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I Ride My Wifes Scooter Sometimes


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I have a couple of bikes registered in my name etc, but i use the wifes twist and go, to go the 7/11 etc as it is insured for any rider. With the old BIB puling everyone over at the moment and asking for copies of the green book, well thats obviously not in my name i have a thai driving license both car and motorcycle so surely i cant be fined for not owning the vehicle even tho i pay for its up keep etc :huh:

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DOn't be soft!

YOu don't have to own it to ride it. It just has to be legit. IE it has an up to date POR LOR BOR and Tax ticket and you have a licence and are not DUI.

You'll sleep easier tonight, won't you.

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The Green/Blue book for a vehicle should be at home in a safe place.

You are only required to show a copy to a cop.

Due to a request I had to produce the original, I did some checking into this last month and found out that legally, you do have to carry it on the motorcycle. But, if you can produce the law that you don't have to carry it, I am all ears.

Based on what several long time motorcyclists and one attorney told me, I put the book in the bike. It will make it much easier for me the next time I get stopped.

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