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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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I am swedish,

he is an asshol_e



Now now Glegolo, thats not very nice. Do you know him personally or are you just determing that because you're one, everyone from your country is one? :unsure: A very strange form of patriotism, indeed. :wacko:

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Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

rapped or killed ???

I don't like the idea of death, but being 'rapped' at for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.

Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

Who says Meth is the most addictive substance? People kill for sugar laden treats. People kill for not getting their cup of coffee in the morning, and kill for a lot less than that. OJ killed two people in a rage - what had he injested that afternoon - a hamburger and a milkshake? There are at least a thousand addictive substances. How many people get killed by meth rage? My guess is several per year, tops. How many people get killed by drunkeness? Average 33 per day on Thai roads, and the # doubles for New Years' and Songkran 'holidays.'

If the Swede were your brother or son, would you still want to burn him at the stake?

The Spanish Inquisition mentality is alive and well on Thai Visa tonight.


Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

rapped or killed ???

I don't like the idea of death, but being 'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

Are they gonna sing to him?


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.

Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

Who says Meth is the most addictive substance? People kill for sugar laden treats. People kill for not getting their cup of coffee in the morning, and kill for a lot less than that. OJ killed two people in a rage - what had he injested that afternoon - a hamburger and a milkshake? There are at least a thousand addictive substances. How many people get killed by meth rage? My guess is several per year, tops. How many people get killed by drunkeness? Average 33 per day on Thai roads, and the # doubles for New Years' and Songkran 'holidays.'

If the Swede were your brother or son, would you still want to burn him at the stake?

The Spanish Inquisition mentality is alive and well on Thai Visa tonight.

The guy has been caught cooking meth in a country that has the death penalty. <deleted> what did he expect?????


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.

Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

Who says Meth is the most addictive substance? People kill for sugar laden treats. People kill for not getting their cup of coffee in the morning, and kill for a lot less than that. OJ killed two people in a rage - what had he injested that afternoon - a hamburger and a milkshake? There are at least a thousand addictive substances. How many people get killed by meth rage? My guess is several per year, tops. How many people get killed by drunkeness? Average 33 per day on Thai roads, and the # doubles for New Years' and Songkran 'holidays.'

If the Swede were your brother or son, would you still want to burn him at the stake?

The Spanish Inquisition mentality is alive and well on Thai Visa tonight.

My Brother woulden't do this type of shit and if he did I woulden't talk to him anymore. Specially if this is the second time he got caught doing it.

This guy isn't the poor farang who had a accident with the police.

He is a cold hearted criminal who gives a dam_n shit about the health of his customer most of whom start using this drugs when they are still kids.

He know this and for sure he knew in advance the penalties wich are enforced on drug related crimes in thailand. So after getting caught and found guilty in sweden he escaped to thailand to try his luck again.

Since he knew in advance there is no excuse for what he did

And by the way, one thing is sure with him dead or in jail I fell a bit safer since one producer has been eleminated plus the publicity which should other make think twice about doing the same as this criminal


Thanks to him that my neighbors started to hate all farlangs, they don't know the difference between good and bad guys.

Your neighbors sound like a__holes.

Come to think of it. Not much different than my Thai neighbors. I'm not the best neighbor to have. If there is awful and v. loud sustained noise, I make mention of it. If dogs bark for hours every night for no good reason, neighbors hear me complain. If their thorny bushes grow meters over our fence in to my yard, they get cut - sometimes on their side of the fence. However, all is not grumpiness. After years of having to grudgingly put up this ornery farang (who didn't have a Thai wife to do the obligatory politecisms) - the strange thing is we're getting along reasonably well of late. No hugs yet, but some smiles and acceptance - good enough for me. Oh, and there's less noise, less dog barking and less thorny vines coming over fences. .....and less poopy diapers strewn across on my lawn (dogs raided neighbors trash, weeks on end), but that's another chapter I wasn't going to mention.


My Brother woulden't do this type of shit and if he did I woulden't talk to him anymore. Specially if this is the second time he got caught doing it.

of course YOUR brother wouldn't do such a dastardly thing, but not talking to someone is different than killing them - as mentioned in the title of this topic.

This guy isn't the poor farang who had a accident with the police. He is a cold hearted criminal who gives a dam_n shit about the health of his customer most of whom start using this drugs when they are still kids. He know this and for sure he knew in advance the penalties wich are enforced on drug related crimes in thailand. So after getting caught and found guilty in sweden he escaped to thailand to try his luck again. Since he knew in advance there is no excuse for what he did

And by the way, one thing is sure with him dead or in jail I fell a bit safer since one producer has been eleminated plus the publicity which should other make think twice about doing the same as this criminal

You seem to know him quite well. Plus, do you wish the same ('dead or in jail) for booze manufacturers? Just wondering.



