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Iranian Arrested At Suvarnabhumi With 3 kgs Of 'ice' Worth US$350,000


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The trouble I have with this is that the customs police are usually tipped off before arrival. Who is tipping this off and what is their motive?

My guess would be the same guys who are slipping larger quantities pass the customs.

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The trouble I have with this is that the customs police are usually tipped off before arrival. Who is tipping this off and what is their motive?

My guess would be the same guys who are slipping larger quantities pass the customs.

That is certainly possible but that is a lot of ice to sacrifice by any drug operation. They normally would not cough up that kind of profit for such a motive. There are however governments whose day jobs include demonizing Iranians anyway possible. The US government as an example, disposes of tons of drugs each month and always has a good supply for such purposes.

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these kind of people are with no access to international news. Everything is censored. They even maybe held in safe-houses before they send them one by one. And yes, jihad don't care if they get busted as long as the destroying substances get through.

Wonder if they are into other countries as well. Strange that only Thailand now is facing this situation.

I know in the past Japan used to have this problem with Iranians.

Guess you are the one with a limited access to selected news you read with a narrow minded view. It isn't only Thailand that face a raise of drug smuggling Iranians, that happen also in other countries. And these arrests are in the news in Iran and these drug problems are handled by the Iranian police forces in a similar fashion like everywhere else in the world where drug use and drug dealing is illegal.

And that isn't a Muslim conspiracy against the rest of the world and it isn't a jihad thing of selling poison to 'disbelievers'. What a nonsense.

Your kind of people must be watching fox news and alike pretty much. iamright?

Are these arrests in the news in Iran ? I would be surprised, even 9/11 is positioned as US government conspiracy. Prove me wrong, or prove you're right. The truth will enlighten you :)

Iran has a drug problem, that is not hided in the News over there. And there are lots of efforts to battle the drug problem and arrests of drug dealers and busts of trafficker rings and networks.

here just few examples:





But i guess you have some irrational fears of Iranians because they are Muslims or because they are just different from the rednecks in your trailer park neighborhood.

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Do you think the middle east camel f*ckers would give anyone mercy? No kill the piece of crap

Friday night drunk or is your brain(got one?) on the same set also at the other days of the week?

Interesting type of conversation you try to have. One wonders if you have friends who like to receive this type of verbal abuse ?

No, i don't try to become friend with people who call other people "middle east camel f*ckers" nor do i have such friends.

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these kind of people are with no access to international news. Everything is censored. They even maybe held in safe-houses before they send them one by one. And yes, jihad don't care if they get busted as long as the destroying substances get through.

Wonder if they are into other countries as well. Strange that only Thailand now is facing this situation.

I know in the past Japan used to have this problem with Iranians.

Guess you are the one with a limited access to selected news you read with a narrow minded view. It isn't only Thailand that face a raise of drug smuggling Iranians, that happen also in other countries. And these arrests are in the news in Iran and these drug problems are handled by the Iranian police forces in a similar fashion like everywhere else in the world where drug use and drug dealing is illegal.

And that isn't a Muslim conspiracy against the rest of the world and it isn't a jihad thing of selling poison to 'disbelievers'. What a nonsense.

Your kind of people must be watching fox news and alike pretty much. iamright?

Are these arrests in the news in Iran ? I would be surprised, even 9/11 is positioned as US government conspiracy. Prove me wrong, or prove you're right. The truth will enlighten you :)

Iran has a drug problem, that is not hided in the News over there. And there are lots of efforts to battle the drug problem and arrests of drug dealers and busts of trafficker rings and networks.

here just few examples:





But i guess you have some irrational fears of Iranians because they are Muslims or because they are just different from the rednecks in your trailer park neighborhood.

Do you actually believe what you post?

Here an excerpt of your links from Tehran News

Every day, approximately three tons of opium is seized in Iran, which amounts to almost 10 percent of Afghanistan's opium production, he noted.

In Iran, addicts are now regarded as patients who need treatment, he added.

He went on to say that the Iranians who are arrested for drug possession in Saudi Arabia are just drug users, but the Saudi Arabians who are apprehended in Iran on drug charges are usually members of major drug rings, and Iran will deal with them through the legal system.

In addition, the Western powers are seeking to make Iranians, and especially the youth, dependent on drugs to destroy the dignity of the nation, he said

Must be a joke, isn't it?

In this particular cases when the Iranians come from Syria via Dubai then they are most likely Basij *(mainly Syrians) with an Iranian Passport provided for helping to slaughter Iranians by the order of the Iranian regime and Ayatollahs.. - BINGO!!!


It also was and is the former and current gov policy to keep the youth drugged and try to put the blame on to others. Show me some reliable sources of 3 tons of opium that are seized daily, :lol:

And not to get it wrong, it is connected with the funding of nuclear activities in Iran and in Syria. -- DOUBLE BINGO!!!

Edited by elcent
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In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

ok..... and you work for thaksin?

