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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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"A hotel is private property so owners can refuse entry to whoever they like"

I've seen this statement way too many times. That's Bulls**t! What's the law for then?

Then you might have a signboard at then entrance of the hotel stating: "Beware! Any black or arab pushing this hotel door will be shot at at sight!" Would that be ok for you?

I've read too many comments on this thread saying business owner can do whatever they want. That's nonsense!

Actually rather than simply taking out of my arse about something I know nothing about like, er, for example, you the reason I'm in Thailand was through being transferred here by my company which happens to be one of the top international hotel chains in the world.

A hotel is private property. Like a house. You determine who you let in or out of your house don't you? The hotel owner has the same right to refuse admission to who they like without giving a reason. You can shout about discrimination but apart from giving the hotel adverse publicity try taking it to court and see how far it goes. It's their property and therefore, abhorrent as it may be,they get to say who comes in or not. Often when they're caught out and somebody makes a stink they'll backpedal not because of the legality but, as mentioned, because of the adverse publicity. I know of one international 4 star place in Bangkok that has a very discrete " No Indians/Pakistanis" policy if they can avoid it.

Of course the sensible ones aren't going to put up a sign saying " NO BLACKS, GAYS, JEWS" or whatever. It'll be discretely done.

Aren't hotels considered PUBLIC accommodation? It's not the same thing as your private house.
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Aren't hotels considered PUBLIC accommodation? It's not the same thing as your private house.

Not public in the sense that it was set up for public use with public funds. A hotel is very much a private business and would be justified in determining for itself business- or customer- oriented measures that it needs to adopt for protecting its own business.

Ergo, same same with pubs, restaurants, bars, clubs...

As and when these establishments begin to sense that business power is shifting to the hands of the formerly discriminated classes, they would obviously change their policies. Hypothetically, therefore, if a street full of bars is completely patronised by Asians, and those bars feature lovely Asian girls, and if those Asians do not like whites coming in, then obviously whites would be kept out ....imagine the whites eating their hearts out then

Edited by HereIAm
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"Ribkat was constantly singled out and always had the fingers pointing at him with the entire hotel staff uttering comments such as "The Black People are bad and Always Cause Trouble" and "The Black People Never Pay or check out of the Hotel and they're too loud and Dangerous and they sell drugs""

Strange story. As mentioned, why Nasa Vegas? Also, he must speak Thai or the Thai staff talk to themselves in English. 'Fingers pointing at him?' Why did he have to cancel the rest of his tour?

It's that sort of simple logic that totally escapes our OP author who writes like a high schooler.

Check out of the hotel and stay at one of the other hundreds of Bangkok hotels. No need to cancel a tour over it.

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I was refused entry to a hotel in China. They said that 'they don't cater for foreigners' I am white by the way. I felt really bad about this so I can understand Ribkat's feelings. Disgraceful!

Cheers, Rick

That reminded me of some experiences I have had at Chinese restaurants in the US. I am an adventurous eater so I would often try to order some items that weren't offered in English. Often they would say, that's not for you, you won't like but I would push it anyway. Sometimes they were right (but not always). So who knows what horrors awaited you in that hotel that's not for you, maybe they did you a favor.

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I was refused entry to a hotel in China. They said that 'they don't cater for foreigners' I am white by the way. I felt really bad about this so I can understand Ribkat's feelings. Disgraceful!

Cheers, Rick

That reminded me of some experiences I have had at Chinese restaurants in the US. I am an adventurous eater so I would often try to order some items that weren't offered in English. Often they would say, that's not for you, you won't like but I would push it anyway. Sometimes they were right (but not always). So who knows what horrors awaited you in that hotel that's not for you, maybe they did you a favor.

Good points Jingthing. I was really pissed off at the time, but put it down to experience.

Cheers, Rick

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And you Yanks should get off your high horse. Weren't you the most recent owners of slaves in the western world?

Wake up:

The Arab or Middle Eastern slave trade continued into the early 20th century,[116] and by some accounts continues to this day. Slavery in Morocco was outlawed in the 1930s.[117] As recently as the 1950s, Saudi Arabia had an estimated 450,000 slaves, 20% of the population.[118][119] It is estimated that as many as 200,000 black south Sudanese children and women (mostly from the Dinka tribe sold by the Sudanese Arabs of the north) have been taken into slavery in Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War.[120][121] In Mauritania it is estimated that up to 600,000 men, women and children, or 20% of the population, are currently enslaved, many of them used as bonded labor.[122] Slavery in Mauritania was criminalized in August 2007.[123]

I said Western world.

You did indeed; my mistake.

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Does this "Rapper" has that much credibility that everyone takes the article at face value?

"The entire Hotel Staff showed no respect or courtesy to the star and insisted on telling him to respect they're racist policy because its in their "Law Books to discriminate". As a result of this, the U.S embassy and police were immediately notified of the discriminating acts that were cast upon the International star and have now addressed the Thai media in efforts to resolve this incident along with compensation and a public apology. The Thailand Police department and associates expressed their sympathy and sorrow and were completely ashamed by what has just taken place."

