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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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One of my early jobs while in college was as a doorman in an upscale restaurant/discotheque in Silicon Valley back in the early 80's. Place was a real hot spot replete with 3 hour waits to get in on most nights of the week. Until the blacks decided to join in the fun. Drug problems rose dramatically, waitresses and bartenders noted their tips dropped significantly, and overall business took a nose dive and the place eventually closed. Just a fact from someone with a direct, bird's eye view.

Didn't you realize that we're already in the 21st century? :jap:

What's that supposed to mean? BTW, I do know that American waiters will often tell you that African Americans are bad tippers. However, that still is unfair to assume any random black guy who walks in is also a bad tipper. My advice to waiters, go for additional education ...

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"A hotel is private property so owners can refuse entry to whoever they like"

I've seen this statement way too many times. That's Bulls**t! What's the law for then?

Then you might have a signboard at then entrance of the hotel stating: "Beware! Any black or arab pushing this hotel door will be shot at at sight!" Would that be ok for you?

I've read too many comments on this thread saying business owner can do whatever they want. That's nonsense!

For the ones endue with a common sense, here is the hotel email address [email protected] to let them know what you think about their policy.



You wrote "What's the law for then? ".

What law? You are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

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Apart from the French....


the envy and jealousy at the French's culture,charm & wit is always a surprise ; well , must keep in mind USA is like its cars, nice plastic hood and a puffy tractor engine under.

More and more French have gotten wary of this permanent mud slinging , we're aware of the attemps to sink our economy and twist our policies.

US GO HOME ! if that's what you want,with your O'bama joke of a prez, and you won't be missed.

The nerve of the US to ask SNCF abouty the Jew trains ! as though the US didn't do businesswith the nazis and any sophomore knosw it..

as to rap singers, all they can do is throw racial slurs and incite racist violenceagainst the white for 'colonialism' ; they should not even be issued visas


yes Roissyis Africa, arabs and blacks took the place over ,( have to give jobs to nearby gangs) the French don't feel at ease there either, they're singled out too and there are problems .lots of islamists among them at sensitive places for shure too; and bagage stolen by the tons ; the worst part is the notoriious RER train going to Paris, better take a taxi. But those people are French like I'm from KOh Tao !

Based on your post, may I assume you're a French rapper?

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Me and my friend have actually started calling the soi 5 area near Foodland 'Soi Lagos'.

Didn't Gulliver's have an issue with African customers?

I seem to remember there was talk of banning them a couple of years ago.

I haven't been there for a couple of years.

There has been an influx of African hookers around this area as some of you will know.

I couldn't imagine the worry if you went bareback with one of them.

The bar of the LHS next to foodland as you are walking towards Suk seems to be one of the bars that is frequented by Africans.

I have also noticed a load of Africans hanging around Soi 12 at night now. Every time I walked past on my last visit I was asked what I wanted by a guy sitting at the mouth of the road.

But Soi Lagos doesn't seem to be too bad, but you won't catch me venturing into the smaller sois off that at night.

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^Gullivers banned them indeed!

Yet to see any african hookers - where are they exactly located?

On the corner of Suk and soi 5. Walk up towards soi 3 where the Starbucks used to be.

You will see them there. Sometimes their pimps are in the vicinity too.

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^Gullivers banned them indeed!

Yet to see any african hookers - where are they exactly located?

On the corner of Suk and soi 5. Walk up towards soi 3 where the Starbucks used to be.

You will see them there. Sometimes their pimps are in the vicinity too.

I've had one of them, she was from the Sudan.

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^Gullivers banned them indeed!

Yet to see any african hookers - where are they exactly located?

On the corner of Suk and soi 5. Walk up towards soi 3 where the Starbucks used to be.

You will see them there. Sometimes their pimps are in the vicinity too.

Just when I finally got used to being propositioned by nice Thai girls or what looked more-or-less like them, I got approached by big-booty mama's. Imagine the state of shock I'm in.

Please excuse me for a moment, I need a beer :)

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Aren't hotels considered PUBLIC accommodation? It's not the same thing as your private house.

In most countries, No.

But in the US etc there is provisions about how and who stores etc can ban as the are considered 'open to the public'. But that has no relevance to here.

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Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?

Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.

Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.


This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.

Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.

And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?

One would like to think of the HIV risk

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On the corner of Suk and soi 5. Walk up towards soi 3 where the Starbucks used to be.

You will see them there. Sometimes their pimps are in the vicinity too.

Ahhh that explains it, normally not on that side of the Suk. Interesting I might have to go up there and make a point to look. All times of the day or after a certain hour? Thailand constantly amazes me once you thought you seen it all, smth new crops up. :lol:

Obviously BIB must be involved with this or it wouldnt be allowed.

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This sort of comment is disgusting. I thought it was illegal to discriminate on anybody because of their race or religion. It is surely a worldwide human right.

Yes, you're correct, and it would be interesting to know what international agreements (e.g. via the U.N.) that Thailand has signed regarding international human rights.

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Well there are some Japanese bars in Chiang Mai that Farangs or any other races are not Allowed in it is "Japanese ONLY" still is unfair.....and I dont agree

Soi Taniya in Silom is full of Jap bars and non-Japs are not allowed in at all. I used to park my car there while at work and 3 times out of 10 would be told I am not alowed on the soi so should turn around. I used to just carry on walking and point to the carpark. funny thing is when the red shirts came and the Japs ran home the girls had no customers for a couple of months and still never let westerners in.

