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Young Male Seeks Advice About Teaching Career.


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Im a 23 year old American guy, with no degree. I have been here about 6 months. Could stay for another 6 without working but, I would like to work in the meantime or, possibly stay indefinitely. So I'm thinking about trying to get a teaching job. My feeling is I may be too young and have too little experience to be easily hired. Would it be worth it for me to take the Toefl and search for a teaching job? Any advice on this will be greatly appreciated. Also Is there anybody out there in my age group teaching? Thanks.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Seeing that you do take a course and if you are as handsome as you are young, I'm sure you can land a teaching job although I wouldnt expect to make any more than 20-25k possibly 30 which isnt much to live on. If you are serious about working here long term you should pursue a legit qualification.

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Not only do I not have a Degree I have a GED. hel_l yea gonna teach them little punks how to circumvent the system...o wait thats what their education system revolves around. So I'm a shoe in right? Seriously though I could use some advice on my questions I really do care about the children.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Seeing that you do take a course and if you are as handsome as you are young, I'm sure you can land a teaching job although I wouldnt expect to make any more than 20-25k possibly 30 which isnt much to live on. If you are serious about working here long term you should pursue a legit qualification.

Yes I am exceedingly handsome. Thanks for setting me strait on the right test. And currently I live a bountiful life on about 10k baht a month. So even 20k would be like super sweet. Thanks for the advice. So far it sounds like a promising endeavour. I'm now ready to have my faith in the little ones crushed by the brutal reality of their cultural limitations. Of course viewed from the eyes of my cultural programing system's set parameters.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Seeing that you do take a course and if you are as handsome as you are young, I'm sure you can land a teaching job although I wouldnt expect to make any more than 20-25k possibly 30 which isnt much to live on. If you are serious about working here long term you should pursue a legit qualification.

Yes I am exceedingly handsome. Thanks for setting me strait on the right test. And currently I live a bountiful life on about 10k baht a month. So even 20k would be like super sweet. Thanks for the advice. So far it sounds like a promising endeavour. I'm now ready to have my faith in the little ones crushed by the brutal reality of their cultural limitations. Of course viewed from the eyes of my cultural programing system's set parameters.

Go home. Get a degree. Do your student teaching and get a job as a teacher. Work for a year or so and then come back and get a decent job in a decent school. That way if everything goes belly up you will still have a degree and teaching experience. Bad advice eh? What your father would tell you?

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To the OP:

Another alternative would be to apply for a job as a nuclear physicist, since Thailand is contemplating building some nuclear power plants. You're equally as well qualified for that job as you are for teaching.

shit they would probably hire me.

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You must have some work force experience, otherwise how did you pay the fare to get here and have money to live on while here (6 months)? What advice has your father/mother given you? Your 23 years old, did not finish high school initially, (GED later), why do you think you are qualified to teach English to any age group? Not trying to be personal at all, but we need more info to guide you down a path which may meet your desire.

Have you considered land mine clearing? I understand that there are continual opening in that field in countries just a bus ride from most exit points of Thailand. Just another area in which you may want to inquire.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Seeing that you do take a course and if you are as handsome as you are young, I'm sure you can land a teaching job although I wouldnt expect to make any more than 20-25k possibly 30 which isnt much to live on. If you are serious about working here long term you should pursue a legit qualification.

Yes I am exceedingly handsome. Thanks for setting me strait on the right test. And currently I live a bountiful life on about 10k baht a month. So even 20k would be like super sweet. Thanks for the advice. So far it sounds like a promising endeavour. I'm now ready to have my faith in the little ones crushed by the brutal reality of their cultural limitations. Of course viewed from the eyes of my cultural programing system's set parameters.

Go home. Get a degree. Do your student teaching and get a job as a teacher. Work for a year or so and then come back and get a decent job in a decent school. That way if everything goes belly up you will still have a degree and teaching experience. Bad advice eh? What your father would tell you?

