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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.


OK some ideas on what to do when faced with this situation?? Call the police? Make a scene? Bash the vendor? What would you do? How about some constuctive ideas. I would love to Bash the pri*ks but I also need to live in the area,

Actually, the worse thing to do is to confront the vendors directly. They will just team up together and beat the living daylights out of you and your companions. And the sad thing is the police in the area wouldn't do anything.

The only thing I can think of is to arrange a peaceful march down the sidewalks where the offensive material is located with loud chants and signs (Thai/English/Japanese). Clog up the sidewalks especially in front of the offending vendors to draw attention.

Invite the press to cover it. Everyone write to their respective embassies to let them know how and why the march is on. I don't think that going to the authorities here in Thailand will come up with anything, but bringing a pseudo mass march (ThaiVisa.com members!) with local and international press could be a start.

I don't think the Thai authorities would bust it up because it's a march to save the children, our neighborhoods and dignity of the country.

If something were arranged, especially via TV members, I'd go.

The event could be a regularly scheduled happening, but would need to have a good map with locations well marked and mapped out.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Perhaps we are reading it for the same reason you were, come to think of it why were you reading it ?

I read it because it was my job and I used to lock people up who were involved in this stuff.


Pedophiles are predators, and children are the only thing that satisfy their appetites. Anyone associated with producing, supplying, using this garbadge should be punished swifly and severely. I think most Thai people abhor this and would agree that something needs to be done immediately by the authorities.

many nay thousands of things need to be done by the authorities to clean this place up, but how can they make money doing that ?.


Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.

Its not all about money -- its also about power over a child and the stealing of innocence --- its much darker and horrific than just money


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Perhaps we are reading it for the same reason you were, come to think of it why were you reading it ?

I read it because it was my job and I used to lock people up who were involved in this stuff.

Well in that case you should be pleased there's so many people reading this thread as public awareness is what catches these deviants as the police would be much less effective without the help of genuinely concerned citizens aiding investigations and standing as witnesses.


To help stop Child Abuse Images and Videos we have to makeit difficult to get access to Child Abuse Material and stop the persons wholooks at it.

Asia Safe Tech has just launched in Thailand the 21st ofSeptember with representatives from ECPAT, The Swedish Ambassador, Khun PavenaHongsakula and other prominent guests as speakers at our Press Conference at FCCT. Asia Safe Tech provides solutions todetect, block and report Child Sexual Images and Videos for companies, Hotelsand Resorts and Internet Service providers.

We all need to take responsibility and start with blockingChild Abuse Images at our our property. So please suggest your HR/CSRdepartment and internet Service provider that they uses the tools to blockthese terrible Images.

Please join our fight against Child Sexual Abuse Images andChild Sex Tourism at http://www.facebook.com/Stop.child.abuse.images - Thankyou


Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.

Its not all about money -- its also about power over a child and the stealing of innocence --- its much darker and horrific than just money

Yes, I realise that there are other motives, but at least if we stemmed the 'Industry' It would be an in-rode. It is the 'Industry' that I believe is the vilest act. The fact that an 'industry' is in esistece fills me with disgust, let alone that it can thrive in the public's face. I am lost for words. Where else would this ber allowed, i have racked my brains trying to think of a country or city where this can exist side by side with the common people.

Yes their are religeous occults and sects that participate in the act as for a twisted ritualistic purpose. These are usually hidden by a shroud of secrecy and NOT pushed in the faces of people wandering around the soi getting their daily shopping in.

I think once everyone who purports to be disgusted by this sick trade, should put their money where their mouth is and rise up en-mass and crush these evil monsters into the ground... I do know for one thing.. If these dvds turned up on the streets and markets of my country, then i doubt the seller would live long enough for the police to come and save them. It would be instant mob justice.... What is wrong with the Thai people that they can happily walk on by and get on with their shopping??


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.


Some people are using this tread to gain reds or greens or whatever.

How disgusting.

Helloooooooooooooooooo is there a moderator in the house?????????

just look down at their post.


Why should anyone give a toss if they get a red or a green - sad ***ks

  • Like 2

Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.

Its not all about money -- its also about power over a child and the stealing of innocence --- its much darker and horrific than just money

Yes but this thread is about the commercial side, namely movie production and sales which is about money. Many of the people involved in the trade aren't even interested in having sex with children but have very low moral standing so if they can make money from a child's suffering they just see it as a form of income no worse than kidnapping, child slavery, arms dealing or people trafficking all of which cause immense human suffering. Gangsters just see it as another business with a market and no worse than supplying heroin, crack or thinners to infant street kids, (who they got hooked on the shit), to run errands.

There's some bad people out there and not just the sickos who are into it but also the couldn't care less gangs who are "just" running a business!


While the sex addicts in Pattaya(not the kiddly-fiddlers) self-rightseoulsy hurl abuse at child pornagraphy, I can self-righteously hurl abuse at them to make myself feel better. Likewise, there is someone reading this who can self-righteously condemn me.

Many many come here for what many many believe disgusting.

Live and live let.


