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Russia Warns Against US Meddling In Thailand-Bout Case

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I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .

LOLO!!! You mean to tell us that the US is the only country that sells military hardware??? I guess all those French Mirage jets that are part of variuous other countries' arsenals are just US jets in disguise. Then of course there are the Chinese providing all sorts of military hardware to all kinds of questionable states, such as Burma. Military weaponry is a fact of life, unfortunately, and your incessant US bashing just shows an unquestionable anti-US bigotry on your part. How enlightened.

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

USA is now like "Great Britian"used to be, trying to rule the world by force ,cheating and lying it's way through life, it works for a while untill the other countrys wake up.

Oh, I am tolerating just fine the "heat" in the form of the foul smelling hot air being belched forth from the likes of you from your mouth; or is it your backside??? Smells like it could be either. I don't necessarily like the way the US has been run the last decade or so, and that includes the EuroHero "BO" Obama being maneuvered into being elected Prez. I didn't vote for Bush and I sure as hel_l didn't vote for BO; a real a$_$clown hypocrite, lazy, incompetent charlatan he is. Hint: Don't lump all of us Yanks together; we are a highly varied bunch, Herr Ajax.

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Perhaps the US wants Bout out of the picture so they can move in on his arms selling territory.

And perhaps you are a fool posing as being "enlightened".


I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .

LOLO!!! You mean to tell us that the US is the only country that sells military hardware??? I guess all those French Mirage jets that are part of variuous other countries' arsenals are just US jets in disguise. Then of course there are the Chinese providing all sorts of military hardware to all kinds of questionable states, such as Burma. Military weaponry is a fact of life, unfortunately, and your incessant US bashing just shows an unquestionable anti-US bigotry on your part. How enlightened.

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

USA is now like "Great Britian"used to be, trying to rule the world by force ,cheating and lying it's way through life, it works for a while untill the other countrys wake up.

Oh, I am tolerating just fine the "heat" in the form of the foul smelling hot air being belched forth from the likes of you from your mouth; or is it your backside??? Smells like it could be either. I don't necessarily like the way the US has been run the last decade or so, and that includes the EuroHero "BO" Obama being maneuvered into being elected Prez. I didn't vote for Bush and I sure as hel_l didn't vote for BO; a real a$_$clown hypocrite, lazy, incompetent charlatan he is. Hint: Don't lump all of us Yanks together; we are a highly varied bunch, Herr Ajax.

How can you be a'yank' and an australian:bah:


I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .

Oh yes, America is the ONLY country involved in arms sales. ...everyone knows that.


From school we learn that US & UK are good people. USSR & China are communist, hence bad people. We are though to repeat that day in day out.


I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .


As an American I see one as above board (most of the time) selling to those being oppressed vs those out to make a buck at the expense of others.

Certainly neither side are angels, but intent does make for a different view....



Perhaps the US wants Bout out of the picture so they can move in on his arms selling territory.

This is as likely as you getting an invitation to join MENSA

Already done that but the joining fee was ridiculous for getting nothing but bragging rights that noone but a narcissist would care about.

I personally don't think it has anything to do with intelligence anyway.

MENSA as it seems may be as related to intelligence as is living in Pattaya, though one is inversely related and the other not.


And was caught trying to sell weapons to the FARC to shoot down planes! Crazy!!! :blink:

Actually, he was caught agreeing to sell arms to Gargamel and will now face charges of conspiracy to commit genocide of the Smurfs.


The dam_n Russians are so afraid that the truth will come out that Bout is nothing but an agent for Russia Arms Deals. Better the dam_n Russians leave Thailand (Pattaya) half the problem in Pattaya would be gone.

Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

... to face charges of conspiracy to kill Americans, conspiracy to kill officials and employees of the United States government, conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles and conspiracy to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organisation.

Did anyone catch him with a rocket launcher in his hands and ready to shot down a plane full of Americans, officials and employees of the United States government? I don't think so! i am not necessarely protecting Bout (I will keep my opinion my myself), but I always found it laughable how US courts come up with all kinds of weird charges. Also as some pepole already mentioned in previous Bout topic, I hate the fact that the US is trying to police a whole world. Again i am not saying Bout should or should not face charges, but why US has to be involved in that?

Oh, I have a proposal. Lets extradit Bush to Russia for all the war crimes that happened in Iraq. Lets extradit all the US military personal back to Iraq for raping woman and torturing the neutral population during the so-called war.

I totally agree. What a Russian man sells to people in Columbia (even if it's morally wrong) is nothing to do with the USA whatsoever. How about the British extraditing the owners of some New York Irish Bars for allowing open donations to support the IRA activities in bombing mainland England for decades...?