Sounds like things are going to go belly up in America sooner than later. The speculators have people inside the treasury and FED and they are ready to pounce. In much the same manner that Soros and the gang did Thailand in 97. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do think your advice is sound but, if I was gonna take the safe rout I would have never got on that plane. I would like to know is it feasible for me to try and teach in my current inexperienced undereducated state? I know its a stupid idea but has it been done is it doable? I mean really would I be any different than some older dude who has a degree in marketing or something irrelevant to teaching English and no experience teaching a classroom. My philosophy In the classroom would be confidently know the curriculum and have a commanding presence. From my memories in school I had only a few teachers who could control the classroom efficiently and that's is how they did it. Although I could totally crash and burn I'm sure.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Seeing that you do take a course and if you are as handsome as you are young, I'm sure you can land a teaching job although I wouldnt expect to make any more than 20-25k possibly 30 which isnt much to live on. If you are serious about working here long term you should pursue a legit qualification.

Yes I am exceedingly handsome. Thanks for setting me strait on the right test. And currently I live a bountiful life on about 10k baht a month. So even 20k would be like super sweet. Thanks for the advice. So far it sounds like a promising endeavour. I'm now ready to have my faith in the little ones crushed by the brutal reality of their cultural limitations. Of course viewed from the eyes of my cultural programing system's set parameters.

Go home. Get a degree. Do your student teaching and get a job as a teacher. Work for a year or so and then come back and get a decent job in a decent school. That way if everything goes belly up you will still have a degree and teaching experience. Bad advice eh? What your father would tell you?

Sounds like things are going to go belly up in America sooner than later. The speculators have people inside the treasury and FED and they are ready to pounce. In much the same manner that Soros and the gang did Thailand in 97. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do think your advice is sound but, if I was gonna take the safe rout I would have never got on that plane. I would like to know is it feasible for me to try and teach in my current inexperienced undereducated state? I know its a stupid idea but has it been done is it doable? I mean really would I be any different than some older dude who has a degree in marketing or something irrelevant to teaching English and no experience teaching a classroom. My philosophy In the classroom would be confidently know the curriculum and have a commanding presence. From my memories in school I had only a few teachers who could control the classroom efficiently and that's is how they did it. Although I could totally crash and burn I'm sure.

Thailand is about the same size, population and GDP as Florida. Be a little realistic. If the US goes belly up the world goes belly up.

It is a bit insulting for an uneducated person to attempt to accomplish the same job as one with a degree and experience.

You don't even speak Thai!

I hear you can get a job driving a truck in Iraq for 100 grand a year.

Go home boy. Thailand will eat you up.

That you don't have a clue is obvious.

There is no curriculum in Thai English language classes among other things.

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You must have some work force experience, otherwise how did you pay the fare to get here and have money to live on while here (6 months)? What advice has your father/mother given you? Your 23 years old, did not finish high school initially, (GED later), why do you think you are qualified to teach English to any age group? Not trying to be personal at all, but we need more info to guide you down a path which may meet your desire.

Have you considered land mine clearing? I understand that there are continual opening in that field in countries just a bus ride from most exit points of Thailand. Just another area in which you may want to inquire.

I have not considered land mine clearing as a matter of fact. I think I will let the SE asian military boys take care of that. They aren't doing half bad didn't they clear a few in the fighting last spring? Besides my old step dad slogged through the jungle wasting zipperheads so I wouldn't have to.