1. He is not a "International star"

2. I highly doubt they have a "racist policy"

3. It's unlikely that it is "in their Law Books to discriminate"...in fact I doubt they have "Law Books"

4. I dont doubt the Embassy or the Media were called in efforts to "resolve his incident along with compensation and a public apology"

5. "The Thailand Police department and associates expressed their sympathy and sorrow and were completely ashamed by what has just taken place"...ok now we are just being silly.

This is a one-sided hack job by a hack writer who was probably one of "The Media" that was called. Who knows what this individual did and what really happened. He played the race card, supported by his Drummer and "Thai friend" and you all swallowed the story.

Shame on you.

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While this alleged act is wrong, I am more surprised a 'rapper' is staying at a cheap shoddy hotel.

Doesn't look shoddy to me: http://german.hotelt...egas/index.html (if it's the same one)

But in all the times I've been to Thailand, I've never seen a black guy on the streets and often wondered why.

There are all in those tinted pimped out Lincoln Navigators you see everywhere in Bangkok.

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Even if you accept that in Thailand and some other parts of Asia, blatant racism is a way of life, what about the fact that this hotel also refused to refund the money which was paid up front? I suppose that is just fine too?

Some of the expats on this site are as deluded as their "hosts".

they refused to refund the money beacause they knew he did not stand a cat in hells chance of ever getting it back legally. Evertried getting a Thai to part with money?.

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Well there are some Japanese bars in Chiang Mai that Farangs or any other races are not Allowed in it is "Japanese ONLY" still is unfair.....and I dont agree

Soi Taniya in Silom is full of Jap bars and non-Japs are not allowed in at all. I used to park my car there while at work and 3 times out of 10 would be told I am not alowed on the soi so should turn around. I used to just carry on walking and point to the carpark. funny thing is when the red shirts came and the Japs ran home the girls had no customers for a couple of months and still never let westerners in.

I used to see the girls go of with a Jap looking happy! :blink: jeez, has any of you seen a Jap Porno? Fingers shoved up where the sun dont shine and enimas while tied up dont sound like fun to me. :blink::bah: very strange!

anyway, back on topic, I couldnt give a crap about not being welcome in there bars. but I do think its wrong to openly refuse people because of there race.

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It is true that in the last 2 - 3 years they came a lot of black drug pushers into Soi 3 - 7.

Please let us all be sane. Don't denie it.

The problem is there.

Yes, I fully agree, there is a big problem yet when people like me and Lammbock speak about it we get called racists.. Do I care? No.. I think they shouldn't be allowed into The Kingdom, this way we wouldn't have the problem right?

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Look, we all know Thailand isn't PC-land. Sometimes that can be very refreshing and sometimes it is downright disgusting. This is a case of the latter. Just don't try to tell us there isn't massive racism in Thailand from the Thais, because ... there is.

Can you give us an example of this 'massive racism in Thailand from the Thais,' I've never experienced any in 11 years of visiting the LOs on a regular basis.

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Look, we all know Thailand isn't PC-land. Sometimes that can be very refreshing and sometimes it is downright disgusting. This is a case of the latter. Just don't try to tell us there isn't massive racism in Thailand from the Thais, because ... there is.

Can you give us an example of this 'massive racism in Thailand from the Thais,' I've never experienced any in 11 years of visiting the LOs on a regular basis.

You make me laugh!

Did you hear the one about seeing a kaek and a snake in the road? No? Most all Thais can tell you that one.

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I was asked for 200 baht entree fee to a bar 300mt on the left in soi3 , for me and my Thai girlfriend, i asked why he just pointed to all the arabs and said it's free for them.

I'm white, ok i don't care i just won't go there again anyway that area around soi 3 to 7 in sukhumvit is becoming a no go area for whites. Pity cos it was ok 5 years. I don't cross the road anymore. :rolleyes: Could i go to the police and complain!!! :ph34r: anyway why no white emoticons :jap:

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

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In my mind, what the hotel did was not in fact rascist, but a calculated business decision. Obviously, this establishment has had some troubles with blacks and indians and thus made the decision not to accept any further blacks or indians as guests to avoid such troubles again. Yes, you can that is technically rascist, but not in the sense in which the word is commonly used (as in apartheid in SA not so long ago).

Similiarly for the Japs only bars in Thaniya, a big reason why non-Japs are not welcomed is because the Japanese clientele prefer to have fellow Japanese as the clientele. Thus the establishment are merely catering to the needs and requirements of their clientele - nothing rascist about that business decision.

I myself am Chinese, but in my business, I prefer not to deal with Chinese from mainland China, not because I'm rascist (I can't, can I?) but because the nature of my business does not fit well with their requirements and nuances.