From school we learn that US & UK are good people. USSR & China are communist, hence bad people. We are though to repeat that day in day out.

Being a Communist or Anti-Communist doesn't make anyone bad. Think with your own head please.

Your comment just proved that Thailand been brainwashed by yankees for decades.:blink:



Very brave saying it online, are you? Suggestion - take a hike to a Walking Street and yell it out loud, can you?

... to face charges of conspiracy to kill Americans, conspiracy to kill officials and employees of the United States government, conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles and conspiracy to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organisation.

Did anyone catch him with a rocket launcher in his hands and ready to shot down a plane full of Americans, officials and employees of the United States government? I don't think so! i am not necessarely protecting Bout (I will keep my opinion my myself), but I always found it laughable how US courts come up with all kinds of weird charges. Also as some pepole already mentioned in previous Bout topic, I hate the fact that the US is trying to police a whole world. Again i am not saying Bout should or should not face charges, but why US has to be involved in that?

Oh, I have a proposal. Lets extradit Bush to Russia for all the war crimes that happened in Iraq. Lets extradit all the US military personal back to Iraq for raping woman and torturing the neutral population during the so-called war.

I totally agree. What a Russian man sells to people in Columbia (even if it's morally wrong) is nothing to do with the USA whatsoever. How about the British extraditing the owners of some New York Irish Bars for allowing open donations to support the IRA activities in bombing mainland England for decades...?

I am only guessing here, but the US has a lot of involvement in Colombia trying to help them with their cocaine problems. The FARC are responsible for perhaps as many as 200,000 deaths in that country. Bout was arrested trying to sell the FARC surface to air missiles. The kind used to potentially shoot down the Colombian government's drug searching helicopters and planes. Here are some facts about the FARC. Definitely not a group that should get the kind of weapons Bout sells....or any kind for that matter!


According to military analysts, the FARC earns between $250 and $300 million through criminal acts, of which 65 percent comes from the drug trade.

The FARC finances its operations through kidnapping and ransom, extortion, and narcotics trafficking. It also targets anyone suspected of conspiring with the military and paramilitaries.


Those kidnapped include foreigners, like:


On March 17, 2009, The FARC-EP released Swedish hostage Erik Roland Larsson. Larsson, paralyzed in half his body, was handed over to detectives in a rugged region of the northern state of Córdoba. Larsson was kidnapped from his ranch in Tierralta, not far from where he was freed, on May 16, 2007, along with his Colombian girlfriend, Diana Patricia Pena while paying workers. She escaped that same month following a gunbattle between her captors and police. The FARC-EP had sought a $5 million ransom. One of Larsson's sons said that the ransom was not paid.


Try telling Erik that Mr. Bout should be set free to sell arms to the FARC. I'll bet he'll argue with you a bit on this one....and I'll bet he welcomed the US involvement.

As for your comments about funding for the IRA coming from America...well, you are probably right on with that...but it is way off topic. A real mess for sure.


From school we learn that US & UK are good people. USSR & China are communist, hence bad people. We are though to repeat that day in day out.

Being a Communist or Anti-Communist doesn't make anyone bad. Think with your own head please.

Your comment just proved that Thailand been brainwashed by yankees for decades.:blink:



Very brave saying it online, are you? Suggestion - take a hike to a Walking Street and yell it out loud, can you?

I think Chantorn was tongue in check and signs of being brainwashed by some american propaganda can be observed by a couple of other posters.

Did you understand that Lindsaykkk? Was it Thai or some obscure american slang lingo? What would it be translated into normal English or proper Russian? What does it have to do with walking street? Not sure if that is the place to go if he wants to tell something to Russia and trying to say it in Russian would be a good idea too.


There are many clandestine operations around the world which rely on supply and various other support services from private sources to maintain deep cover. The players involved often have no idea who their customers actually are or for whom they work. There are several levels of cover and the deepest levels often rely on people like Bout. Both the US and the former Soviet Union engage in this practice.


From school we learn that US & UK are good people. USSR & China are communist, hence bad people. We are though to repeat that day in day out.

Being a Communist or Anti-Communist doesn't make anyone bad. Think with your own head please.

Your comment just proved that Thailand been brainwashed by yankees for decades.:blink:



Very brave saying it online, are you? Suggestion - take a hike to a Walking Street and yell it out loud, can you?

I think Chantorn was tongue in check and signs of being brainwashed by some american propaganda can be observed by a couple of other posters.