No but seriously. I haven't asked my parents mainly because they don't have allot of experience teaching a classroom of kids English in Thailand. I got my GED when i was 18 or 17 I cant remember I was too drunk and stoned then. I don't really feel qualified to teach but I didn't feel qualified to do housekeeping, work construction or, do party rental deliveries and do room service at a fancy hotel I just wanted the jobs and they hired me. Need less to say they all worked out in the end. Really I would like to stay in Thailand with my girlfriend who works full time in animation. I cant afford the sinsod at present but if i can stay and save the money for a year or so that means I don't have to leave her which i can't really bare to do. If I have to I will go back home and scrape the money together but it would be a lot nicer for us to stay together and both work towards the sinsod.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Sounds like things are going to go belly up in America sooner than later. The speculators have people inside the treasury and FED and they are ready to pounce. In much the same manner that Soros and the gang did Thailand in 97. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do think your advice is sound but, if I was gonna take the safe rout I would have never got on that plane. I would like to know is it feasible for me to try and teach in my current inexperienced undereducated state? I know its a stupid idea but has it been done is it doable? I mean really would I be any different than some older dude who has a degree in marketing or something irrelevant to teaching English and no experience teaching a classroom. My philosophy In the classroom would be confidently know the curriculum and have a commanding presence. From my memories in school I had only a few teachers who could control the classroom efficiently and that's is how they did it. Although I could totally crash and burn I'm sure.

Thailand is about the same size, population and GDP as Florida. Be a little realistic. If the US goes belly up the world goes belly up.

It is a bit insulting for an uneducated person to attempt to accomplish the same job as one with a degree and experience.

You don't even speak Thai!

I hear you can get a job driving a truck in Iraq for 100 grand a year.

Go home boy. Thailand will eat you up.

That you don't have a clue is obvious.

There is no curriculum in Thai English language classes among other things.

so your the first one to get insulted in this thread I guess there can never be a thread where no one gets their feelings hurt. yes the world will go belly up when the US goes belly up. Dont you see how much the dollar has slipped just since spring? Didn't you hear Soros calling for the Yuan to increase 20% in 2 years. You don't see the implications of that? You can't connect the dots to what happened to Thailand in 1997? You don't see gold reaching an all time record of last time I checked $1360 per ounce? These are not good signs my friend and the list goes on. This is not the year 2000 anymore everything isn't hunky dory as my step dad used to say. I'm a little insulted by your head being lodged so firmly in your ass.

But on a lighter note I'm curious. There is no Curriculum in Thai English language classes? Can you explain a little more about this to me?


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To the OP:

Another alternative would be to apply for a job as a nuclear physicist, since Thailand is contemplating building some nuclear power plants. You're equally as well qualified for that job as you are for teaching.

shit they would probably hire me.

Sadly, I agree. They probably would.

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To the OP:

Another alternative would be to apply for a job as a nuclear physicist, since Thailand is contemplating building some nuclear power plants. You're equally as well qualified for that job as you are for teaching.

shit they would probably hire me.

:-) You made me laugh! Keep that great sense of humor!

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To the OP:

Another alternative would be to apply for a job as a nuclear physicist, since Thailand is contemplating building some nuclear power plants. You're equally as well qualified for that job as you are for teaching.

shit they would probably hire me.

Sadly, I agree. They probably would.

I made a mock up of the warp drive core from the starship enterprise one time out of legos. Im a shoe in for minister of nuclear technology with that kind of background.

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Go back home. Get a job at a fast food place. Join AA. Enroll in a community college. After you have sobered up and gone to school for two years try getting into a real college and get a degree. After you get a degree and realize a degree in marketing or business or psychology is useless go back to school and get a degree in accounting, or engineering or something that can actually get you a job. Work at the job for a while and save enough money to come to Thailand on vacation. Play and then go back home and work. When you retire you can come back to Thailand and still get a 20 year old girl and pay her family sinsod. You won't have missed anything.

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Go back home. Get a job at a fast food place. Join AA. Enroll in a community college. After you have sobered up and gone to school for two years try getting into a real college and get a degree. After you get a degree and realize a degree in marketing or business or psychology is useless go back to school and get a degree in accounting, or engineering or something that can actually get you a job. Work at the job for a while and save enough money to come to Thailand on vacation. Play and then go back home and work. When you retire you can come back to Thailand and still get a 20 year old girl and pay her family sinsod. You won't have missed anything.

