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Free Electricity


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I came across this interesting site, generate electricity by MAGNETS! Get one and you never have to pay for electricity again. It says this can be applied to cars too, there are already hybrid camry in Thailand, was wondering it can work out on magnets?? :unsure: If everything works out fine, this can be used for light industries and every house, so no more oil crisis. Enjoy watching.

Free Electricity

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This is great article you have come across.

Funny this too !!! A friend and l was talking about using different poles of magnets just over 40 years ago to power spaceships in space. Pipe dreams for the likes of us then.

The problem as l see it here in Thailand is they reckon it's cost is $5000 at todays price thats aprox 155,000 bht - 160,000 bht. Your God only knows what customs would slap on it. :rolleyes:

My electric bill for the month averages out over the year 950 bht per month = 11,400 yr.

Lets say it is without customs fee's, 160,000 bht divided by 11,400 bht that's 14 years before you get your money back without taking into account maintenance. :ermm:

If you bought it for your son or daughter now it would probably benifit them for shaw. :D

Edited by Kwasaki
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think you've missed the point.

for 50 bucks you can buy the manual to build your own with supplies that you can get at your local hardware store. People are talking about the thing paying for itself in the first month (but they are in thr UK and US) lets say it took 6 months to pay for itself in thailand. Its still a bargain. And if you can build them here with local parts, forget about the tax!!

This is a golden find! I fully expect most people to nodd approvingly and then completely ignore it...

Did you even watch the second video?

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think you've missed the point.

for 50 bucks you can buy the manual to build your own with supplies that you can get at your local hardware store. People are talking about the thing paying for itself in the first month (but they are in thr UK and US) lets say it took 6 months to pay for itself in thailand. Its still a bargain. And if you can build them here with local parts, forget about the tax!!

This is a golden find! I fully expect most people to nodd approvingly and then completely ignore it...

Did you even watch the second video?

I was planning on building my own solar panels to further reduce my miniscule electricty bill on my 3 storey eco house to zilch.

I'm now going to build one of these! Thanks for the link :)

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It's a scam. No 'Perpetual motion device' has been invented....yet. Also, one does not peddle plans of a revolutionary invention for 50+ bucks on the web.

Assume that a chap inventing such a device will either join the Forbes Top Ten Money Earner list or the Seven Sisters(Oil companies)will make him disappear swiftly.

There are some experiments going on with machines producing a slight power output surplus, however the surplus is nowhere near big enough, to make an economical impact.Probably NASA has some projects going,however they won't share info with you B)

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It's a scam. No 'Perpetual motion device' has been invented....yet. Also, one does not peddle plans of a revolutionary invention for 50+ bucks on the web.

Assume that a chap inventing such a device will either join the Forbes Top Ten Money Earner list or the Seven Sisters(Oil companies)will make him disappear swiftly.

There are some experiments going on with machines producing a slight power output surplus, however the surplus is nowhere near big enough, to make an economical impact.Probably NASA has some projects going,however they won't share info with you B)

How do you know this 'noob'<_<? Your income from a stint on the rigs/boats is it?:ph34r:

As to your 'make him disappear quickly', you didn't bother to watch and take in the information in these vids, did you?

And as to your statement that no one 'peddles' revolutionary inventions for 50 bucks, whilst now not being exactly 'revolutionary', Google 'how to make your own solar panels' and you'll get a lot of info and free downloadable manuals.

Prove it's a 'scam'. Where's your source/s?

PS Michael ClaytonB)

Edited by evanson
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Scam ^^^

Start here :- http://blog.mapawatt.com/2009/07/21/magniwork_perpetual_motion_scam/

Then try Googling 'magniwork scam'

Lots of these free energy designs on the net, not one has been scientifically verified by an independent body or been published in a learned journal.

You can get the plans for free here http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromag.htm

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Come om Crossy you have spoiled the daydreamers, scammers and the suckers all in one fell swoop.

Sorry Mate, but I want to keep it going for a few minutes (bring on the conspiracy theorists) before closing it as not Thailand related.

Unless someone knows someone whose brothers uncle has built a working unit in Thailand.

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Nothing can output more energy than it takes to run it. This is a law of physics. When I say 'law' I don't mean something that has been decided upon. I mean something that has been proven to be the case.

Energy transfers cannot result in the miraculous creation of free energy.

If it were possible, the entire accumulated human knowledge about the universe would be wrong.

Which it isn't.


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Sorry Mate, but I want to keep it going for a few minutes (bring on the conspiracy theorists) before closing it as not Thailand related.

Unless someone knows someone whose brothers uncle has built a working unit in Thailand.

Come on Crossy, turn it up......you used the word 'scam' its got to be related with this place, somehow :ph34r::lol:

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Actually biffer, if you subscribe to the inflationary universe theory http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology/inflation.html (a variation on the big-bang theory) then energy and mass are continually being created at the universal origin.

