its continually forced down the throats of the have-not's like a big shit sandwich destroying innocent hope and faith in a better future for those who werent fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon in their asses. It sends out a message that if you werent born with money or white skin etc you can work as hard as you want but you aint going to get anywhere in life.

Absolutely soul destroying stuff, imagine yourself being brought up with these social values. Would you be angry?


Thais are generally peace loving people particularly with the buddhism aspect of their culture is a great detterant to extreme violence -this beleif that if you do wrong, wrong will come back to you.

However, you are correct in your assumptions that when they blow they really blow.

In my humble opinion I believe that it has a lot to do with three aspects of thai culture

1.This "mai pen rai" (its all ok) attitude, yes it is a great way to be in life yet for example in the west and other parts of the world when something occurs thats not right or just, people vent their anger or disgust or disagreement verbally and physically (ranting and raving -maybe even kicking something) which seems to have a beneficial effect not only in letting the other person know your feelings but also provides some comfort in the form of a release. Often with a thai this has to be bottled inside and taken like a bitter pill stored inside so when something occurs to set them off, then it is like an explosion of pent up anger and negativity.

2.The majority of thais in their day to day lives suffer a great deal due to such cultural issues as the class system and this keeping face concept, they are mistreated and exploited at work, they are put down and humiliated from others who believe that they are superior due to their wealth and or skin colour, even where they were born geographically this all takes a toll on the psyche. How would you feel if you lived in an average thai's shoes for a day? You cant complain about anything, you essentially have few rights and most of the time you just have to smile and take it. It wouldnt be long until you blew up.

3.This ostentatious and often shameless displays of wealth while others have barely enough to eat, really eats away at the souls of most thais. This tacky show of wealth which is linked to a person being superior or better in their minds and then its continually forced down the throats of the have-not's like a big shit sandwich destroying innocent hope and faith in a better future for those who werent fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon in their asses. It sends out a message that if you werent born with money or white skin etc you can work as hard as you want but you aint going to get anywhere in life.

Absolutely soul destroying stuff, imagine yourself being brought up with these social values. Would you be angry?


Hear, Hear!

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