Did you understand that Lindsaykkk? Was it Thai or some obscure american slang lingo? What would it be translated into normal English or proper Russian? What does it have to do with walking street? Not sure if that is the place to go if he wants to tell something to Russia and trying to say it in Russian would be a good idea too.

Judging by your name, you should know what it means. I wouldn't want to translate it here. What it has to do with a Walking Street? Because there are so many Russians there, it would be a good place to yell it out loud when he wants to offend a whole country.


I think america is a bit two faced in its attitude to bout , it seems ok for them to sell arms all over the world ( and some of those arms ending up being used against american service men / civillians would the people who sold them be had for conspricacy ) :whistling: .

A bit two faced?

That's a bit of an understatement..

All countries are two faced and all of that makes no difference in the Bout case. People always want to bash the big power, haven't you heard, it's China now ...

Russia is still a major World power. Over recent years Russia has been exerting its influence particluary at the expense of the USA to regain some of what it lost. The Bout case is just a pawn in this cold war game. The players have already decided their next move and anticipated their oponent's counter-move.


The dam_n Russians are so afraid that the truth will come out that Bout is nothing but an agent for Russia Arms Deals. Better the dam_n Russians leave Thailand (Pattaya) half the problem in Pattaya would be gone.

Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

He's not being recruited under a skilled immigration scheme if that's what you're asking ...


The dam_n Russians are so afraid that the truth will come out that Bout is nothing but an agent for Russia Arms Deals. Better the dam_n Russians leave Thailand (Pattaya) half the problem in Pattaya would be gone.

Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

He's not being recruited under a skilled immigration scheme if that's what you're asking ...

Both demands, all Russians go out of Thailand (Pattaya) and Bout must go to the USA and specially the argument to blame these **** Russian for half of all problems seems to come out of the mind of somebody who shouldn't pass immigration at all nor go to a place were he probably will met "foreigners" of other cultures and other nations with a different mindset than his own. These kinds of people should better stay home.

Bout has no desire to go to the USA, why force him to do that? The other Russians come here to Thailand to be on holiday like many other people from somewhere else, why this demands that they have to leave?


Thailand should refuse to decide the extradition case until the Thai national who has been jailed for over 20 years in the US, following a confession obtained illegally when he was a minor by the Arizona State PD, is repatriated to Thailand.

The US demands people be extradited to face charges when they want, but will rarely extradite one of their own out of the US; I don't think the US has a single reciprocal extradition agreement.


The dam_n Russians are so afraid that the truth will come out that Bout is nothing but an agent for Russia Arms Deals. Better the dam_n Russians leave Thailand (Pattaya) half the problem in Pattaya would be gone.

Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

Both demands, all Russians go out of Thailand (Pattaya) and Bout must go to the USA and specially the argument to blame these **** Russian for half of all problems seems to come out of the mind of somebody who shouldn't pass immigration at all nor go to a place were he probably will met "foreigners" of other cultures and other nations with a different mindset than his own. These kinds of people should better stay home.

Bout has no desire to go to the USA, why force him to do that? The other Russians come here to Thailand to be on holiday like many other people from somewhere else, why this demands that they have to leave?

Who's demanding the Russians leave Thailand? Where did you get that from?????

Are you serious about your last comment? Where are you coming from on that one....Bout did not come here as a tourist...that's for sure....

Thailand should refuse to decide the extradition case until the Thai national who has been jailed for over 20 years in the US, following a confession obtained illegally when he was a minor by the Arizona State PD, is repatriated to Thailand.

The US demands people be extradited to face charges when they want, but will rarely extradite one of their own out of the US; I don't think the US has a single reciprocal extradition agreement.

Do you know why his confession was obtained illegally? Because his parents were not there. It does not mean he is innocent. He confessed and provided details regarding the crime that only he could know...and his roommate implicated him in the whole thing. They found the shotgun used in the killings in his apartment. And he was living with a guy who just a few months later killed another person. Read about this case...it's complicated and was a mess...as most murder trials are. I am sure whatever country you come from has had these same kinds of problems...right?

But this brings up a good point. Bout will get a good trial. And if he is lucky, the same guy who defended Goody in Arizona "could" be his lawyer. I can almost guarantee Bout will get off due to some minor point as he has the money to get the best lawyers money can buy. But at least he will get a fair trial. Something unlikely to happen either here or in Russia.

And why would they repatriate Goody to Thailand? The crime was committed there, not here????? Thailand could care less....and rightfully so...


The Viktor Bout affair is really little more than a commercial dispute. A state which exports arms wishes to eliminate a competitor. As Viktor and others before him have learned it is very difficult to succeed against a competitor whose agents wear badges and carry guns.

