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K-1, What Are The Odds?

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Hey everybody

Just sitting here, waiting for my girlfriend’s fiancée visa interview at the U.S. embassy, in Bangkok. Got almost two more months of torture left. I was wondering if anyone knows about what percentage of fiancée visas are approved, and what percentage are rejected. I mean other than those that have some small problem, like incomplete info, or some such thing that can be quickly fixed. What percentage are rejected, with little or no chance of reversal, for what ever reason. I’m worrying my goddamn guts out. I know each case is different, and it depends on the supporting documents, and all that. But I just wonder if anyone knows actual percentages.

It seems strange to me to have mine and my girlfriend's future, so much, in the hands of someone that I have not, and will never, meet. So much depends on the verdict of that one officer, and how they feel that day. They will decide who I will marry and spend almost everyday of the rest of my life with. Who will be the mother my children. Who I will grow old with. All this depends on that one person at the embassy in Bangkok. I don’t think, since I’ve been an adult, any one other person has had so much control over my future. I wonder if they realize how much power they have over other’s lives. I sure hope so.


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You need to just calm down for a minute there man. I went through the interview 5 years ago and it's nothing. If your relationship is genuine, you have all your documents done correctly and you have evidence to support your relationship, the interview will be no problem. I dont know percentages but they are not going to deny her if everything is on the "up and up". The people that do the interview are not instructed to deny a certain number of people in order to meet some quota. Don't worry, it'll be fine. :o

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There should not be any problem unless there are special factors involved. I would be interested in your employment myself if you can afford to spend several months "just sitting here" if that means you are in Thailand and why you have requested a fiancee visa rather than getting married first if you have that much free time and so sure of your love? That would make the visa process almost certain unless there were medical problem delays.

At any rate do not believe you have anything to worry about but know how the wait gets on your mind. Things usually end up to be much less trouble than we make them out to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everybody

Just sitting here, waiting for my girlfriend’s fiancée visa interview at the U.S.  embassy, in Bangkok. Got almost two more months of torture left. I was wondering if anyone knows about what percentage of fiancée visas are approved, and what percentage are rejected.


I have heard that fiance visas are never rejected out-right. Instead they will avoid approval by continuing to request more documentation, etc. until you finally give up and go away. Please post a followup with your experience to let the rest of us know what happens.

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I don't know about U.S.A but it seems very difficult to get tourist visa for thai girlfriend for two weeks :o I have known my girlfriend for two years and spent five holidays in Thailand with her but she didn't get visa this summer. She's 37 years old and works in beauty saloon. Before I had younger girlfriend and her visa was rejected two times. I think it's easier to take Al-Qaida member to Finland than Thai-girlfriend. Finnish Foreign Ministry sucks!

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