It's just not been proven, much less demonstrated.

EDIT Still waiting for someone to make this Thailand related or I'll have to move it to the pub, cheers for the smile Neverdie :)

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Actually biffer, if you subscribe to the inflationary universe theory http://csep10.phys.u.../inflation.html (a variation on the big-bang theory) then energy and mass are continually being created at the universal origin.

It's just not been proven, much less demonstrated.

EDIT Still waiting for someone to make this Thailand related or I'll have to move it to the pub.

Thanks, very interesting article, I will take some time and (try) to digest it :)

Maybe I can get an inflationary epoch happening in my shed :lol:

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>>>>>>>How do you know this 'noob'<_<? Your income from a stint on the rigs/boats is it?<<<<<<<

Does one have to work on rigs/boats in order to know about energy or what big business thinks?To make him disappear could also mean a long term stay in Pattaya with everything paid. Any patent office will throw you out, if you say that you want to register a Perpetual motion device :D

A perpetual motion device does not require any input and will run forever.So far, no one has succeeded to build one.

>>>>>As to your 'make him disappear quickly', you didn't bother to watch and take in the information in these vids, did you?<<<<<<<<

No,I didn't bother to watch the videos,however the chap is still doing 'business'.....take your own conclusion :)

>>>>>>And as to your statement that no one 'peddles' revolutionary inventions for 50 bucks, whilst now not being exactly 'revolutionary', Google 'how to make your own solar panels' and you'll get a lot of info and free downloadable manuals.<<<<<<<<<

Solar energy is not a Perpetual motion device, it's alternative energy which requires input and it works....in a fashion.

>>>>>>>>Prove it's a 'scam'. Where's your source/s?<<<<<<<<

Can you prove the opposite? The website clearly states that advertised machine is a perpetual motion device, which does not exist....yet.

Edited by maxa
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ALl due respect, I can find you sites on the web that will tell you the Haulocost was a scam and that man never landed on the moon. Its much easier to debunk a new concept than to accept that your reality has changed. You can google "cognitive dissonance" if you need validation of this observation.

Ps. The relevance to Thailand is that we are all affected by the price of oil here. So anything that we can do HERE to reduce our dependancy is good news!

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Crossy, I can't get the parts for this mini romag generator at my local village hardware store :(

The concept is interesting(if it works as intended).I'm wondering how large this generator ought to be, in order to supply sufficient Voltage/Amperage to deal with electricity consumption of an average sized house in Thailand?

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Some members may be interested in reading the following;


My opinion?

If an inventor isn't willing, in any way, to have his or her invention transparently tested by a trusted external body, something is not quite correct.

I find the following comment from the above lutec1.pdf document interesting;

Magnets: Imagine someone holds a 10 Kilo iron weight over his head with both hands, is the person performing work i.e. expending energy in holding it up. The answer must be yes. If the same 10 Kilo iron weight is held up by a magnet which is fixed to the ceiling is the natural magnetic attraction holding the weight up and so doing the work, or is it the ceiling,

or is it both.

The above is an interesting quote but according to current "laws";

Work = Force multiplied by Distance (W=Fl)

Power = Work divided by Time (P=W/T)

Energy (spent) = Power multiplied by Time (energy=Fl)

It appears that magnets are a source of stored "energy" & they can can facilitate "Work", yet a magnet that holds a weight against gravity, appears to not expend energy & therefore does not do any work (according to the "laws"). From where does the ability to hold such a weight come? Will this "magnetic ability" diminish? If so, how fast will it diminish? What materials make the best magnets that last for a long time & what is their abundance?

I think that when the 2nd semester starts at my local college, I will suggest that they explore this "Free Energy" idea & that they try to make a simple prototype.

Other thoughts:

1] If this device can actually produce "free" electrical power, how will it be affected by non-sinusoidal waveforms?

2] How will such a device deal with Power Factor?

3] If this device can be a motor (if such claims are true), it could be used to drive an ordinary generator, which can handle varying non-sinosoidal waveforms & varying Power Factor with varying degrees of inefficiency.

4] If such a device exists, why isn't it "for sale/in use" everywhere? Claims that these devices exist have been around for about 10 years (or more).

Edited by elkangorito
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I had free electricity all of last year I just kept my consumption down and the electric company gave it to me free. In Thailand anyone can get free electricity. Just be power smart. I went a whole year no electric payment and no water bill.

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What is it with magnets that make people just go bonkers?

Many of the crazy Internet inventions that piss on the laws of physics contains magnets and when people read "magnets" their eyes just glase over and read everything after as "magic".

If you thought this device was real my sincere advice for you is to get some sort of trustee to handle your financial matters for you.

