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Thai Woman Trashes Husband's Member


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Does anyone have any stats on women being mutilated because of suspected infidelity?

I guess the discomfort level of this story is better processed by humor, but the fact is that men are just SO much more obsessed with their 'member' - you don't often see women fondling (you know, that quick check to make sure it's still there) their breasts or genitals in public do you?

Either way, glad to hear the guy didn't die, it could have been a lot more serious.

One of the 'Rules by Men': if it itches we scratch :)

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A straight case of attempted Murder,

resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

"hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

Funny. The name was Bobbit but I forget the first name. Do remember the story and follow ups after. His wife was a national heroin in her home country, in South America, dont recall at the moment which country though. Itll come to me later

His name was John Bobbit and his wife Lorenna cut of his member,

but it was found and reattached with in hours. He latter became a short lived Pop/Porn strar

thanks to viagra etc, and a DVD or 2 of him using it had a 15 minutes of fame x 2 popularity.

Loreena did about a year in jail for the assault with intent to maim, and attempted murder was dropped.

She did have a vogue as a hardcore feminist icon, but more of a long term rep as a nut case.

She did publicly say she regretted it.

Both are faded to obscurity, but Lorenna always seems to get another round of press when something

similar happens. The latest being 3 women glued one's husbands johnson to his leg with LOTS of glue.

earlier this or last year. Many laughed, but not the judge.

Clearly only those with a mental defect will go this far.

Glorifying it certainly is a poor idea.

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

These kind of jokes are some kind of male bonding rituals. Agree - unfunny and stupid jokes, but don't whinge or complain about with the argument that woman are much better off, because they are not subject to these kind of jokes.

Its a men making jokes about other men issue and not a males are disadvantaged to females thing.

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She must have had a very sharp knife. Or did she have to hack at it?

According to common perception the surgeon would not have had too much to hack at.

lol one time a bargirl wanted me to use a condom, so she gave me one. A Thai one. Couldn't even fit it over my bell end! So rode bareback as usual.

I hope you all use protection though, so you don't transmit to them so they don't transmit to me.


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She must have had a very sharp knife. Or did she have to hack at it?

According to common perception the surgeon would not have had too much to hack at.

lol one time a bargirl wanted me to use a condom, so she gave me one. A Thai one. Couldn't even fit it over my bell end! So rode bareback as usual.

I hope you all use protection though, so you don't transmit to them so they don't transmit to me.

i'm sure yours wouldn't need chopping off.... it's gonna fall off on its own for sure

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Thai Men are Thai Men... Why do you suppose Thai women seek out Foreigners..?? Not just because they think they are rich.

Forty plus years ago, young, very poor, Americans were running all over this country - a couple of million in just a few years - many took wives home with them. As they are now reaching retirement age, they are returning. To places like Nakhon Pathom (NKP), Ubon, Korat, Takhli, Udon or Sattaheep, not to the flooded trash heap called Bangkok...


What you want to say? Thai woman prefer American soldiers/Vietnam veterans (guess you talking about yourself here) to Thai men not because Americans soldiers (you) are rich but because Americans soldiers (you) are such a dick (to stay close to the topic)?

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

You are right. Thai men throw acid into the face of their loved woman (so nobody would look at her anymore) and then they agree to take care of her.

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Would have to agree with you despite the unveiled threat. Thai guys do not treat their women with much respect that I have seen. Seems the Farang have a head start here as most are at least polite and look after their Thai women/girl friends. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but if you stay away from bars and their 'fare', easy to find a nice lady who will reciprocate the respect. ... But the craziness is still there - just ask my wife! wink.gif

I disagree. At least Thais try to keep their affairs hidden. A huge proportion of Thai based expats cheat on their Thai partners rampantly.

Yes low class Thais may berate their wives in public but our working classes can be just as bad

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This is really terrible..She should have just kick him out rather than cutting off..

I assume she wants to keep him in order to save face in front of the community, (him, with or without penis) so she could not kick him out (with her action, she made him not available for other women anymore) Cases like this are very common in Thailand and have happened so many times for the same reason. I will never understand why anybody can run "amok" and do soemthing like this.