While the sex addicts in Pattaya(not the kiddly-fiddlers) self-rightseoulsy hurl abuse at child pornagraphy, I can self-righteously hurl abuse at them to make myself feel better. Likewise, there is someone reading this who can self-righteously condemn me.

Many many come here for what many many believe disgusting.

Live and live let.

You may be confusing disgust with sex crimes. Sometimes they overlap, other times, not.


As to your scenario of abuse against one of my family members; nice try to bait and hook, but not my cup of tea to waste time on such an adolescent remark.

So basically you haven't got an answer to that then. :)


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Why do you wonder why 172 people are viewing this topic?

What's the implication?

It seems to me that 172 people are reading this because they're appalled.

  • Like 1

There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.

Im sorry I take offence to that remark. I live in Pattaya because it is the nearest town to my hubby's work. There are loads of respectable people live here.Not everyone is a Western whore -mongering pervert. Yes we have the ladies looking for a pot of gold, if they choose to take drugs thats there stupidity. Nobody elses.If they weren't in Pattaya they would be somewhere else. Yes we have the silly beggers thinking these girls love them for themselves not there money but there are lots of men here who are happily married as well.

Child pornography is on a different level . These girls know what they are doing.They are not stupid. Little kids haven't a clue.They must be scared for life.

Its available everywhere to these scumbags in the know not just here in Thailand and people who are invoved in that business should be castrated sent to prison and the key thrown away.

Sellers here who sell these DVDs on open market here should be run out of town. I cannot believe the Police and the government can allow this to go on. I am ashamed. Something needs to be done about this asap.

  • Like 1

I cannot believe the Police and the government can allow this to go on. I am ashamed. Something needs to be done about this asap.

The police are the ones who run this sort of business.... so this shouldn't surprise you.


It's the mention of "influential people" in a story that always has me reaching for the sick bag.

Isn't there anybody in this country wielding a bigger stick so to speak with the morals and clout to bury these cancerous cockroaches?

Exactly the point.

How influential are these people, that Thais can not find someone so much more powerful to put the hammer down on them for this degenerate degradation of their own society?

What adults do is their business, if it isn't violent or physically oppressive to those

who do not wish it. But when they involve children, that is another level of depravity

that no society should ever tolerate.

It is truly appalling that this type of action is accepted here in LOS. I guess the thought never occurred to them it might be their child next. Maybe the vendors should face stiff penalties for condoning & promoting pervs.


True but if they are selling porn made in Eastern Europe or Scandanavia......

If we are talking about products from Europe, why are so many here intent on beating up Thailand?

Where are the posters decrying the immorality of Swedes and Ukrainians? Or lambasting Russia as "the world's sleaze capital"? :ermm:


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Why do you wonder why 172 people are viewing this topic?

What's the implication?

It seems to me that 172 people are reading this because they're appalled.

Exactly! but my answer to BWPattaya was deleted by the adjudicator for being too rude. Not sure why you can't tell someone they've made a brainless stupid comment?


The Thai selling goods along Sukhumvit obviously know what to sell. Over the years I've noticed porn more and more visible. Never looked close enough to notice the child porn.

What is also obvious along lower Sukhumvit is a decrease of the white farang and and increase of people from Arabia and an influx of people from Africa.

Now the question: is there a relation?

The Africans don't need it, they're open enough as far as s.e.x. is concerned. The Arabians live in somewhat stricter environments.

I for one would be interested to hear from the street-sellers who their biggest customers are ;)

  • Like 1

To help stop Child Abuse Images and Videos we have to makeit difficult to get access to Child Abuse Material and stop the persons wholooks at it.

Asia Safe Tech has just launched in Thailand the 21st ofSeptember with representatives from ECPAT, The Swedish Ambassador, Khun PavenaHongsakula and other prominent guests as speakers at our Press Conference at FCCT. Asia Safe Tech provides solutions todetect, block and report Child Sexual Images and Videos for companies, Hotelsand Resorts and Internet Service providers.

We all need to take responsibility and start with blockingChild Abuse Images at our our property. So please suggest your HR/CSRdepartment and internet Service provider that they uses the tools to blockthese terrible Images.

Please join our fight against Child Sexual Abuse Images andChild Sex Tourism at http://www.facebook....ld.abuse.images - Thankyou

Whoa Hoss! Take it easy there. Please do not imply that you know what "we" (I) need and do not need to do. The world is a lot bigger place than what this topic describes.

You are willing to start something that other, more powerful people have tried, and have failed at, or are simply too smart or evil to even make the attempt. Are you willing to see it to the end, even if it means your life? Or, are you simply up for a ride in a pick up and only scratch the surface; to push the boundaries back to a point where you can sleep a peaceful sleep at night. No matter how far you push, until you do it to the very edge, there will always be at least one child out there as the victim in the dark. Does that disturb your peace?

That's right, I am suggesting that if you pick up the banner and start a fight, and do not see it through until every last child on earth is living in a safe and loving home, then you are a hypocrite to every child left out there in the dark, after you have put down your sign, patted your supporters on the backsides, and go sleep a peaceful sleep. 100 is OK, but what about 101?

