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Guest IT Manager

I will ask George about putting a link on the site if you think it's a good idea, which I do.



Very good idea. If I make a typing mistake, it's of course my keyboard, NOT ME. :o

Still, can't trust any spell check blindly. Example 'to' or 'too', neither will be queried.


Thanks for the link. I hope some of our other contributors will make use of it.

I hope & believe that my own spelling is normally OK, (disregarding typos,) unless you come from the other side of the pond, in which case we might have some interesting discussions.


Further to my post just now Just looked at the site. I'm afraid I am one of these ridiculous anti-Macroshaft people and I use neither IE nor Outlook. So I can not use iespell. Can't help thinking it should be installed on all Net-Cafe' machines though.


Well it is NOT going to help those who do not know the difference between:

THEIR - belonging - their books

THERE - place - over there by the tree

THEY'RE - short for They Are

And I have seen many who don't on here !!!!

Bill clever socks

Well it is NOT going to help those who do not know the difference between:

THEIR - belonging - their books

THERE - place - over there by the tree

THEY'RE - short for They Are

And I have seen many who don't on here !!!!

Bill clever socks

if they don't know that difference by now, then they are beyond help :o

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