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Thanks for your post which reminds us that racism is as widespread amongst Westerners as it is amongst Thais.

Right on. It is rampant in America and just think how it must eat at some racist every day to have Obama in the White House. By they way I am white Blue Eyed Blond.

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Look, we all know Thailand isn't PC-land. Sometimes that can be very refreshing and sometimes it is downright disgusting. This is a case of the latter. Just don't try to tell us there isn't massive racism in Thailand from the Thais, because ... there is.

Can you give us an example of this 'massive racism in Thailand from the Thais,' I've never experienced any in 11 years of visiting the LOs on a regular basis.

You make me laugh!

Did you hear the one about seeing a kaek and a snake in the road? No? Most all Thais can tell you that one.

That is based partly on their experience of kaeks and is partly a joke. Do you start blubbing when you hear a joke about tight Jews and Scotsmen, thick Irishmen or Welshmen shagging sheep! I'd hardly refer to it as 'massive racism'. You could however consider the caste system which still operates in India and recent events in places such as Darfur as 'massive racism'.

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Can all the Indian viewers or forum readers talke note of this and help disseminate this to any media that you know in India and elsewhere and also pass this on to all your friends in India or elsewhere. What is needed is more boycotts of Thailand. Regards,

Your avatar is Bizconsultsiam and yet you are asking for boycotts of Thailand? Furthermore, you would take this step over the actions of ONE solitary hotel? I will know who NOT to consult for anything Siam.......

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Can all the Indian viewers or forum readers talke note of this and help disseminate this to any media that you know in India and elsewhere and also pass this on to all your friends in India or elsewhere. What is needed is more boycotts of Thailand. Regards,

Your avatar is Bizconsultsiam and yet you are asking for boycotts of Thailand? Furthermore, you would take this step over the actions of ONE solitary hotel? I will know who NOT to consult for anything Siam.......

I think all Africans and Indians should definately boycott Thailand, because that will definately stick it to those places that refuse to serve them.

Power to the people!

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Anyway, as I was approaching them of the Africans called me a Nazi.

But it was quite tense.

Then he said that I was not allowed on this street as it belonged to them.

All kinds of expletives were aimed in my direction as I walked off fearing a racist beating.

Luckily for me a Taxi driver appeared in his cab and had some sort of altercation with them which resulted in him getting out and shouting at them, and they were shouting at him.

The taxi driver was on his phone calling for reinforcements no doubt as I exited with no more attention directed at me.

I'm sure you were seriously scared --- I would have been too. But it's not smart to let these roaches run you off --- that increases the threat to their next victims.

I'm a old white fart --- but I spent years in Bimini, Jamaica, and Haiti and have jammed with hundreds of black and latino guys, some of them good friends. Friends or not, generally they all agreed that the asswipes who pull this crap are bullies plain and simple. Like all bullies, they're motivated by inferiority and/or insecurity. Like all bullies, they must not be appeased.

I am definitely not suggesting you duke it out. Don't escalate the threats. But do keep your fear hidden and try to remember these are retarded racists exactly like the subhumans in Deliverance. Be careful, but do not succumb to cowardice. Courage is being the only person who knows you're afraid.

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"Ribkat was constantly singled out and always had the fingers pointing at him with the entire hotel staff uttering comments such as "The Black People are bad and Always Cause Trouble" and "The Black People Never Pay or check out of the Hotel and they're too loud and Dangerous and they sell drugs""

Strange story. As mentioned, why Nasa Vegas? Also, he must speak Thai or the Thai staff talk to themselves in English. 'Fingers pointing at him?' Why did he have to cancel the rest of his tour?

It's that sort of simple logic that totally escapes our OP author who writes like a high schooler.

Check out of the hotel and stay at one of the other hundreds of Bangkok hotels. No need to cancel a tour over it.

Once again, a very simple step that our intrepid high school journalism student failed to take:

I just called the hotel and asked was it ok for me to stay there even though Im black,she put me on hold to check

and came back on and said that was fine.

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Thailand is the most racist of the SEA countries. Somehow a large number of businesses relate the color of the skin to the spending power. Fortunately most of the hotels do not operate on this policy. Indians are some of the highest spenders in Bangkok. A large number of hotels down Sukhumvit and Silom are owned by Thai Indians.

Nasa Vegas is a dump. There is a freelance pickup area near this hotel and there are many short time room rentals available. What a so called Rap star be doing checking into a place like this is puzzling.

Then again I do respect the right of an establishment to reject service to an individual within reason. If the policy of this place was to not service people of Indian and African decent, this fact should have been made clear in the first place. Make it clear on their website, or on the hotel booking form. If they had failed to do this, they should have refunded the advance payments made.

I am not surprised by this. I've seen Thai's discriminate on other Thai's based on their skin color. Then again, this is Thailand, if you have money I'll ignore your skin color. That apparently did not happen here, huh!

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