I used to see the girls go of with a Jap looking happy! :blink: jeez, has any of you seen a Jap Porno? Fingers shoved up where the sun dont shine and enimas while tied up dont sound like fun to me. :blink::bah: very strange!

anyway, back on topic, I couldnt give a crap about not being welcome in there bars. but I do think its wrong to openly refuse people because of there race.

Some time back I expressed interest in a certain bar worker and was told that she wouldn't be interested as she was a "Jap specialist." As this was a new concept to me, I asked what was special about Japs. The answer was "Little dix, big money." As I couldn't compete in either department, I didn't feel upset even though it was a case of racial discrimination.

Don't you mean Ratio discrimination?

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As for hotels in Thailand refusing blacks and Indians, that's a BIG lie. One hotel, maybe.

Oh no, I have seen internet websites for a number of hotels and apartments and condos in Thailand where it clearly says that Indians are not accepted as guests.

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It is a private business. It is their right to deny access to anyone. They should not try to steal his booking payment.

the owner didnt like the guy and kicked him out. he happend to be black, whats the problem?

reality shows,and rap music are,in my not so humble oppinion, the cause for bad effect. rap originated in the U.S. south where the black guy with no money or future would lay a "rap" on his girl who also had no options.early 1900's.Robert Johnson ,etc.

Nothing has changed ,it would appear....................black guy blaming "the man"...............two words, NA NA.

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Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?

Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.

Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.


This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.

Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.

And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?

One would like to think of the HIV risk

This is perhaps the most ignorant post I have ever read on this, or any other, forum.

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funny i'm staying in bkk tonight and the First hotel wanted forty % more for me than my thai boss. i wasted no time finding a room at My regular. there's enough choice not to get bent out of shape. the nation is backwards. no shock surely? two tears in a bucket and <deleted> it.

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Most likely the hotel refused to refund the deposit because it was not paid to them. Often you pay the deposit to a travel agent and not the hotel.

If refused entry to the hotel, then you must seek a deposit refund from the travel agent.

Also, do any of you here feel sufficiently motivated to go out and make a video of refused entry to a Japanese place, or maybe something about dual-pricing at Siam Paragon? No, because you are not professional victims. You don't seek to gain advantage in some way by portraying yourself as being somehow victimized. That isn't going to work for you in Thailand like it does in the declining Western countries.

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Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?

Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.

Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.


This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.

Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.

And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?

One would like to think of the HIV risk

I couldn't believe how many Africans there are in Bangkok. I just don't understand why they are allowed in. Thailand never kept them as slaves or had African colonies, they could quite easily just close the border to them.

Some of those African countries have an HIV incidence of over 50%.

All those liberals try and say you have to have sex to get AIDS and that it is difficult to spread, but that is just <deleted>.

If it didn't spread easily, 50% of Africans wouldn't have it.

Not to mention all the homosexuals in the northern and western states of America.

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Right on. It is rampant in America and just think how it must eat at some racist every day to have Obama in the White House. By they way I am white Blue Eyed Blond.

Black Americans are far more violent racists though, ive never once heard a person of Afro-Caribbean origin or liberal whitey speak of their disgust at such shocking statistics.


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On the corner of Suk and soi 5. Walk up towards soi 3 where the Starbucks used to be.

You will see them there. Sometimes their pimps are in the vicinity too.

Ahhh that explains it, normally not on that side of the Suk. Interesting I might have to go up there and make a point to look. All times of the day or after a certain hour? Thailand constantly amazes me once you thought you seen it all, smth new crops up. :lol:

Obviously BIB must be involved with this or it wouldnt be allowed.

I only look at the circus around midnight - 2am. You'll find the African ladies of the night around that time.

One or two East European hookers around there too. But more Africans now.

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And you Yanks should get off your high horse. Weren't you the most recent owners of slaves in the western world?

Actually, no! Currently the country with the most "African" slaves could be "Africa", possibly with more slaves today than America had during the Civil War era! I am making the assumption that you do mean "African" slaves do you not? Correct me if I am wrong!

But then there are all the other countries in the world where there is modern day slavery, which could include Thailand with the "sex slaves" that cater to all nationalities.

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It is a private business. It is their right to deny access to anyone. They should not try to steal his booking payment.

the owner didnt like the guy and kicked him out. he happend to be black, whats the problem?

reality shows,and rap music are,in my not so humble oppinion, the cause for bad effect. rap originated in the U.S. south where the black guy with no money or future would lay a "rap" on his girl who also had no options.early 1900's.Robert Johnson ,etc.

Nothing has changed ,it would appear....................black guy blaming "the man"...............two words, NA NA.

Wow, your knowledge of music is really frightening; rap actually has a long history including african roots, blues, jazz, gospel etc.

I am amazed at the racist posts which have come out; the mods should deliver some tongue lashings :angry:

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And you Yanks should get off your high horse. Weren't you the most recent owners of slaves in the western world?

Actually, no!

Youre right the most recent Western ruled country to have slaves is Australia, the slaves happened to have white skin.

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A side project of Linkin Park If you don't know them your living under a rock. I am not a rap fan but a music fan and some of linkin parks stuff is rather good. This is Fort Minor

Wait till MTV and Rolling Stone get involved -

Having viewed the clip, I think I prefer it under my rock.

Move over then. You're taking up too much room. Me and my friends are a tad squeezed.

Talk about Beethoven rolling over. Rosgers and Hart, Oscar Hammerstein, Gershwin, Sammy Cahn et all must be sitting up there with their hands over their ears.

Hmmmmm ... Was this video made in the parking garage at the airport, just recently taken over by 40 armed guys in black?

Just wondering.


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