Hahahahaha ... I must submit "Entrapment" for response of the month!!!


My Brother woulden't do this type of shit and if he did I woulden't talk to him anymore. Specially if this is the second time he got caught doing it.

of course YOUR brother wouldn't do such a dastardly thing, but not talking to someone is different than killing them - as mentioned in the title of this topic.

This guy isn't the poor farang who had a accident with the police. He is a cold hearted criminal who gives a dam_n shit about the health of his customer most of whom start using this drugs when they are still kids. He know this and for sure he knew in advance the penalties wich are enforced on drug related crimes in thailand. So after getting caught and found guilty in sweden he escaped to thailand to try his luck again. Since he knew in advance there is no excuse for what he did

And by the way, one thing is sure with him dead or in jail I fell a bit safer since one producer has been eleminated plus the publicity which should other make think twice about doing the same as this criminal

You seem to know him quite well. Plus, do you wish the same ('dead or in jail) for booze manufacturers? Just wondering.

With not talking to him I mean I wouldn't care if he rot in jail or get killed or raped.

Making your life by selling drugs which destroy the life's of other person is in my opinion one if the worst type of crime and the same level as those who abuse little children for their own enjoyment.

So I think you agree that somewhere we need to draw the line between the freedom of our expression and action and the inadmissible which will destroy our society. And being a drug producer is for sure being seriously harmful to any society

By the way drinking a glass of beer once a while does not make you become a addict or ruin your life. However meths causes addiction as early as from the 2 consumption.


^keep him in the monkey house for 20yrs and then hang him. ;)

dam_n u always seems to be a member with a brain to me before you posted this.......

hope you or your family will never have a judge like you if they are in trouble and furthermore hope they catch u after your next couple of beers in a car in a civilized country where u cant buy your way out. :jap:


In the old transit concourse at Taoyuan in Taipei,

they had a series of panels on the wall as you walked down the concourse,

... We execute drug traffickers, the next said something to the effect, Within days,

and the last panel said something like, We're serious ...

It was like the billboards for Geico , So easy a caveman can do it, etc,

but they were deadly serious.

So the take away as always is, If your not prepared to do the time , don't do the crime.


I found that death penalty would a bit to harsh in my opinion

Nobody deserves a death penalty. People should not judge if somebody has to die. Its not right.

Not even life sentence for 53g Ice. What a BS. :annoyed:

Amaz...Embarrassing Thailand!


Sorry but most of you guys are just sick. Not even my worst enemy I wish a life in a Thai Jail and it can happend to EVERY Farang in Thailand if its nose is not appreciated by someone.

Just have an accident (ohh yeah, most of u never drink and drive LOL) or piss off your barlady or a Bib and YOU are faster in as u can say not guilty....we decide then here in the Forum about YOU.

If the idiot did the lab and wants to produce and sale Meth give him 5-10 years, thats almost a life in a Thaiprison I guess. There are other ppl around in this country with much more

to hide as just 53g

I dont mean he doesnt deserve a harsh penalty but DEATH or a Lifetime in a Thaiprison nobody deserves...NOBODY

I wish EVERY known Drugdealer get what he deserves and also the ppl which take the bribes of him for closing eyes.

What if those drugs turned your kid (if you had a kid) into a junkie?

Or what if you kid was kidnapped and used as a sex slave?

What if you little boy is being raped?

What if your wife got murdered in a robbery gone wrong?

Or got hit by a drunk driver and killed?

It's different when it hit you close to home.

I bet you would wish him death in a New York minute


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

What is the connection between Sweden and Oslo? Why don't you mention Helsinki while you are at it?

Where is Sweden? some little country south of Moscow? Never heard of it.:lol:

Sweden is a very 'friendly' country in Northern Europe where Thais are working for nothing. They are even too lazy to pick their own berries.

Most of them like to hide in the woods, that no other Swedes can disturb them. Unfortunately you can ask some citizens of this cold country if that would be true. It is true and sad at the same time.....:jap:


I am swedish,

he is an asshol_e



Now now Glegolo, thats not very nice. Do you know him personally or are you just determing that because you're one, everyone from your country is one? :unsure: A very strange form of patriotism, indeed. :wacko:

Neverdie, such a long time you have been waiting for this?? Neverdie you simply do not understand.... If a guy from my "own" country

do bad stuff, that reflects on us all from Sweden, it will fall also on you Neverdie.. So in my opinion he is an asshol_e.