One more thing, if you are not native to this country, then why would it be difficult to go to your own country and see this campaign through until all is tidy there? Why is Thailand such an obsession to people who come here and see things they have been taught differently about, and have differing viewpoints about. That comment is directed at the subject of cheapening human life and using it as a disposable resource while world leaders fret over the impending population problems and their impact on food, water and natural energy. Sooner or later, this will outweigh DVDs on the footpath.

Come to think of it, this thread has gotten more emotionally charged posts regarding the sales of DVDs involving minors than other threads regarding an actual child abuse case. Does that mean the effect is wearing off on those other stories, and the smell of fresh blood invigorates us? Or, are the media simply playing a game of cat and mouse with our emotions, in order to whittle them down until we don't give a hoot?


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.

You dont even live in Thailand. Theres no way you do. If you did, you would know the fact that more prostitution in Thailand is Thai on Thai, if they werent selling it to falang they would sell it to Thais, for less money. Also, many of these girls parents encourage this shit so they can get paid, they are hardly disgraced. You really dont know anything about this country or its people, you havent even begun to touch on the depths Thais will go to for money. Kiddie porn is a prime example. The entire reason this industry exists here is so a THAI can get paid.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Because (in my case), I am sickened by the story and really hope that some positive action will be taken to get these sick paedos out of society in general and, as a father and resident in LOS, clean up Thailand.

Why are you reading this - your idealism is noble, but sadly, it will be a continuing fight to clean this 'gutter'.


To help stop Child Abuse Images and Videos we have to makeit difficult to get access to Child Abuse Material and stop the persons wholooks at it.

Asia Safe Tech has just launched in Thailand the 21st ofSeptember with representatives from ECPAT, The Swedish Ambassador, Khun PavenaHongsakula and other prominent guests as speakers at our Press Conference at FCCT. Asia Safe Tech provides solutions todetect, block and report Child Sexual Images and Videos for companies, Hotelsand Resorts and Internet Service providers.

We all need to take responsibility and start with blockingChild Abuse Images at our our property. So please suggest your HR/CSRdepartment and internet Service provider that they uses the tools to blockthese terrible Images.

Please join our fight against Child Sexual Abuse Images andChild Sex Tourism at http://www.facebook.com/Stop.child.abuse.images - Thankyou

Join the fight OK, but internet censorship? The problem with that is soon there will be no end to what people think needs to be censored. Just think, the list below may really be thought of by some in need to be censored

- ugly, hairy feet

- pictures of non-believers (choose your type)

- men on the moon (NASA hoax)

- mis-spelled teabagger's signs

- any post against forum rules ;)


True but if they are selling porn made in Eastern Europe or Scandanavia......

If we are talking about products from Europe, why are so many here intent on beating up Thailand?

Where are the posters decrying the immorality of Swedes and Ukrainians? Or lambasting Russia as "the world's sleaze capital"? :ermm:

To be clear, there are also made in Thailand kiddie porns. Sadly I know this because I have been approached by aggressive individual vendors trying to sell them. What I personally noticed on Pattaya Beach Road OPENLY DISPLAYED on tables for thousands to see were clearly not made in Thailand as the abusers and abused pictured people were very white, very blonde. This isn't Russvisa, it's Thaivisa, so in cases of externally made porn, we are talking about the distribution here, not the production.


Either the story is true and serious and Animatic's question is very wise, severe and scary: How influential are these people, that thais can not find someone much more powerful

Or its a message to discredit the police.

Or its a message to show that Thailand had never been so corrupted.

Or it is someone showing how powerful they believe they are....

There are no doubt types that wouldn't look for this stuff,

but might buy something because it is in their face,

and they are curious. But warped enough to have that curiosity.

There must be a Catholic church in the neighbourhood.......annoyed.gif


So, I have not been on Sukhumvit road in three months and while I was disgusted that adult porn was, in the last two years, being openly displayed in view of children, this is an entirely different matter.

However, so far I see no evidence that this is happening except this one article at the beginning of this forum from the Bangkok Post. Just a lot of bantering in the thread. Can anyone independently verify that it is indeed taking place, where they have personally seen it and lastly, if they are sure these are children in the photos and not young adults dressed like kids? Both Sukhumvit and Pattaya?

I find it hard to believe that something as internationally vile as this can be openly displayed. I understand someone offering it on the sly, but openly displayed?


So, I have not been on Sukhumvit road in three months and while I was disgusted that adult porn was, in the last two years, being openly displayed in view of children, this is an entirely different matter.

However, so far I see no evidence that this is happening except this one article at the beginning of this forum from the Bangkok Post. Just a lot of bantering in the thread. Can anyone independently verify that it is indeed taking place, where they have personally seen it and lastly, if they are sure these are children in the photos and not young adults dressed like kids? Both Sukhumvit and Pattaya?

I find it hard to believe that something as internationally vile as this can be openly displayed. I understand someone offering it on the sly, but openly displayed?

I can verify it has happened in Pattaya on multiple DVD tables, openly displayed. There was no doubt at all that there were very young children in the porns. I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

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