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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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Wondering how a 29 yr old guy qualifies to stay here for 2 years. Thought they put limits on visa runs.I'm retired, married to Thai lady and I still have to do 90 days report,and yearly renewal.

By the way some of you guys are real hard-a-ses. Punish the guy then deport him whats with killing him?

I hate that yaa baa crap too , but how about give him 10 yrs in hel_l then deport his dumb

as-.Get him out of here.

You have to be joking, right?

He could have been married (as he also said he was) that's 1 year visas

He could have ED visa, that's 15 months visas

He could have a company, although i doubt that in this case. but that would also be 1 year visas...

anyway, i don't think it's a problem vist tourist visas either, as long as you know where not to go... (malaysia)


Have mercy with this poor man:

Make him eat all 53 gramm in one go and set him free.

I love that idea... anyone who is taken with drugs, the punishment would among other things have to use it all in one go... now THAT would make people deal in less amounts at the time at least :) Only those who deal in cannabis don't have anything to worry about :P


"Active in the real estate sector":lol: :lol: :lol:. It's amusing how the Swedish rag fail to mention that the suspect were sentenced to 3,5 year in jail by Swedish court as late as February 2010 because he got busted in his own apartment for running a lab for steroid production.


He deserves double what ever he gets! Half for the lab part and half for being a big liar


American DEA f*cking up yet another country with their war on drugs. Never mind it has been utter failure. But since when Americans have actually won a war on something?

After privatizing the prisons in the 80's, the number of prisoners and the number of prisons in the USA skyrocketed. Most of prisoners were and are sentenced for minor drug crimes, simple possession or selling drugs to their friends. And the sentences are really unbelievable harsh. Three strikes and in many cases many got 20-to-life! American prisons are like middle age dungeons with neon lights and Thailand seems to be following the same failed model sadly.

Today USA is the world record holder, even more prisoners than in China. Well, so many things are nowadays f*cked up in the new 3rd world sh*thole called USA. Or should it be called 4th world sh*thole, the fallen one.



Entrapment is always a possibility, especially if US authorities are involved, because entrapment is considered a legitimate tool in the US.

Read up on Ruby Ridge - the how and why of the warrant for a man who didn't want to break the law, but was tricked into it by US Agents.

Also, consider any city in the US, where a police officer dresses like a hooker, then patrols the streets seeking men. If they ask the obvious question, bingo - straight to jail - simple entrapment...

In the 60's, the US Military, here in Thailand, instructed their people to thoroughly search any room they rented and dispose of the items they discovered. It was common practice to place a few joints in a room and then have the local police raid the room and find the joint, but then suggest and take a bribe, which they shared with hotel staff...


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

Corruption and torture run rampant within the Police. A farang friend's nephew was arrested for theft of a gold necklace. The nephew had visited a lady's daughter and she didn't like him - then she couldn't find her necklace, she had the police arrest him. He spent two full days and one night in jail hung by his wrists being shocked and beaten, before the lady found her necklace behind her bed.

Apologies all around made it all OK...


what do these sadistic children killers think this country is, a haven for them to peddle their wares and kill babies and young adolescents so they get rich by illegal means, die you sick lying mother f----ker

who cares about you I see young boys with brain damage in the village where I live caused by all kinds of this crap it makes me sick to see your pathetic excuses when you get busted


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

Corruption and torture run rampant within the Police. A farang friend's nephew was arrested for theft of a gold necklace. The nephew had visited a lady's daughter and she didn't like him - then she couldn't find her necklace, she had the police arrest him. He spent two full days and one night in jail hung by his wrists being shocked and beaten, before the lady found her necklace behind her bed.

Apologies all around made it all OK...


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l, where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment. By the way, Kim was arrested for producing the so called Ice.

Well, drugs are causing violence and fights.How can he make such a weird statement that he wasn't planning to sell meth.

Time for him to see- if guilty- what drugs are doing to people- especially in a prison environment. For example guys on ice who rape him......

Not to mention the bad name he's giving to all those guys who made Thailand to their home. Sorry, but there's no excuse, not saying to hang him high.

In the end we all have to pay our bills. Thanks to him that my neighbors started to hate all farlangs, they don't know the difference between good and bad guys.



Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

What is the connection between Sweden and Oslo? Why don't you mention Helsinki while you are at it?

Where is Sweden? some little country south of Moscow? Never heard of it.:lol:


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

My, you are a very unpleasant chap, to say the least... Hope you enjoy your life... bah.gifsick.gif

He's a horrible bloke with as much compassion as a great white shark...

Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

Klaus, you're such a fool. "death penalty isn't enough for this guy? They should torture him first? A shame that people like you are on this planet.... :jap:


So sad. Just to put it out there, what do people think about legalising drugs? Give people the freedom to choose, after all, if someone wants to get high, they're gonna get high. Or should we (society) not give people the option of buying pure cheaper drugs legally and keep this viscious circle of illicit drugs alive? To me it's a question of freedom, how much control should the government have over our lives? And this guy in the prime of his life is now totalled because of a mere 50 grammes of whatever!!! Good old Thailand with it's Bhuddist virtues of tolerence and forgiveness...like I said, so sad.

Listen, it's NOT about people using drugs. It's not about legalizing some pot. This guy had a meth. lab. and he got caught in a country where they still kill people like him.

Your post is ridiculous to me and let me guess- many others too. Full sto:jap:p.


Silly man, but I would suggest to reaf the book by Warren Fellows. Maybe of comfort to read at night.

What, he was paying someone to help him understand how to make this drug, is a mind, soul and family destroying drug. It don't care if you were only learnng the process. The man is a D.Head.

Don't agree to the death penalty; but 15-20 yrs in a Thai prison sounds like hel_l.

But, then again have little time for people like this.


Life, for 53 gr. is way to much

After a seemingly endless littany from the 'hang him high' brigade, at last, a voice of reason.

I don't propose that meth or 'ice' is not harmful, yet, try this on for size:

Take the cumulative harm caused by meth vs the cumulative harm caused by fermented sugar and yeast poop (yes; alcohol) and see how they stack up. No contest. The harm caused by booze and beer is a trillion times more grave in sum, than the harm caused by the speed. More harmful in wife beatings, road deaths, higher insurance premiums for everyone, higher medical bills for everyone, lost hours of work, .....you name it.

They Swede may be a bit daft, but he shouldn't be killed for being a dumbo.

You guys sound like Salem witch hunters.


Sorry but most of you guys are just sick. Not even my worst enemy I wish a life in a Thai Jail and it can happend to EVERY Farang in Thailand if its nose is not appreciated by someone.

Just have an accident (ohh yeah, most of u never drink and drive LOL) or piss off your barlady or a Bib and YOU are faster in as u can say not guilty....we decide then here in the Forum about YOU.

If the idiot did the lab and wants to produce and sale Meth give him 5-10 years, thats almost a life in a Thaiprison I guess. There are other ppl around in this country with much more

to hide as just 53g

I dont mean he doesnt deserve a harsh penalty but DEATH or a Lifetime in a Thaiprison nobody deserves...NOBODY

I wish EVERY known Drugdealer get what he deserves and also the ppl which take the bribes of him for closing eyes.


Imagine if you will, alcohol is made illegal in Thailand. Someone starts up a homemade still and sells alcohol to fill the demand of us drinkers. He's caught and sentenced to the death penalty. Would he receive the same level of hatred which this guy selling the meth is getting? NO! Why? Because alcohol is the drug of choice and socially acceptable. We all know how many people alcohol kills and most of us don't have to look too far (all the way down to our beer guts!) to see the immediate effects of this drug...not to mention some of the not so intelligent decisions we've all made whilst under the influence. So, would this guy deserve the death penalty for 'peddling such an evil drug'? What's certain is that if alcohol is made illegal, most of us wouldn't stop drinking and would rely on the service of the black market to service our needs.

Another example, should the bar owners in Soi Cowboy be put to death for helping the spread of HIV? No! Why not? Because of an individual's freedom to live his or her own life and to be RESPONSIBLE for his or her actions. So, if someone wants to take meth or another drug, they should be able to do that (in my opinion). What ever happened to an open mind and freedom of choice?