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@ elcent

To repeat: But i guess you have some irrational fears of Iranians because they are Muslims or because they are just different from the rednecks in your trailer park neighborhood.

Triple BINGO!!!

is it your policy to side-track the truth? try again ...

I do know many Iranians., some are real bastards and some became pastors :lol:

And those involved in the organized massive drug smuggling fall into the first category of bastards by any means. I don't care if they are gov sponsored Basij fighters or pure Iranians.

Hope you read the articles YOU posted.

Don't try to get into "we're victimized" jihad song, it simply doesn't work.

Facts talk louder than lies.

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In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

ok..... and you work for thaksin?

Thaksin declares the country 'drug free area'

"The government is pleased to announce that the country is now a drug-free area and will proclaim victory in its war on drugs," said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Nation - April 13, 2003


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In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

ok..... and you work for thaksin?

And harsher penalties will not help, just increase the price for drugs and the profit drug dealers can make nor will it solve the problem.

Malaysia sees are similar trend of Iranian drug mules, including people traveling with microwaves.


Malaysian airport police seize drugs hidden in microwave oven

Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian police have detained an Iranian man on suspicion of trying to smuggle drugs worth 1 million ringgit (312,500 dollars) into the country inside a microwave oven, news reports said Wednesday.

The 27-year-old suspect arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from Dubai on Friday, the Star newspaper reported.

The man had hidden 10 plastic bags of powdered methamphetamine in the side panels of the oven, which initially managed to pass airport X-ray machines undetected, said Selangor state anti-narcotics chief Nordin Kadir.

However, police became suspicious of the man's behaviour and seized the drugs, known in Malaysia as syabu, after taking the oven apart, he said.

Nordin said 4.15 kilograms of the drug was seized, adding that the suspect claimed he had been given 500 dollars in Iran to bring the drugs in.

He said authorities believe Malaysia is currently a hotspot for drug traffickers due to higher market prices.

"In Iran, 1 kilogram of syabu is about 160,000 ringgit (50,000 dollars) but the amount jumps to 250,000 ringgit in Malaysia," Nordin was quoted as saying by the news report.

Authorities have detained more than 50 Iranians for drug offences in Malaysia this year, 16 of them at the international airport, police said.


Btw. I know that Iranian or Persian rice cookers are very different from the other typical Asian ones. They stay longer on the 'cook' position until the bottom of the rice is 'burned' to a crispy crust. I could imagine that Iranian microwaves come maybe with an additional inbuilt heating plate or something like that, something that is needed with the Persian cuisine but very unusual everywhere else. Just a guess.

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In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

ok..... and you work for thaksin?

And harsher penalties will not help, just increase the price for drugs and the profit drug dealers can make nor will it solve the problem.

Malaysia sees are similar trend of Iranian drug mules, including people traveling with microwaves.


Malaysian airport police seize drugs hidden in microwave oven

Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian police have detained an Iranian man on suspicion of trying to smuggle drugs worth 1 million ringgit (312,500 dollars) into the country inside a microwave oven, news reports said Wednesday.

The 27-year-old suspect arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from Dubai on Friday, the Star newspaper reported.

The man had hidden 10 plastic bags of powdered methamphetamine in the side panels of the oven, which initially managed to pass airport X-ray machines undetected, said Selangor state anti-narcotics chief Nordin Kadir.

However, police became suspicious of the man's behaviour and seized the drugs, known in Malaysia as syabu, after taking the oven apart, he said.

Nordin said 4.15 kilograms of the drug was seized, adding that the suspect claimed he had been given 500 dollars in Iran to bring the drugs in.

He said authorities believe Malaysia is currently a hotspot for drug traffickers due to higher market prices.

"In Iran, 1 kilogram of syabu is about 160,000 ringgit (50,000 dollars) but the amount jumps to 250,000 ringgit in Malaysia," Nordin was quoted as saying by the news report.

Authorities have detained more than 50 Iranians for drug offences in Malaysia this year, 16 of them at the international airport, police said.


Btw. I know that Iranian or Persian rice cookers are very different from the other typical Asian ones. They stay longer on the 'cook' position until the bottom of the rice is 'burned' to a crispy crust. I could imagine that Iranian microwaves come maybe with an additional inbuilt heating plate or something like that, something that is needed with the Persian cuisine but very unusual everywhere else. Just a guess.

I guess it's time to arrest every Iranian with a micro wave oven, do some DNA testing with their ovens. Lets see what the outcome is then> ;)

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This stuff is not like cocaine which is grown mostly in South America, it can be cooked up any where. Much of the stuff in use within Thailand is produced locally or walked across one of the rivers from the golden triangle. No reason to try and fly it into an airport which is a sure way of getting caught. These big drug operations are business men, they are not idiots.

Who would risk losing $300,000 worth of drugs flying it into an airport, especially one that has a recent history of nabbing Iranians walking through carrying a microwave? Seriously.

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