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Thai Traditional Beliefs Vs Modern Medicine


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Before I came to live in Thailand I was a confirmed atheist with a very sound knowledge of Christian doctrine which I rejected at an early age; I also thought that the other religions that originated were equally false. I did believe however that Buddhism was a more logic based belief system.

In Thailand I have found that the belief system is, as someone else put it in another forum "Animism with a veneer of Buddhism". I have no problem with that and wear a very valuable Buddhist amulet given to me by my wife's mother, go with my wife on temple visits, had the monks at the house for the blessing and the wedding, even went for a a purification ceremony, where I was drenched to bring me luck

So what my wife and family believe is normally not a concern to me but recently I have been distressed at how their beliefs and mine are so far apart.

My wife's cousin has severe epilepsy which appears not to be controlled by AED medication - he has multiple seizures (not every day) and the family's response was to initiate him as a monk in a temple where "they have medicines from the jungle that can cure him".

Far from being cured, he developed the obsession that he was a vessel for an ancient Thai king and felt he had to leave that temple as a result; he then went to a new "temple" being built on his uncle's land which has only two monks - the main one being a numerologist fortune teller and exorcist. That did nothing for him either and he is now living on the farm of another uncle.

I have visited him there and I am convinced that the problem is not "possession" but a psychriatric condition either epsileptic psychosis or schizophrenia both of which could readily be treated with modern medicines; most of the family, however, are convinced that what (from the advice of a non-monastic guru is needed is the sacrifice of a buffalo.

I would appreciate any help/advice you guys out there can give but please don't make the usual flippant comments

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Express your opinion to your wife and perhaps her parents. Point out that getting a medical assessment can not make things worse and might find the cure.

If they don't listen - Learn to disregard the situation and put steps in place to ensure that your own health is never subjected to their ignorance.

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I have explained my feelings and opinion to my wife and although she has some confidence in my knowledge she is still has much of what I think are animist beliefs that her family has instilled. Like every other farang "I don't understand.....(complete the sentence yourself!) but I do know that this boy is set to continue a life of delusion and hallucination without proper care.

Express your opinion to your wife and perhaps her parents. Point out that getting a medical assessment can not make things worse and might find the cure.

If they don't listen - Learn to disregard the situation and put steps in place to ensure that your own health is never subjected to their ignorance.

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how involved do u want to be both procedureally wise and financially wise; how involved in the family's way of dealing with things do u want to be involved with, no matter what the outcome; how involved does your wife want u to get.

if u just want to help a little bit, it wont work. once u get involed, it will involve all parts of the caretaking, driving, doc's appointments, explanations, making sure that if the guy does get meds, someone will make sure he takes them everyday, follow ups; and if something 'bad' were to happen (he dies or he kills or injures someone else) how much responsibility u can handle.

the family is feeding and clothing him? they havent tied him up in a back room? he is not violent or around u when he is? then leave it to them. your interference has to be either complete or not at all. there is info in thai. have wife print out and leave around for others to read... get a different well r espected elder or monk ot speak with family. or forget about it.



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how involved do u want to be both procedureally wise and financially wise; how involved in the family's way of dealing with things do u want to be involved with, no matter what the outcome; how involved does your wife want u to get.

if u just want to help a little bit, it wont work. once u get involed, it will involve all parts of the caretaking, driving, doc's appointments, explanations, making sure that if the guy does get meds, someone will make sure he takes them everyday, follow ups; and if something 'bad' were to happen (he dies or he kills or injures someone else) how much responsibility u can handle.

the family is feeding and clothing him? they havent tied him up in a back room? he is not violent or around u when he is? then leave it to them. your interference has to be either complete or not at all. there is info in thai. have wife print out and leave around for others to read... get a different well r espected elder or monk ot speak with family. or forget about it.



Maybe good advice. I don't know, no capitals, text language, so gave up trying to read it. And this comes from a mod ?

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The history of medicine is mostly a history of placebo. So if the family believes that the sacrifice of a buffalo will cure the poor guy, why not try to make a deal with them? Tell them that you agree or even help with the sacrifice of the buffalo but if there is no improvement in his condition that they should ten agree to try your way, i.e. modern medicine.

The main problem is probably the fortune teller who will see his influence and power vanish, so be prepared for some tricks from him. He is your main opponent, not the family.

Good luck.

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Maybe good advice. I don't know, no capitals, text language, so gave up trying to read it. And this comes from a mod ?

Grow up.

It was excellent advice and easily understood. Has it occurred to you that neither the OP, nor the respondant's first language may be English?

Someone comes in search of help and the best you can offer is a petty comment? The advice was not intended for you. Jeez.

If there was a dress code for an Emergency Room do you know how many people would get tossed for showing up with holes in their underwear or wearing bondage gear? Same concept for a person seeking help with a family situation. You treat first and deal with the aesthetics later.

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