Kim Roger Eriksson claims he is innocent, According to him self he hasn’t done what he is accused of. [/Quote]

They all say that, don't they ;)

Maybe His Majesty may yet grant him clemency to do time back in Sweden.


Almost forgot that in comparison with this guy my days here hardworking since 10+ years feel like perfect holidays and I'm looking forward for the next x-years to come, enjoying every minute, that's for sure :partytime2:

I hope that Thais will know how to differentiate between morons and people who live and work here,being integrated without harming anybody.

I'm staying here almost nine years in freedom and I could see by changing the laws very often while reading the news that something's going on.

To be perfectly honest I hope that life will be livable without bad news like this idiots' story. Visas are much more difficult because others messed it up. I'm sick and tired of people harming those who are trying to live here in peace. :jap:

Kim Roger Eriksson claims he is innocent, According to him self he hasn’t done what he is accused of. [/Quote]

They all say that, don't they ;)

It's like smoking pot, but not inhaling...............:jap:


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.


Life, for 53 gr. is way to much

After a seemingly endless littany from the 'hang him high' brigade, at last, a voice of reason.

I don't propose that meth or 'ice' is not harmful, yet, try this on for size:

Take the cumulative harm caused by meth vs the cumulative harm caused by fermented sugar and yeast poop (yes; alcohol) and see how they stack up. No contest. The harm caused by booze and beer is a trillion times more grave in sum, than the harm caused by the speed. More harmful in wife beatings, road deaths, higher insurance premiums for everyone, higher medical bills for everyone, lost hours of work, .....you name it.

They Swede may be a bit daft, but he shouldn't be killed for being a dumbo.

You guys sound like Salem witch hunters.

Maybe a trillion more people drink alcohol than take crystal meth, hence the difference. You can surely not defend the use or the production of crystal meth in this world. He knew the punishment before he committed the crime.



Living hel_l, not really

As nice a picture you paint, I think I will give that place a miss. So what if you can buy food and drinks and snacks all day. For a great portion of the time you are couped up in a small sell with 50 or 60 other men who are all farting iching and scratching 24/7, made to sleep of little mats on the floor head to toe with other prisoners in the 30-40 degree heat with not even as much as a fan. If you arnt cashed up you might even be lucky enough to sleep right next to the shitter, so you can have the spinchter view & all the lovely smells that go with it.

Fish head soup doesnt sound that appealing either.

What I am painting is the fact that the place isn't half as bad as people like the Swede make out, and no its more like 20 something to a cell and yes the cells do have fans, and the building is brick and therefore not as hot as you suggest as all cells have very large glassless windows. Also, all prisoners are out of the cells from about 7.30 AM until about 4 Pm everyday. Prisoners now have mattresses provided, and foreigners will get blankets from their embassies. Also, there is a space left empty around the toilet, so nobody has to look at someone's ass as you put it.

Lastly, foreign prisoners are allowed to buy their own food, so they don't have to worry about the prison food being inedible.

My comments are just to balance what the Swede is saying, that the prison certainly ain't the Sheraton but its not a violent, chaotic, drug infested hel_l hole as he states.

Yes the Swede is making it out to be alot less desirable and you are still making it out to be more desirable. I am well aware of building being brick and that some of them have large glassless windows but as you know Thailand is a warm place & very humid at times, Bangkok is not exempt from that, so for a good portion of the year, 8 months plus temperatures are indeed up around the 30 to 40 degc that I mentioned. Further more a piddly fan here or there in these cells isnt about to deal with 80% plus humidity either.

As for the mattress you speak of, they are at best 1.5-2 inches thick and despite not having slept on on from the Prison, it wouldnt take much imagination to realise that they wouldnt be that comfortable on a concrete floor.

Finally, if cells only have 20 men per room I would be very surprised as everything I have read has indicated that the prisons are well stocked and over capacity. It is commonly known that space within a cell is sold & controlled by the powers to be within the jail itself. Hardly a picnic in my opinion. Anyway, so sad TOO bad :lol:


^keep him in the monkey house for 20yrs and then hang him. ;)

He should at least have his gonads clamped for a good period of time and the daily floggings and saltings that go with it.

Perhaps he could be kept of a daily diet of feces for 12 months or something like that ...... far out britmaveric, ur a tough man :lol:

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