Oh sure, the US will probably manage to get custody of Viktor Bout and he will be duly convicted of a variety of horrendous offenses but the "enemy" in Afghanistan will suddenly and mysteriously be equipped with a large number of very modern weapons particularly anti-helicopter missiles which will change the entire complexion of the war in Afghanistan.

No one but the Afghans ever wins in Afghanistan. Alexander the Great once, the British twice, the Soviets once, and now the US almost interminably, have all fallen victim to imperial hubris only to suffer humiliating defeat at the hands of ragtag tribesmen who know the territory and are fighting to defend their homeland against invaders.

Those in the US who are pushing so hard for extradition ought be reminded of the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.”


The dam_n Russians are so afraid that the truth will come out that Bout is nothing but an agent for Russia Arms Deals. Better the dam_n Russians leave Thailand (Pattaya) half the problem in Pattaya would be gone.

Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

Both demands, all Russians go out of Thailand (Pattaya) and Bout must go to the USA and specially the argument to blame these **** Russian for half of all problems seems to come out of the mind of somebody who shouldn't pass immigration at all nor go to a place were he probably will met "foreigners" of other cultures and other nations with a different mindset than his own. These kinds of people should better stay home.

Bout has no desire to go to the USA, why force him to do that? The other Russians come here to Thailand to be on holiday like many other people from somewhere else, why this demands that they have to leave?

Who's demanding the Russians leave Thailand? Where did you get that from?????

Are you serious about your last comment? Where are you coming from on that one....Bout did not come here as a tourist...that's for sure....

Try to read the comment i was replying to (its still in the quote), that would answer your question.

That you failed to answer that for yourself explains the nature of some of your posts (partial blind/read only half of the text/understand even less).

If you fail again i cannot help you.


"Ms Bout said her husband's extradition was politically motivated. She said the effort to extradite her husband was an act of revenge after Mr Bout refused to link former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra with arms smuggling and the terrorism network." - Local paper.


But at least he will get a fair trial. Something unlikely to happen either here or in Russia.

I don't believe in the "fair trail" in the States. How could he or any other "outsider" for that matter get a fair trail, if they can't offer the fair trail to their own citizens?

If you don't know what I am talking about, google Stella Awards. Named after one old dumb woman who spilled her hot coffee on herself and sued McDonalds (where she bought her coffee from) becasue her coffee was too hot! There were all kind of ridiculous cases over the years. So there will be no fair trail until they rid of the idiots in their judical system.


But at least he will get a fair trial. Something unlikely to happen either here or in Russia.

I don't believe in the "fair trail" in the States. How could he or any other "outsider" for that matter get a fair trail, if they can't offer the fair trail to their own citizens?

If you don't know what I am talking about, google Stella Awards. Named after one old dumb woman who spilled her hot coffee on herself and sued McDonalds (where she bought her coffee from) becasue her coffee was too hot! There were all kind of ridiculous cases over the years. So there will be no fair trail until they rid of the idiots in their judical system.

If you read my statement it says fair trial...not a ridiculous settlement based on a flimsy case. Big difference. Just ask OJ Simpson. :(

The idiots in the judicial system are the jurors...not the judges. They do tend to approve big awards for flimsy cases....which the judges unfortunately have nothing they can do about it. Way too many lawyers in the US...

But this also means if a doc cuts off your wrong limb, unlike many countries around the world, you are pretty well assured you will be WELL compensated. And unlike many countries in the world, that will be the end of the doc's medical career.


Thailand = Pattaya???

Russians = half of all problems???

So why these Americans want one of these Russians to be brought to the USA? He was there never before.

Both demands, all Russians go out of Thailand (Pattaya) and Bout must go to the USA and specially the argument to blame these **** Russian for half of all problems seems to come out of the mind of somebody who shouldn't pass immigration at all nor go to a place were he probably will met "foreigners" of other cultures and other nations with a different mindset than his own. These kinds of people should better stay home.

Bout has no desire to go to the USA, why force him to do that? The other Russians come here to Thailand to be on holiday like many other people from somewhere else, why this demands that they have to leave?

Who's demanding the Russians leave Thailand? Where did you get that from?????

Are you serious about your last comment? Where are you coming from on that one....Bout did not come here as a tourist...that's for sure....

Try to read the comment i was replying to (its still in the quote), that would answer your question.

That you failed to answer that for yourself explains the nature of some of your posts (partial blind/read only half of the text/understand even less).

If you fail again i cannot help you.

For sure, it seems I misread part of your post. I apologize. :jap:

But my last question still stands. If you fail again to understand that one, I also cannot help you... :jap:

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