I have always avoided the fast food route. I like to drink to my health I have one singha a week its the only decent beer here. The field I'm really interested in is art and animation which is an emerging industry here. I don't really like the concept of vacation total, emersion is the only way to go. Sorry to hear you got such a rough deal in life man. Kinda depressing but, it can happen to any one and I'm no exception to be sure. You just gotta keep on treading water man and you'll get there.

In your last post you said something about there is no Curriculum can you elaborate on that more? Are the teachers required to make a their own study plan? what kind of text books are commonly used.


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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Sounds like things are going to go belly up in America sooner than later. The speculators have people inside the treasury and FED and they are ready to pounce. In much the same manner that Soros and the gang did Thailand in 97. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do think your advice is sound but, if I was gonna take the safe rout I would have never got on that plane. I would like to know is it feasible for me to try and teach in my current inexperienced undereducated state? I know its a stupid idea but has it been done is it doable? I mean really would I be any different than some older dude who has a degree in marketing or something irrelevant to teaching English and no experience teaching a classroom. My philosophy In the classroom would be confidently know the curriculum and have a commanding presence. From my memories in school I had only a few teachers who could control the classroom efficiently and that's is how they did it. Although I could totally crash and burn I'm sure.

Thailand is about the same size, population and GDP as Florida. Be a little realistic. If the US goes belly up the world goes belly up.

It is a bit insulting for an uneducated person to attempt to accomplish the same job as one with a degree and experience.

You don't even speak Thai!

I hear you can get a job driving a truck in Iraq for 100 grand a year.

Go home boy. Thailand will eat you up.

That you don't have a clue is obvious.

There is no curriculum in Thai English language classes among other things.

so your the first one to get insulted in this thread I guess there can never be a thread where no one gets their feelings hurt. yes the world will go belly up when the US goes belly up. Dont you see how much the dollar has slipped just since spring? Didn't you hear Soros calling for the Yuan to increase 20% in 2 years. You don't see the implications of that? You can't connect the dots to what happened to Thailand in 1997? You don't see gold reaching an all time record of last time I checked $1360 per ounce? These are not good signs my friend and the list goes on. This is not the year 2000 anymore everything isn't hunky dory as my step dad used to say. I'm a little insulted by your head being lodged so firmly in your ass.

But on a lighter note I'm curious. There is no Curriculum in Thai English language classes? Can you explain a little more about this to me?


You want to discuss economics with me? Go to school.

You want me to tell you about Thai classroom management? Sure. I work for money. I give advice for money.

I'm not expensive. 1000 baht per hour or 1000 for three hours, up to you.

Can I get you a job working teaching English at a government school? Sure no problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I give you a guaranteed system for classroom management? No problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I give you a sure fire curriculum that will work at any age level? Sure no problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I get you a work permit? Sure no problem 50,000 baht.

Realize I get the money before you get the advice or any of the services. Show me the money and you get whatever you want, no problem.

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First off I think you want to get a tefl or celta; toefl is what non-native speakers take to be accepted into American universities.

Sounds like things are going to go belly up in America sooner than later. The speculators have people inside the treasury and FED and they are ready to pounce. In much the same manner that Soros and the gang did Thailand in 97. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do think your advice is sound but, if I was gonna take the safe rout I would have never got on that plane. I would like to know is it feasible for me to try and teach in my current inexperienced undereducated state? I know its a stupid idea but has it been done is it doable? I mean really would I be any different than some older dude who has a degree in marketing or something irrelevant to teaching English and no experience teaching a classroom. My philosophy In the classroom would be confidently know the curriculum and have a commanding presence. From my memories in school I had only a few teachers who could control the classroom efficiently and that's is how they did it. Although I could totally crash and burn I'm sure.

Thailand is about the same size, population and GDP as Florida. Be a little realistic. If the US goes belly up the world goes belly up.

It is a bit insulting for an uneducated person to attempt to accomplish the same job as one with a degree and experience.

