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Rent A Motorbike With Sidecart


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They are illegal (unless attached to a Tiger motorbike, I have been told, by no less a person than the Chief Transport Technician for Chonburi Province), so they are not available to rent. I looked myself a few years back, with no success. In the end I got one made in Banglamung for 8000 Baht, complete with sun awning. Worth it if you live here and use it pretty much every day, but not for a tourist. There's a more expensive workshop making them on Soi 7 South Pattaya Road, and another near the night market on Thepprasit, just before Soi 5 coming from Suk.

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I think the law came in about 2007, that no NEW ones were to be built, dont know if that meant the actual sidecar bit or the whole combination, does not seem to have had any effect anyway. There is a shop on the Huay Yai road that will make one - he does a good job, on the right about 500m befire you come to the city hall.

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But the side cart you had made for yourself remains illegal and when I'd have one made for myself I risk getting a fine (or worse) on a long drive on Sukhumvit?

Funny... Seems the BIB never seem to stop them. I know several that never had the registration renewed or have insurance for many years, let alone have rear view mirrors, turn signals, lights, horns, or have functioning brakes (as the OP mentioned). Not to mention, they are modified vehicles and most of the operators don't even have driving licenses. ;)

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But the side cart you had made for yourself remains illegal and when I'd have one made for myself I risk getting a fine (or worse) on a long drive on Sukhumvit?

Yes, that's right. I was singled out on Jomtien Beach Road about 18 months ago by a senior cop, not an ordinary traffic cop. He seemed really pissed off at me having a sidecar, and issued a ticket. I went to Soi 9 and was done for 1,000 Baht for having an illegally modified vehicle. It was a clear case of farang bashing, and doesn't seem to happen with the ordinary traffic cops who never bother bikes with sidecars unless they do something obviously wrong, like going down a one-way street the wrong way. That's the only time I've ever had a problem, but it shows that if you meet the wrong cop, it can cost you.

Being selfish, I am a bit concerned at the increasing number of farangs riding around Pattaya with these things. When there were just half a dozen of us, it wasn't worth the cops enforcing the rules, but if there are enough farangs with illegal sidecars then they may well start seeing it as a potential earner, and start hitting us with regular 1,000 Baht fines, while ignoring the Thais who are driving the same things. In the meantime, though, just for getting around town and carrying several people or a load of heavy shopping, it's perfect, so I'll enjoy it while I can. A bloody sight cheaper than a car.

A while back one guy wrote here about his trip to Phuket with a bike and sidecar, and he didn't mention any problems, so maybe I was just really, really unlucky?

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