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It is a Thai thing. My wife has always told me that if she "SUSPECTED" that I had even socialised with another woman (No sex) she would cut my little fella off. Thai women can be irrational and knives are the prefered language in a dispute. Upset a Thai lady then it is run for your life.

you are a wise man

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Thai doctors are world-renowned for the expertise in reattaching severed penises.

Maybe TAT should get involved to promote yet another Thai cultural phenomena ?

Penis reattachment HUB, perhaps..?

Yes, and I would say a Police Crackdown on these dis-memberers is long overdue...

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There must be an extreme level of rage in a woman to want to cut off the penis of her husband. And then to plan it by walking into a pharmacy to pick up sleeping tabs .... The reporter's contention that Thai doctors enjoy worldwide fame for their expertise in re-attaching a severed penis raises the question, how did they acquire such expertise ? Is penis chopping so widespread through Thailand that doctors have developed expertise to meet a growing requirement ? Aaaarghh, my apologies for that gauche oxymoron.

Allegedly ChiangMai hospital alone does about 200 re-attachments a year.

My wife comes from Petchaboon!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Respect is earned..not given.

Exactly, but seems the weaker sex is good at taking it but lousy at reciprocating. How about judges handing down a dose of female castration for these biatches.

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''Must be plenty of spare penises from all the sex change operations.

But, then again, loss of face by having a penis reject you, could be too much to bear''

Dont know whats worse, A Penis rejects you or an Arrsol does!

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"Knowing this, some of those responsible for the cutting have taken extra precautions to make such surgery impossible. Severed members have been boiled, fed to ducks or even attached to hot air balloons in the past."

This article is so funny, the way it was composed and written. At first glance I thought the woman trash-talked the guys ability in bed. Nope.

Dumbass deserved it for being a dumbass in public. She should have dipped it in fish sauce before dumping it so that the ants could have a go at it first.

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Meanwhile, her husband, 40-year-old Sawang Wannarat, was taken to Lom Sak Hospital, where he was last reported as being in a stable condition.

That's because he's now a gelding



Though I think that's NOT what they cut off to make a gelding.

This is more like a Eunich, that they are VERY sure about.

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hope this wasn't a TV member......

I don't know of any 19 year old foreigners who have liked up and stayed with a lady 14 years there senior!!! Chances of being a TV member is low!

BTW, I see this scenario quite often. I know of a 22 years old Thai guy with a 57 year old lady, and yes, living together for a couple of years, and a 28 year old guy living with a 54 year old........... sort of screws with my head thinking about it. Both guys do not work. Their partners provide the bacon in both cases.

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How do these fears differ? Both concern possible death and both would have profound psychological effects that would change and most likely damage a person for life. Only difference is one involves male genitalia and the other doesn't.

Most all men know the answer to that. The dick is everything. Read some FREUD and get back to me. I think your line of discussion is just silly, much sillier than the jokes.

Next ...

Breast Cancer and "the Chop". two very different subjects. Breast cancer is brought on by unknown health conditions. As a medical condition brought on within the body there is no second party through which to consider the infidelity and jealousy involved. That ain't the case here. The reasons behind "the Chop" are enough to see a humorous side.

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

Got tired and bored of reading all the machismo. Men bring this on themselves with their cavalier attitude about women lashing back. This borders on hebephrenic, in my opinion.

There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Thai, male attitudes, about the females of their race, are far far different than what Western males subscribe to. I assure you that this is no joking matter with a Thai man who has had this happen to him. Among Thai men, regarding their face, there is an accepted and expected reaction to this sort of crime, and this matter is certainly not over.

No doubt the woman who committed this crime had better pull a runner before this man regains his ability to be mobile again. He will certainly come calling, and do that which needs to be done to get his face back. Most of Thai justice is carried on outside the court systems, and this form of justice is determined by each individual Thai. They have no regard for anything beyond their Id and Superego. This might be a matriarchal society, but the patriarchs are the juvenile delinquent offspring whom the matriarchs had better not upset too much. There are no limits to what they can and will do if their switch is flipped. They have no gray.