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Magnets: Imagine someone holds a 10 Kilo iron weight over his head with both hands, is the person performing work i.e. expending energy in holding it up. The answer must be yes.

And there is the problem in the theory....

The answer must of course be "No" in the same way as a concrete pillar wouldn't spend any 'work' or 'energy' holding that weight up. The only work a PERSON does is to use his muscles to keep his skeleton from folding as designed. Give him a few nice casts and you can stand him up forever without him performing any more 'work'

The whole theory hangs on the scientific definition of "work" being wrong.

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Magnets shmagnets!!

Twenty years + ago it was all about gyroscopes. Just Google Sir Eric Laithwaite, the inventor of the linear induction motor who lost it towards the end. He was debunked and discredited (sadly because if his ideas had really worked big oil would now be big gyroscope).

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ps. its quite telling that the debunking site states clearly that they didn't try and build one. SO how exactly do they KNOW it doesn't work..... :whistling:

Come on guys...physics break here.

I mean, you all blast the poor Thais and the Thai education system for not teaching people how to think, but some of you can't seem to grasp the meaning of the first law of thermodynamics. There is no need to try and build one. A simple analysis of Maxwell's equations will tell you this can't possibly work.

If you guys want to believe 2+2 = 5 be my guest. Some of us actually paid attention in physics class though. You don't need to look at a website to know this is a scam. You only have to know how to add.

P.S. Crossy...I did tie this into Thailand. This very thread proves a Western education is not necessarily better than one acquired in Thailand.

Edited by gregb
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ps. its quite telling that the debunking site states clearly that they didn't try and build one. SO how exactly do they KNOW it doesn't work..... :whistling:

Come on guys...physics break here.

I mean, you all blast the poor Thais and the Thai education system for not teaching people how to think, but some of you can't seem to grasp the meaning of the first law of thermodynamics. There is no need to try and build one. A simple analysis of Maxwell's equations will tell you this can't possibly work.

If you guys want to believe 2+2 = 5 be my guest. Some of us actually paid attention in physics class though. You don't need to look at a website to know this is a scam. You only have to know how to add.

P.S. Crossy...I did tie this into Thailand. This very thread proves a Western education is not necessarily better than one acquired in Thailand.

Also, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy#Entropy_and_the_second_law

(I know it's only wiki but it mentions air conditioning so maybe people can relate? :lol: )

P.S. nice tie in there with the education thing gregb :)

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Nothing can output more energy than it takes to run it. This is a law of physics. When I say 'law' I don't mean something that has been decided upon. I mean something that has been proven to be the case.

Energy transfers cannot result in the miraculous creation of free energy.

If it were possible, the entire accumulated human knowledge about the universe would be wrong.

Which it isn't.


If you are saying that it requires more energy to produce the output energy you are wrong on that. That may be the case for some types of energy production but certainly not all.

The idea is to use a little bit of energy to creat A LOT more energy. Not use a higher amount to yield a less amount, to do so would be crazy.

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ALl due respect, I can find you sites on the web that will tell you the Haulocost was a scam and that man never landed on the moon. Its much easier to debunk a new concept than to accept that your reality has changed. You can google "cognitive dissonance" if you need validation of this observation.

Ps. The relevance to Thailand is that we are all affected by the price of oil here. So anything that we can do HERE to reduce our dependancy is good news!

I'm certain the Holocaust happened, but man never landed on the moon. If he did, why hasn't he been back?:whistling:

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ALl due respect, I can find you sites on the web that will tell you the Haulocost was a scam and that man never landed on the moon. Its much easier to debunk a new concept than to accept that your reality has changed. You can google "cognitive dissonance" if you need validation of this observation.

Ps. The relevance to Thailand is that we are all affected by the price of oil here. So anything that we can do HERE to reduce our dependancy is good news!

I'm certain the Holocaust happened, but man never landed on the moon. If he did, why hasn't he been back?:whistling:

Because its extremely expensive to do it and the public aint interested.

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If you are saying that it requires more energy to produce the output energy you are wrong on that. That may be the case for some types of energy production but certainly not all.

I know I shouldn't do this, but blatantly false statements like this just can not be allowed to go unchallenged.

What school did you go to? I think you should ask for a refund.

Listen carefully Dakhar, energy can never be created. Period. It can only be changed from one form to another, and every time you change it or concentrate it you necessarily lose some to entropy. This is true for ALL types of energy. Every last one of them. There are NO exceptions. (OK...quantum mechanics allows for some exceptions, but nothing that can be used to do useful work.)

If you think it is not the case, and you can prove it, you are a billionaire, guaranteed. So, since you believe you know more than thousands of the greatest physicists who have ever lived, please share with us this perpetual energy source you have found. There is no need for you to live in squalor ever again. You can buy the country of Thailand if what you say is true.

We are all ears.

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