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'Cash For Thai University Degrees' Racket To Be Exposed : Activist

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<snip for brevity>

I was graded on a curve in college. That meant generally a certain percent of students had to flunk out. Survival of the fittest.

I don't think this happens in Thailand. I don't know if it happens in the UK.

Hopefully not in the UK, where I believe that current educational-theory favours giving a 'pass' to whoever reaches the required academic-standard, and a 'fail' to those who don't. This does lead to regular discussion, as to whether those standards are rising or falling, of course.

I'd regard as seriously-flawed any system which gives a 'pass' to someone who is no good, or a 'fail' to someone who knows their stuff, simply in order to satisfy an arbitrarily-set level of 'fails'.

I suspect for example that nobody would want to fly, with a pilot who was no good but had still got his license, simply because his college/training-school had to maintain a certain level of passes ?

Regarding Thailand, I suspect that money or hi-so connections are the key factors, hence the unfortunate subject of this interesting thread ! :rolleyes:


The son of one of the Vice President of a very big organization was at one time bragging (YES- he was proud of what he did) that he helped his son pass one of his college subjects by paying for a ready-made term paper. I already had a low regard for this person - but after that incident, I realized that there were lower depths that people can go and even have the face to brag about it with his colleagues.


<snip for brevity>

I was graded on a curve in college. That meant generally a certain percent of students had to flunk out. Survival of the fittest.

I don't think this happens in Thailand. I don't know if it happens in the UK.

Hopefully not in the UK, where I believe that current educational-theory favours giving a 'pass' to whoever reaches the required academic-standard, and a 'fail' to those who don't. This does lead to regular discussion, as to whether those standards are rising or falling, of course.

I'd regard as seriously-flawed any system which gives a 'pass' to someone who is no good, or a 'fail' to someone who knows their stuff, simply in order to satisfy an arbitrarily-set level of 'fails'.

I suspect for example that nobody would want to fly, with a pilot who was no good but had still got his license, simply because his college/training-school had to maintain a certain level of passes ?

Regarding Thailand, I suspect that money or hi-so connections are the key factors, hence the unfortunate subject of this interesting thread ! :rolleyes:

From Wiki

Many, or perhaps most, law schools in the United States grade on a curve. The process generally works within each class, where the instructor grades the work, and then ranks the initial grades, adding to and subtracting from the initial grades so that the overall pattern of grades matches the school's specified curve (usually a bell curve).

Grading on a curve contributes to the notoriously competitive atmosphere within law schools. "The main source of this competition is the mandatory curve you will likely encounter once you enter law school. The curve affects the class rank, affects the chances of making law review, affects the chances of scoring that big job/externship."[1] Some law schools set their curve lower to retain scholarship funding.

End Wiki

Where I went to High School (grades 9 -12) they also graded on a curve to get the students used to the competitive atmosphere in College.

Might as well get used to some people getting more money than others and some people being smarter than others. Graduates are hired on class rank and GPA as well as knowing the subject matter. When you hire a doctor to do brain surgery do you want a person from the bottom of his class or the top?


From a Google Search ... many different definitions and meanings.

Definitions of chart of accounts on the Web:

Different? No, they all say the same thing. Did you even read what you posted?

Actually, some list that the chart should include numerous information & limited info in terms of income and such while others say it is just a list of accounts with the account ID type while other still say it is a listing of your entire asset, liability, equity, income, cost of sales, expense, other income, and other expense accounts.

They're all the same thing, really.


Currently, I attend a university in Bangkok and have been for over two years. I go to school for 9 am and finish at 5 pm.

I enjoy learning and studying. My experiences in Thailand have been shocking.

I have witnessed bigotry and racism, in print as well. I have witnessed mass copyright infringement. I have noticed a disregard towards education. All this I have witnessed from the administration.

Professors which are good and mark fairly are fired. The students that waste the class' time all pass. I study English and my colleagues, when presenting, read from a piece of paper copied from Wikipedia in voices you cannot understand what they are saying, fortunately, the entire page they are reading from is in the PowerPoint behind them.

Plagiarism is rule of thumb, cheating is standard.

There are no standards and no accountability. As you parallel Thai society and their University / Education system you see a direct correlation. When I hire employees here, I care not for their 'looks'.



Sorry old boy but you have it mixed up.  Bush senior was in WWII.  No jets*.  GW Bush flew fighter jets in the 1960's.  

Both Bush's went to Yale.  No coat tails.  Yale is at the same academic standard as Oxford.  

Google is your friend.  Look it up before you post and people will not think you such a fool.

*Unless you were on the German side.

The Gloster Meteor was the first British jet fighter and the Allies' first operational jet. Designed by George Carter, it first flew in 1943 and commenced operations on 27 July 1944 with 616 Squadron of the Royal Air Force (RAF).      Look it up before you post, eh?

In the late 60's I was the leader of a team running commissioning tests on ICT computers sold to countries behind the Iron Curtain. It was a real money spinner for the 6 members of the team since we took with us mountains of jeans and LP's. by popular artists - and had a few other money spinning activities too. Awash with money and having much spare time on our hands between trips to Eastern Europe, three of the lads took flying lessons at a flying club based at Biggin Hill, the WW2 fighter station.  The last time I met up with them one was a Captain flying BAC 111 aircraft and another was First Officer flying 747's. Since neither of these lads were considered to be 'Brains of Britain', and I declined to recommend them for advancement,  I conclude that GWB has no claim to cerebral superiority. Me? I took myself off to Brands Hatch and qualified to hold a BMRC Clubman's Licence. I competitively drove Mini Coopers for a while. I must have been mad!


