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2 Tier Admission To National Parks


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What is the latest twist on this story? If you are resident in LOS, driving license, work permit, visa etc do you pay the 400bt tourist price for NPs or the local rate? Is this the same all over LOS or does it vary from place to place or does it depend on how persuasive you are?

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We've never had any problems using our Thai drivers license to get "resident" price, but we have to ask if we're by ourselves or with a group of westerners. We've been with Thai people, like the only two foreigners in a van with 8 middle-aged, well-dressed Thais and they manage to talk our way in without anyone checking anything. Actually, I think we've gained entrance to national parks and the like with no charge at all when we've been part of a group of 8 - 10 Thai people.

Like many things here, I think it depends upon the mood of the person in the position to decide your entry fee.

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Thai driving licence works in most causes.

In some areas they ask all adults to produce there Thai licences, others no. Only time it didn't work for me was a waterfall in the southern part of Chae Son park this August, otherwise a smile and a licence has got me in cheap where others have reported different. Only common theme is complaining will never result in you getting the resident price.

We are big fans of staying at National park accommodation, cabins and houses, and with presenting the Thai driver licences prices have lowered on these also.

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You sure- as I been once and showed Biz Visa and no go. To me it seemed- if you look like a Farang and smell like one then ur paying up for tourist prices. They laughed at me trying to get Thai price, even when I reside here. My girl laughing with them- I say tell them I live here and here's my Visa and address. Blaa blaa no go... laugh laugh.

They say- must be Thai- must be Thai- u Farang- u pay Farang price....

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You sure- as I been once and showed Biz Visa and no go. To me it seemed- if you look like a Farang and smell like one then ur paying up for tourist prices. They laughed at me trying to get Thai price, even when I reside here. My girl laughing with them- I say tell them I live here and here's my Visa and address. Blaa blaa no go... laugh laugh.

They say- must be Thai- must be Thai- u Farang- u pay Farang price....

You obviously have the wrong attitide, as I have never paid the tourist rate. Mind you this coming from a bloke that refused to pay a parking ticket, it's not surprising :rolleyes:

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We've never had any problems using our Thai drivers license to get "resident" price, but we have to ask if we're by ourselves or with a group of westerners. We've been with Thai people, like the only two foreigners in a van with 8 middle-aged, well-dressed Thais and they manage to talk our way in without anyone checking anything. Actually, I think we've gained entrance to national parks and the like with no charge at all when we've been part of a group of 8 - 10 Thai people.

Like many things here, I think it depends upon the mood of the person in the position to decide your entry fee.

I have read all the posts below. 4 years back I have first seen the sign in CM. This double tier admission price policy is a shame of thai government. Money is not the issue here. Considering the %% of farang vs thai visitors, bumping up the price 10% for everybody would keep the revenue.

The issue is that it smells of "whites only" or "arians are local". I believe it is high time thai ministers look at themselves in the mirror and smell the air in their vicinity. The smell is distinctly racist with a nazy tinge:lol: .:angry: .

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The only time a Thai drivers license didn't work for me was at Ayuthaya Historical Park. Despite showing my license, I paid the "white skin" fee, and my Japanese friend, on a short visit from Tokyo, got in the for Thai rate. Go figure! :rolleyes:

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I've never had a problem getting Thai price on production of my driving licence (at national parks).

Sometimes they let other white tourists with me in for the Thai price too.

I usually do the 'ferang pays' joke and point to the white people, they always laugh.


Get a driving licence, the Thais seem to regard it as a Thai ID card.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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You sure- as I been once and showed Biz Visa and no go. To me it seemed- if you look like a Farang and smell like one then ur paying up for tourist prices. They laughed at me trying to get Thai price, even when I reside here. My girl laughing with them- I say tell them I live here and here's my Visa and address. Blaa blaa no go... laugh laugh.

They say- must be Thai- must be Thai- u Farang- u pay Farang price....

Hmmm; seems to me you have a gf that likes to take the p**s ! On the other hand I have a Thai wife who gets me in anywhere at Thai prices by just plainly telling them....'He is my husband and lives here with me"...she talks firmly and calmly and it has never failed yet. Time to get yourself the right type of woman?

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Awesome.. In 9 easy steps from 'national parks' to 'My-Wife-Is-Better-Than-Your-Wife'. For the win!! :)

Also, a visa is just a visa; anyone going to buy or trade something can get a business visa.. It means nothing.

I typically show them my Mc Donalds Happy Meal Club Card. Rarely fails to impress.

And when it does, I use my Tax ID card: "You know that money that shows up in your bank account every month? I'm paying it!"

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I never have a problem with the Driving Licence at the national parks and the Zoo's etc. the only place I was refused was the Grand Palace in Bangkok, I was told all foriegners pay to get in no matter what ID, visa etc they had, which is fair enough I suppose as Thai's get in free so I didn't have to pay for the wife.

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I never have a problem with the Driving Licence at the national parks and the Zoo's etc. the only place I was refused was the Grand Palace in Bangkok, I was told all foriegners pay to get in no matter what ID, visa etc they had, which is fair enough I suppose as Thai's get in free so I didn't have to pay for the wife.

Yes, that's my experience also. For some reason they're real cun_ts overthere, and not only that place but also Bang Pa In, etc. Anyway, not much lost to be honest; just don't go in.

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The only place I have been stiffed is at Sukhothai Historical Park. Showed both Thai license and yellow house book. Been there two times and if your white you pay.

Same thing happened to me there. I insisted on speaking to the manager who eventually allowed me in for the Thai price. A lot of face was lost in the process, my wife was visibly upset I had pushed it so far and the staff issued my ticket with as much courtesy as a pig. It ruined the visit; but if they had charged me the tourist price, this would have ruined the visit as well. The place really isn't worth the bother of the 6-hour drive anyway IMO so avoid.

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