The self awareness for one's behavior, and the consequenses which result out of that behavior, does not seem to be imprinted upon the Thai mentality. This is evident , to the person who understands these things, in all walks of their lives. This story reads like a peek into the lives of animals that Nat Geo has yet to make a documentary about.

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

Got tired and bored of reading all the machismo. Men bring this on themselves with their cavalier attitude about women lashing back. This borders on hebephrenic, in my opinion.

There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Thai, male attitudes, about the females of their race, are far far different than what Western males subscribe to. I assure you that this is no joking matter with a Thai man who has had this happen to him. Among Thai men, regarding their face, there is an accepted and expected reaction to this sort of crime, and this matter is certainly not over.

No doubt the woman who committed this crime had better pull a runner before this man regains his ability to be mobile again. He will certainly come calling, and do that which needs to be done to get his face back. Most of Thai justice is carried on outside the court systems, and this form of justice is determined by each individual Thai. They have no regard for anything beyond their Id and Superego. This might be a matriarchal society, but the patriarchs are the juvenile delinquent offspring whom the matriarchs had better not upset too much. There are no limits to what they can and will do if their switch is flipped. They have no gray.

The self awareness for one's behavior, and the consequenses which result out of that behavior, does not seem to be imprinted upon the Thai mentality. This is evident , to the person who understands these things, in all walks of their lives. This story reads like a peek into the lives of animals that Nat Geo has yet to make a documentary about.

All very true Coffee, but so many of us choose to live here. Why? The no. 1 reason that I list is the Thai people. They are very charming, warm, and I do not mean this in a demeaning way; bordering on childlike. However, and specific to the points you stated, it is the negative side of the childlike makeup that presented itself in the crime that is the subject of this thread.

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It is a Thai thing. My wife has always told me that if she "SUSPECTED" that I had even socialised with another woman (No sex) she would cut my little fella off. Thai women can be irrational and knives are the prefered language in a dispute. Upset a Thai lady then it is run for your life.

you are a wise man

I disagree in part, because I believe you are only describing the illiterate portion of the native population (i.e. the spurned wife has nothing to lose from the non-productive, lump of liability that is her husband). The higher the education level, the different method of retaliation. The more money the husband and wife make, and the higher their status in the community, the more the wife seems to protect the husband's behavior, and instead turn on the mistress and make it seem like her doings (i.e. acid in the face).

A woman I know, who worked for a hardware store, also worked there with her husband. They have a newborn. Once she got a job elsewhere, her hubby struck up a romance with another clerk at the same store. An adulturous affair was committed. Nothing came of it. The families of both husband and wife downplayed it and put the blame on the mother / wife. The poor man was just misunderstood. She wouldn't have it, and seperated without a fuss. The mistress even told the wife that she could take better care of her husband and their baby. The wife caved in and told him he could do this and even have the baby.

My own brother-in-law started attending Uni at night. His wife found a strange number on his mobile. She called that number. Turns out that the brother in law was having clandestine meetings with this mystery lady (another student). When confronted, he downplayed it and said it was not serious. It was a big joke for the family. I was disgusted and he knows what I think about it (he is a stinking, lazy bum). His wife (my sister-in-law) is the outsider, and the male is just "misunderstood. She is the chief breadwinner, though. I do not think this relationship will go on much longer, as she sits there, now, contemplating him being away at Uni in the evenings.

In both of these cases, the women are educated, and could hold their own, independently, without resorting to the more sordid jobs out there.

Thai families will always support the male side of the story. Thai women are geared for this behavior. When a Western male comes into this cultural chaos, and behaves gallantly, or even tries to encourage the Thai female to be independant, and gain the ability to stand on her own (all for noble purposes), the Thai woman reacts with suspicion and anger. "Why does he want ot be apart from me? Why doesn't he want to be with me every single second of the day? He MUST be up to something!".

It really takes a very patient Western male to break this mentality and cultural character defect, and stick in there long enough to educate the woman that all relationships with males are not like what they have been groomed to expect. My hat off to the other guys who have been there and stuck it out, and now have a great relationship, built on human trust and loyalty, and not Thai trust and loyalty.

At Venturalaw: I agree with you, and I hope this post sets the issue a bit more straight.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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