Lots of people in this old world that have bought "qualifications"...always used to be standard procedure in the Military to "buy" a commission...then get people killed through totally inept leadership....

..... probably a lot of "cap and gowns" involved in recommending allowing banks to offer sub prime loans in the US and Europe???



Sorry old boy but you have it mixed up.  Bush senior was in WWII.  No jets*.  GW Bush flew fighter jets in the 1960's.  

Both Bush's went to Yale.  No coat tails.  Yale is at the same academic standard as Oxford.  

Google is your friend.  Look it up before you post and people will not think you such a fool.

*Unless you were on the German side.

The Gloster Meteor was the first British jet fighter and the Allies' first operational jet. Designed by George Carter, it first flew in 1943 and commenced operations on 27 July 1944 with 616 Squadron of the Royal Air Force (RAF).      Look it up before you post, eh?

In the late 60's I was the leader of a team running commissioning tests on ICT computers sold to countries behind the Iron Curtain. It was a real money spinner for the 6 members of the team since we took with us mountains of jeans and LP's. by popular artists - and had a few other money spinning activities too. Awash with money and having much spare time on our hands between trips to Eastern Europe, three of the lads took flying lessons at a flying club based at Biggin Hill, the WW2 fighter station.  The last time I met up with them one was a Captain flying BAC 111 aircraft and another was First Officer flying 747's. Since neither of these lads were considered to be 'Brains of Britain', and I declined to recommend them for advancement,  I conclude that GWB has no claim to cerebral superiority. Me? I took myself off to Brands Hatch and qualified to hold a BMRC Clubman's Licence. I competitively drove Mini Coopers for a while. I must have been mad!

There were 14 The Gloster Meteor used in combat for only a few months. Not a very good chance that many British pilots would have flown them. They have a combat total of 40 some German aircraft destroyed on the ground.

There were 1433 German Messerschmitt Me 262 built. 300 used in combat. 509 Allied kills.

I didn't have to look it up. I didn't think the Gloster Meteor worth mentioning as so few were used and on no impact on the war.

Don't get me wrong I don't think Bush was a brain trust. I do think flying a jet fighter more complicated than a 747.

I didn't care much for Bush to begin with because he enlisted in the National Guard to get out of combat duty. I was drafted and served my entire two years in a combat zone except for 6 weeks of basic training. I flew in Vietnam. Yes, I got flight pay. That means I flew a minimum of 18 hours a week, if memory serves me correctly. As I remember I got shot down 8 times plus or minus a couple of times. I was very frightened at the time. So I am not very impressed with GW's service record. But I am not very impressed by anyones service record. Been there done that. Oh my, you were this or that, good for you. I been there and it is 99% boredom and 1% nerve shattering terror.

Outside of Thailand and other 3rd world countries I really don't think there is much diploma buying. You don't get to be an investment banker without knowing at least the basics. I think the sub prime thing was a matter of greed going in and the government bailing out rich people and telling us poor schmucks to stick it where the sun don't shine going out.

I don't care. I got money (not in US dollars, or Pounds or Euro's) in the bank in and outside of Thailand. I gave up on anyone in anybodies government being even slightly honest. At least in Thailand I know every body is dishonest.

And that's not new information. I knew it when I flew into Vietnam out of U Tapao 40 years ago.

Well it's all right. If you live the life you please. It is all right even if they say your wrong. It's all right as long as you got someone to lay with. I'm just glad to be here, happy to be alive. It's all right even if your old and gray. Remember to live and let live. We're going to the end of the line.

  • 2 months later...

For those wishing to help the school, this is on NorthEastern University's Campus Outreach website:

You can pray for the NEU team and ministry by choosing the “Prayer Requests” link on the navigation menu.


There are a lot of Christian fundamentalist farang staff there at the university, such as:

Marc and Sherry Lewis are Georgia (USA) natives who love Jesus and the great commission. Marc's campus focus is on the Northeastern University campus in Khon Kaen. The staff team at NEU spend the majority of their time building friendships with students in order to share the gospel with them, lead them to Christ, establish them in their faith and train them to be multiplying disciples. God has begun a good work at NEU that is only the beginning and foundation of what is to come.

Very common in the USA,the elite sends their not so smart child to a private University down to the Southern States and a degree is guaranteed. Worked with Bush JR even at a top Univerity I guess father had enough clout :o

Absolute BS from start of your post to the finish. There are no guaranteed degrees. Bush also flew a jet fighter. I suppose dummies do that as a rule. Or did he hire someone to fly it for him?

Schools in the US are accredited by a number of accrediting institutions. Check the school and the accrediting agency if you have any questions.

I think you may be surprised to know that in many instances it is easier to get into Oxford than Yale where Bush went to school.

I doubt you have the interest but google Oxford vs. Harvard, Yale, Princeton. That should set your anti American brain straight.

George H.W. (senior) flew fighter jets, not George W. (junior). George H.W. had a distinguished record in pretty much everything he did. Not George W. (unless you count the 'distinguished' war tabs). And it's pretty safe to say George W. got into Yale based on his father and grandfather's legacies at Yale and Skull and Bones membership. George W. wasn't much of a student at Phillips Andover either. George H.W. was smart enough to get his son to ride on his coat tails to secure his future. Though not his legacy.

Here is an example of a person who does not read and does no research. Bush Sr. was in prop planes, while Bush Jr flew jets. Somehow all the diatribe about Bush Jr. being a fighter pilot, was not seen by thos poster...

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