You don't even speak Thai!

I hear you can get a job driving a truck in Iraq for 100 grand a year.

Go home boy. Thailand will eat you up.

That you don't have a clue is obvious.

There is no curriculum in Thai English language classes among other things.

so your the first one to get insulted in this thread I guess there can never be a thread where no one gets their feelings hurt. yes the world will go belly up when the US goes belly up. Dont you see how much the dollar has slipped just since spring? Didn't you hear Soros calling for the Yuan to increase 20% in 2 years. You don't see the implications of that? You can't connect the dots to what happened to Thailand in 1997? You don't see gold reaching an all time record of last time I checked $1360 per ounce? These are not good signs my friend and the list goes on. This is not the year 2000 anymore everything isn't hunky dory as my step dad used to say. I'm a little insulted by your head being lodged so firmly in your ass.

But on a lighter note I'm curious. There is no Curriculum in Thai English language classes? Can you explain a little more about this to me?


You want to discuss economics with me? Go to school.

You want me to tell you about Thai classroom management? Sure. I work for money. I give advice for money.

I'm not expensive. 1000 baht per hour or 1000 for three hours, up to you.

Can I get you a job working teaching English at a government school? Sure no problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I give you a guaranteed system for classroom management? No problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I give you a sure fire curriculum that will work at any age level? Sure no problem. 10,000 baht.

Can I get you a work permit? Sure no problem 50,000 baht.

Realize I get the money before you get the advice or any of the services. Show me the money and you get whatever you want, no problem.

Now that's what I'm talk'n about. Why didn't you say that in the first place buddy?

But now that we have both thoroughly insulted each other I don't know how comfortable I feel doing business with you.

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This joke routine pops up every 6 months or so. It gets boring after the 3rd or 4th time. Ok, so the OP is semi-literate and likes kids. Sounds like alot of visitors to Pattaya. Anyway, I think a more lucrative job might be as a special greeter in the hospitality trade. He can wear a teeny tiny tank top and super short shorts and scream with glee everytime a fat farang walks by,

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This joke routine pops up every 6 months or so. It gets boring after the 3rd or 4th time. Ok, so the OP is semi-literate and likes kids. Sounds like alot of visitors to Pattaya. Anyway, I think a more lucrative job might be as a special greeter in the hospitality trade. He can wear a teeny tiny tank top and super short shorts and scream with glee everytime a fat farang walks by,

My lack of experience is not limited to teaching. You bet your ass I can!

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This joke routine pops up every 6 months or so. It gets boring after the 3rd or 4th time. Ok, so the OP is semi-literate and likes kids. Sounds like alot of visitors to Pattaya. Anyway, I think a more lucrative job might be as a special greeter in the hospitality trade. He can wear a teeny tiny tank top and super short shorts and scream with glee everytime a fat farang walks by,

My lack of experience is not limited to teaching. You bet your ass I can!

seriously I do have experience in fine dining foodservice stuff but it seems to me like they wouldn't hire a Farang for that. Correct me if im wrong though.

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Mrs. Thumptauser are you seducing me? I find myself overcome with desires that I dare not write about on a public forum for fear of the social stigma. :ph34r:

Just let it all out. Our love is for the world to see sugar tits.

I love it when you talk dirty to me, it's so arousing, in a manly way of course............

Hey, I have an idea, forget about teaching, lets go get drunk and inflict bad karaoke singing on the locals.

No jobs in foodservice unless its under special contract like a chef or trainer or as food and beverage manager. They don't need farang waiters, no matter how totally hansum and packing a bulge.

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I love it when you talk dirty to me, it's so arousing, in a manly way of course............

Hey, I have an idea, forget about teaching, lets go get drunk and inflict bad karaoke singing on the locals.

No jobs in foodservice unless its under special contract like a chef or trainer or as food and beverage manager. They don't need farang waiters, no matter how totally hansum and packing a bulge.

Now thats how you give someone advice.


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