And if you call me an asshol_e, that means only that it takes one to know one. be nice now little shy man.




what do these sadistic children killers think this country is, a haven for them to peddle their wares and kill babies and young adolescents so they get rich by illegal means, die you sick lying mother f----ker

who cares about you I see young boys with brain damage in the village where I live caused by all kinds of this crap it makes me sick to see your pathetic excuses when you get busted

Nothing to do with the mother's continuing to take drugs while pregnant then?

You also pay no lip service to the reasons why people choose to use drugs - simply blaming dealers is far too simplistic.


Well it seems likely that young Mr. Kim is going to get just what he wanted. One or two decades inside of a Thai prison being mentored by some of the most skilled practitioners in the drug business will get him up to speed in no time. No doubt he will also be charmed by the unique folkways practised among the other scholars.



When the Thai police go to arrest/search a farung they usually take a DEA agent to translate and sometimes assist......this guy is in way over his head....he has got to be one of the stupidest farungs in the Kingdom.....set up or not


In the old transit concourse at Taoyuan in Taipei,

they had a series of panels on the wall as you walked down the concourse,

... We execute drug traffickers, the next said something to the effect, Within days,

and the last panel said something like, We're serious ...

It was like the billboards for Geico , So easy a caveman can do it, etc,

but they were deadly serious.

So the take away as always is, If your not prepared to do the time , don't do the crime.

You mean this sign?

post-44146-030066900 1286815172_thumb.jp

While I still disagree with the hang 'em high group on TV and this thread, it is a pretty lame excuse he uses, if the translation is correct...


Well it seems likely that young Mr. Kim is going to get just what he wanted. One or two decades inside of a Thai prison being mentored by some of the most skilled practitioners in the drug business will get him up to speed in no time. No doubt he will also be charmed by the unique folkways practised among the other scholars.

the majority of real players are nowhere Klong Prem, but lots of their cannon fodder/look sits, look nongs are....lots of consumers

your're spot on re: his address for 25 years or so


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

Intelligent post with wisdom and compassion. I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

i take it u have spent some time in there. being that u know so much about the place and no foreinger can work in there.

Truth is when u r locked up for the 15 or 23 hrs a day. Anything can happen behinde those walls. thats the point of prison.

One mans word is as good as the next.

i don't feel sorry for him. u place with fire u might get burnt u place with ice u might get death.

Think i'll stick with snow.

then maybe u r right. maybe all the fights he talks about are the ones he started he looks quite big maybe a local bully.

Just can't understand why people pick thailand to start a life of crime. surely the alternstive. going home working hard saving then coming back for holiday must be better then starting life ass a drug dealer over here. criminals should have a holiday from all that stuff over here. they should leave all the dirty back home.

suppose they reckon they get a good street rep after 99 year in prison. nutters


Life, for 53 gr. is way to much

what they do with this iranian caught with 3kg of ice at the airport - will he be put into a shredder?

Its this countries laws.........don't like it? Go another country.

I sure hope they do put him in a shredder. As long as he is not served up later disguised as chicken and rice.


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.


The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.


The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

The fact is you are responsible for your life. Stop blaming other's for your problems and take personal responsibility for your life... As Thailand is a country that believes in this school of thought: Theravada belief, Buddhas, gods or deities are incapable of giving a human being the awakening or lifting them from the state of repeated cycle of birth, illness, aging and death (samsara). For Theravadans, Buddha is only a Teacher of the Noble Eightfold Path, while gods or deities are still subject to anger, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, craving, greed, delusion, and death. No one forces anyone to take drugs, it's a personal choice. If you are a weak person, sum num na. Why blame others for your problems? Personal responsibility is what it is really all about, one cannot legislate morality... Just my humble opinion. Good luck with your life and personal choices.


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.


The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

The fact is you are responsible for your life. Stop blaming other's for your problems and take personal responsibility for your life... As Thailand is a country that believes in this school of thought: Theravada belief, Buddhas, gods or deities are incapable of giving a human being the awakening or lifting them from the state of repeated cycle of birth, illness, aging and death (samsara). For Theravadans, Buddha is only a Teacher of the Noble Eightfold Path, while gods or deities are still subject to anger, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, craving, greed, delusion, and death. No one forces anyone to take drugs, it's a personal choice. If you are a weak person, sum num na. Why blame others for your problems? Personal responsibility is what it is really all about, one cannot legislate morality... Just my humble opinion. Good luck with your life and personal choices.

There is indeed some merit to your point.



Who cares!? Guilty is guilty is guilty.

Reading his obit... I mean article, he sounds like so many criminals that like so many religious folk, hide behind words and interpretations and excuses that have for centuries and millennia been the downfall of decency.

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